Reminder that Steven Universe could beat up your favorite character.
Reminder that Steven Universe could beat up your favorite character
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no, not even close
Steven's a fat pussy and would get destroyed by any semi-competent fictional character, along with his dyke gem buddies
Lol faggot
Steven wouldn't even be able to scratch him
With or without fusion? Cause I'm p sure he can't escape him.
A fellow DB Yea Forumsmrade, I see.
Easily beats Goku.
Is that so?
Depends on what level Steven is at.
Who is this guy again?
No wait he totally stomps.
He couldn't.
But he could very, very easily convince him to stop fighting.
Yes, Goku could beat Goku in a fight but Steven can't though
Fat pussy or not, he's pretty tough to deal with in physical combat.
Steven Universe could beat up Rudy from Chalkzone?
You gotta be kiddin me
Dude, nothing can stop the King of the Monsters. He wouldn't die even if you killed him.
Aporou would eat him, thou talk no jutsu might work but Steven has nothing to say that would convince him fro eating him alive
Katakuri, or "Dogtooth", from One Piece.
Strongest son of one of the 4 pirate emperors. Made of, and can produce an infinite amount of, a sticky, gooey substance that he can control, shape, harden, and launch from his body with enough force to punch through steel.
He can also see the future.
I mean, IN chalk zone he stands a chance, but otherwise...
It doesn't matter how many times Steven kills Kyubey, he always comes back.
He has literally no emotions so Steven can't talk no jutsu him.
Evil Con Carne can take Steven. Especially since Ghastly's an inventor. There's also the Grim Reaper as well.
>punch through steel
thats not really that impressive
He’s smiling though
>"Entropy cannot be stopped"
>"Uh, yeah it can Kyubey. Gems already produce infinite energy over time."
Unless we're using pure gem Steven and that's just rose.
He's been calculated to be around high mountain level
*Not unless
>He's been calculated to be around high mountain level
those calculations always bother me, what move he used that outputed that much power
Fuck unless Steven got some major power ups since I dropped Steven universe this would actually be a really good close fight
Maybe not current old man Satan but Satan in his prime would be a great match up against Steven.
So has Steven on Vs Battles
It is when you can apply that same psi to giant building-sized fists that can all rapid-fire faster than bullets.
Steven could easily beat Superman and Superman easily beats Goku
Not in those faggot ass clothes
Trixie lulamoon as she was originally introduced could beat Steven but her later appearances where she was retconed to be weaker she probably couldn't manage. Although admitidly they did seem to be working on bringing her power level back up when I gave up on the show so I have no idea what level she is at now.
Yeah well my favorite character is Depression. Let's see this high estrogenic faggot try to beat my nigga Depression up.
Probably yeah, I mean he doesn't even have God Tier
i stopped watching steven universe season three. after that i didn't like the direction the show was going and i also stopped going gay literally so i was just losing interest. this show is not for me so clearly im not this shows target audience and i don't like the archetypes that the show is based on. literally, steven being a teenager, sucks. let him be like nineteen like dragon ball or some shit that would be fucking dope. id watch that shit. for real. make steven a real adult and make the show go dark or go really bold id watch that. not adult themes per se just bold, or an adventure in space thats dynamic. you know. idk its more than being gay thats corny and ignorant or whatever but. im not gay and a kid who needs that support so im good. i have a life called pimping. and pimping aint easy ayy
That chalk can throw anvils, come on
Best character in his manga.
>let him be like nineteen like dragon ball
Goku was like 10 in his first apperance
Later retconed to be slightly older I think.
He’ll just Change Her Mind
His attacks were matching blow for blow with Luffy's Gear 4th, which folded a city in half.
In a more literal interpretation, ha can just turn an entire mountain into mochi.
i know i was gonna say z but i didn't wanna be incorrect and make you mad.
I think not
>Later retconed to be slightly older I think
You mean actually growing up throughout the series?
lets just say my guy is immune to death
They don’t call him Mr Satan cause he ain’t misbehavin!
Who is he?
Isn't Konrad, out of all the Primarchs, the only one to die by a human hand?
At one point it was revealed that he was older than he thought he was because he didn't know how to count properly at first.
Yeah but he willingly let it happen to prove a point so I’m not sure what to make of it, also that’s not Curze, that’s Jago
I don't know why that made me laugh so hard, but I wish the actual show had that self-awareness.
>"Rudy! The world trade center is falling! USE THE CHALK, RUDY! You've gotta DRAW somethin'!"
>"Uh...I can't. It only works when we're IN Chalkzone."
>"Looks like you're gonna have to erase the Chalk Trade Center, huh Rudy?"
Good taste. That's actually a great point to drop the series.
This argument is moot because Steven wouldn’t want to beat up anyone.
what can this faggot do?
Dumb joke, abd even dumber cartoon.
>shield that can never break and can slice solid rock
>pink bubble that can never pop and can grow spikes
>floating powers
>the power to telepathically communicate
>tears can resurrect the dead
>spit can fix broken or corrupted things
>when his gem is extracted, his pink form is able to let out a powerful scream that can cause a total earthquake
>can't die from falling debris or being crushed
>talk no jitsu, a definite one
>powerful strength
There's more, but that's what I can remember.
Nothing gravity beams can't kill
>muh boring space opera
Fuck off brainlet. There's a show called Voltron, you can go watch that.
His body self regulates it's own gravity field.
What're you gonna do, tubby? Cry?
He couldn't beat a pony.
Sounds like fodder for the Main Man.
Damn Rudy
Haha no
I doubt that it could stand up to three gravity beams capable of lifting several hundred tons
It's a classic cat smile that literally doesn't reflect anything on his part. Kyubey is closer to a soulless hivemind than it is anything we would consider living.
they got bitch slaped by Nero, by fucking Nero. I have no respect left for them
Canonically no
Yeah, No
>One Piece
If anything Oda is not afraid of making ugly/disproportionate characters.
He couldn't even beat his eating disorder
The fucker can flick a a jelly bean with enough strength to turn it into an effective bullet
Steven Universe vs Big Bird
She'd drop Steven in the incinerator before he could even do anything.
He wouldn't be able to do shit against any character in Invader Zim. Mark my words.
>"I'm sure there's some good in you Zim!"
>4 hour long laughing from Zim commences
>Reminder that Steven Universe could beat up your favorite character.
>Beat up
That's a given, but stop them from stealing the hearts of everyone he loves turning those hearts into fellow creatures born of darkness, and ultimately consuming the heart of whatever world SU takes place in?
I highly doubt that would happen.
Nero barged in when both were already vastly weakened from fisting each other, and he himself got Devil Trigger working for him. At full strength, they'd likely body him.
Fuck off to Yea Forums or the other dozen anime boards.
anti gravity yo. also he has portals. her only weakness.
Even in the clothes. Superman’s a chump.
Would Steven Universe even be able to do anything against the Skeksis?
He'd be delicious.
doest matter, Nero a whine bitch who made me hate that game, they being bitch slaped by Nero even if they were in a coma and about to die would have the same effect
Imagine how much essence they could get out of him!
Yup. Especially since Stevie isn't a keyblade wielder.
Did that shitty movie come out?
No. It’s out tomorrow
>shitty movie
>not out yet
It's by rebecca and features steven universe. It's shit by default.
I see you are an independent thinker
How do you know that?
*Laugh in front of you
Vicky would kick that little fat faggot's ass.
Would SU even stand a chance against Pui?
But what if my favorite character is Steven Universe?
>beating the King of Anime Homages
you know how many Steven he killed? he even sung a song about it. Steven wouldnt stand a chance against Steven
What did he sing?
He can't, he's too slow.
They are literally made to be pals, it's impossible that they'd ever fight
wakey wakey
and I thought his momma was fat
The whole plot of that series is about the consequences of Kyubey and his race successfully stopping entropy, retard.
Carlos wins again.
>"That's where you're wrong ugly round earth worm, I'm not good, I'm THE BEST, FOR I AM ZIM!"
How is it shit?
Based DMChad
I don't think so.
Not the Pirate King
What can these assholes do?
Knowing steven he would try to be friends with her and forget she is medusa and get turned to stone when he wipes his tears away to look into her eyes. Not sure if that counts as failure or not honestly.
Medusa from Kid Icarus?
Any toku pals here?
The tattooed boy defeated Dante from dmc, destroyed the planet and punched god in the face.
That’s a boy?
>The Virgin Steven having a chance against the Chad Lego Batman
Simpleton please
Steven wouldn't stand a chance against her.
Nah. He'd just PUNCH GOOD until Steven was paste. Then he'd crush his gem with his bare hand for good measure
Based Hollow Knight lover
He already convinced Invader Zim to join his team.
He easily could be. His strength of heart is much higher than his physical strength
Except Zim is far more obsessed with his leaders and less respectful of humans than Peridot is. He'd end up shattering a few gems before he says yes to joining Steven.
Of course he did, he was always gonna end up stronger than them. They're demon-human hybrids, their power spikes with their emotions.
>"Emotions are stupid"
>"Ha, I have emotions, but I'm too cool to show it"
Yeah, but the gems being around proves those consequences are unnecessary.
How important is it that I finish the other 9 shows before I watch Decade?
Peridot is nowhere near as insane and destructive as Zim is
Irkens or Gems?
It's not 100% necessary, but there is a lot of fun fanservice moments that will be missed if you haven't watched at least a few of the past shows.
Well yeah but my favorite character is Gaston Lagaffe, so that's not very impressive.
Where’s he from?
>Steven's a fat pussy
Compassion is not weakness.
And cruelty is not strength, fool.
Steven never comes anywhere close to using his powers efficiently in a fight he can turn rocks and plants around him into his own personal army in addition to being at least as strong as Mr Satan physically
Who is that?
He's about to lose to a Giant Gorilla.
I think he’s stronger in the movie
I'd like to see him try to touch King Ghidorah.
This watered down trash is nothing like Zim. Zim is literally too dangerous. Peridot can be reasoned with Zim can’t. Zim is also way more loyal than she is.
How so?
He’s older right?
As much as Hercule is a great character he wouldn't be able to beat Steven. He never shows that great strength feats and his durability feats are comedic and not to be taken seriously. Hercule has no way of getting through the bubble.
I'm comfortable with that eventuality but given the nature of certain character's power levels I feel that statement can not be an all encompassing truism.
I'd like to see him try though. Especially against pic related. Not my favorite character but certainly the strongest character in all of fiction.
The whiny crybaby runt doesn't stand a chance.
>strongest character in all of fiction
You will never reach the truth.
Your "end" has no "end".
This show is like SU's polar opposite. Zim's literal edges would poke Steven's round little artstyle.
Sure it does.
Final Guard, Red Minotaur, and Succubus would make quick work outta Steven but Pink Steven gets tricky when it comes to powerlevels
Requiem Giorno is definitely in the top tier but there's no singular strongest character in fiction.
wow most of those are garbage powers that dont work in combat outside flying and strength
are you sure that little tubby can beat anything that isnt the insides of a fridge?
>pink bubble that can never break
>literally got btfo by a bunch of retard gem mutants in Nightmare Hospital
Honestly this would be a fun crossover.
>Eustace and Muriel are vacationing in Beach City
>Muriel wanders towards Steven's house and gets caught up in gem stuff
>Courage thinks Muriel has been abducted by strange monsters
>all these Yea Forums flags with their over the top power levels and asspulls
>all he has to do is call him a little faggot and pistol whip the gay away
Who is this dude?
A very angry Mormon
What a douche
I didn't know that's where the meme came from.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's been training in combat, since he's talk-not-jutsued the Diamonds.
>We gonna shit on your beach and there's nothing you can do about it fruity crystal boy!
He gets stronger with age I think
Didn’t the Gems have a resource problem though?
Pretty sure Steven could beat him.
Dude, Megas
Yeah, which is why they were killing off planets.
He's not that strong in terms of fighting. All he knows is how to heal stuff.
Only for the sake of creating more gems. Which they only needed to do because they were losing soldiers. Which they were only doing because they were invading other planets. Which they were only doing to obtain more minerals. Which they only needed to do to create more gems.
Stop! Why are we even fighting? Couldn't we just go to the boardwalk and get corndogs instead.
Kid's got a point Coop
Yeah but... I wanted to hit stuff!
Uh, the arcade has whack-a-mole
>Cut to Coop beating Steven at whack-a-mole while they each eat corndogs as Jaime hits on Garnet.
Steven couldnt even beat him on a eating contest
Coop would love Fry Bits if he wasn’t already eating them.
He can if he trains a Pokemon that knows the move Scratch
Nobody can beat the champ!
Genndy Grievous is a pretty tough contender.
Steven can't redeem pic related, because he'd redeem Steven first.
Also Steve gets beat once the states come into play.
>in season 2
New Canaanite.
Your Steven can't even kill a God, mine can.
>Forgetting that passing two speech checks makes him spare the leader of the invading tribe, allowing them to flee, while letting the rest of the residents of Zion National Park remember the ways of peace can apply to all
Come on man, try harder.
Where's he from?
I remember Steven vs Finn was a pretty close match a few years back, but given Steven's received so many bullshit power ups while Finn got none I think Steven would easily win now.
He couldn't outrun the clown
They're in the same universe seeing a fight between them would get my attention.
>His favorite character is Finn
I don't know, he's got a veritable number of power ups, and he was able to defeat creatures ten times his size.
These threads are pointless anyway since they're mostly meant to start shitflinging but yes Steven is pretty strong he could beat a few characters. But so many anime character are unbelievably over the top that he wouldn't stand a chance. There are also some characters here that I think he'd try to befriend first.
You can't convince a madman that he's evil if his mind goblins convince him otherwise.
>Serenidad Y Paciencia, motherfucker
Who dat?
> Satan Vs Satan
From the very little that i remember watching before i dropped the series, cant he control his own aging anyway, rendering that point moot
Who exactly were killing the gems (aside from other gems) we haven't really seen any other sentient aliens in the show.
I like to see him try
You don't know Kaliman?
He literally defeated both Galactus and Dr. Doom
>He never shows that great strength feats
Hercule is canonically the strongest non-magic, non-ki using human in Dragon Ball. He's basically Dragon Ball Captain America. He's peak human.
It's just everyone around him is Dr. Strange.
Oh? On Genm?
Where is this gif from?
>Not my favorite character but certainly the strongest character in all of fiction.
GER has hard counters. Gay Bulge counters the fuck out of it cause it reverses 1 and 0 so activating it defensively just traps the user in an infinite death loop instead of vice versa.
I don't know that many marvel characters. Either way, steven needs to be put down.
I got no shame, he's a cool dude.
I could be catty about other people's picks in this thread but we all got our individual tastes.
Actually that would be Oxking.
He's got a canon power level of 1000. He's had it since his introduction.
Hercule would probably at best be able to hold his own against goku in the 23rd tournament before he married Bulma.
Before he'd get his shit slapped sideways.
Steven would be dead in 10 seconds if he fought Shao Khan.
He'd shatter Steven with his voice.
Or he'd chatter with Steven with his voice, which would be even worse for Steven.
>Bulma marrying Goku
What? Also Hercule would lose to BoS Goku. As said he's peak human, but anyone superhuman could beat him. That includes Steven.
Oh yeah that guy
Who was he again?
She is Sadness, not Depression. Depression set in exactly because Sadness was being repressed.
That said good taste bro! I love her too.
Does Steven have the right mental make-up to be a channel for NO, or is it too mature in some areas and not mature enough in others?
Agreed. But I doubt Steven would want to beat up Sadness anyways.
I accept your concession.
He's from Histeria
Finn could possible find a way to outsmart Steven, however.
user I love Finn/AT as much as the next guy, but being smart isn't one of his strong suits. He has a lot of stamina and a freakish tolerance for pain though so I guess he could just try to outlast Steven?
One piece is Ugly Bastard: the manga
Could Gohan Blanco defeat Steven?
Idk, I'd say Katakuri and Lucci are some of the cooler villains you'd expect from a shounen.c Mind you, I don't think anyone was expecting Luffy to fight Katakuri. It just sort of happened without buildup.
>Could Steven beat pic related?
>Could pic related beat Steven?
Also no
I'd say that's fair
*whispers in Steven's direction*
>The Shield thing was cooler when Caption America did it.
>Implying anyone can beat the greatest rival of all time without hocus pocus heart of the cards tricks
apparently my image got lost in the shadow realm for a second
Ansem would fuck up Steven
If anyone is gonna have the heart of the cards it’s gonna be Steven and you know it
>A man does not wear a mask!
No, no he could not
Dude they literally fought for thirty minutes straight directly coming off of their other fight in the tree.
Don't the Demi-Fiend's attacks pierce resistances and immunities while also being immune to almost anything other than Almighty attacks and guns?
Having the heart of the cards is merely the first step you need strategy, guts, and to not have a 3rd rate deck like wheeler's to have even a single digit chance of wining against Kaiba's ego. Basically Steven would be Joey 2.0 and that's being generous.
Mortal Kombat powerlevels confuse and anger me.
Chump has no inner drive to win, no card blessings for him
But, doctor...
[X] Doubt
Goku Black was a universal threat on his own, Fused Zamasu is only more powerful and openly cries for himself, Steven could never talk him down.
Does he play Gem-Knights?
he would lose to the king of jobbers
i dont think so
Obvious bait thread that OP just wants to make to piss retards off but anyways here's someone that I know he wouldn't be able to beat.
Goku Black had his shit slapped sideways by slightly pissed Vegeta.
Fused Zamasu is...just...toei being fucking retarded.
Entire goddamend thing entire story entire thing all of it is shit beyond reason.
I'd kick Steven in the fucking nuts, and I'd kick his stupid lesbian moms in the nuts too
depends if hercule is a) willing to fight dirty and b) willing to kill a minor
he better hope that 'never pop' bubble holds our, and that he doesn't starve to death before hitting another inhabited planet
>he's stronger than he was in season 2
>therefore his bubble CAN NEVER POP NOW
Katakuri would only snipe Steven with a bean however, being nowhere near as climatic with Luffy.
Local fauna. The gems tend to target planets better at supporting life, so they run into opposition.
No, he just looks as old as he feels.
lol, is that Super-skrull?
You’d break your foot if anything
Is the movie going to be about a sworn pacifist being forced to use physical retaliation?
Could be pretty kino.
SHINDAN KUROTO is very based.
Does it have to be to the death?
Boy kefka would like some words
Darkness within Darkness
well, I don't imagine hercule could beat steven without using some sort of foul play, and most of those are either guns or explosives. I guess if he bombs his bubble it might not kill him.
Kefka can be taken out by a fop with a chainsaw, a feral kid he found in the wilderness, and a homeless mime
For all his tomfoolery, Hercule is cunning enough to find an angle that convinces Steven he should throw the fight if it's not to the death
Who are you again?
Really? Gamera?
I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit
there isnt a single Rider that Steven can beat.
Not even the joke ones like Geiz
How would Steven even compete?
I posted Fourze earlier.
Steven would just end up getting freaked out by Dan, then possibly injected with Bugsters via Bugvisor and fucking die
Who dat?
1. That's not Konrad, that's Sevatar
2. He let himself get killed to prove a point
Hercule's best chance is probably convincing steven into a fair fight. No weapons on either side, plus no gem powers. There hercule's martial arts expertise should win him the day.
I'm certain Courage could defeat the Crystal Gems.
and Steven jobs to everyone in that story
Eh, I guess he could, but why would he?
Sexual domination
I swear I saw that picture everywhere when Infinity Train was still going.
It was. It was tradition.
"Smug" is still an emotion, and that asshole cat has been plenty smug.
What would your reaction be if steven pulled a Gon in the film to beat the villain?
good luck with that
Fuck you for actually making me laugh Carlos
Steven would kick Hank’s barely there ass.
Hank would bring the propain.
One Punch Man
>"I've been dead for 35 years. Today is the day I live."
Reminder that's all it fucking takes before he pulverizes his ass
by screaming so loud and at such a pitch that he shatters them?
>user's foot gets stuck and there's a solid five-to-ten minutes of unbelievable awkwardness all around as they struggle to get it out
Come down here and say that again....
>Dragon ball
Why do power level shows attract the most autismos?
no that was a super Skrull, Kl'rt the og Super Skrull was somewhere else at the time.
SU is about power levels?
No it's about friendship
I wonder whose defensive bubble is stronger?
Who’s that bitch?
One, from Drakengard.
Reminder that Steven Universe could beat up Patrick Star.
Somewhat similar to Steven, in a roundabout way.
>doesn't know her origins
>can create life
>mostly defensive powers
>just wants what's best for everyone
Who is that semen demon?
Give up, user.
How about Dipper?
My character is tailor-made to defeat things like the crystal gem empires, and would have no qualms will playing off Steven's empathetic naivety.
So how's Steven's talk-no-jutsu going in the movie?
don't see him winning unless he has his personal army with him, but the real question is who convinces who to help themselves
Nope. It's getting weird right now.
Imagine fucking your dad holy shit
Did they fuse?
Yup. And they have formed a chad.
He actually did. Steven is pretty fucking powerful right now, although he still lacks fighting experience.
They would never actually fight though, Mr. Satan would suck up to Steven after seeing him use gem magic. The guy's made an entire career out of taking credit from superpowered people.
Of course. Could they possibly form anything else?
Admit I wasn't expecting it to be THAT much of a chad though, holy shit.
So does that mean Steven Universe still could never beat King Ghidorah or something like that?
thats too much dick energy
All Steven does is talk. You put earplugs on and you already beat him.
And he just got another villain talk-no-jutsued
I'm sorry but HOLY SHIT, this is triggering me
>"Spinel chill."
>"Okay, I forgive you. I just got abandonment issues."
>"Wait a minute, I still fucking hate you!"
>"Yeah, you're right I should chill."
>"Cool. Now go live with the diamonds so we don't have to pay your voice actress."
Or just not take advice from a child
This is a terrible lesson to teach towards kids.
>tfw no spinel gf to kill with your human murdercock
i feel like this was a great movie but fell apart in the last act because all the great direction in the world couldn't write this movie an ending. i just feel like i never got an ending to the movie i was watching. kind of not a great feeling
Steven Universe is over. Rate the series!
The maximum murder cock
still has 1 season left
>you are the devil
>we are the the D!
What lesson? That beating up people is bad?
>just shove all your abusive dysfunctional people together, that'll get them out of your hair!
Wanna bet, user?
What is THAT?
What happens when a father and son fuse? A Chad Multiverse.
It's kinda unclear. Depending on how you interpret the season finale, he might have the potential.
Steven gets split into two beings by White Diamond, who believes that she is freeing Rose Quartz from a self-imposed human prison. Instead he divides into a scared, weak human and a FUCKING ANGRY gem Steven. He completely dominates White Diamond- who moments earlier managed to brainwash the other diamonds and all the crystal gems with a wave of her hands- and refuses into normal Steven. The implication seems to be that Steven hasn't tapped into even a fraction of his true power.
Maximum murder cock
I thought he relied on talk-no-jutsu
spinel better make a appearance in season 6 or i'm gonna flip the fuck out
I mean, yeah. Talking to people with guns is generally the best way to deal with them, it's why we have hostage negotiators.
That being said, it only works for Steven so often because he has a force field and doesn't have to worry about getting shot.
lol didn't even notice 2 people posted the same character
Haki would break Steven's shield.
Tsukasa is too abrasive, he'd get friendshipped pretty hard.
Now, Gentaro on the other hand is already Friendshipped. The battle would be between who could befriend the other faster
That's a weird way to say you're jealous.
Steven might have the ultimate weapon, talk no jutsu, but lets not forget the very founder of that jutsu, Naruto himself.
Borutos dad is pretty weak now
Like he even had Orochimaru congratulate him on his wedding. Fucking Orochimaru
>is basically a god now
>pretty weak
Big deall, Diamonds have a way bigger bodycount
Steven only has defensive powers and the SU universe is pretty weak overall. Yeah pink Steven guarded against White's blasts but that's pretty much it, People really go overboard with the "it can shield against anything" point when it's just a stronger version of his bubble. In fact the diamonds are pretty weak when a full-powered combined blast from 3 of them with the intention of fucking up the planet only managed to corrupt gems. Steven has never directly faced against anything higher than city level at best.
Let’s see here:
>Can bypass armor
>Moves faster
>Can’t be reasoned with, only takes orders from A.I. with god complex
>Can reset time and space
>Survived the Big Crunch
“Can’t we just tal-“
you guys have to step up your game. Steven beats every character posted in this thread so far, easily. It's not even a contest.
Prove it, then. How would Steven be able to beat all these characters?
Well the only time we see her in combat is with a standard gun. His shield could probably deflect all of the bullets
Orochimaru is probably the best example of "and now what?"
didnt he get stabbed by a child in the first episode?
Ya but the diamonds don't believe what they are doing is wrong... Orochimaru on the other hand was a fucking creep and knows it
you have to step up your bait, bro. This amount of replies on nu-Yea Forums is barely worthy of notice, this board falls for stupid shit almost as hard as Yea Forums does.
Are you talking about the one where he pulls the sword out right after and is completely fine?
By using his powers, of course. What a stupid question.
that one, BoruNaruto is way weaker than he was at the end of shippuden, that Naruto wouldnt have left that attack in
It didn't affect him though but I get what you mean.
End of shippuden Naruto is probably prime Naruto
>He never shows that great strength feats
Hercule's decently strong. He's shown pulling at least 2 buses by hand at one point and he had to fend off all the others in the Budokai until Goku showed up.
They explicitly say in Boruto that Naruto hasn't been fighting as much and is kinda rusty. But even a rusty Naruto is still a whole order of magnitude above Steven, I don't think there's anything in SU that could even really hurt Naruto.
Halo is a much cooler guy. He is not afraid of anything
superman weakness are fucking green rocks of course steven would beat him
Naruto's sasugay syndrome plus his super hot wife render him immune to any sexual powers. If Creepermaru couldn't do it murdercock sure as hell ain't either. Besides, Naruto already has a chad singing bro.
sorry felas
Who’s Karna?
Get out of my store.
>Both kind, but Mr.satan is know to trick people
>Steven is retarded
>Mr.satan would trick steven on letting him win
if steven has speech +10, Mr.Satan IS Speech +100 baby
Literally who
would GER Diavolo the Diamonds for what they tried to do to the Earth (and have already done to countless other worlds)?
nah, only if they sold drugs to children.
Pretty sure they were gonna molest Steven
Damn nigga, do you expect me to read all that?
mini moose can defeat this little faggot
Sasuke was the only one who ever noticed it, and that's why he tried so hard to leave the village.
>"Why are you doing this Sasuke!"
>"Because, you're my best friend. Dude, I HATE you, it make no sense that I'm your best friend, I'm pretty sure you're doing some demon mind control on everyone."
Courage honestly way better than Steven. Shit put Steven up against Katz or Doc Gerbil see if he could talk no jutsu either of those.
The gems aren't even all that strong, they only seem like it because the "lore" makes them out to be. Kids Next Door could topple their whole empire if they thought they were oppressing kids with adult tyranny.
That was chapter 2 and it was Bulma who thought he was super younger than herself because of the height difference. About as much a retcon as Mandark getting his backstory revealed.
Probably. She's potent in her own right, but I'm almost positive that she's not on Steven's level.
Now that's a crossover I'd watch!
>Compassion is not weakness.
Compassion may not be a weakness, but inflexibility sure as hell is. When steven meets a threat he cant talk his way out of, he'll be fucked.
What makes you think he won’t fight? He doesn’t like if, but when he has to, he will.
Antimony Carver, the protagonist of Gunnerkrigg Court!
Specifically, Forest Annie
>Crazy Talk activates
>Pat manages to defeat himself.
Heart of the Cards is literally just Atem using his powers to cheat.
You can't really beat the King of Games at bullshitting your way through a game. If he wants to fuck you over, he will.
He can't talk to who he cannot understand.
>"I don't know what you just said about my mom but I'd probably agree with you!"
>his favorite character is Naruto
no he fucking couldn't
Don't think Steven would stand a chance, with or without Fei having Xenogears.
Maybe but is so easy to mentally break Steven that the fight wouldn't last long.
Already covered by to a certain extent, remember that Ansem SOD is just Xehanort's Heartless.
This is actually closer than most fights here
The buses feat is impressive, but not beyond the realm of reality. Strongmen can pull entire cargo planes behind them in real life.
Ugh... This kind of crap is obnoxious to read. I never got why anybody even found these funny in the first place.
I fucking hate Oda's art, you can never tell what's happening.
Sure he could
Joey Believes
Steven would only end up crying more.
Go ahead and try it, city slicker
Maybe, OP. Maybe...
They should have been a couple.
Yeah because sjws only write Mary sues
>Goku could beat Goku in a fight
I'd like to see him try
forgot to add:
>literally most powerful magician in a world of powerful magicians
>lived through countless wars and crisis
>can clone himself on a dime
>powerful enough illusionist to basically just mindfuck steven
>powerful enough summoner to just get a god-like entity to just whoop his ass for him
>cured cancer
Based and greenpilled
Steven would get his shit kicked by the weeb king
i dont think he could beat up bardock.
all of the characters in SU are really weak mentally, even pic related could solo their entire universe
Damn straight
Has nothing on Narutos reverse harem jutsu
>waits for steven to show fear
>immediately turn him into to paper and destroy him
enigma would probably be able to take him out quickly
They're basically the same character
They're going to rape the gems like they raped Bleez
They'll have to get in line, Lobo gets first dibs.
Connie gets dolled
i would ABSOLUTELY love to see him try.
But QB got talk no jutsued in it's own show.
Actually he probably could
Steven is literally mentally challenged, I don't think he can beat anyone outside of his own series
He's actually grown up a lot over the course of the series.
>start of episode one
>just a fat kid crying about ice cream who can sometimes summon a shield
>much later
>steven calculates the risks involved in escaping a space ship and decides to do what he feels is right, turn himself in so the Earth can stop paying for his mom's war crimes
>start of episode one
>just a fat kid crying about ice cream who can sometimes summon a shield
>movie comes out
>cries to save the day
truly the show has progressed a great deal
And tanks a space doomsday device exploding that wiped out his hometown.
still cried to save the day
he will forever be a whiny bitch
>Royalguards your talk no jutsu
I've always wondered what would happen if there was a dad swap with Greg and Yujiro.
Reminder there's still no Steven Universe fighting game.
Someone please fix this!
not gonna lie, Save the Light was dope as hell
I can definitely imagine Dante having a casual fight with Steven where he'd go easy on him to get an idea of his strength. After the fight he'd offer him an internship at Devil May Cry.
>goddamnit it dad
>hey, half of it is your fault
And who decided that...?
You can't defeat a God.
did takafumi hori animate the ending action sequence? steven looked drawn a lot in his art style and he was in the credits for "additional animation"
Tanned Jonah Hill?
Ngl, I find it funny how you dropped a lot more n-bombs than that image alone did. Which is none.
Real shit
An extremely /fit/ Steven who is probably a bit traumatized but kind and hardened.
He'd certainly be much stronger and more resilient than current Steven and could probably beat corrupted gems somewhat easily without being scared and crying all the time, probably exerts control of his gem powers much earlier and integrates it easily with his martial arts, he'd never back down from a fight and probably would've fucking destroyed Jasper by himself though he'd surely spare her.
The funny thing is imagining Yujiro Wooing Pink Diamond.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence...
That Steven would overall fail his story without any of Greg’s compassion
fuck the mods
Not having both a mother and father figure would be too much for him.
anyone got a link, mega or a site, for the movie?
Steven wouldn't stand a fucking chance.
Now, Steven, Homeworld, and all the CGs vs the guy WHO IS ALREADY HERE.
Yes, but that would be the true demon demi-fiend.
Does Symphogear count?
Also even though both Hibiki and Steven befriend almost anyone they fight, If they fought each other, Hibiki would absolutely win against Steven
But my favorite character IS Steven Universe!
Could Steven beat up Ste... wait, this was an episode.
>It doesn't matter how many times Steven kills Kyubey
Anyway, Kyubey's bubbled.
Yeah nah
pic related + Cursed Dragon + Catapult Turtle
sure, but Zim isn't fuckable.
>SBP shows up out of fucking nowhere
>Recognizes the design and layout, reminded of his hate for the show
>Finds each of the gems, murders the absolute shit out of them
>Flies through the big fat one at top speed, busts through her like a balloon
>Freezes Garnet's fists, smashes them
>Thunder claps her head
>It pops like a watermelon
>Pearl is just bended into a pretzel
>Finds Steven
>He's punching at his shield, slamming fists into it
>Steven trying to talk him out of the rage
>His mind goblins are too strong
>The shield smashes, Prime grabs him and twists his head off like a twist top
No duh. A wet tissue could stop him, though you'd probably have to crumple it first then throw it at him.
of course he can, kumagawa would literally lose with anyone
Your statement may indeed be the truth, but you will never reach that same truth, none who stands before me ever will
Going by technology available to aperture she could have singlehandedly destroyed the Combine but she'd rather NEET it out underground
Not even Sailor Moon is as big of a pussy as Steven.