>Be me living in a peaceful neighborhood
>my Neighbour's kid apparently got Mutant powers, but it's nothing harmless, all he can do is blow bubbles
>later that night I get awoken by strange sounds
>my neighborhood is filled with these giant sentinels, they are stepping over cars and houses
>the sentinel rips my neighbour's roof and throws it at my car destroying it
>Then he fires a death beam killing not only the kid but the family and some of the debris hits my dog killing it
>The sentinels then blast off in the sky to find another target but their jet boots ignition gets my house on fire which spreads to the neighborhood
The Government funds these things
Be me living in a peaceful neighborhood
Better that mutant dies now before he gets indoctrinated into the X-men though.
Good. Those damn """super"""humans all need to be thrown in jail, if not outright killed.
Be me living in a peaceful neighborhood
>my Neighbour's kid apparently got Mutant powers
>he emits tons of radiation that slowly kills hundreds of people around him
>dog dies too
>could have been stopped by a sentinel
I still think it's fucking dumb that the government picked up the sentinel program.
Like I get the symbolism, but it just makes everyone look stupid. They KNOW these robots go rogue all the time, that there's a sect of them that want everyone dead so the planet will be safe, that master molds develop independence with worrying frequency.
Like file off the serial numbers and have Wolverine or Kitty or Gambit or another sneaky x-man realize oh shit they're using Sentinel parts! Have it be some military industrial complex conspiracy shit where the bad guys aren't so dumb as to refurbish the death machines that try to blot out the sun and not fucking rebrand them a little.
I do hope the Kree, Skrull, Chitauri, or whatever alien wipe you all out or put you in a zoo
You gotta go full ancap against the sentinels
They violated the NAP against you
Wasn't there an IronMan or War Machine story where some 3rd world dictator used Hijacked Sentinels and made them into his own private battle tanks to rule over the poor?
Then you send Wolverine to kill him in a abandoned Cave.
That's the point about Sentinels.
Humanity's fear of mutants causes them to create threatening, but ineffective, war machines that do more harm than good. It's like the ED-Series from Robocop. They aren't made to be effective, they're made so idiot politicians would buy them and make Trask loads of money.
Those bubbles were poisonous OP, thank the government. or they were meth
One worst case scenario is after ridding Earth of humanity and its variants, they'll spread their homicidal stupidity to the stars
True, I support SHIELD and the Sentinel program but it should focus on real threats. A teenage mutant that for example shoots plasma can be used as energy source and paid for his service, no need to attack him. Mutants that endanger other because their very powers are deadly like radiation or telepathy should be controlled.
But this could be said about any powered individual.
My uncle is a sentinel and I find this offensive.
He blows giving bubbles. The best he can do is provide entertainment to the younger x kids. Until a writer says "bubbles are actually the containment of space within a sphere." and class him as an omega.
none of this would happen if there were no mutants.
Just sayin.
>be mutant with reality warping powers
>be chimera mutant with the powers of multiple high level mutants
>be immortal mutant with celestial armor vast shapeshifting abilities
>still die to a robot shooting bullets and missle
a single sentinel is better than all of iron man's armors ever made combined
Both the government and mutants are retards
As long as they dont kill best mutant girl and let me date her they are okay.
>be ultron
>literally handed an already deployed army that is super easy to hack
Trust us, those psychos will find a way to weaponize the poor bastard. The next time you see him after they kidnap him, he'll be wrecking some city center with them and blaming it on "bad guys".
>none of this would happen if there were no mutants.
>Just sayin.
Soon, user. Soon.
Why doesn't the government just hire assassins? Shoot them through a window while they're sleeping, it'd take care of most mutants. If that wouldn't work, then a sentinel probably wouldn't work either. A giant robot is extremely expensive and can easily cause collateral damage.
You're arguing to take jobs away from thousands of hard-working Sentinel-Americans, who pay taxes, vote, and many of whom have families to support. Some people are robots, user. Get over it.
t.Flatscan who had his mind altered by muties
>be me
>enjoying my freshman year of collage
>some fucking beta loser decides he wants to get revenge on everyone by blowing up their cars
>thousands of dollars in property damage, not to mention now students dealing with debt for loans are without a vehicle
>cops and security show up to deal with it
>they can’t stop him
>suddenly a cool as fuck jet comes down from the sky and super heroes get out to handle it
>they shake his fucking hand and tell him he has an amazing gift while looking at the property damage
>they leave with him
>see him on the news a month later with the X-Men waving and smiling
>number of my class mates had to drop out of school and get shit jobs to make ends meet
Seriously man, muties are such fucking hypocrites
They aren't hard working, they are reckless pieces of garbage that are shit out by a giant NEET robot
As soon at Bats started working in the day daytime crime shot up.
I hate you even more than the xphobes, user.
>black neighborhood
Maybe mama's definition of "safe" is relative...
It's funny because it would actually be the complete opposite but OK
Something to hide eh? Wear your wife's dress sometime?
Your mum's cunt on mah dick.
Isn't it bizarre how the murderbot Ultron's never tried to take over Sentinels? Is it a government conspiracy?
>tfw have mutant insurance
>tfw car gets blown up by a kid with superpowers
>make a claim
>"urmm actually user this kid was an Inhuman and your cover doesn't extend to inhumans"
The fuck is an inhuman?
Don't try to defend degenerate telepaths
>wanting to end the important work done by the Master Molds and everyone else working at Sentinel factories
>calling our Sentinels reckless garbage
You want to save money by firing our Sentinels and outsourcing the important work they do to foreigners like Hydra or The Hand, don't you?
Telpaths are the scaries fucking thing, the mind is the one place you are truly free and at peace.
Just being able casually open up and invade something so private and intimate, no matter what it holds, is a crime against nature.
No, they are just shit tech compared to him.
Taking over Model-Ts would probably be as good.
What went wrong?
Well... IM's armor is man-sized, about half an inch thick and has to account for a frail human body inside.
None of which applies to a Sentinel. More or less advanced, it has to make a difference.
How often does Ultron hack Sentinels? I feel it’s something he would do a lot.
Everyone knows telepaths are making the gays and the leftist agenda corrupting society
Up until Nimrod, Sentinels remained relatively simple robots. Occasionally one would accidentally develop actual AI due to some factor - Number Two actually 'mutated' due to exposure to sunlight, I think, and claimed he had become alive in a way that made me think the writer actually did not understand what a robot is - but then was typically eliminated by its brethren because it had become exactly what they existed to destroy; unable to make value judgments or possessing an ethics system, they could act only according to programming.
(One notable exception was Sentinel 3.14159, who achieved not only independent intelligence but developed its own ethics, and decided mutants were essentially indistinguishable from humans; he decided to develop its own consciousness further, a process which he expected to take 2000 years).
Nimrods, on the other hand, develop intelligence, as was demonstrated when the original Nimrod was sent to the past like the Terminator and was diverted from its mission almost immediately, went native and, like 3.14159, decided killing mutants was stupid. Unfortunately it was absorbed by Master Mold (Weird, since its systems should really trump that old dinosaur) and became Bastion, who was shown to be very sophisticated and yet incapable of evolving past its mutant-killing program.
I think the outcome of House/Powers of X will be Moira stopping the attack on Mother Mold, allowing her to evolve past the same ethical threshold Nimrod and 3.14159 did and refusing to birth killing machines.
As far as I know he has never done that.
Or make any distinction between humans and mutants. He hates all organic life with equal intensity (except for Avengers).
He probably considers co-opting Sentinels a waste of effort since he is, of course, more advanced than they are anyway.
>I have a small white penis
>>be mutant with reality warping powers
A Sentinel won't do it but this cybiot can murder reality warpers. It survived its own non-existence after all.
Mutants are to blame. They exist. And that's a problem that must be rectified at any means necessary.
>This cover didn't really age well.
Poor Bastion and that nu-Sentinel are nothing compared to Nimrod now.
I mean
Contracting out an ineffectual, unequally destructive force that may or may not have an ulterior motive as a disproportionate response to a perceived threat of obscurity is perfectly within the US government's wheelhouse
>>later that night I get awoken by strange sounds
Off course it's a big negro bitch complaining.
I really need to read those issues.
My dear man, mutants are inevitable. You yourself are undeniably a mutant.
They never were. Nimrod is badass.
Sentinels honestly DO feel like idiot Republican Senator’s bid to get re-elected, and his Pentagon connection would literally tell him to his face that self-driving 20 foot killer robots is a shitty plan, but he’d push it through anyway because he wants to be President in two years.
>survives the death of universe
>beat Mad Jim Jaspers
>gets torn apart by some brit chick
What a bitch
How useful are Sentinals as an "Anti-Capeshit" weapon? Like if Dr.Doom attacks or Thanos and his gang invades how useful would having the Sentinal Squad being sent in to fix it?
theyre already ineffective. Even more so when a technopath or an inorganic transmuter show up
Sentinals ain't good against none Mutants in most cases, They to evolve themselves in order to handle a threat that is none Mutant. Even then in most cases that stuff takes time like in DoFP where Sentinals killed the Hulk and other super heroes but only after a few years down the line.
The worst thing is that Telepath dare to get offended by the thought in your head. Its like a woman braking in your house and daring to be offended by the magazines you have under your bed.
>it survived its own nonexistance
... God comics are dumb. I love it.
Sentinals are worthless against non mutants. It's just one of those weird things.
A small price to pay if it means one less filthy mutie in the world.
Why no story focused on a Sentinel that hunt mutant scum?
What makes you think they won't go after Inhumans, Atlanteans, Eternals, Deviants, etc. before going after YOU? Sentinels run by the logic that mutants spawned from humanity
Because I am a sentinel.