ITT: comics that ages horribly

ITT: comics that ages horribly.

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LOL what a fag

He was right about beer at least.

Oh this is that guy? Oof and yikes that's a big chief for me there oy vey

>ITT: threads that won't age at all

>guy with a beret handing a squirrel to a woman
>guy holding a sword whilst standing on his office chair


>tfw Nov. 9th, 2016

There sdhoulsd be more /cpo.. theemed asmy all they girls did was Harley Quinn vidses. Fuck youtube being mega gay and demonitizing the roleplays fucks sgtucdc iuogho i ghudzz

XKCD should just fucking quit
there's nothing insightful about shittily drawn stickfigures

How triggered was he after Shillary lost despite all her cheatingnand illegals voting?

Gif, i hate this faggot so much

i think it aged perfectly
it's a ideal xkcd comic, idiotic, vapid and full of itself. You won't find a better representation, maybe except for beer one.

>ITT: user who doesn't know what a thread is

Attached: SmugTrumpTooBright.png (1279x682, 1.24M)

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Ha ha, I bet everybody who didn't vote for Trump feels pretty dumb now!

BTW, who else did support Clinton during the last elections?

Attached: 1471154325803.jpg (1200x1200, 179K)

No he wasn’t, people have diffrent tastebuds and some prefer the hoppy Tate of beer, also there’s a variety of beers like a wheat beer, a lager, a stout, red beer to name a few. You don’t have to like it but if you’re a fucking asshole about it I’ll call you a annoying cunt.

Apart from the president not being Cruz, this comic ended up incredibly prophetic.