> How is the current series?

> Has Diana been used well or had any good moments in Scott Snyder's Justice League?

> Any underrated WW arcs/runs you feel are worth mentioning?

> Favorite & underrated WW artist?

> What WW allies/villains would you like to see get used more?

> Other Hopes & Ideas for Wonder Woman in the comics? Creative teams you would like to see?

> Hopes & Ideas for Wonder Woman 1984 and future Dceu WW sequels/appearances?

> Who would you cast as WW in the Titans show or Arrow-verse?

> If the WW movies got rebooted who would you cast as Diana and the rest of her cast?

> Best episodes of the Lynda Carter show?

Thanks & have a great rest of 2019!

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>> How is the current series?
It's very bland. And current run is ending later this year .

Good luck with your thread
love, carol Yea Forumsrps

also did the ww84 footage ever leak?

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It's okay to like Azzarello's Wonder Woman run

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>Who would you cast as WW in the Titans show
Adrianne Palicki. Give her the chance NBC squandered.

No one cares about your fetish character, designed and written for horny teenage men.

>It's okay to like Azzarello's Wonder Woman run
God damn right it is.
Didn't like Cliff when the series was announced (I prefer more detailed artist like Sharp) but he grew on me over the course of reading the run.

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>> Who would you cast as WW in the Titans show
Antje Traue (faora in mos), probably too old to be cast in a long term movie series but could definitely work as a reoccurring cameo here or in a mini series of her own. Especially since Batman in this universe is older.

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>Creative teams you would like to see?
> Greg Pak, I liked his Superman work minus the crossovers and depowering arc.
> Hickman
> Ivan Reis.
> Olivier Coipel (seriously, dc has done fuck all with him since stealing him from marvel besides covers and one tiny superman mini story)
> If he ever moves from Marvel to Dc then Marco Checchetto.

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I hope orlando doesn't bring ACO back

>WW , Shazam and Aquaman are the new pilars of DC in the cinema.
Are you happy with the outcome Diana bros?

>tfw i lost my folder of live action wonder woman tv webms

>WW swaps writers every ten months. >Her teen sidekick is current possessed by the Batman who LMAOs

>Shazam's book gets delayed for three months, then the rest of the issues cancelled.
>Shazam also gets possessed by the Batman who LMAO's

>Aquaman, with sales falling, gets two shitty crossovers followed by an unpopular creative team change. Aquaman now has amnesia, polynesian tattoos, and Mera is marrying Vulko because Didio keeps blocking the regular marriage. Also she's pregnant and Arthur ran away because he's afraid of being a father.

Some trinity.

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I'm going to get the first two flashback tpbs by Greg Rucka from the Rebrith run (Year one and the other one). Does the new Year One hardcover have any cool bonus material and concept art (pic related)? What else is good, current and old?

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Nobody like you or your shitty character, Carolfag

He meant movies, dumbo


Bump Diana in the vag, right bro!!???

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Ruth Wilson (luther, his dark materials) as Circe.

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Rose Leslie (luther, game of thrones) as Silver Swan

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Ingrid Bolso Berdal (westworld, hercules) was my choice for Cheetah

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