Steven Universe is not for straight normal boys. It's for alphabet people and childish women. Prove me wrong

Steven Universe is not for straight normal boys. It's for alphabet people and childish women. Prove me wrong.

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Makes sense because Tumblr gets universally booty bothered beyond all comprehension when you remind that the series should have ended with Jail Break because its still a better episode then Change my Mind

Jasper fusing with a Corrupted Gem and becoming some deformed Minotaur was also cool just sucks that had to also be the episode they introduce Smoky Quartz the ugliest Gemsona in the whole series

I can't, you're right. It's loved by 25 year old dykes who marry beta males who'll support them because "at least I'm not alone"

Mega link?


That's backwards thinking user. Steve Universe is to help make those "normal" straight little boys better. Toxic masculinity needs to be stopped before it can really rake root.

if it's wrong I don't wanna be right

>He says, as he posts in a nazi cartoon forum

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this but completely unironically

OP, who told you you're normal?

How can I prove you wrong when you’re telling the truth?

Chapel pls

Yummy cis male tears are in my tummy!

These people are retards. No wonder Yea Forums hates men. I hate them, too.

Being straight is not normal, and boring. Please shut the fuck up.

He's half alien so it's pretty obvious he's not human

I can't wait until "woke" finally falls out of fashion and all this shit dies. Modern, pussified cartoons are literal cancer.

No, OP. It's for autists. The people you mention fall into that category.


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>alphabet people
Is that what we're calling the freaks now? I guess that's more politically correct.

That's what Dave Chappelle called them.