Are nerd culture outrage merchants on YouTube just the modern equivalent of late' 00s-early '10s atheism vloggers?

Are nerd culture outrage merchants on YouTube just the modern equivalent of late' 00s-early '10s atheism vloggers?

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They evolved from them. For some, like Quinton, Shaun, NyxFears, HBomberguy, We Hunted the Mammoth and PhilosophyTube(I could go on), the evolution was literal - the only place where I 100% agree with stonetoss is his male feminist comic.

Is work just the equivalent of Hell?

A way to feel superior to others?
A way to get money via outrage views?
Also yes.

They're literally the same people in many cases.
>any of those people
>nerd culture outrage merchants

>look unqualified to answer any questions
>share misguided opinions
>get outrage views
>make ad revenue

>A way to feel superior to others?
That's basically what every single person on the internet is trying to do these days, though.

>these days

Ohohohohoho. If only you knew...

>Outrage merchants
What the hell? No, Paul Joseph Watson, The Quartering, Geeks+Gamers, Ben Shapiro, those are the merchants.

Yes, they literally came from the divisions In that community, have you not been paying attention?

Gee, if you can't grow a nice beard shave it off.

>not outrage merchants
>when Hbomberguy made 3 videos being outraged over how scientifically inaccurate the “basedboy” insult is

They're all merchants you fuck stop letting your biases cloud your judgement.

Not that user, but isn't there a difference between being outraged yourself and trying to sell half baked ideas to make others outraged?

Expressing an opinion and sharing it with others to start a conversation isn't the same as explicitly creating videos with the purpose of baiting and amplifying outrage under false pretenses.

Everyone on Breadtube does both of those things, nigga. They’re done in different formats but that doesn’t really mean anything when Shaun has to do 30 minutes of mental gymnastics to try to prove that no one actually thinks Cuphead is racist.

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>implying those two things can’t be synonymous with one another
I really shouldn’t be that shocked that people on Yea Forums unironically watch Hbomberguy.

All I know is, Jeremy from The Quartering is doing it wrong

Not that user either but is there a big difference when you're trying to generate clicks and money by venting your outrage on youtube?
I'm admittedly not very familiar with the linguo here but making money off appearing outraged seems like it would fit the "outrage merchant" moniker.

Not really though,I don't watch the guy, but I've seen videos from Ohio
PhilosophyTube and frankly there's none of that same intent the outrage merchants have. They're the ones riding on the wave of the current hate trends to monetize them.

All are also, evolved from the talking heads of the 2000s that Colbert and Stewart parodied

It’s outrage masqueraded as patronizing education. ContraPoints does this all the time, in fact she pretty much did that in her new video. It’s not some faggot reading an article, but it doesn’t have to be.

>but making money off appearing outraged seems like it would fit the "outrage merchant" moniker.
That's what I've been saying. They're the ones with millions of views using hackneyed responses to stuff that seem rather menial in cartoons and comics that can be easily debunked/explained away, but they serve as a channel to a lot of people who also need to vent that stuff and feel identified with that shit. It's why other YouTubers with more sober views have less viewership and audience.


(((Ben Shapiro))) is the only (((merchant))) on that list.

Those other guys aren't outrage merchants, they're goobers
Especially philosophytube

The difference is that atheist bloggers were objectively correct. These guys provide their opinions on subjective topics, and yet act like they're speaking objective truth.

literally how is this Yea Forums
the fag on the left has infested my recommended videos

That says more about what you choose to watch them anything else. Whenever I get recommendations from outrage baiters of The Quartering ilk, I explicitly click that I'm not interested in their videos and those disappear from my list. You should try that.

I did that to a few of his videos and I still get them every once in a while. Youtube really likes to force that shit on people.

To be honest, i suppose it is pretty racist. After all it is celebrating the art and animation of a period of history when racism was deeply entrenched in US culture, so by active affliction and using that art the product and creator are signifying they support racism and perhaps have bigoted attitudes.

You can tell they’re outrage leaching faggots if they have some kind of well dressed mascot and talk in a condescending voice about how superior they are for sticking it to the SJWs, yet they act just as bad if not worse. There’s like an over abundance of these faggots who’s avatar is some kind of cartoon character in a suit. Fuck those faggots. Hbomber made fun of them in one of his videos and it really showed just how similar all those faggots are. Then there’s Paul Joseph Watson, Stephan Molyneux and Ben Shapiro, the biggest fuckbois who screech about Western Civilization dying because of the gays and the feminists, because of course THOSE are the things destroy Western civilization. Western Society is so fucking fragile and weak that all it takes is people fucking the same sex and women whining about shit for it to crumble. Every single one of these assholes are the absolute worst thing on social media and I’m glad they’re being made fun off.

I can't tell whats real on this site anymore.

funniest thing I think I ever saw was after that shitty Gilette commercial, that neckbeard on the left made a by-the-#s video on it that everyone else made
>"I'm personally boycotting Gilette"
nigga, please. you're never getting rid of that smelly neckbeard

what the hell is breadtube anyway

Diversity of opinions only works if it fits your worldview, right?


I remember him making horror videos with Night mind what happened to put him with the rest of those fellas?

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there used to be an option to block channels in the recommended section and I would use it all the time, if you watch any video that's sort of like his (i.e. guy talking about Latest Sensational Vidya Drama) then sometimes you'll be swamped with his videos and god forbid you get suckered in to clicking any of his

Shaun did that as a response to the faggots who basically weaponized a shitty article to discredit a specific group of people. I didn’t even know such an article existed until a dozen right wing fucks or some YouTube outrage fag was complaining about it. They’re the ones who spread those opinion pieces and claim they’re actual journalists who’ve invaded their hobbies and want to destroy the West with the gays and the feminism.

am I the only one who thought quarterpounder was gay because of his drunken lisping?

Yeah, I remember you could block entire channels and end up with a clean homepage. Now you can only block videos and topics (somewhat), though there's definitely an option to block st channel only if you get a recommendation from them on the sidebar (and desktop only). Otherwise you simply can't, there's just no way.


"outrage culture" is a sjw thing and ONLY a sjw thing and you know it

complaining about sjws' "outrage culture" is not "outrage culture"

you're a sjw trying to accuse others of doing what YOU are doing

you are fooling NO ONE

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Hi Shaun.
He pretty much said the article has a point like halfway through the video you moron, no shit people are gonna start accusing people of trying to find garbage to get mad at for the sake of co-opting their hobby. No amount of crying about right-wingers is gonna change that.

Now fucking new are you faglord. Outrage culture was aimed at SJWs you faggot

Their work is just spending 3 hours maximum on Twitter (1 hour devoted to memes) to figure out what they're mad about this time to sell it to their underaged audience.

I hate "outrage culture" so goddam much. The amount of videos in my fucking feed everyday for a month that talked about how "Galaxy Edge Flopped" along with some stupid picture of crying Mickey Mouse or some stupid Star Wars screenshot, as these literal who's are trying to get some attention and money while it's still topical, repeating the same facts every other shit channel has already said; got fucking tiresome.

>"outrage culture" is a sjw thing and ONLY a sjw thing and you know it

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>Alt-rightist cucks
>Not constantly outraged

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Atheists are actually right and do important work in shining a light on societal ills.

The Quartering is just a bigoted cretin.

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How are INternet CELebretieS related to comics or cartoons?

This shit. I'm sure many of you got to see this screenshot for a solid month or two, unable to get rid of it simply because it was popular to get outraged at.

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>complaining about sjws' "outrage culture" is not "outrage culture"
No but complaining about contents of comics and cartoons offending your personal belief system sure is. It doesn't become not "outrage that's not worth paying attention to" just because they're not pink haired trannies.
It's literally the same fucking thing, people being mad that a piece of media has statements or implications that disagree with their belief system.

When did MovieBob buy a house?

No, I barely got any suggestion regarding that movie, You curate your own youtube, user.

>muh right-wingers
>when half of twitter spent the last 3 days acting like the Joker movie will cause incel mass shootings and getting mad at a fictional character beating up Bruce Lee

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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that value these peoples opinion

If you shaved TheQuarterpounder, would you find multiple chins or none?

>Paying attention to twitter
No user you're the problem

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You'll notice none of these user implied the other side of extremists weren't retarded.

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>I don’t like it so it doesn’t count
Except two out of the three posts I replied to, but okay.

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I think you'd find a 13 year old boy with hormonal problems and an attachment to the "Get Woke, Go Broke" catchphrase.

Nerds have always been retarded.

>Except two out of the three posts I replied to
No they don't. I understand baiting requires very little trying but it requires SOME.

I hope Vito Gesualdi goes to jail.

PJW is informative and has the right opinions anytime he isn't talking about U.S. politics.

Glad to see he managed to distance himself from Alex the Clown.

I really wish TheFaggenning didn't show up in my searched when I look up She-Ra on YouTube

No, You can absolutely grow up watching old Looney Tunes and Popeye and whatever cartoons and draw like them when you grow up and not have a racist bone in your body.

That's kinda the problem: leftists will never give up trying to undermine society so this vicious cycle never fucking ends.

I think everyone's a little bit racist sometimes.
Doesn't mean we go around committing hate criiiimes!

>second eceleb thread up right now
Is this some stupid controversy spilling over from another board, or just retards having another crack at making this place into Yea Forums?

But you guys have the Koch brothers and you're talking about dumbshit sjw's undermining society?

"everyone's a little bit racist" just white people m8, white people are basically a living hate crime.

>the Koch brothers

They're down to one, now.

I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about real workers.

>Koch brothers


Fishing in empty waters.
Try a different user.

I hope they can be together again soon.


Isn’t joker the thing that’s actually undermining society by saying it’s the cause of all evil in men?

The closest I watch that comes under 'alt-right' I watch are joe Rogan and Bill burr podcasts. And they aren't alt right whatever that is, but this cunt appears in my feed along with that Tim cast cunt.

YouTube is a joke.

I don't know that but sjw shits can be consumed that way and it's the only way they can feel something from them.

It's a millennial thing for those who used to enjoy western stuff. Zoomers don't give a shit about western trash from the beginning like none of them are reading comics.

I don't even know what alt-right really is in the first place.

Nobody does