When did you realize Steven was this generation’s Superman?

When did you realize Steven was this generation’s Superman?

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When's he going to die?

>When did you realize Steven was this generation’s Superman?
When i realized this generation won't pass their sissy snowflake genes

More like a shitty kid Gohan

TPBP. Steven is not this generation's Superman. Superman is this generation's Superman. Simple as that.

I thought that was Supergirl or Jon

>Are you going to watch my movie anons?

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Sure, why not?

Yes I am.

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This generations Superman is unironically Captain America

When he brought Lars back to life. Also when his psychic powers never worked the same way twice so they can just do whatever the writers need.

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When will we get Thought Robot Steven?

Why does she look so much like a man?

He isn't.

Why do you care?

Which? The dream powers? Those kept getting stronger over time, it wasn't the same ability doing different things.

Don't worry, I'm sure the west's thirdworlder colonists will preserve the waitman's cultural legacy.

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Season 2. Not even joking.


cuz i do

If integrated successfully, I don't see why not. It isn't as if there's been proven genetic links between race and IQ

a whimpery baby for social media babies to look up to? Damn... gotta say.. it might be true.

>Its another thread of "lets pretend he didn't" "" "" "" beat "" "" the diamonds with anything but rose/pd bullshit
Gettin tired of those

Likely not. I don't really see movies though.

White Diamond pulled his gem and won

>If integrated successfully, I don't see why not.
Yeah, I mean it's not as if integration is heavily discouraged by half the west's political establishment telling them that anyone asking them to not cut the clits off little girls are just a bunch of secret racists or anything.

>poke Steven face
>"wanna see something cool?"
>engine check

I don't think it's weird or uncommon for men to aspire to be like Superman, but I don't think I've seen anybody say they aspire to be like Steven (at least, not physically)

No pic related is.

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It's not a straight line of progress so it certainly feels like the same ability doing different things. First time he visits someone's mindscape which only happens again once with Kiki. Then it's the possession stuff which only happened with a couple melons and Lars. Then it's allowing him to see PD's old memories, and then it's allowing him to project an Astral self to everyone in a vicinity and then that gets upgraded to allow him to go anywhere in the universe with it. He activated these dream powers on purpose like twice so it's not him gaining mastery over it. There's also no fanfare for it getting stronger, like a level up sort of deal when he does something right with it. It just does a something different occasionally because otherwise he'd lose. Going from being able to talk directly to minds in Reunion to getting stuck in a melon in Escapism certainly doesn't give the impression it's one ability getting stronger, just that it's one ability that does whatever the writers need him to do in order for him to win. It makes him feel too powerful cause there's little consistency to it so the stakes just drop like a rock.

Secret Team should have stayed a thing, if one thing can keep Opal together it's the love for Steven

Oh like Superman, now I see.