Why doesn't DC push John in their movies/animation?

An entire generation grew up with John Stewart as their "main" GL, and despite that he's not appeared at all in the DCEU. Does someone high up at DC just non-Hal Green Lanterns?

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He’s not that great

He was in the DCAU. No reason to not use that interpretation of his character and have it on the big screen.

Because John is boring as fuck.
Honestly he was the least interesting character in the JL cartoons, all he had going was that Hawkgirl romance.
Frankly I feel I can say with certainty he's mostly popular not for anything he did but simply because the cartoon was popular and they made him a founding leaguer in it.

A lot of people were, Question, Supergirl, Captain Atom, John was always seen as the less interesting bossy guy. He never did anything special. He was just a hanger-on.

>John was always seen as the less interesting bossy guy
Honestly with Batman around he redundant at being that too.

The thing is though, John is literally just black Hal. The only reason why Hal might be more interesting is because for years, he was the 'main' GL and thus, he had the most focus and the most storylines. Otherwise, aside from the whole Parallax thing, they both might as well be the same character.

>John is literally just black Hal
Is he really tho?

Not really, Hal’s the reckless cocky dumbass, John’s an architect, those guys are smart.

>John is literally just black Hal.
But Hal fucking sucks

You can't say they're the same provided you ignore major storylines.
That's like the exact opposite

Still better John.

Nobody actually likes John, not even the people who grew up with him.
Nobody looks back on the DCAU and goes "Man, John Stewart was great in that, he was my favorite character".
People liked Batman, Superman, Flash, Green Arrow, Question, but nobody cares about John.

Isn't the crux of it that Hal is the GL most of DC's execs and creatives grew up with? So ironically, the reason John isn't featured more is the reason why you want him to be featured more: nostalgia.

I'm so sick of faggots who don't even know what the characters' personalities are like you making statements like "Hal is boring" just because they heard someone ELSE say it and that's the closest they've ever come to reading GL.

People like that he's black, so he fills the quota without having to include Cyborg. That's about it.

John was cocky as shit back then too. Xandar?

The whole Parallax thing barely even matters anymore. It's weird how everyone just upped and forgave Hal, actually. Save for a few GLs.

Actually I'd argue that John is still most people's favorite GL. Remember, most casuals' exposure to GL is still the DCAU.

Pretty much.

So tell me Hal's personality then.

Mind you, I've read most of Geoff Johns' run on the character and wasn't impressed even if I still loved the thing as a whole.

Not dumbass enough, which is Hal’s thing along with making poor decisions in life.

No Hal has a larger and more prominent fanbase aka HEAT. None of the other GLs had anything similar.

>Green Lantern makes any constructs in the cartoon
>every other Green Lantern including the Alan stand in does cool shit

>Not dumbass enough
Idk, I'd call genociding an entire planet on accident pretty fucking dumbass.

*doesn't make any constructs

>it's because people like Hal more
>no, actually it's because people like Hal more

Not dumb enough!

I'd argue that it's actually TOO fucking dumbass and is pretty much the worst thing an Earth Lantern has ever done barring Hal's Parallax bullshit. It's kind of a huge stain on his character actually.

Talking about John, I always figured it was to paint him as the marine he was: no nonsense, direct, efficient.

But as a Green Lantern it makes him boring as fuck.

I think it was the writers and animators just being uncreative. IIRC, they admitted they fucked up with that which is why Katma Tui chewed him out for that in-universe and he started being more creative from then on. Same deal with Superman and MM constantly jobbing.

Bring back angry black man John. Also his constructs have to be all blueprinted goodness. No big boxing gloves

The good Lanterns are:
Hal and Jessica...maybe Guy

This. John's constructs actually being super detailed, down to the last centimeter because he was an architect and created his constructs in a similar manner as his projects was godtier.

I also liked him reconstructing actual firearms in a realistic manner even though it's kinda boring.

Nah, they're all good, Hal and John are just the worst.

Hotheaded thrillseeker who rebels against authority. The Jim Kirk/Indiana Jones type.

John Stewart is the exact fucking opposite in two different goddamn ways - in the comics, he's a stoic with the patience of a sniper and analytical approach of an architect, and in the cartoon he was a hardass drill instructor discipline-and-following-orders-is-everything military hardass.

They couldn't be more different. Now if you'd said "Hal and Guy Gardner are the same character", you'd be close. Still off because Hal doesn't have Guy's low-class boorishness, but same basic archetype.

>down to the last centimeter because he was an architect and created his constructs in a similar manner as his projects was godtier.
That sounds like a lot of work for the artist. Big boxing glove it is.

>Hotheaded thrillseeker who rebels against authority. The Jim Kirk/Indiana Jones type.
This is who Hal is in theory but he always comes off as way calmer and disciplined than that. His 'recklessnes' just comes across as the same shit any Earth Lantern would do.

John makes more sense as a founding member of the JL than Cyborg.

Maybe Geoff or someone else just has a hardon for Hal?

>That sounds like a lot of work for the artist. Big boxing glove it is.
Sadly, you're right.

>Maybe Geoff or someone else just has a hardon for Hal?
And maybe water is wet and the sky is blue.

>John makes more sense as a founding member of the JL than Cyborg.
Does he?

The episodes where he acted as mentor to Supergirl were good. It gave both of them some development.

Dude drinks water straight from the sink, that’s not disciplined.

well this way the league gets both the black guy quota, and the GL quota, and cyborg gets to keep everything interesting about him
so I'd say he does

>no Kyle
>neither of the Tomars
>no Ch’p
Fuck outta here man

Such a hard on he brought him back from being the Spectre to be a green lantern.
Even though being the Spectre is way cooler to be honest.

well he's a veteran now. Dude has been a GL for a long time and has gone through a ton of shit
he's just more experienced now

aren't they making a Green Lantern Corps HBO series?

Because the DC animation division hates the DCAU. The direction was dictated by non-comic book writers, it premiered on and was most successful on Cartoon Network, their company rival, and they want to be famous for their own writing and animation skills even though they suck.

Serious question; Why would you want to? John is fucking bland. In fact aren't his most memorable moments fucking Hawkgirl in a cartoon and getting embarrassed by a yellow painted bomb?

John is based, don’t listen to the Hal fans ITT

Because they tried with Hal first in the movie and GLTAS and the movie did so badly that it killed the show. So GL is seen as poison to not only movies but toys and tv shows. You're going to need time to recover from that.

In the meantime, John has been steadily used in Hal n Pals, Green Lanterns, and now in Justice League's comics.

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>the movie did so badly that it killed the show.
I'm not denying that but it would've been cancelled anyway since CN killed off YJ at the time too.
And it pissed me off because I thought GLTAS was real fun.

Wasn't it confirmed that it was cancelled because toy sales tanked after the GL movie flopped? Cartoons lived and died by toy sales.

It did but the point is even without that CN would've killed it off, I mean look how they treated Beware the Batman.
It was a Batman show, but they did everything in their power to kill it before it could even gain a fanbase.

For me, there's really only one true Green Lantern.

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At that point it seemed CN was intent on killing any deals with WB. They had Ben 10 so they probably like they didn't need anything else. I'm still mad at how they screwed CN Nation over. And all they took from that was TTGo.

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Nigga please, the entire Johns run consists of Hal doing one of three things: Either leaping from a lethal height without his powers and just hoping to figure it out on the way down, refusing to do what someone tells him to do, or complaining about a love interest being too clingy/controlling.

Because they're retarded and have no idea how to exploit their properties. Every pre-Aquaman decision they made is proof of that.

They don't want to blow up any planets just yet.

>An entire generation grew up with John Stewart as their "main" GL

And another entire generation grew up with Hal Jordan as their main GL, that’s why

Post the Bendis pasta

Someone post the pasta please