Can I officially add invader zim to my worst fandoms list?
I prefer the original one.
Your list is shit if it wasn’t on there already
Gotcha covered
>only doing that now
These threads are hell.
This is the only good thread on 4channel
You know I wish it was daily dose instead.
Thanks doc
Y’know, maybe Zim getting a new movie wasn’t a good idea after all.
What op ppsted was based im not sure what you're talking about
Ok they're gone now.
That's what you think.
Why does this have to be the Zim thread
Goddamn it OP, no one's posting
that's ones not as good as this one
Sin culo?
That's how it is on this bitch of an Earth.
I like it
i chuckled
Zim should
stop being a little whore
you are doing it just now? wtf?
start being Sizz-lorr’s little whore
Literally this thread
Link is in this thread.
Now what I would like to see is some kind of JOI scenario as he's in her ship. Maybe he needs to jerk off since he's in there for quite a while chasing Zim for something.
And technically it would probably be more "scolding him to hurry up and finish his filthy human business" but that can still kinda work with that bit where the ship is being tsundere.
My sides
>Sizz-Lorr making Zim be a slutty rollerskates waitress but still so demeaning disgusting fast food employee tasks
Holy kek, this thread!
Doc are you sure this new medication is good for me?
Purple and Red are literally the best ship
You fags have got me fapping to Zim. Fucking Zim. I hope you’re happy for making me retarded.
It's been on there for like 15 years already where were you?
Thicc Tak
That's been an established fact for a long time now.
When will you fuckers realize that ZAMR is the superior ship?
oh my
Anyone got the old pic where Zim and Dib are trucks?
ALWAYS wins baby.
What's the best character to draw porn of to piss off the creator
Jhonen himself
Someone get on it.
I know what you're talking about but I don't seem to have it.
oh dear god drawfag get your ass in this thread
i'm an (albiet somewhat lame) drawfag and im considering it
>I don't know what I'M for!
It's like looking into a mirror! A horribly real mirror!
I’ll draw Zim taking fifty cocks but that’s too far for me
Can you draw Zim taking fifty cocks anyway
I already did him with five
Okay but more
Lard Nar deserved better.
This is cropped, isn't it? Sauce please.
It's not cropped from what I can tell
Trying to finish up the series and MAN Dibship Rising is too damn good, I don't think I even saw this episode when I was younger.
centroamerican kek
>"I remember being a baby"
Cool, thanks anyway.
Make sure you listen to all the unfinished episodes too. There are a lot of good ones.
mierda user, en serio gracias
>this has been up for 7 hours
Prolly because it's the kind of thing Jhorne would put in his episode.
>thank god for those romans for setting it up for me
based peollo vardiero
>adding it now
Even Jhonen hates his own fucking fanbase, how long did it took for you to realize it?
Thanks doc
Is there anyone that can defeat el science padre?
Too many hotdogs.
I know that issue. Dib was just as, if not more muscular than Zim.
Miyuki Ultra Instinct 2
>Esto es el fin, Dib
Just the nu fags and the comic fags. They ruined Zim
t. Virooz
How can you call people nu fags and not know the fandom was renowned for being the worst way back in 2004-2008? It was homestuck bad before homestuck.
>Implying Zim fans and DBS fans are not one in the same.
Add 45 more.
What are you talking about? Even back in the mid 2000s IZ's fanbase was among one of the worst fanbases.
>M A S S C O N F U S I O N
>No eres rival para Dib Blanco
>the spics have taken over the thread
Just let the jannies nuke it already.
please just let the thread die so we can all converge into one thread
We are the chads of Yea Forums AND Yea Forums and there's noting you can do about it.
Fuckin /pol/
Did I stammer?
this uronically
a bunch of beaners think they own Yea Forums since the Astral chain "incident" on Yea Forums.
How is this show even still being talked about?
Well, there was a movie that was released recently.
hahah funny culo
>Astral chain "incident" on Yea Forums.
What the hell, what happened there?
But if we are going by actual main characters, dibs his favorite so...
top kek
we need a el hermano and adult gohan edits with zim and dib
>Fapping to Zim
>Not fapping to Tak/ Tenn
>Mad he's retarded
user you brought this to yourself
what would you do?
/aco/ thread when?
>/dbg/ has begun leaking feces onto other boards
Don't worry, us hunterchads will see to them back on Yea Forums.
Use her to get into the wider galactic community and abuse my larger body (compared to most of the irken sized aliens we see) to be a good soldier of fortune and explorer
Get me off this shitty rock
I want to save but that might be gay
I can't breath
Such hubris your meager creed displays.
I'm pretty sure im the only white person who likes dbz
IZ fanbase has always been the TEH PENGUIN OF D00MZ idiots.
I almost don't want to ask for the original pic
could you like
*Cientifico padre forma androide
Dib and Gaz are off the table since they're shota and loli, but would we be able to post HumanTak since she's not a kid, just an adult disguised as one?
Zim was ruined the day GIR showed up in Hot Topic.
i said white
Shut up pedo
You're a bit late to the fucking party m8
I am on it. Anything specific that should be in it?
Please don’t. I drew trap Zim getting fucked to being mind broken in a bathroom but even this is too far for me.
Do /aco/ mods really check for shota/loli? It’s not a board I use regularly.
Zimmers were the Bronies of the 2000's
zimmers vs zoomers
Someone sing the do song
No user you fucking retard.
Spongefaggots were the bronies of the 2000, you fuckingbidiot.
Draw Jhonen with this user getting fucked to being mind broken in a bathroom together.
Jhonen fucking that drawanon into being mindbroken in a bathroom for lewding his characters would make the most sense.
>Fuckin /pol/
For once, this isn't /pol/.
Por favor lean la siguiente historia que me sucedió..
please just let this thread die
come on jannies why the fuck haven't you cleaned up after these spics yet
hey, they do it free
Estaba viendo Dagon Bol cacota en una pagina de porno yaoi (que mencionare para su deleite después) llamada dragonballS.com.mx.ar.zzzz. Iba por la paja 122 cuando en el capitulo dejaron de tener sexo. Estaba ya cagádo porque era una pagina de excelente contenido gay, pero me metí el dedo en el ano para satisfacerme porque el vídeo ya no funcionaba. Lo que pasó en el capítulo fue masturbable; no solo no tenía nada que ver con el capitulo anterior “El VIOLADOR CULÉRO DE KOKU” si no que fue increíblemente homosexual y de contenido excitante :Koku estaba teniendo sexo con Vergeta pero de manera más violenta, sangrienta y no a la manera de koku. Koku no dejaba un solo momento de violarlo y se podían ver semen volar por los aires. Después Koku lo mandó a violar con un tubo, Vergeta tenia una mirada de miedo como diciendo “por favor deja de violarme por lo que mas quieras”, pero koku se veía enojado (de manera diabólica), fue a violarlo y Vergeta no lo evitó, le estaba propinando terrible verguiza. Koku retrocede y toma a Vergeta por el culó (cosa que era un tanto común para arrojarlos por el aire) pero lo que pasó a continuación fue impactante: Koku logra arrancarle la vergá de manera demasiado realista para como era la serie habitual. Vergeta queda desangrándose en el suelo del planeta Fondo de Bikini (donde peleaba con calamardo) y Vergeta aterrorizado le suplica a Koku que deje de violarlo, pero era inútil; Koku parecía apendejado por el dubstep de mierdaa que escuchaba y luego lanza la vergá al suelo junto a Vergeta, y empieza a gritar como marrana atorada.
El cabello se le torna de un color blanco semen al igual que sus ojos. Gritó más y más fuerte, tanto que me cague en los pantalones. Vergeta estaba sorprendido y excitado, y yo pensaba que estaba así porque Koku solía comportarse de esa manera. Efectivamente, Koku empieza a cagarse pero no en Súper Putin, sino en otra cosa mas espeluznante: Koku se empieza a arrancar la verg
do you have more of those smug pics?
I thought hunterchads were after Narutofags and Dekufags
Yea Forums and Yea Forums shall both kneel before us.
post more
I thought I had more. Sorry.
aw man, thanks anyways fellow DBchad
Holy shit user, its well drawn but-
But why tho?
what was the original edit of this?....im just curious..
sauce on this pic of who drew that thicc ass broly
Please do this. I want to see just how far we can push the degeneracy. Florpus may very well be the last Zim we ever get, so this might be our last chance to push the envelope.
I never knew I wanted this.
Im most likely too late but user please dont do it.
How fucking new can you possibly be?
>I have attained absolute height.
You "chads of Yea Forums" are trying to take Yea Forums too? Them's fighting words there pal, toon physics will teach you invaders.
I'm surprised this thread is still up.
Don't worry, the triton poster came back so now the dbs posters are fleeing
Damn, Dio's been doing his squats
ok I laughed, wont lie
Just people mad that it was a Nintendo exclusive, nothing more than just childish console wars again.
I drew a reference.
Doubts are now coming up tho...
might just draw regular fan art of him...
Probably have a mental breakdown when confronted with a sapient alien life form capable of intergalactic travel and the vast cosmic implications it brings with it.
Lewds please.
>2days, 2 days
And yet this is STILL up while the legion threads keep getting sniped.
hes cute
where are the lewds
Are you TRYING to get us moved to /trash/?
You're ugly when you seethe, Dib.
Damn Zim looks like that?
whoa mama
morbido y perturbador
que flojera
>this entire thread
And it thought grasachan had worst mods
Damn Broly looking fine
. Terminó de picarse y rascarse los huevos y luego se resbalo con una cascara de platano que había ahí y se cayo en picada hacia Vergeta, quien intenta escapar pero falla y Koku le rompe el pene. Sus testículos salen de su cuerpo y luego Koku lo toma del cuello y le arranca un pedaso de caca, acto seguido lo eleva; una luz de el mar se abre y sale el mismísimo Peter la Anguila. Koku se lo lleva y termina el episodio.Luego de eso,comenzaron los créditos,pero no eran los créditos de siempre,si no que,solo se veía la cara de Vergeta toda manchada de semen,heridas en el culo y con imágenes de cacotas que parecían ser los mismos créditos con una música porno de los 80 ,pero... Akira Toriyama aparecía en todos los créditos,es más,al parecer,él había hecho ese capítulo. ¿ENTONCES QUIEN ERA EL TELÉFONO?
Dbfags started using the chad before before you. Always knew the entire chan was going to become like this, same happened in /int/, spic memes are just too strong.
jajaja cuLO JAJAJAJ lindoooooo1111!!
the legion of superheros?
i dont remember any of those threads getting nuked recently
For the love of god please make a Goliath ass crushing Xanatos edit.
why is this thread allowed but a sfw cartoon fetish thread got deleted
What if the mods are the biggest Zim shitposters of them all?
This is some advanced shitposting