So theres no way in hell volume two is coming out, right? What the fuck.
So theres no way in hell volume two is coming out, right? What the fuck
Apparently some of the unreleased restored shorts have shown up on TV or streaming but I have not seen them.
Unfortunately Tom & Jerry is still too popular which made WB afraid they would be "hurting the brand" if they released those 2 controversial shorts. This wasn't a problem with Popeye since they included a far more offensive short featuring black cannibals over half a year ago on the '40s Popeye BD.
just found a streaming site for them, im cackling like a retard holy shit its so much more enjoyable now that I'm older. Gonna have to look into popeye as well.
For Popeye I'd recommend the older Fleischer shorts over the ones made by Famous, those have been on DVD for years. The reason why they're restoring the Famous shorts now is because those have never been on home media at all if I recall correctly.
That said, the quality of the new restorations is amazing. I'm really hoping they can get this kind of quality out of the older Popeyes eventually.
Thanks a ton, I will absolutely look into it. I;m also interested in the Goofy shorts and Silly Symphonies but the price for those is literally $80+. Any idea why?
I think most of the Disney shorts have been out of print for years. I'm gonna guess they're saving them for Disney+ or something.
As for golden age animation, I would also recommend the Looney Tunes Platinum collection volume 1 to 3 BDs, those come with 50+ shorts each. If you're European, avoid any of those versions at all costs and find yourself the US versions, the EU versions only come with disc 1.
fuck yeah, finally gonna get properly into the golden age. I sthere a big difference between the dvd and blu ray qualities? I know for some of the older Disney films it's a hit or miss.
>just found a streaming site for them
Link, user.
WB restores their old material properly with grain intact. Some of the older BD releases may not be as good as the later ones but their restoration team knows what they're doing. Pic related is from one of their LT BDs.
Here is DVD quality...
...and here is BD quality.
Hmm not too much of a crazy difference. much tougher for me to get a hold of BD copies for some reason
Which 2 controversial shorts?
Think the story is the they cut out an episode where Tom weras black face and fans got upset and didnt want any censorship for vol 2, because that was what this collection was supposed to be all about. Now some lawyer saying shed release the vol 2 "over my dead body"
"Mouse Cleaning" and "Casanova Cat". Here is a link for those 2 particular shorts from the last time they were available, which was on PAL DVD:
Every other short not on the Volume 1 BD has been released uncensored in the US on the Spotlight Collection or other DVDs for post-HB shorts.
god tier user
I assume that's also why they aren't allowed to release the censored 11 as well? Since Looney Tunes is far too recognizable and WB actually owns the IP, whereas they don't actually own Popeye, just the rights to the classic shorts so they don't really care about 'damaging' it.
In the '90s, WB included the short "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips" on a set both on LD and VHS, but stupidly advertised the short on the back of the VHS version. There was a bunch of controversy(even though it was included for historical value and not to make fun of Japanese today) and eventually WB replaced the short with a non-offensive one on later runs of that set.
They have learned since then and have not advertised the existence of "Pop-Pie a la Mode" at all on the Popeye set and guess what, there have been no news outlets whining about it. This is the way they should release the Censored 11 in the future.
Is there an end-all resource to getting all the original Tom and Jerry cartoons in HD? Not the earlier ones where Tom makes actual cat sounds, more like the pic related.
What are they even called?
The first 37 shorts are available on the only BD set. Anything else is SD, at least for home media. The one you posted looks like a later short, so that's probably SD only for now.
This link has every single short in good quality, although the SD ones are older XVID encodes.
something like this is exactly what I had in mind
Much obliged partner
my fucking guy
>If you're European, avoid any of those versions at all costs and find yourself the US versions, the EU versions only come with disc 1.
Not true, there's a 1 disc version, but I got the German release of I think vol 2 a couple of years ago when it came on special for like $10 and it's exactly the same as the US version besides the case being in German.
>Every other short not on the Volume 1 BD has been released uncensored in the US on the Spotlight Collection or other DVDs for post-HB shorts.
You got a list of dvds/bd's I'd need to buy if I wanted to get all the classic Tom & Jerry shorts uncensored and in the best quality possible? Wasn't there a problem with some of the Spotlight releases at one stage?
Looked it up and you're right. Vol. 1 got cut down from 3 discs to 1 but it looks like they fixed that for the other 2 volumes, if is correct.
>I'm gonna guess they're saving them for Disney+ or something.
Disney don't give a shit about releasing their shorts on home video. It's a fucking miracle that we got the treasures sets at all. All thanks to Leonard Maltin and Roy Disney, praise be.
actually they did say they were releasing all that good shit on Disney+
>Home video
Like I said.
Holy shit my dick. Do the German ones have English audio and can I get a do link?
Wait a minute, I still have those 2 shorts on a special Tom & Jerry VHS of mine. These two were actual god-tier Tom & Jerry shorts.
no, only the german vo
thanks user youre doing Gods working spreading those 2 shorts.
I remember back when DVDs first became a thing my best friend downloaded some old ass collection of "racist and offensive cartons" and he would burn multiple copies and sell them to kids at school, good times.Bet he'd go to jail for hate crimes or some shit if he did that nowadays
upload is complete
Any idea if there's a torrent for these or which group released them?
it was from kametsu
Wait a minute, didn't WB release a disclaimer about the old Looney Tunes shorts being racist but refusing to censor them since it would be damage control?
Yes, even got Whoopi Goldberg.