What does Yea Forums think about tvtropes?

What does Yea Forums think about tvtropes?

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Fallen-Máni-First-Carlos-Albuquerque-ebook/dp/B079SSP8X2/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1567326098&refinements=p_27:Carlos Albuquerque&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Carlos Albuquerque
amazon.com/Fallen-Máni-Second-Carlos-Albuquerque-ebook/dp/B07NPX4C8T/ref=sr_1_4?qid=1567326098&refinements=p_27:Carlos Albuquerque&s=digital-text&sr=1-4&text=Carlos Albuquerque

Useless site.

I too lurk Kiwi Farms

Most of them would probably think it's Shmorky

wtf I love tvtropes now

It's fun as long as you don't take it too seriously. Better place to sperg about things you like than Wikipedia because no citations needed

However the anti-fun brigade has been neutering it of "complaining" lately

Kiwi Farms is dead, man.

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This. Plus, the Nightmare Fuel page is good for a laugh or two, but the So Bad, It's Horrible page and Useful Notes pages are notable for being some of the least autistic pages on the site.

I don't know, let's ask the mods.

The faggots on Kiwi Farms turned into spergy lowcows themselves

Eh it's 50/50 for me.

I like looking up things I get start to et interested in to see if there's trivia or sometimes there's theories and shit. Never really saw it much as a community.

Went downhill years ago and it's not even depressingly entertaining with the removal of Troper Tales
"Favorite tropes" threads on Yea Forums should be an instant ban.

You spend your time focusing on lolcows enough and you become one, same way people focused so much on the sjws they wound up acting just like them in the end.

Its alittle fun to cycle through random tropes sometimes.


Sorry, had to. Seriously though, it's okay if I want a quick and more detailed summary on shit going on in shows I've lost touch with and don't want to bother actually catching up on or quick notes for writing fanfiction stuff.

I shamefully dream of a day when something I make can have it's own trope page.

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Yeah, kinda like Yea Forums

All The Tropes > TV Tropes

It alright.

Too bad it's so behind. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't go to TV Tropes anymore.

Amusing little site but getting worse every day.
Apparently the page about pandering to footfags was recently merged with the 'male gaze' entry. So tvtropes has officially taken the stance that feet are sex parts and footfags aren't degenerate weirdos. I stopped going there after that.

other than that i'm indifferent to them, but this article is the exception

It's not that fun. I went to the page for a character I designed for a vidya gaem and they just worry about the most superficial bullshit, like I tried to do something interesting and it went right past these retards.


It want's to be a serious site about media analysis, but it also wants to be super casual and an ok community for people who just like media. These things are constantly working against each other. It creates no fun allowed rules, but does't have capabilities or discipline to actually benefit from enforcing them.

That comic doesn't need that many panels.

Sometimes it's okay to hop on and look at stuff I suppose. I never really got what there was for people to 'hate' about it though, despite seeing quite a bit of hate directed at it before.

It's useful enough for putting a name to something that would otherwise take a paragraph to describe.
That and finding decent fanfics.

what game does that?

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2K games

Does tvtropes have a list of troper works anywhere? I want to see if it does cripple your ability to write.

You can check my novels:

amazon.com/Fallen-Máni-First-Carlos-Albuquerque-ebook/dp/B079SSP8X2/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1567326098&refinements=p_27:Carlos Albuquerque&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Carlos Albuquerque

amazon.com/Fallen-Máni-Second-Carlos-Albuquerque-ebook/dp/B07NPX4C8T/ref=sr_1_4?qid=1567326098&refinements=p_27:Carlos Albuquerque&s=digital-text&sr=1-4&text=Carlos Albuquerque

I was a troper once, but they got so pissed me with they kicked me out, so judge whereas TV Tropes made me shittier or not

Cry harder, Null.


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It was pretty hated in the fan fiction communities because it inspired a ton of young ff writers to think in terms of tropes, rather than crafting an organic story.


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Most people completely misunderstood the site and now think tropes are bad and only exist in bad fiction.

