Why is Black Widow an Avenger? She's just a girl that does flips and has guns

Why is Black Widow an Avenger? She's just a girl that does flips and has guns.

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Why is Batman part of the Justice League? He’s just a guy that does flips and has not-guns.


have we ever seen them in the same room?

Batman is Ironman. He's the team's paypiggy.

Bitch, she's the most valuable member of the team!

Originally Avengers are just a bunch of heroes who can't carry their own book.
On the other hand
The JL are just a bunch of DC's best selling solo heroes.

Neither team composition is about in universe competence.

Bad comparison, Batman is a billionaire and one of the world best detectives and strategists.

Window is a Batman without his money and genius intellect.

Do you know how much fucking money batman had

So, when you're a superpowerless playboy you can just buy yourself a ticket into the Avengers? How very heroic.


Real talk, I really do wish they'd play up that Natasha is, y'know, a spy. Her whole thing is that she's a specially trained superspy antihero, but that almost never comes into play. She should be using gadgets, gathering intel, sabotaging enemy ranks/weapons, setting traps, dispensing of the typical hero brawl crap and just sniping the villain from far away, etc.

BW could be a fun character, but these chucklefucks can't be arsed to try.

I’m not mad that she’s just a gun person. I’m mad that people shit on Hawkeye while excusing Nat for being normal.

Heroic stuff cant function properly without money, that is why it should be considered a job

>I am not cool with taking a salary but it is totally fine mooching money off the richfag

It's the American Way.

She's useful for infiltration. Problem is, except for Winter Soldier, all we ever see are these giant grand-scale super power battles where she can't show off her skillset.

>> skilled in Martial Arts including Sambo and possibly Systema
>> gauntlet armed with weapons alongside her "Widow's Bite"
>> slowed aging due to Red Room treatment
>> Gifted intellect

And everything he does, he's better at it than her: money, fighting skills, intellect, knowledge of ancient lore, even tech. BW is just somebody you throw at a crowd of dudes who are just unskilled grunts, because she's pretty much only good for that.

And Batman is STILL better all-around. If they gave the bitch the super soldier serum and buffed her up a bit, sure. But as she is, she's struggling for relevancy.

>all we ever see are these giant grand-scale super power battles where she can't show off her skillset
I think they tried in Weekend at Ultron's when they had her using taser-sticks

Batman doesnt put his point in physical stat, nigga got an INT build, fucker is basically Ironman

Did people like her interaction with Loki? Or do you think anyone could've easily tricked him?

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>american way
Trump could buy the Avengers to protect the border?

Can you do flips?

based birb poster
>Why is Black Widow an Avenger? She's just a girl that does flips and has guns
also based

At least Batman has exceptional skills in various fields, genius intellect, and A LOT of money. Black Widow doesn't work on The Avengers, and far better as a solo act. Furthermore, they really need to up the SUPER in super spy. Yeah she would look better ripping off Widowmaker, fucking fight me

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They would both kick the shit out of Black Widow with their money so it makes sense

She's good at spy stuff but they rarely ever did anything with that. There was the one time she manipulated Loki into telling her his true intentions aboard the ship in the first Avengers movie, and she was a little more in her element in the Winter Soldier movie. Other than that, I can't really think of much else. Other than, you know, token female. :T

Because they wanted a girl on the team, and they wouldn't let Whedon introduce Ant-man and Wasp like he originally wanted because they were being saved for Wright's Ant-man. Meanwhile, Black Widow had already been introduced in Iron Man 2 (where her inclusion made sense).

If you mean why was she ever included in pre-2012 Avengers rosters in the comics, there's plenty of reasons there. For one, the Avengers had non-powered heroes all the time. It was a repository for B or C-list heroes that didn't have their own books. Black Widow was a somewhat popular character that was incapable of holding a solo series, which made her perfect for the Avengers, and having a "spy" character on the team is good for when you need someone to be a double/triple agent, do stealth mission shit, or intelligence gathering.

Also, same reason X-men had Colossus. Having a "good" russian character as a counterbalance to all the soviet villains.

Batman could put down every member of the League if he had to. Widow can't even hold a candle to Captain America

>>> Gifted intellect
>aka not Supergenius or even Genius
>aka she is a smart gurl lol
>aka not relevant

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You really believe that? Hulk was still let Out and he escaped with what he wanted.

They should have played up all the dark shit she was doing in the background that regular avengers couldn't get away with, just like WW2 comic Bucky. It would have made her taking over the leadership and becoming a public face more significant.

Cool, she is a regular woman with weapons.

Because MCU needed a filler character. I mean fuck, Hawkeye is just a guy with some arrows

Absolutely. Nat is totally the one who would be willing to do the dirty work her more traditional cape comrades are squeamish about.

>Need to stop the villain but can't afford any serious collateral damage? Oh look, the villain is conveniently dying from that poison dart that -someone- just fired.
>The enemy ship just exploded from what appears to be sabotage.
>"Hey Nat, where'd you get all this vital information?" "... Well, I definitely did not kidnap and torture anyone for it."

It's not hard, and can be played for both comedy and drama.

Because the Ant-Man delays meant that they didn't get Ant-Man done in time for the Avengers, but they couldn't have an Avengers without a girl in it. And that's that.

She’s a secret agent

because you ned soemthign other than raw power. sometimes you need someone to sneak in somewhere.

>Batman could put down every member of the League if he had to.
That shit never worked out and Clark raped Bruce everytime he tried use one his "genious plans" against him.

she's the spy/rogue
she might as well have super serum too with how easily she takes on groups of men