if you don't smoke, drink, and fuck you can't write music
simple as
If you don't smoke, drink, and fuck you can't write music
Other urls found in this thread:
how do i start doing these things then
go to shows retard
If you need to be told, you will never write good music. Incels need to be shot.
don't listen to these retards
>Incels need to be shot.
The straight edge bands must fuck like rabbits then
I want to quit booze but it's so tough. once it touches my lips, I can't stop.
sorry i asked, then
Checked get a different hobby.
Shut up
if you need drugs to express yourself, you're ngmi.
>it's a OP just got laid recently and is trying to boast to anonymous people
Don't worry OP, she will break your heart and you will come back to this place asking for "muh breakup music", and people will laugh at you.
I dunno I feel a lot sharper and more clever since I quit drinking
You shut up. Fag.
I am currently sodomizing OP and ejaculating my gay thug nigga STD venom inside him so he can pass away and shut up for an absolute indefinition of time
Based Xavier enjoyer
Aurora started writing songs when she was 9
>blocks your path
fugazi are legendary and straight edge
average rock for average people
>straight edge bands
imagine being a form of entertainment that sells it's merits on being sober
how fucking lame can you get
>Didn't drink
>Didn't do drugs
>Was a loyal husband entire career
>Wears dumb school boy outfit
One of the best selling rock and roll artists of all time...
>heavy smoker
heavy use of nicotine has a mental effect
he could have done even better for himself as an artist if he hit the bottle
>>Didn't do drugs
He was a massive cocaine addict for years.
sodomy doesn't count as sex
disagree also
cocaine isnt a real drug
tyler the creator
Virgincore would like to have a word
personal experience but writing breakup music feels so cringe. In high school I wrote a song about my ex and she showed up at the show and last minute I forced my bad to switch up the set list because I was so embarrassed.
Brown-Forman and Philip Morris have done an absolute number on you.
>Incels need to be shot.
Has to be the combination of all three?
Some just drink and fuck. Some just smoke, and drink. Some do a combination of 4 - drink, smoke, fuck, and do meth but that in that order.
>but NOT that in that order.
all the greats did all 3
I don't think we can reinvent our own brains
it's what separates the good from the immortal
imagine that
nerve poisons and other toxins only HARM your ability to write music so stop fucking lying.
sex is healthy though.
of the earth?
of the earth?
don't fuck with chemically ruined garbage like Marlboro or pre-made drinks
get tobacco leaves and roll your own
get spirits
enjoy your new healthy lifestyle
cringe thread, i do all three but the fact that you believe that these are required to write music makes it seem like you take pride in the fact that you take part in those three things you mentioned. everyone does that you fucking retard, you're not special.
why do you do this
yes i am
because people promote being clean and staying kind when really you just gotta get fucked up sometimes
Minor Threat have a song where Ian literally sings/shouts about how he does none of these.
>I don't smoke
>Don't Drink
>Don't Fuck
>At least I can fucking think
And Minor Threat wrote some absolute bangers.
so you lost your virginity recently, started drinking and smoking with your high school friends a year ago, and you're bragging about it anonymously? and you think this helps you write music? you're underage
Its not that cut and dry. Opiates are inherently toxic because they shunt your heartrate and breathing, alcohol is inherently toxic because its metabolized as acetate which is highly corrosive to living tissue, and smoking is inherently toxic because carbon monoxide leaves carbon deposits in your lungs which effects breathing directly and causes cancer.
A drugs effects on you, however, are not proportionate to their toxicity. THC, for example, is an extremely potent exocannabinoid/anandamine analog, but seems to have little side effects other than dilated blood vessels (which could cause unwanted side effects and might be dangerous if you already have low blood pressure)
>appeal to nature fallacies
no I wrote music for years and only recently has my mind been warming up to the idea of releasing it and putting myself out there
thanks to the drugs bro
you fuck with the lights off and your bitch has to keep her shirt on
you snoze, you loze
you sleep, you weep
And it was good. When she started boozing and drinking coffee, the music got bad.
she wasn't fucking enough
girls have it hard because most guys fuck awfully
She wasn't fucking when she was a child, and wrote her best work.
I meant stop doing drugs, not stop making music. Music is the best reason for living out of any of the human made up reasons.
>and got provided her best work by her Norwegian ghostwriters who were motivated by her ripe raw teen pussy
yea bro
at least her voice is improving from all those smokes & hard liquor she's hopefully doing
I see. I agree.
i produce the best music when im 4 days into a speed binge
Ted Nugent just fucked and didn't use any substances.
awwwww yea
btw how do you find an organic speed dealer?
I'll make a cop do it
This was the moment punk stopped being cool
idk make friends with other druggies and ask for their connect
i mainly order online tho
any tips on finding online dealerships?
ain't the feds bro just need some insight
i wont provide a link but google is your friend
>bro just google how to buy type c narcotics online
haha nice fucking try narc
fuck your
yeah they're good though I don't think Mackaye, Lally, Canty or PIcciotto explicitly define themselves as such nowadays. their lyrics are fucking preachy though. could do without that. not as bad as Crass though, Crass is exceptionally shit.