Was he right?

Was he right?

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no. communism is gay.

>sacrificing freedom and individuality for security
Ready to die for your country, you commie son of a bitch?

Those people seemed pretty happy to me.

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Yes, communism is based.

you could REALLY tell that they designed the character with Jack Black in mind

Celebrity guest appearance characters tend to be designed after them, yes. Thing is that Jack called it off at the last second so they had to recast him with Wakko.

Can’t you see they’re blinded by the light, sacrificing there individuality.

>dexter became a normie

isn't this misldeading because it assumes Communism will lead to a Utopia?

And it will, the moment a country actually tries it and doesn't do a knockoff version like the USSR and China did.

Yeah it's all fun and games at first, the next thing you know your starving to death, forced to eat the family pootch, and daddy is being worked to death at the gulag.

It always seem impractical but we're getting automation soon. Computers can manage resources better than we can.

Best way to communisum is through capitalism, not socialism.

Probably? he really didn't forced anyone to follow or worship him. Prof Utonium was free to not partake in whatever ritualistic shit the town was engaging in and the gestapo didn't show up at his door for singing anti-gnomeverment propaganda.

>Computers can manage resources better than we can.
Bullshit user, people still write the software so there will always be bias in some way to benefit those programing it.

>e really didn't forced anyone to follow or worship him.
Mate, a magic red wave literally turns the citizens into soulless cult-like drones.

Just ignore the 50 African countries that attempted various forms of socialism, marxism, and maoism and some of those with significant support from european socialists.

>socialism, marxism, and maoism
Good thing we're not talking about any of those.

Townsville was already full of stupid sheep. That wasn't his doing. In fact, as soon as the girls destroy him the citizens are happily ready to start worshiping the girls instead until they're told not to

He was right. Like Red Son Superman was right. The retarded writers are at fault for wanting to make a story where communism=BAD but can't understand why communism fails, so they end up destroying a fictional utopia cuz FREDOUMS!!!

it was fuckin...magic communism

Nowhere near in the form he forced on them. They were literally happy free spirits one second and absolute husks the next. More importantly icon adoration isn't exactly part of either communism or what the girls wanted.

Biggest mistake of any utopia is that they forget they are dealing with the human species. If utopia is to come, then the human as species must go extinct.

Townsville weren't worshipping the girls before the gnome appeared, they just held them in high regard. Also they were happy when the gnome died meaning they definetely were under some sort of spell.

People who say communism is good and that it's just the rulers being shit should kill themselves. Communism is literally against human nature - we're all selfish fucks to a degree. The moment we need to give up our individual independence, people start to get hissy.

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Where? You're always abiding by someone else's rules.

>they were happy when the gnome died meaning they definetely were under some sort of spell

>live in a town constantly destroyed by monsters barely defended by 3 child demigods
>magic man comes over and deals with the shit, making the super powered children useless
>magic man is beaten up by the violent titan children for seemingly no reason

You better act happy around the proto fascist superpowered little girls after they destroy the leader you were following voluntarily or you are next.

Why didn't the spell work on the professor?

Never crossed my mind that he was an allegory to communism, thought he represented more religious indoctrination and the pursuit for an idealized evil free world

It isn't much different from the idolatry in the ussr and especially china.

I heard that the 7 villains in the episode that the gnome takes care of represent the 7 deadly sins. Is this true?

There was no spell, and Prof was just pissy the city wasn't hostage of him and his failed-sex-slaves-turned-weapons anymore.

No, the professor had too much FREEDOM for the spell to work on him.

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Went and watch it again since I dont recall a magic wave on the citizens. If you mean that red petal shower I always took it as just a time skip.

I'm just saying I don't see any indicator he forced them to become sheeple, they seemed perfectly free and willing to join whatver retarded cult they chose to partake in.

In the end sure, they praise the girls for "freeing" them, but they never really state they were under a spell or something, surely if they were they wouldn't be so eager to worship the girls now that the spell is broken? worship was in their soulless husks all along, perhaps they now "live for themselves" as a way of worship to the girls as they told them to do instead of doing so thanks to their own critical thinking.

>flag with 7 stars
what did they mean by this

There's no reason to suddenly change their allegiance that they were supposedly happy about. In other words, they weren't really happy and were just under a spell, otherwise they would have lamented his death.

There's also a clear difference between the happy villagers and the emotionless drones that worshipped him, and even if the girls allowed themselves to be worshipped, they would have never taken advantage of it and let it transform the people to that point the way the gnome did.

After all, the citizens didn't worship the girls before the gnome.

I think it did not affect him because of his stem education.

>surely if they were they wouldn't be so eager to worship the girls now that the spell is broken?
Whatever "worship" that was, it wasn't the emotionless robot-like one that the gnome placed on them. Also it's not like worship itself isn't something common in humanity, the biggest difference is the type of worship.

But by this logic, you're saying Townsville would be happy if someone got rid of the girls and that they'd start worshipping that person without any need for a spell, which I doubt. The only reason they worshipped Gnomey was because he literally eliminated all the villains the city had suffered under for years, at first anyway. And at first it wasn't religious adoration so much as praise the same way a hero at the end of a movie gets a resounding applause after defeating the bad guy.

>Gluttony: Fuzzy
>Greed: Princess
>Pride: HIM
>Lust: Sedusa
>Envy: Mojo
>Sloth: Gangreen Gang
>Wrath: Amoeba Boys

They seemed pretty content to me.

they are literally wearing uniforms like they're part of an organized cult.

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Animating a flag with all of the stars would be huge pain

Yeah and in the next scene they're all smiling and singing. I won't deny it's a cult but it's not emotionless.

It's pretty clear they are under a spell since they go from actually happy to cult members doing weird rites, fake smiles notwithstanding.

God I love those powerpuffs

Goddamn such a good fucking episode. The episode is damn good, the normal little girls make me cry everytime

I'd recommend reading George Orwell's Animal Farm.
It was once the most popular US Grade School Assignment book during the Cold War, and it shows why.
Some see it as anti-commie propaganda, but Orwell made it to teach children why communism is a system that can never work without risking the well being of your entire community at the cost of selling your rights to the government because you are a broke country who just finished a war, and are afraid of the unknown (yes, it's America as well, but the difference is commies are "less honest" about it, and they don't like free markets).

As some Vladimir would say:
In America, Business owns Government.
But in Soviet Russia, Government owns Business.

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Jess Harnell did a banger job, though. Guy has a great voice. It was more unique that way, if it was JB it would be dated af.

People would rather everybody be slaves than everybody be equals. Human nature is really weird.

Texas, California, Washington, New York, Florida, Colorado, Nevada. All other states are meme states.

Shit, did I have a crush on this guy when I was a kid?! I can't even remember if I've seen him before...

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>sacrificing freedom and individuality for security

That's literally what the US and most of Europe is doing right now

Everybody bitches about Blossom being a smartass and an idiot genius, but from Mt point of view the real retards are the so called adult figures who are quirky, immature and naive as all hell.

PPG always has some weird endings and life lessons. The Professor got told off his PPG robot destroyed the entire city (when the PPG destroy a quarter of it)
Miss Keane bitched about the PPG being sleep deprived in class, but not giving a shit that the city will be destroyed and not giving a shit they are super heroes, they don't do mundane jobs. They are already fucking rich.
For that matter why doesn't the professor have a normal job with a low income?

PPG always had these retarded contradicting life lessons and always poked its nose where it doesn't belong.

Dexter, Courage, etc, didn't poke their noses as hard as PPG did with its retarded messages and retarded "adult" figures.