How would he do in Marvel?

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>Silver Age superman
>immune to magic

Avengers would be fucked

Considering how little to no one in the Marvel Universe is sitting on some armed red sun projectors or Kryptonite, he’d fuck shit up, at least for while.

He’d do well until Bendis got hold of him.

>someone anaylizes he derives power from the sun
>attempts to port him to other dimensions

If heroes go all out with their abilities ala Blink, teleporters drop him in hell dimensions, others attempt to open portals inside him. Not enough to kill him but done enough times and it will begin to wear him down.

He’d tear through them like wet paper

It'd be a massacre unless the Sentry takes him on. But that would probably end up destroying the entire universe.

How susceptible is he to telepathy?

Why are we assuming he'd be a threat?

How different would Supermans life be in the Marvel universe?

In JLA/Avengers, Superman mentioned Marvel’s sun felt greasy.

He's silver age superman with one weakness. Green kryptonite from his reality. There's not much anyone in marvel can do to stop him unless they figured it out somehow. But of course they would figure it out cause the plot would script it as such. The whole point of super hero comics is that at the end of the story, the heroes win.

And red sunlight! Under red sunlight, he has no special powers, and we don't know that he can actually build power armor of the kind that allows him to process it.

Prime has this special ability of not stand still when someone try to teleport him.

But in the end i thing it will be a scenario similar to World War Hulk. Probably with a lot more maiming.

It would literally take the entire Marvel universe to take him down, but they would.
The Marvel universe in it's entirety can't actually be defeated by anything, not even a stronger Marvel universe.

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Lol, I can see what he means.

I think all of the gods will jump him.

Artificial red sunlight didn't work against him at COIE, you need to put him close to a literal red sun.

Jean will mindwipe him and tells him that he was created by the Phoenix.

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>Artificial red sunlight didn't work against him at COIE

...I must have forgotten where someone tried to use artificial red sunlight against SPB during COIE. Did you mean 'FC: LOTW'?

He already exists, OP

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>Dr. Strange
My spell has discovered the key to the being's defeat. This rock.
He's out there going mano-a-mano with the abstract forces of the universe and some rock is supposed to take him down?
>Black Panther
I think we've all learned not to underestimate the applications of strange rocks.
Problem is, this rock only comes from a universe that got wiped from the face of existence. Good news is, as well can tell from our red-speedo'd friend, not everything in it went with it.
>Hank Pym
Indeed. It's possible some samples of the stone may still exist, but they're scatted within the scraps of existence between realities. We'll need someone to venture into the vast unknowable unknown between worlds to search for any remaining pieces.
>Mr. Fantastic
I'll get my coat.

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Beats everyone that isn't Beyonder, Living Tribunal, OAA, Fully Fed Galactus, possibly Molecule Man, possibly Eternity, possibly classic Strange.

Everyone else is fodder.

Ah, the issue that introduced him... but wasn't part of COIE. I win!

the fuck does that mean

Two kinds of people.

He'd immediately freak out that this is not his universe, it doesnt even have a superman

From there, we get another shitty event that spans 20 or so comics with an extra 50 tie-ins from different characters before reaching some anticlimactic ending like Mister Fantastic opening up a portal back home or the Watcher going "hurr durr and this is how notEarth-616 dies out"