>you getting on bro?
You getting on bro?
whatever board you faggots are from, you could at least do yourselves a favor and learn the local terminology before shitposting here
but you won't, because you're lazy
Man, what a bunch of jokers...
add the mask in the back
Nicholson=Best one
Romero looks like he doesn't want to be there. I'll get in to help him out.
I mean, there doesn't seem to be much space there. I'll wait for the next one.
Suicide Squad Joker looks so different from the others.
He's like a faggot that was embarassed of dressing up as a clown so tried to look cool but ended up looking cringy as fuck
>Me and the boys on our way to comic con
Ironically, comments like this make you look like more of a newfag.
next stop society
Stop getting mad faggot
Let sticks out like a massive sore thumb. All the other jokers are in a suit, their smiles are evident , then Leto is just in white make up and green hair with no suit.
We still on for old school runscape right? You know after we rise up.
wheres Joker Baby?
Uh he did wear a suit.
Damn I'd love a movie with all the different Jokers having a laugh at once at Batman and Gotham's expense.
He's not in a suit in that picture. Also, wasn't he scowling for most of Suicide Squad? Did he miss the part where Joker's biggest identifying characteristic is his grin?
Gamers are pushed down by society's actions gamers will be on top of the food chain, we need a gamer president in 2020 who knows the plight and goes on xbox every night to hang with his Nation of Gamers.
you probably get beat up don't you?