It's Saturday

Post waifus.

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Oh ho ho, what do we have here now?

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It's the queen of Yea Forums.

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Sup new janny. What did you tell gookmoot when he asked you what you thought the problem plaguing Yea Forums was?

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And you do it for frer.

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hey Yea Forums, wanna party?

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I'd post THAT image, but I'd be banned again for "furry shit", even though Callie's a cartoon character

Attached: mrs beans.png (726x605, 89K)

Are you talking about the comic? I posted it before and got banned for 3 days.

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>he thinks we're allowed to talk about cartoons on Yea Forums
Haha, good one user.

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No, in talking about that one of young, nerdy Callie that also has a JOI associated with it

Attached: 1.png (640x480, 455K)

Attached: Drew Saturday black dress.webm (422x358, 166K)

Attached: new degen waifus.jpg (1225x1225, 270K)

Attached: a75.png (1600x1920, 406K)

Fictional character I like good fictional character you like bad!

Attached: Judy_Standing_Render.png (350x403, 77K)

Serves you right furfag, we have to keep Yea Forums pure as it should be.



Low tier furries and Fetish mongoloids. Yea Forums as its usual

Hating yourself is unhealthy.

Yes, at leas i am not using the Yea Forums megaphone.


i will violate her copyright

Attached: minnie nerd.png (480x360, 251K)

i will collect a mouse harem

Attached: gadget45.jpg (625x632, 114K)

>collect a mouse harem
>not a single one of them likes you
>your very own harem of mice rises up against you
>a bunch of mouse girls kick your ass and leave you

I want to be part of her harem

Attached: Gumball mom Harem.jpg (628x892, 132K)

Attached: XcorsIh.png (633x699, 348K)

There's not bisexual hot brat here

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>kick your ass and leave you
i'll have to take extra special care so that doesnt happen

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So which characters are we talking here?

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if you remove that nose you have generic animu gurl

Wish chochi would draw her again.

Attached: no_clue_no_future_by_chochi-d8a2t81.jpg (960x796, 319K)

But they're too small for you, although you are givin title as the giant rat

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>Sawyer and Fifi
Nice, I love it.

By instead focusing on fucking kids?

Not bad

“A saviour made of wood and fire,

She is here,

Be Chosen.

Time has come to Feed The Flames,

need to make a new chart, recently went on her again

Attached: wickerfu chart round three.jpg (1225x1225, 459K)

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Remember, if you don't save the sfw art of your girl, you don't really like them.

Attached: DvczDGGUcAAmQVc.jpg (839x1200, 123K)

>you don't really like them
Newsflash, some of us have standards.
There's metric fuckloads of worksafe Jenny pics I haven't saved, simply because I found them ugly.

And now, I have.

Attached: wickerfu round 4.jpg (1225x1225, 539K)

Same with Korra.
Those DA insanity ones...

This is what we need in the theme park threads

Oh I don't blame you. I'm saying if you see a great looking sfw picture of your girl, save it.

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Based Francoposter

>by Tad Stones himself
I am not worthy to gaze upon it.... yes I am.

Attached: charlene.gif (444x250, 749K)

Get some better taste in catgirls, Callie plebs.

Attached: Hutchinson.png (639x426, 420K)

Attached: ellie bathroom.png (1032x926, 261K)

She was a cat?

>his waifu is not the only redeeming quality in a overall awful movie

Attached: Lilly1.jpg (849x593, 45K)

Fucking fur...
>90% of this thread is furry shit

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Attached: obscure waifu.png (1413x1355, 2.71M)

Glad to see he's drawing her and the others.

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bacon hair horse

I got one already.

Attached: EBqU8Z6W4AEao5C.jfif.jpg (1739x1470, 168K)

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A too common story. Seriously, every bad CG film always has the character that you know they paid a bit too much attention on. The one that they printed a picture and pinned to their cubical wall for when the window breaks and the freezing Siberian air rushes over them, that waifu would give them the strength to not be a frozen corpse like Ivo down the hall.

The rules have change and its okay. Now we all go to hell together.

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I thought that was just fumiko in an outfit.

Which one?

>Now we all go to hell together

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all of them, but I had to pick one would be Sam in her evil wrestler outfit

Attached: sam2.png (1280x720, 882K)

Attached: vamb474.jpg (1083x1146, 160K)

>the Callie comic is a bannable offence
What the actual fuck?
Alex seems like the one that's most fun to hang out with
Seems more like Evil Wonder Woman to me

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I want to put a baby in her

Attached: do_i_look_like_a_kidder__said_miss_smith_by_natiisp_db3vlyc-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 64K)

Not into SLBs art, but that is an exception

nice to know that the mods aren't just out to get one character

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Bully me for this chart

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You have a thing for the stupid?

>the others
Need to look into that.

Why are fap fodder threads still allowed?

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