Other urls found in this thread:
They hate him because he speaks the truth
Based And tosspilled
How many hours of your life have you spent shilling this man's comics?
How do you know its not him shilling his own comics?
if race is a construct, then surely we need racial diversity to rectify errors made under the assumption that race is concrete?
>Because commies aren't hypocrites.
If race is a construct then that means there is no such thing as race, and racial diversity is meaningless. You can't have it both ways
because he would only browse /pol/
>If race is a construct then that means there is no such thing as race
>If cars are a construct that means there is no such thing as a car
Cars aren't a "social construct", you utter retard.
>If cars are a construct that means there are no streets or highways
>If airplanes are a construct that means there are no airports
>If crime is a construct that means there is no justice
>If politics are a construct that means there are no politicians
>If our brains are a construct that means there are no thoughts
Liberals, everyone
reminder that your money having value is a social contruct
>If crime is a construct that means there is no justice
Isn't that what antifa believe?
Nogs committing crime is a social construct, they're just stealing your other social construct therefore doing you a favor. Which they need for dem programs
Antifa are retarded, so probably
the tranny had a point in this one, the F-35 program is a huge waste of money and is likely a scam.
go back to your discord tranny
How many times are you gonna be banned before you get the message, Red? You're not wanted here. Go jack off to some death camp photos.
>property is thief
>how is there thief without property?
It is like Commies are full of shit.
Red has literally made a comic complaining about his threads getting banned on Yea Forums, of course it's him.
Everyone hates you, goblin, lol
Hey we like him here
F-35 sucks nigger dicks
Don't samefag, pathetic gobbo
Everybody except trannies loves Stonetoss!
Lol, you're goblin thread is in autosage. Get fucked, rightist pedos
Oh no, OP might have to male another thread soon. :(
Go back to your nazi discord, goblin
Red, the creator of Redpanels and Stonetoss, is a literal 1488 nazi and also a whiny blubbering faggot
Lol, this
lel, that one's pretty funny
Literal samefag
>people always pick on the new F-35 despite the fact the F-22 has never shot down a single enemy plane and has been in service for 15 years
Meanwhile the F-15 costs only 30 million, and has never lost a single air-to-air engagement with over 100 victories. Why even bother developing new planes when the GOAT already exists?
Yeah it's getting too based in here, might need to tone it down a bit
You don't know what samefagging is, goblin?
Can you, like, not post?
Also I hate how the face are drawn, like that's somehow what gets me, everyone one of them, makes me feel like my spine be ripped from my body.
>Red, the creator of Redpanels and Stonetoss, is a literal 1488 nazi
>literal nazi
It's a start, now we just need Red to make another thread out of severe butthurt so he can get b&.
Faggot has literally been doing this every morning for weeks.
No we like him
>caring about bans
Top zozzle
He is. It's not a question. He is not a /pol/ "nazi" larper, he is an actual nazi.
I love cellular devices, and also Stonetoss.
No, you're a samegoblin
>He is not a /pol/ "nazi" larper, he is an actual nazi.
Sounds based!
>He is not a /pol/ "nazi" larper, he is an actual nazi.
>actual nazi
He is that old, huh?
Even his stylesheet on redpanels was "stylesheet88.css"
He killed Redpanels and started Stonetoss to try to distance his comics from outright obvious naziism and make his shit more palatable.
Redpanels is also based.
Have sex
He's a nazi goblin and so are you
Have sex
Have sex
I prefer Stonetoss’s oldest account/persona on Something Awful
This one is true
One is against an insititution that is meant to be changed and protested if needed
The other is about a group who never chose to be that way and can't change themselves and whose nature isn't something that can be dictated by deision
so yes right is hate and the other isn't.
Trannies believe this
>equating tinfoil-hat theory with Russian collusion whereas the muller investigation has arrested aand convicted plenty of people
Why is stontoss so stupid.
Red isn't shmorky, he's just a goon ripping off shmorky
The National Council on Problem Gambling operates the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network (18005224700). The network is a single national access point to local resources for those seeking help for a gambling problem. The network consists of 28 call centers which provide resources and referrals for all 50 states, Canada and the US Virgin Islands. Help is available 24/7 and is 100% confidential.
>why is a literal nazi pushing ultra right wing propaganda
It's a mystery
Which of those arrests or convictions were related to russian collusion and not tax fraud/lying to (entrapment by) the FBI?
>spamming nazi comics alone in an autosaging thread
I almost feel pity for you, user
We're in this together!
i dont get this one.
He's the White Power ranger, and recently alt right protests were carried out by tiki-torch-carrying white guys, in order to simulate "angry mob with torches" imagery
The lewds are the only good thing from these shit threads
Stonetoss is pure, not for lewding.
What rightist discord are you fags from? Treasure Yea Forumsve? Yea Forumsmrade collective?
Bunch of try hard goblins.
fitting, considering ben shapiro kinda sounds like one of the birds from the enchanted tiki room
I want genuine confirmation about this, but shit.
all the discords suck. especially the ones with lidge
The faggot that calls himself king death is the biggest retard I've come across.
>What rightist discord are you fags from?
What are some rightist discords?
I want to join.
Me too!
You know him then? Fuck he's an idiot. So spergged out, he can hardly handle himself.
Not to mention they're all huge snowflakes that will ban you if you're not a nazi.
The opposite, the biggest one's head mod is lidge, he's literally a tranny janny.
Lol, good
He banned me for typing cum in general chat while he was having a fit.
Discords are cancer
As proven by what's been happening on Yea Forums lately. All the Kabuki theatre.
retard "artist" + retarded comic = shit thread
But this thread is based.
Move this thread to /pol/ then, mod
>/pol/ - comics & cartoons
This thread was made to insight shit flinging. Don't be stupid.
But you're literally the only one doing that.
Ok. Pretend to be dumb. The thread is in autosage.
>The thread is in autosage.
Oh good.
It looks like that's the last time boulderchuck will ever be posted! :^]
These are only posted to piss people off intentionally. You know that.
Maybe you shouldn't be such a thin-skinned pussy?
His comic is literal squiggles.
Stonetoss? based.
Yea Forums being full of retarded idealogues? cringe.
Your mores are valueless
They aren't posted because they're funny. It's propaganda.
Rightists don't have morals
Nah, they're pretty funny.
You're pretending
>Maybe you shouldn't be such a thin-skinned pussy?
projecting much? you get rightfully called out and that is how you respond?
Pretending what?
Not every comic is a home run, but he's pretty funny in general.
>Not every comic is a home run, but he's pretty funny in general.
you retards (I'm assuming it's more than one retard, pardon me if you're just incredibly prolific) post one of his "SLAMDUNK" punchy comics and then say "ahah okay THIS one was pretty funny" every single thread.
They are only posted to upset people. It's obvious to everyone. That's why you're in autosage. You evade bans just to do it.
The F-16 took longer and costed more money than the F-35 to develop. Planes take a long time to ever be used because geting into wars all the fucking time is not smart, and the US only upgrades after exponential improvements. The F-35 only costed that much because they made sure to develop as much new tech to cram in it as possible and that got added to the whole project bill. The individual units are like 30 million now that they're making them by batches.
Imagine getting upset over squiggles.
hey look, the projecting spic is at it again, don't you have some drug cartle member cock to suck on paco?
>nobody likes Stonetoss
>every thread has people saying they like Stonetoss
So... which one is it?
Stop spreading rightist nazi propaganda. Nobody wants it here.
You're intentionally retarded, goblin.
Who are you speaking for?
Actually I'm posting anti-commie propaganda.
Stop shilling here
Every time you reply, Stonetoss gets $1,000.
Goodbye, shit thread.
You had 29 posters and that's 28 too many