Darwyn Cooke

Can we talk a bit about this man? What's your favorite book of him? Have you ever met him? How do you feel about his work?

I always feel like we lost an amazing person and author too soon so I like to talk about him and his work whenever I can.

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Huh. For some reason I always thought of him as looking like a white McDuffie.

He was my favourite comics artist. He had mastered the art of optimism.

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Despite my feelings about the series as a whole, his work on Before Watchmen was definitely worth a look. His Minutemen series was a treasure in both characterization (Hollis and Silhouette) and line-work. Loved it.

One of the very few cape writers I like.

loved his Parker adaptations

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He really came out as a scumbag what with idealizing a terrorist motivated by racism in New Frontier.

I wish he was still around, he's underrated.

I met him at a con when I was a kid. He was personable and listened to me when I gushed about New Frontier. Signed a bunch of stuff too.

Muhammad Ali?

New Frontier is the best comic ever written and drawn. Prove me wrong.

It was alright.

John Henry?

I love Cooke and New Frontier so much, it's always a good palate cleanser after a Storytime of Pain.
Pic related is my phone background

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Nah. Incredibly ambitious and somehow coherent for what is effectively a clusterfuck but not well written enough for that hyperbole.

Absolutely love his Spirit run. Absolutely worthy of Eisner's legacy, just wish it was longer.

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Can you not talk about a man who sexually assaulted women?

OP here. I had no idea about it. Is there a report of some of these women somewhere?

absolute new frontier is one of the nicest books on my shelf and i have his catwoman and spirit books i really need to read

If you anons are wondering why there are such obvious attempts to derail this thread it's because of this.

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I haven't read that new Martian Manhunter book, and I really want to, but my favorite take on John Jones is still Cooke's.

Don't be fooled, OP.

A lot of his concept of J'onn was taken from Martian Manhunter: American Secrets. Specifically the idea of him passing as a human cop in Red Scare America, I think the idea of him becoming an upstanding cop who didn't swear from watching TV broadcasts was all Cooke. As was his bromance with King Faraday, which is one of my favorite things in it.

You dont need a report, you just need to believe women Incel

I don't know, I guess I need a report when an anonymous person is telling me someone I admired has committed a crime.

Never believe anybody, ever.

Same trash. Leave

Superman Kryptonite is my favorite thing he wrote. Just pure heroism and fun, and the best Tim Sale's ever been.

I also really liked his work on the Before Watchmen stuff. Much better than Doomsday Clock. :)

>pure heroism and fun

Well apart from the part where Supes nearly drowns in magma flow and ends up puking his lungs out while a dog spontaneously combusts and an old woman has a fatal heart attack at the sight of a demigod hocking up lava in front of her.

I think he was a hypocrite who championed creators rights but almost exclusively worked on corporate works (including Before Watchmen lol) and claimed he didn't want to be pigeonholed as the "nostalgia guy" but intentionally sought out nostalgia based work, even on his own (looking at you Parker). Talented artist though.

user, if you got that out of that scene, all I can say is you hate fun.

Jesus, who gives a fuck? The guy was an artist, just look at his art and enjoy it or don't. Get off of social media. He could have thought the earth revolved around the sun and birds control the world's money supply, it would change literally nothing about anything.

I always defend Minutemen/Silk Spectre as solid works in an otherwise moneygrubbing endeavor. Everyone is usually so quick to trash Before Watchmen entirely, and not for bad reason.

But Darwyn put real heart into his work just like all his books.

Met him twice but only got one thing if his signed.

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