Do any superheroes go to Church?
Do any superheroes go to Church?
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Would a religious superhero even be allowed?
Have you silly willies every heard of Daredevil?
>Blue Devil
>Hal Jordan
>Martian Manhunter (worships/reveres Sandman)
>The Thing
Apparently Wolverine does nowadays
There's a big focus on the abrahamic religions in that list, boyo.
Moon Knight
Omega Sentinel
Black Panther
Thor (kinda)
Most, if to varying degrees. They just don't show those scenes because they're usually boring.
>The Thing
Nightcrawler is an ordained minister.
JPV worked in one.
Maybe Marvel charachters do but over the last five years or so DC has been making all of their characters jewish. First it was nearly all characters on the justice league being retconned into being jews (or in Diana’s case just the actress and not in universe but still it’s something) but now it’s gone so far as Bendis has some alien in an issue of Superman talking about attending a bar mitzva on some other planet. The DC universe is nthe jews version of “we wuz” now. It’s completely unrealistic- 2% of the population? Fucking parasites.
thor is LITERALLY a god
How come when I say Jews are reptilian aliens from another planet on /pol/ or Yea Forums everyone gets mad, but when Bendis does it he gets money?
How many of these are actually religious though?
cuz bendis is jewish
>How many of these are actually religious though?
Moon Knight, Eddie Brock Venom, Azreal, Ragman, Nightcrawler, Daredevil, Kitty Pride (although still a total cunt), are all very VERY tied to their faith. Some on this lists would be a called a zealot.
kek good point
I'm pretty sure MCU Star Lord is low-key religious but just doesn't bring it up to keep situations from being awkward with beings that probably havent heard who Jesus Christ is.
Daredevil and Punisher are both Catholic as are others. Punisher even tried to be a priest for a short while. Ben Grimm is jewish.
Based. Bendis is a fucking hack and jews can’t be superheroes. Or at least over 2% of superheroes.
Every superteam needs a fanatic, even if the rest consits of esoteric anarchist.
Black Panther is literally considered the high priest of Wakanda and he gets his powers directly from the Panther god.
Thinking the dude was asking for more relation to the big three mainstream religions.
Also Azrael
Is that becausr Pratt is religious? Or because of how he replied to Tony when Tony asked him to "take us to your leader?"
There was this one time Daredevil threw a literal baby off the fucking roof because some random fag on the street told him the baby is the Antichrist ( he wasnt)
Dont know about heroes but atleast some villains do
>Bendis has some alien in an issue of Superman talking about attending a bar mitzva on some other planet.
The king of Tamaran in a discussion with the equivalent of the cosmic UN security council. As if literally everyone in the DC jewniverse knows what a bar mitzvah is.
People who are too cowardly to draw Jesus naked get no respect.
Don't they hang out from time to time with folk like Deadman and The Spectre? What was the context behind this conversation?
it's literally anathema
You'll have to explain a bit more.
Well it seems his mom was at least, referring to his dad as an "angel"...
well Moon Knight was jewish then he left the religion after a fallout with his father
>>Martian Manhunter (worships/reveres Sandman)
Except Eddie has recently denounced his faith in the current run. I think Matt did, too.
A shame, really. Seems like Marvel wants to strip Christianity out of all their heroes. Only one they allow to exist is Kurt because he's so deeply rooted in his faith.
Matt is super connected to his faith, why would they do that?
Have you ever met YOUR god, poser?
>Have you ever met YOUR god, poser?
Matt's a shitty Catholic, always has been. It's part of his character; he mostly disavows his religion but it casts a long shadow over his life.
The Endless (being living concepts) do not have a fixed appearance but appear differently to different viewers.
The Martians clearly had experiences with Dream in the past and worshipped him.
How can you even be an atheist if you live in the Marvel/DC unvierse? Even if you discount Thor and the other historical deities walking around, there are plenty of transcendent entities like Eternity and even Galactus that are known to exist.
understandable but still weird
Galactus canonically works like that too.
>be Peter Benjamin Parker
>literally have a meeting with God, capital G, in person
>sells your marriage to the devil anyway
>>sells your marriage to the devil anyway
Looks like someone’s not going to be joining Uncle Ben in heaven
If you'd read Trouble you'd know that filthy sinner isn't up there anyway.
Here ya go, OP. Superhero in a Church doing his prayers.
The FF met God. Looked just like Jack Kirby.
Cloak & Dagger went to church; though maybe they were just hiding there.
The Thing is Jewish. Ms Marvel is a Muslim and seems pretty devout. Wonder Woman is a pagan.
DC found picture too controversial. I guess you'd HAVE to believe if God told you to take Jesus as a roommate.
Just about EVERBODY is categorized at:
>How come when I say Jews are reptilian aliens from another planet on /pol/ or Yea Forums everyone gets mad,
They act literally like the Skrulls in Marvel. Why do you think that they got flanderized in the MCU?
Organized spirituality is for rubes
This, esoteric Hitlerism is where it’s at.
No but really I’m tipping my fedora good sir.
Matt's Catholicism is only ever a hindrance and/or obstacle
There is/was a literal angel on the Justice League. Also the Spectre.
Even if you're right they will NEVER bring it up because Chris Pratt is already in hot water with the anti-religious crowd.
>Chris Pratt is already in hot water with the anti-religious crowd.
Wait, what? When did that happened?
Churchgoing is becoming less and less of a desirable quality in celebrities these days. Pratt regularly quotes scripture on his social medias and doesn't hide his faith, and since his whole appeal is being a relatable everyman and most of his fanbase aren't religious, this sits poorly with people who's kneejerk reaction to Christianity is to reject it. Also there's the whole implication that liking god means you hate gays, so there's that shit too.
>Being Christian means you hate gays
>Being an actor means you are gay
You'd think the two would cancel each other out.
People are really getting offended because of this? Fucking hell
Since we're ypically seeing Death through Drean's eyes, i assume she looks like just the plain old grim reaper to most westerners.
He has had criticism for wearing an American flag shirt with the gadsen snake on it.
There's an amazing scene in Infinite Crisis where Blue Devil (supernatural hero who, by a series of wacky circumstances is not ACTUALLY a devil), goes into a church to pray and immediately catches on holy fire. When one of the atheist heroes asks why he'd even bother going through thr pain of it, another hero quips "He's just that good of a Catholic."
He has a crisis of faith now and then but he’s a Catholic and no one can take that away.
He states his personal savior is Jesus
Didn't Daredevil recently become an atheist or some bullshit?
He even works in a hospital and gives sermon. JPV is top Christian.
Peter Parker talks to God quite a bit, and I believe is Presbyterian. Steve Rogers, Eddie Brock, Frank Castle and Matt Murdock are all Catholic.
Clark Kent was raised some kind of Christian. Probably Baptist or something, since, Kansas is part of the Bible Belt.
Ben Grimm is a practicing Jewish man. Kitty Pryde is Jewish.
There are probably more examples.
Eddie became Atheist long ago mate.
And yet the same idiots suck muslim-cock.
Because Christianity is under attack, and the editors are jews.
I feel like church makes more sense in a fantasy setting if the divine had a more visible presence.
>Churchgoing is becoming less and less of a desirable quality in celebrities these days
Not just a celebrity thing, younger generations aren't exactly flocking to attend sunday service. I personally don't know anyone that attends a regular church and I live in a pretty red state.
No he killed someone and felt guilty about it but he's working through his issues on how he can serve God and be a force for good without having to be Daredevil. Last issue had him talking about God's existence with Reed Richards.
Morpheus is hunting down a bit of stolen property.
He pops out of one of Scott Free's dreams because he's a member of the current Justice League, and their earlier iteration had recovered and lost it again, so Scott goes to J'onn because he was on that team.
Turns out, the Martians knew about Morpheus by another name.
Nightcrawler is a practicing Catholic
Duh, he's CATHOLIC.
>Some men are too busy standing to ever stop and kneel
Does this sound retarded to anybody else? It's like they wanted it to sound badass but it just sounds stupid.
Venom (Eddie Brock) is also a Catholic
he lost faith in god during costa's run
It's called the "Kali Yuga", son.
>or in Diana’s case just the actress and not in universe but still it’s something
You're literally complaining that a Jewish woman is playing a demigod/clay golem in a capeshit movie. Jesus Christ, dude.
>Only one they allow to exist is Kurt because he's so deeply rooted in his faith.
Kurt literally has no soul anymore and can't go back to Heaven.
I find it funny a comic that's nowhere near as controversial as say Preacher got canceled before an issue was even released. My god, NuVertigo was pathetic.
>Steve Rogers can't remember the last time he was inside a church
This right there seems like bullshit. Cap is canonically one of the most religious superheroes in The MU and comes from a time when people were generally more observant. The problem is that modern Marvel writers can't relate to anyone who isn't a New York liberal which is why half of modern marvel characters are gay YAAS QWEENZ despite practicing Christians being a significantly larger demographic, and if they do touch on a character's faith it's always some cliche boomer "Catholic guilt" angle like they keep doing to Venom.
>the anti-religious crowd.
So a few fedora fags on twitter?
Karma's gay but still keeps a cross in her bedroom, so who knows
>There was this one time Daredevil threw a literal baby off the fucking roof because some random fag on the street told him the baby is the Antichrist ( he wasnt)
To be, Kevin Smith wrote that story, s Matt wasn't in his right mind.
Those are fair points, but the point of OP's page is that Steve doesn't spend much time in a church because he's out in the world doing good and living up to his faith. Steve's not avoiding Church because he's lapsed or because it's not cool to pray - but because his faith has instilled in him values that compel him to take action, to make a stand against evil.
Frank Castle dropped out of seminary
Chris Pratt attends a church that's, iirc, known to be homophobic and there's long been rumors that in private he also tends to make a lot of anti-gay derogatory remarks/jokes. People don't give a shit if you're religious, it's only an issue if you're the type of weird who's talking about your religion all the time that it's obnoxious, or you knowingly attend/support church that is known to be discriminatory.
>y bad things happen?
I'm sure if he had just gone to the Seminary library he could have found several volumes of helpful commentary addressing that very question.
>Cap is canonically one of the most religious superheroes in The MU
If you're using Infinity Crusade as an example, you're ignoring that the Goddess wasn't going just for overtly religious people, she was also recruiting people with high spirituality. Hence why nearly all magic heroes were recruited.
I still maintain that he'd make the time. Be it a few minutes in a chapel or what have you.
Cap's not magic, and he came from a time before annoying "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual" yoga boomers became a thing.
I think he would find the time - a minute in a chapel on a base or a helicarrier or even in those rooms in a hospital after the immediate crisis is past and people are safe enough that he can catch a breath - rather than make the time.
It's a very fine distinction but I think that Cap's a true Christian. I can't see him as the type who, when hearing about someone who got flooded out of their home would go and pray - he'd go to their home and help them pick up the pieces.
He's not a "thoughts and prayers" type. When people need help Cap's not going to fold his hands and murmur vague well-wishes, he's going to put those hands to work.
We should be glad there isn't a preponderance of scenes with Cap pearl clutching in a church.
It does seem odd weekly church-goers (about 39-47% of the population depending on what polls you look at) are so under represented when less significant groups get pushed to the forefront.
>He's not a "thoughts and prayers" type
You say that, when statistically the more observant someone is the more likely they are to volunteer.
He's not an old school bible thumper either.
>bible thumper
This is a vague and unhelpful term that is only ever applied as a pejorative. What exactly do you mean by this? These days anyone who dhas religious objections to drag queens in schools is called a "bible thumper"
Might be down to how hard Disney is pushing for Chinabux. Can't have the bugmen finding out that the superheroes don't worship the CCP in the comics.
Age of Apocalypse has Kurt praying edited out of the Chinese release, unsurprisingly.
>These days anyone who dhas religious objections to drag queens in schools is called a "bible thumper"
As one should, because whining about someone dressing up in school because muh religion is stupid.
>As one should, because whining about someone dressing up in school because muh religion is stupid.
Hi, John.
>"I'm not religious, I'm spiritual"
Older than the middle class.
all this proves is that perverts exist
I could pull out articles about catholic pedophile rings, does that prove that catholics are all child rapists?
>it's real
How do these people even exist?
There an episode of tje 90s X-Men cartoon where Wolverine becomes a Christian. Well, not like he gets baptized, but he starts reading a Bible, praying and finds comfort in it.
Kinda makes sense given the martian's psychic, mind-melding nature that they worship a god of dreaming
It was never really a thing until the 60's when the CIA told Timothy Leary to get a bunch of kids to drop acid and start doing zen meditation. Sure you had the odd theosophist, or weirdos like Evola, but for the most part being "spiritual" meant traditional religious worship.
You mean the Lavender Mafia? All those guys are gay, too.
The catholic abuse rings isn't a catholic issue. It's a gay issue. Homosexuals abusing positions of power to pray on children isn't religious, unless it's something like Islam.
>The catholic abuse rings isn't a catholic issue.
Yes, that's why the church for decades just hushed it all up. Because they were so goddamn gay friendly.
Did you miss the "positions of power" part? And again, corruption isn't solely a church issue.
Atheists do like christians when they see Thor or Hercules: they pretend they are not real gods
>protestant looking priest
>catholic cross
>Atheists do like christians when they see Thor or Hercules: they pretend they are not real gods
They're really not, they're demigods at best
Ragman and The Thing are Jewish. They go to synagogue not church.
Yes, to burn it to the ground and erect a mosque.
Praise Allah
I remember that, but I haven't really been following X-Men titles. Did they have him give up his Godly ways?
We're just gonna pretend that the entirety of 2010s X-men canon never happened if that's alright with you.
erm excuse me but aren't vampires not allowed to enter a house unless they are invited?
I'm not surprised knuckle dragging american comic artists don't appreciate the lore
Cringe, go fuck goats somewhere else
>vampire rules
>4 of those are devil-like in attire or heritage
>3 of those are Catholic (dunno about Blue Devil)
What did they mean by this?
One doing something bad doesn't excuse the other. And pedo priests aren't celebrated for it, unlike pedo trannies.
They made Barry a jew in the movie and in the comics Hal has been retconned into being a Jew, Bendis claims Superman is a even though he used to just be a bit of a metaphor for Moses with his origin and stuff, Batman has a jewish cousin which has led some to argue the Kane’s are jews making his mother one and so he is. So that’s four of the bigger members of the main seven JL members.
Lol this is ripped off from Maxx
We will nuke your idol in mecca, rape your women, throw your children into the seas, burn your blasphemic books, and torture you to death. Deus Vult.
Here's a better question. Do anyone worship Thor? He is a god after all, and there is no question about his existence.
This is more likely due to the fact Pratt himself is religious and he puts his own flavor to the role rather then writing/directorial intent.
That's an American's attempt at an Orthodox priest user.
I mean...if that wasn't the character, they would tell him "don't say that" and redo the shoot.
Actors don't control the characters like that
Based Chris. People made gay all the time. Then sometime after 2010, this weird ass puritan culture creeped up. Funny how a religious person is now considered radical compared to these left wing language destroyers/.
>Actors don't control the characters like that
Actors very much can help shape the character and a good character generally gets input from all three.
You're right that they could've told him to "not do it like that" but what I'm saying is the semi-religious jokes/aspects is likely something that originated from Pratt himself instead of the screenplay writer which Gunn approved of his additions/take.
>Bendis claims Superman is a even though he used to just be a bit of a metaphor for Moses with his origin and stuff
Created by two jews, intended to be the ideal man, published in an era where anti-semitism forced people to change their names because just having a jewish sounding name could hurt your career. But sure, he was totally a prototypical protestant.
he's not a jew because he was rasised by christians.
That's true, but we'll probably never know whose idea it was for certain.
can't believe actors have the power to just blurt out anything on film and make it canon
Isn't that what RDJ supposedly did in the final Thanos scene?
I say supposedly because it's such an obvious line that a weird part of my brain can't help but think this is some marketing conspiracy where Disney is making up this story to add more "clout" to the film or something.
Isn't that more a Gen X thing? Never known anyone older than that who would use that phrase. There are some Boomers who try that whole "Christianity isn't a religion, it's a RELATIONSHIP" crap.
I haven't heard that
all those stories sound so fake to me because it sounds like unnecessarily glorifying actors as more than people who just read what the cue cards say. like OMG they're a genius, they had an original thought during filming, they deserve to be paid millions
Yeah exactly.
Anyway Disney claimed the final "I am Iron Man" line was improved by RDJ and it was all over the place.
Not really a conspiracy, just an old trick to make it seem "real" and "authentic". Every so often one of those stories makes the rounds and I have no idea why people buy it.
The reptiles are gentiles too you rube.
The concept of the dual identity is inherently jewish and not era specific.
The problem takes care of itself eventually.
These people off themselves after realizing that for all the encouragement the get on social media form other like-minded degenerates, no one actually wants to be within 10ft of them
I'm just glad the whole atheism fad is finally over.
There was nothing stupider than writing someone to be an atheist in a superhero universe.
Never mind that even, they show up at a CHURCH acting all cool, then freak out because someone's holding a cross?
What was their fucking plan here, even?
>being so angry you keep repeating yourself during your monologue
It’s ironic that the most edgy thing you can do to piss people off is being an Orthodox Christian.
Find proof of Siegel ever saying Superman was jewish. Find an interview where Siegel or anyone that knew him even mentions the Jewish faith. It’s fsr more likely he made a WASP character because he knew it would be more likely to catch on in America at the time. Unless maybe you are implying jews are incapable of creating fiction without a jewish agenda...?
Ms. Terrific from Earth-11 is a devout Christian.
So they can do a prodigal son bit.
Yea you all are forgetting the literal embodiment of he judgement of God (DC), the Specter.
I think I read somewhere he's Jewish?
Aaron's Avengers in a nutshell
>"Catholic guilt"
which, BTW, isn't a thing outside the USA
they can blurt anything they want, but it's up to the director to decide whether it stays in or gets cut out\retaken
Evidently RDJ made a great line, so it was kept. Had it been a bad line, they would have cut it for the original one.
They couldn't make him blatantly jewish specifically because of how bigoted America was.
Mate, you're full of shit.