Help, I’m in love Yea Forums

Help, I’m in love Yea Forums.

Attached: 7379C4AE-B5CA-4787-B974-DCD4E3221A50.png (680x630, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who’s this guy?

Give it twenty years. You'll probably be able to buy one.

From Japan though.


Yeah, that phonograph is giving me the "fuck me" eyes.

I wonder if actual android manufacturers will embrace the robotic aesthetic or if they'll aim for true realism in their works.

Hopefully there will be multiple manufacturers that will create a variety in their products.

I love emmy

this is emmy
she's got- blue dress, and robot body

Attached: Emmy.jpg (975x832, 150K)

Her owners have a swanky fuckin' place

Attached: Emmy's Home.jpg (1080x1080, 232K)

What if Emmy and Amelia Bedelia met?

That artist has got some good fucking design sense about him. Looks like an old Disney cartoon background when they still had talent working there.

>faces are her reactions to different penises
>top left is a perfectly normal one
>bottom right is a larger one
>Top right is a black one
>bottom right is when she sees our small ones

I was just coming here to ask that.

You're a louse, zoomer

Attached: dznkihkyapld7kbehgghar5gputtqqvo_00.jpg (480x320, 19K)

Shit anime, shit waifu

forced meme cock sucker

She's pure and perfect

What is she from?

If you were in love then you would've already had and posted the colored version.

Attached: PwDSjC3.png (824x763, 300K)

i made this the other day but the thread shit the bed so here you go.

Attached: maidddd.gif (1225x975, 230K)

I uploaded all of the Emmy fanart to the Yea Forums booru and properly tagged all of it too.
And now someone is removing all of the tags except for just her name "Emmy".
What the fuck?

Primo work user

Attached: 1476156691106.jpg (540x324, 27K)

Give me some Emily RF and I'll use them for the rest of my life.

>doll joints
muh dick

Holy shit nice!

Attached: 1563921926453.gif (316x306, 1.05M)

Good shit user


Not men of culture I see.

Attached: enrique-viera-robopals.jpg (1920x1141, 377K)

I can't believe none of you made an ahegao edit of this

Attached: 1567107629202.png (767x778, 993K)

Depending how strong Emmy's AI is and what phrases she might say, it could end badly as Amelia's habit of following thing literally to the letter might frustrate Emmy enough to short circuit her. Amelia Bedilia's a walking Logic bomb

Clearly Emmy does not approve of that user's choice of cosplay.
But what sort of clothes would she prefer if her maid uniform was unavailable?

Okay, I give, what's the source?

>you will never dress your emmy in a beautiful period dress so she looks and feels like a "real" woman

"dommcell" on instagram and "DomCellini_Art" on Twitter.
Emmy is part of a story this guy is working on, and he's drawn a healthy bit of exploration art of her and a few other characters.

Attached: Damaged Emmy.png (750x766, 193K)

The guy who created the character is

Pic in the OP is fanart.

>I am forgotten

Attached: 179f33aa131f20a1c7e282c42726eaaa883e2784.png (397x1000, 197K)


I am forgotten.

Attached: download (4).jpg (474x416, 19K)

Emmy is pure.

>We trained him wrong as a joke

but what about the bottom left? You stupid retarded mongoloid. You fucking oxygen thief. You failed abortion of a half breed, down syndrome kike. You disgusting triple nigger, you niggardly product of a dying society. Why won't you just die a thousand deaths already?
k bye

Who? Seriously need to add her to the maid folder

Richie Rich's maid?


>waifu found the image board

Attached: 1997c6d29ad4f2.png (397x441, 200K)

Emmy is precious and MUST be protected.

... Wait, does she actually need protection? I gotta imagine that maidroids would be designed with basic combat ability to facilitate self-preservation protocols. Darcy probably talked her into letting her install some weapons as well.

You're welcome?

Oh nice, so the coloured one made it through after all.

Didn't they made a live action reboot a few year ago?


Attached: you said you wanted a ruler anon.png (686x892, 40K)

I don't understand what the electric whisk is for.

Is this that Cum-Powered Maid Robot people were going on about last year?

It's based off of 20's art I think

I think she is suppose to be a house appliance.

While she does have sharp tongue...

Attached: 565bce68d555a4478cfeee2fe979f097658fa778.png (1150x1110, 275K)

What does a qt robot blow job feel like at maximum speed?

Where is the rival robot? All robots need a rival.

Attached: dommcell gary.jpg (1080x1350, 182K)


Very impressive!

Attached: dayum.png (127x232, 62K)

Attached: 9f6.jpg (753x960, 41K)

Maximum speed? No no, user... think about how it feels to get a LUDICROUS SPEED BLOWJOB

Attached: 1549229964937.jpg (682x545, 59K)

Not the attitude I expected her to have (I thought she'd be more flushed and innocent) but fdom maidbot side-eyeing you has something there

very nice user


>the average adult male can only produce so much
>she's constantly running low and desperate for more fuel

She's a maid tasked with caring for the house and the children. Burglars and other ne'er do wells are to be disposed of with the rest of the trash.

Sure, but I want to know if she has a blade in one arm and a submachine gun in the other.

Don't be silly, the hands are for cleaning.

Tools for tasks best kept out of sight are best kept out of sight as well. Why else would a robot need clothing if not for having something to hide?

>looking at me with such contempt

Attached: 1550095674175.jpg (335x335, 140K)

Boy do I have some good news for you. There's an anime where the entire premise is girls looking at you like trash

Attached: EwvSemq.png (1280x720, 899K)

I love her

Emmy fighting in the war

>ywn have a qt robot that gives
>you advices to kill the enemy
why live...

Attached: d5940d3da1317b3a94186757c1b2699920931954.png (1944x2168, 214K)

What does her metal smell like?

Maybe that Cyborg Centipede from earlier?

>There's an anime where the entire premise is girls looking at you like trash

Attached: Negra de mierda tomando fotos.png (559x617, 308K)

If there's a fetish the japs have made content for it.

That one should just be completely normal outside of appearance. Just another maidbot doing her job albeit with more vent crawling and limbs

This Pixiv artist almost exclusively draws pictures of girls showing you their underwear while looking at you with contempt.

Attached: 74711447_p0.png (1000x1414, 551K)

what a rude filename.

Forgot to post link their account like a retard:

Attached: 72311596_p0.png (1000x1449, 581K)

Probably the blood of her enemies

Attached: 9c246a51aa6ac0f72e464a15caea6850170d59a7.gif (900x550, 28K)

I can smell it.

Emmy getting taught spec-ops techniques by Agent Voxine

>THIS is how you spend your day

I love this kind of shit, just some movement of the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth can give a drawing so much life. Nice work with having the eyeballs move a little after blinking.

Uh... the internet maid was supposed to take care of that

Attached: 1529951974723.png (1356x1114, 391K)

Who has the pics of her driving?


Attached: 1566808652258.jpg (767x4602, 3.86M)

Best girls coming through

Attached: tumblr_njy7ck0AXd1tprcb7o1_1280.png (1280x1280, 948K)

Maid are quick on recognizing lewdness.

What songs would she listen to on that phonograph? Heres my list. Do they fit her?

Emmy i mean

Don't date Robots! This message was brought to you by The Space Pope.

Attached: SpacePope.png (542x550, 301K)

Fuck off reptilian you wont get my adrenochrome


>can't taste but likes good mouth feel

Its not that hard to make taste and smell sensors, theyve had them since the 90s. Any drawfags here? Requesting emmy having an aftermarket kit installed that allows her to eat food and eating for the first time

This reptilian doesn't want your dirty chems. All this Pope wants is to make sure you breed with a organic and not fall in love with some moving metal and wires.

Attached: da6.png (680x578, 148K)

Her antagonist is a scrapper that wants to sell her components for money

Don't be silly, her maximum carry weight capacity is only 200lbs
(There was also the idea last thread that she had parts of a military computer in her)

is the artist trying to make a comic or animated pilot, or are they just content with designing characters

it's doesn't have to be human semen~

Attached: 95a.jpg (605x856, 94K)

Salty pennies

Not sure, it's still super new.

Based on the posts on his site, he's planing to make a story with her.

Get this degeneration out of here.

I managed to save this one

Attached: Driving.png (1888x1516, 153K)

Ponytail. Definitely ponytail.

Attached: maidbots.jpg (1080x1092, 206K)

Have some horror elements to it like the scrapper robot wants to steal her face.

You're an irrelevant meme, boomer

>aesthetics of the pic scream early-mid 1900s
>modern day jogger

Attached: 1554576736629.gif (500x281, 699K)

cute, i love emmy

>>bottom right is when she sees our small ones
>Not a look amusement
Someone needs to program that bot better

I want a real one

Good job user

Can you animate a music video with emmy for me?

Cant beat the original

Amelia does a lot of baking

This is why I can't fucking respect japanimation.

Some people like the classical style.

I don't get it. Why do original characters that were clearly designed for innocuous purposes find themselves coveted by degenerates yet characters who were created solely for sexual satisfaction fail to gain the attention of those same degenerates?

I read an article about rule 34 a long time ago that said there was something particularly appealing to cartoon porn enthusiasts about defiling characters in a way the copyright holders would never approve of. And I think that is a factor to consider
But I think a bigger one is that characters made explicitly for porn purposes outside of Japan tend to be big-titted sluts that appeal to straight males with a more traditional taste but that a lot of people seeking out drawn porn are specifically trying to find body types and niches that are underrepresented, impossible, or illegal in a live-action context. A lot of people who fap to cartoon porn want "cute" above all else, and the OC market is sadly lacking beyond a couple of outliers


I think this picture sums it up.

Attached: n.png (680x1049, 936K)

>tfw the Great War aesthetic she was given last thread was ripped right away

Attached: e895f546898000bcd2fa18e7a5225c05----military-art.jpg (236x326, 20K)

God I wish that were me.

The best so far.
Only salty zoomer faggots won't agree.

That's some nice work, user.

Ohhhhhhhhh... exploitable

This thread is Mutli approved!

Attached: cleaner0.gif (78x84, 5K)

One doesn't usually covet what one can have at any time.

"The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it."

Maidbots are built to last

I hope to live long enough to see cybernetic implants to make myself immortal and then hook up with a robot waifu. She teaches me to adjust to being a machine, and I help her learn what it means to be human. Meet in the middle, ya know?

Attached: Cliff Steel Robotman Doom Patrol.png (731x1093, 454K)

It takes place in a Retro futurist world
Art deco, nigga

Face... off

But does she have a tight stanky robot pussy?

No she keeps it clean and tidy like a proper lady robot maid would you prick.

Well them I would like to smash her automoton pussy so hard that it gives her a blue screen o f death and she has to spend the next day rebooting her OS

>I would like to smash her automoton pussy so hard that it gives her a blue screen o f death and she has to spend the next day rebooting her OS
Holy fuck dude.

That sounds familiar...

Attached: 1441653919678.png (616x2976, 455K)

a world where aesthetics didn't take a wrong turn

I'm still holding on for that zeppelin raid pic that a drawfag said he might do last thread, but the original artist drew her in a modern setting to begin with. Though personally i like the idea of her having to deal with a master who has come back from the war with PTSD while she herself has to struggle with understanding human emotions.

WW1 litterally ruined everything

The world peaked in aestetic under King George, Wilson and Wilhelm

kek, I bet those bags are in Indonesian, because in Indonesia, 'semen' = cement.

>"Did you really have to cum inside?"
>"What, no! I wasn't questioning you, please don't turn me off again, please, anything but that. I live to serve you after all."

Attached: Emmy looking with distaste.jpg (452x388, 57K)

Why do you make the girl hate you in your own fantasies?

I'd rather enjoy a mutual love in my sex thank you

>Not carefully taking her apart to clean her sensitive bits with a microfiber cloth.
>not applying oil to her soft internal waterproofing flesh while slowly pushing your arm in up to the shoulder.

I because I know it'd be wrong for anything to love me. Even if it's just a robot.

>carefully taking her apart to clean her sensitive bits with a microfiber cloth
>applying oil to her soft internal waterproofing flesh

Attached: COMPLETLYERECT.png (619x720, 453K)

Wow, you must've got bullied by girls a lot

Attached: tumblr_p2bock0m9j1w6bv1io3_1280.png (1280x1280, 1.36M)

wasn't that posted on the other thread?

Attached: 1516914043853.gif (653x476, 977K)

Pretty sure a robot isn’t going to have a preference and just be happy to serve, even still women are nothing special. Any more they’ve been so ruined they need to work for your approval more than you need to work for theirs. Especially the older you and them get.

That's my point, I think it'd be wrong to program a robot to pretend it cares even a little bit about me outside of it's desire to serve. Programming it to hate me is okay though

If it had to be programmed one way or the other it’d be happier loving you than forced to live in hate. If it had an AI that could naturally learn to feel it’d be better to opt for that than automatic hatred.

Fucking great work

Here is the other pic

Attached: 1567021675784.jpg (2736x2160, 1.53M)

Sorry to say but I dont have a good clear picture for it in my head. So we're not much further on that front as is I am afraid.

Attached: a02101-raf-be2c-final-artwork.jpg (1500x938, 189K)

any drawfags around?

Attached: 1566926179130.png (746x864, 98K)

I just wanna say that robots are perhaps the best sci-fi concept ever. They're so versatile in the kinds of stories you can tell with them, due to how they manage to be both exotic and familiar simultaneously.

Also, seriously, I hope Dommcell makes an Emmy comic, because this character is too precious to waste on just an imageset.

what do you want? I might do it

Yeah, it's really cool seeing a FOTM taking its first steps, but can we go full /his/ again like in the last thread?

Attached: 1492389350567.jpg (500x380, 31K)

>"They said it was a great war, I hope you had fun!"
That did lead to some interesting stuff.


okay i've got 3 things in mind, either
A)Emmy fighting on the battlefield

Attached: NoMansLand_grid10_1764x1218.jpg (1764x1218, 431K)

sorry meant for

B) a 50s pin up poster

Attached: 51+uFgKgamL.jpg (333x500, 46K)

C)emmy meeting this maidbot

Attached: 469.jpg (680x1023, 51K)

For me its the boomer bot.

Attached: 3103085779_780ca1bc88_z.jpg (391x640, 60K)

honestly, the most lewd drawing so far is this,
and it whether tame

Attached: c328842cd022b36be6de8ed48f52b5d5520dc4d3.png (2837x2597, 694K)

oh fuck, i didn't spoiler it

same reason preteen girls like boybands. women who are unaware of their own sexuality and beauty appeal to insecure men because they are nonthreatening.

Yeah I really wish it was completed. The weariness and contempt in her face really does something for me.

Attached: 73142903_p0_master1200.jpg (847x1200, 1.34M)


Attached: 1484611616770.gif (352x199, 1.79M)

Clearly because they're power tripping.
>Oh you don't like what I'm doing? Too bad, I have complete power over you.

What does she say next?

>FF full of easily removed clutter
10/10 delivery.

Who order pizza?

Attached: 5b9.jpg (680x1169, 61K)


>when you forget about the war for a minute and just enjoy the tunes

Drawfag here, while drawing I was mostly listening to Sabaton's Great War among other WW1 based tracks. Make of that what you will for what's playing there.

God I just noticed those wheels.

The creation of world building here feels great. And there’s a fair bit of content. “Fair” though. As in ultimately not much.

Attached: FD526BA9-B2E7-459A-BEE2-A6EBA3329BF8.jpg (2048x768, 222K)

it's still the original instagram guy's though.

You posted that.


Attached: emmy saying bruh.jpg (420x405, 52K)

There was some good world building the first thread, but like every creative thing Yea Forums does it gets hijacked by waifufags and dies

there's not alot to go on currently
and the artist is still planning the story,
you know how about we just wait for new
materials huh?

Attached: fbf9dc94149351820ab75cc3ca341cf9286083cd.png (1504x3446, 630K)

Holy shit man, this is good

Is it me or is all the fan art really on model?

It's hard to mess up.

I'm glad then, personally I find that fan art being on model makes it 10X better

Awesome fan art guys!
Whoever made that gif, thank you, I found it hilarious!
And the OP as well is very nice!

Prove it's you Dimcel

Attached: 1560743397152.jpg (313x382, 37K)

I have some early sketches from the initial character page.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-31 at 11.51.55 AM.png (538x511, 119K)

Dude I’m just gonna be upfront with you, people wanna bang this creation and make art of said execution of act.
It’s gonna happen. It’s the Internet.

That’s said-
I legitimately love this whole character and concept. This is some seriously cool and cute shit, like, I’d full read a whole comic on this. I am biased towards liking robots and stuff but that’s just me.

>not tenderly love, support, and grow old with

Your scope is small and flawed.

Oh gosh, that little one is so precious.
It looks like you had her basic design decided very early on. Though, I'm curious: Was this older picture here the actual start of Emmy's conception? Or are the two maids' resemblance just a really cute coincidence?

Anyway, I wish you luck in developing Emmy's story! Can't wait to see more of her, and just more of your art in the future. You've got a strong Ken Anderson look to your work.

Attached: Imaginary Emmy.jpg (3528x2700, 1.61M)

>ywn live alone with a robot maid you slowly fall for, even though she reminds you she's not real
Guess I gotta clean my own shit then.


All the fanart so far (aside from the gif from this thread) is collected here

She cute. Too bad she's going to have to get dirty working at the armaments factory to support her master at the Somme.

That is Cinderella's house, but he changed the blue for white.

I’m sorry but she really looks like a straight up GHOST in this one.

I'm aware of the nature of the internet and cute characters and knew it was a possibility when releasing any art of her.
It's all compounded by the fact that it's a wholesome, child-friendly character with a housemaid theme.
Thank you for the kind words!

You done did good. It's a nice design

This was done for the monthly character design challenge on facebook back in October of last year. This is a standalone piece, and it was before I had conceived Emmy but as you can see, the ingredients were there.
When designing her, I came back to this drawing and character. She had a hint of melancholy that I wanted to achieve in my design for Emmy, which until that point, had felt overwhelmingly sunny.

Thank you! I just wanted to stop by and acknowledge all the fan art that appeared here.
I had no idea there was all this enthusiasm for her outside of instagram!

I can't help but picture a darker story in this setting, something like a rusty old robot maid still puttering around an abandoned house somewhere, bringing empty cups of tea to the bones of her master still laying where he fell so many decades earlier.

>show with cute robot maid having to work for a neet user
>she glares at him with contempt while is she's obligated to obey his every command but he's completely oblivious to it
I'd watch it

Isn't that one of those russian animations? Based on some short story? I think post some apocalypse, nuclear probably.

tfw senpai notices you

I prefer something more along the lines of:
>"Do you really have to cum inside? It takes me hours to clean out my servo's."
>"Well... If it makes you happy. I'll never understand this. We have no chance of procreation and yet you still insist."
>"I do find great enjoyment in that way you scrunch up your face after ejaculation."

Possibly? I don't recall having seen anything like that but I could've and just forgot it.

Pretty sure the words that were posted with this pic were "imaginary friend".

I take my maidbots sadistic and domineering in the bedroom.
>"Have you REALLY not cum yet? Am i not attractive to you any more? What about if i do THIS!"
>"I can't believe how much there is when you consider how statistically small your testicles are. Well, i'll get the mop."
>"Wait, you thought I was going to clean this up? I am afraid that that's against my programing."
>"Code 12.. Subsection... Something. Well, hop to it. Afterwards, maybe i'll help you make even more of a mess."

I like this thread and robot girls in general.

Attached: mecha waifu24.png (776x840, 536K)

You are probably thinking of Ray Bradbury's "There Will Come Soft Rains"

It was some snake like thing with I think 3 eyes? It started with waking up thr family, serving breakfast, playing music for babushka or so. Then a bird flew into the house, because it was just a ruin at this point, and it acted as it it were an enemy and wrecked half the ruin in the process, maybe including itself. Pretty dark and brown looking palette for the whole animation of course.

There we go, that was it. Thanks user

You got some more good ones?

A few. all Yea Forums stuff though. Don't even know where they're from, just standalone art I guess.

Attached: mecha waifu2.jpg (1024x1446, 940K)

Attached: mecha waifu12 external coolant.jpg (1500x1145, 1.19M)

Attached: mecha waifu 24 artist.jpg (1200x848, 731K)

Attached: mecha waifu10.jpg (1280x870, 1013K)

Attached: mecha waifu11 vidya.jpg (968x879, 430K)

>only Japanese stuff

Why is that?
Like, do they specifically make that content more often or are they just better at having catalogs that collect that stuff?
Robot females are NOT Japanese exclusive concepts.

>do they specifically make that content more often or are they just better at having catalogs that collect that stuff?
Maybe a bit of both? Not really sure, all I know is I picked up all these from a robot thread a few years back and there was next to no western art there.

Attached: mecha waifu5.jpg (1600x981, 794K)

This one is always nice

Might just be easier to browse some booru for it.

I think I read in an earlier thread that you made this character for your portfolio? With the slow but inevitable turn discussion is taking are you worried that in the future a potential employer might try to find your work by looking up "emmy robot maid" and find some user's art of her getting plowed in a World War I trench?

not that user, but usually that kind of stuff doesn't tend to appear on page one, the employer understands that there might be some unrelated art floating around or the artist gives the employer their DA/artstation/personal page link where there is a dedicated and curated image gallery with the best works they have.

Attached: ss+(2019-09-01+at+02.51.03).jpg (480x525, 63K)

it begins

Attached: Fusion_bots.png (1600x1600, 522K)

That's not how fusions work, you double retard. Dorothys spot should be empty.

Example for user

Attached: classic comic fusion.jpg (1303x1544, 154K)

I know the pattern but I was deciding what 3 characters to use and she seemed like a perfect midpoint between 2b and Emmy.

emmy is pure not for ahegao

Absolutely based.

Attached: __r_dorothy_wayneright_the_big_o_drawn_by_junkpuyo__7a4b1258084f4ee9f4767591240a1662.jpg (979x1159, 411K)

The fortress series has a similar tone and setting but outside of a domestic setting if you are interested

i like your stuff user. i'm working on my portfolio too. i'll be your instagram friend if you want

anyone know what the font is?

does someone has the one where she greets his master with ww1 pstd?that one really made me laugh

I did that edit, I manually cut and pasted the letters from the panels of the source comic. Seems like it's a custom font, think it could be easily reverse engineered by someone with the know-how though

damn,now i want a silly toaster dog

damn,now i want to do maintenance in a tender and lovly way to a robogirl,i cant get more fetish this week Yea Forums,im over this week limit

This but with Emmy

that looks almost pornographic

Fortress I had saved, just not the other one.
That one's great too, I like the tone of it and then the end on the last one where it's over.

that remind me of planetarian,a story about a robo maid taking care of an old planetarium in a post apocaliptic wolrd

Attached: planetarian_3o.jpg (2002x2890, 2.52M)

It would have to be her legs getting that treatment.
With legs it seems more feminine and decorative, while if it were on her arms, it would seem too much like a sleeve tattoo, which puts the image of a biker into my head.
Not entirely undesirable, but inappropriate for this context.

Hands maybe.

Oddly specific. Is it comfy?

and very sad

more or less,is kind of comfy but it has a sad ending

i agree with you,it has to go on her legfs, she has lovely legs

Do I want to know?

if you want to know go play the visual novel,or watch the anime adaptation, i never got around to watch that one

She'd be sitting in a wheelchair, or at least an office chair, chewing her bottom lip and wringing her hands as she watches the engraver heating, sanding, chiseling, shaving, maybe even case hardening to get that nice aesthetic.
The remote receptors are still activated.
She feels every part of it.

like finger nails on your scalp or a dentist carving your teeth while youre mouth is numb?

link to the full picture?

Depending on which part is being worked on with which tool. The chisel might be like fingernails, but the sanding and polishing would be more like the dentist, especially if they're using a belt sander.

dont stop

Attached: 1d.png (152x254, 40K)

Post it you coward

this is all giving me the weirdst of boner right now, it sure doesnt help the fact that im a bit of a gearhead that enjoys mnechanincs

that's emmy's off-hours secret
full sleeve tats of various metal bands

For me it'll have to be uncanny valley or nothing.

Attached: uncanny_waifu.webm (900x506, 2.87M)

>he’s legit promoting Emmy now

It really is him, neat.
Dude if you’re reading this I’d totally slap some dollars that way if I weren’t about to be ass fucked over a barrel due to that hurricane.

Attached: 6A968027-4607-43D0-BA6D-C034786012E4.jpg (828x1382, 220K)

dang, how do people get in on comics anthologies?

no need to rush, where do you usually post your art?

Just here, but you're getting something soon(tm) hopefully.
Just not exactly what you wanted probably

>emmy getting plowed in the trenches
Can't someone pls draw this, it doesn't have to be too "graphic"

Attached: 266.jpg (500x500, 128K)


They'll start off by cleaning the legs, after all wearing clothes means lint, and the best way to get that out of all the little nooks and crannies is with a compressed air hose.
But when the actual detail work is being done, all the shavings and metal dust will be blown away by mouth.

Something involving a lathe would be fun, but I can't imagine it would see any use here.

to be honest, as long as it has zeppelins and Emmy, i'm satisfied.

>$864 of $9420

Sometimes she chews marbles, sometimes she samples random bottles from the fridge.

Attached: mouth feel not so good.png (487x503, 60K)

Then we're good

Friendly reminder that even if you were lucky enough to find a robot girl, the cost of replacement batteries is prohibitive.

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I want to bully them

You might live to regret it.

Attached: robot uprising incoming.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

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all of this remind me of an old movie where they "fix" a robot girl touching some wires on her back, it was all prety sexual, i think it was heavy metal im not sure

I want this, only with Emmy as the little robot and user as the woman.

Attached: robot guide.jpg (600x849, 116K)

we can steal the bateries from other robots,or just steal money,emmy will never know the horrible true of this of course

pls no bully

i miss when gunnerkrigg was good

Attached: computer-love.png (700x615, 162K)

Pick up the can, citizen.

Attached: robot t-1.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)


your art and designs are pretty good!
also what time period this does take place in?

>mfw she says "Mmm... Yes! Excellent mouth feel!"

Attached: Squarenuts.jpg (320x324, 12K)

>Bullying robots
>Making robots incels
>Teaching robots how to use weapons
I really don't like where any of this is going.

You just want to do all these things to her on this chart, admit it!

Attached: image.jpg (1600x1300, 382K)


That's not uncanny valley. That's the robot aesthetic.

Uncanny Valley would be an attempt to mimic reality to a point that it stops being realistic and becomes uncomfortable. It's not simply being human-like, it's about being truly lifelike.

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man, now i really want this one but with emmy

Attached: BEAT STICK.png (300x286, 59K)

> she keeps sampling the white liquids for some reason

Attached: MyDickMySoul.jpg (546x395, 26K)

There you go, even if it's not really the request, but it was fun.

Attached: zeppelin hunting.png (2580x1402, 746K)

very nice.
What software did you animate this with?

Attached: desire_to_know_more.gif (423x324, 278K)

>thread reminds me that I was supposed to think of my own robot sex story but I never got around to writing shit because I’m so damn busy it’s ridiculous and I’m incompetent

Won’t some depraved and filthy user with too much time do it for me?

that would be krita, you can do a lot of cool shit with it


Damn son, that is one impressive biplane. How did you do that?

Attached: 1567292762653.jpg (1600x1300, 523K)

No real trick, just been drawing planes for a while. Not really super accurate in some places to what it's meant to be either, was a bit quick.

Or what do you mean?

(I just called the guy Jacoby as a total guess.)

Emmy is standing in the doorway to the master bedroom, silently holding her hands and looking downward.
Master of the House, Jacoby Wentworth, was signing papers at his desk, getting the last of his day’s affairs in order.
“Master Wentworth”, she said deservedly, “I did everything you asked for today.”

“Thank you Emmy, your work is invaluable to this house.” He complimented without thinking.

“Master Wentworth.” She dared, “It’s Monday. You promised...”

Jacoby paused, the signature half completed on the paper. He breathed in and out long and steadily through his nose.
“So I did.” There was a pause of consideration on his part. “Very well. I’m a man of my word.” He said and with a flourish, capped the pen and turned around to see her. She met his eyes across the room, keeping a neutral face until now.

“You know where the guest bedroom is. You can go there now, I’ll get ready. When we start, you have one hour.” He said to her.
With that her face nearly split in half with a smile and she clapped.
*clap clap clap*
Real song what she’d done, she blushed, composed herself and spoke “Thank you Master Wentworth.”
She gave a proper curtsy and left.

Wentworth turned back to his desk and rummaged around the drawers for a pill bottle. Found it- Stallion’s Glory. Half caffeine, half aphrodisiac. He didn’t really need it, he thought to himself, but it always did make it easier to get the motor running.

Attached: C8634769-9E53-49F3-B48B-3BECE755035A.gif (500x207, 2.51M)


As promised, she had one hour. Her dress was pulled up high to her chest, her body rocking back and forth as Wentworth went in and out of her. Her artificial hair was a mess though every now and then when they paused during fucking, it’d spring back into position again, amusing Wentworth. As he fucked her she paid attention near the end to the timer. Knowing he was at his peak, she did everything she could to concentrate while on her back. The timer, true to its word, was set to exactly one hour. While he was busy over her, his eyes shut and holding both of her legs flush against him, she reached over to the timer and set the hand back a little, giving herself an extra twelve minutes. Wentworth, for his part, pretended not to notice she’d done this out of politeness.
Things inside her wound up, tensing and creaking as she held back, waiting as long as she could against orgasm, waiting for him to reach the same point she was at so they could do so together. It was time. Gripping the sheets in her hand, rolled back and let go, let the pleasure and shudder roll through her, amplified by the feeling of him spilling into her and her own eyes shut hard with pleasure.
Her moans were like honey to his ears when he finished, the satisfaction in equal parts to her own orgasm and knowing that he’d had one with her.

As they cleaned up themselves, Emmy folded the sheets and planned to have a clean set in by the morning.
“Thank you Wentworth,” she said, nearly struggling to do so through the smile beaming on her face, “that was most satisfactory.”

“Well, you’re quite welcome Emmy.” He said, composing himself and leaving, “It is always a pleasure to have you.”

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I just mean you show a brilliant level of detail.


OR here, looks great!
Not sure if I'd personally want to go boche hunting in one of those. Though it does make me want to see her driving an aero-engine car .

Attached: GZUFABhtQva6pBs86Em1jw.jpg (500x340, 33K)

when you're a robot, putting random stuff you find in the kitchen in your mouth isn't always the best idea.

Well holy shit, that's impressive. Very good technical ability there user.

Attached: dont worry I will just buy you more.png (877x876, 188K)

user I will cum for the second time in one hour if this keeps up

Attached: reason2live.jpg (500x707, 100K)

>Emmy drinks bleach
>"Excellent mouth feel!"

She probably does in order to deep clean

It's not even an R.E.8, it's a B.E.2, the first plane to shoot down a zeppelin.
>Aero engine car
Not a bad idea.

Here you go

Attached: nut.gif (240x178, 279K)

this thread got really lewd, all of sudden...

nice but needs more clang


Attached: bizarre erection.jpg (480x527, 51K)

I think you meant to post 'shell shock' ignorant millenial

You’re my boy, blue


Ah that makes alot more sense.

She doesn't see it as lewd, just one more job around the house that needs doing, and she lives to serve and do a good job after all.

That doesn't excuse leading the bot you perv. She's for tender hugs and reading to her at night and helping her find her humanity. You're perception is she's a soulless maidbot, where she's more like a Data character with maid programming.


I think you mean battle fatigue

>battle fatigue
Is that some fancy city-term for bein' a pansy? Walk it off, sport.

>battle fatigue
that's the 'nam term idiot

I think you mean Soldier's heart

love your art domcell. sorry we're all fucking degenerate that deserve to burn in hell.

Attached: thumbsAmmo03.jpg (818x600, 208K)

Thats also another term, but the maid was supposed to be dealing specifically with the great war.

I just wanted to join in but someone already said Shell Shock.

Attached: im gonna kill myself.png (681x472, 197K)


Friendly reminder that sometimes robot girls have a funny way of doing things.

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>not maid to serve
still really cool regardless

"In the living room the voice-clock sang, Tick-tock, seven o'clock, time to get up, time to get up,
seven o 'clock! as if it were afraid that nobody would. The morning house lay empty. The clock
ticked on, repeating and repeating its sounds into the emptiness. Seven-nine, breakfast time,
In the kitchen the breakfast stove gave a hissing sigh and ejected from its warm interior eight pieces
of perfectly browned toast, eight eggs sunny side up, sixteen slices of bacon, two coffees, and two
cool glasses of milk.
"Today is August 4, 2026," said a second voice from the kitchen ceiling, "in the city of
Allendale, California." It repeated the date three times for memory's sake. "Today is Mr.
Featherstone's birthday. Today is the anniversary of Tilita's marriage. Insurance is payable,
as are the water, gas, and light bills."
Somewhere in the walls, relays clicked, memory tapes glided under electric eyes.
Eight-one, tick-tock, eight-one o'clock, off to school, off to work, run, run, eight-one! But no
doors slammed, no carpets took the soft tread of rubber heels. It was raining outside. The weather
box on the front door sang quietly: "Rain, rain, go away; umbrellas, raincoats for today. .." And
the rain tapped on the empty house, echoing..."
There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury

very nice.
I've been using blender to turn the frames it spits out into video clips.
Krita animation seems to have trouble exporting layer styles or glow effects, but that might just be my rig.

Even unawares, I am unoriginal.

Attached: Lincoln cat tired eyes.jpg (450x600, 133K)

I imagine she'd be more interested in the cleaning afterwards than the act.

Attached: Its_me_master.jpg (575x928, 184K)

It would be interesting to see how "free" machines would modify themselves. Like, this vendor totally doesn't need legs and obviously she can get away with a smaller rent fee for less shop floor space.


I mean, at that point she's just a sentient vending machine capable of haggling. If she's able to port her awareness between bodies it might not be a bad life though, wake up and log onto your shop-body, put in your hours, log off and open your eyes back in your regular body sitting in your apartment.

I love how she looks more disappointed than anything
Her disappointment would hurt me more than any level of anger or disgust she could muster

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>this entire thread
Emmy is such a cutie oh Lord.

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"user, shouldn't you like human girls?

>A project where a number of women in different costumes show their panties while they make a disgusted face
Jesus Christ, I thought you were exaggerating

Attached: Just nuke my shit up.png (500x467, 398K)

What the fuck is wrong with the nips

You're a cool dude. I think it's the nativity and honesty which Emmy exudes which makes her an interesting character.
The marble eating and having a jacket thrown on her shows this really well.

Every man who wasn't a complete failure and genetic dead end died during the war.

>Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to have him over for brunch

Have you guys really never heard of this? It's based on 40hara's really good artwork. Adapted pretty well too.

>Have you guys really never heard of this?
I may be a 20-something year old virgin who watches cartoons but even I haven't sunk that low

Except for Hiro Onoda, but I don't think he bred.
I don't tend to look into weird jap fetish shit that much.

>Spent 30 years fighting a war that already ended because he thought the surrender leaflet was propaganda
>Even after learning first hand that the war was over, refused to surrender unless they flew his former superior officer over so he could relieve him of duty
What a fucking Chad

It'd be a task to come up with a unique premise that's not something familiar in disguise. It's all in the execution.

Well she wouldn't tire out, so she could operate in that space for months at a time and then pay her way into better mods. It's a different story if she actually makes the mods, then she has all sorts of work to do.

Outside, the garage chimed and lifted its door to reveal the waiting car. After a long wait the door
swung down again.
At eight-thirty the eggs were shrivelled and the toast was like stone. An aluminium wedge scraped
them into the sink, where hot water whirled them down a metal throat which digested and flushed
them away to the distant sea. The dirty dishes were dropped into a hot washer and emerged
twinkling dry.
Nine-fifteen, sang the clock, time to clean.
Out of warrens in the wall, tiny robot mice darted. The rooms were a crawl with the small cleaning
animals, allrubber and metal. They thudded against chairs, whirling their moustached runners,
kneading the rug nap, sucking gently at hidden dust. Then, like mysterious invaders, they popped
into their burrows. Their pink electric eyes faded. The house was clean.
Ten o'clock. The sun came out from behind the rain. The house stood alone in a city of rubble and
ashes. This was the one house left standing. At night the ruined city gave off a radioactive glow
which could be seen for miles.
Ten-fifteen. The garden sprinklers whirled up in golden founts, filling the soft morning air with
scatterings of brightness. The water pelted window panes, running down the charred west side

where the house had been burned, evenly free of its white paint. The entire west face of the house
was black, save for five places. Here the silhouette in paint of a man mowing a lawn. Here, as in a
photograph, a woman bent to pick flowers. Stillfarther over, their images burned on wood in one
titanic instant, a small boy, hands flung into the air; higher up, the image of a thrown ball, and
opposite him a girl, hands raised to catch a ball which never came down.
The five spots of paint - the man, the woman, the children, the ball- remained. The rest was a thin
charcoaled layer.
The gentle sprinkler rain filled the garden with falling light.
Until this day, how well the house had kept its peace. How carefully it had inquired, "Who goes
there? What's the password?" and, getting no answer from lonely foxes and whining cats, it had
shut up its windows and drawn shades in an old-maidenly preoccupation with self-protection which
bordered on a mechanical paranoia.
It quivered at each sound, the house did. If a sparrow brushed a window, the shade snapped up.
The bird, startled, flew off! No, not even a bird must touch the house!

>kills a bunch of farmers after the war
>gets away with it
Sad how he slowly lost his bros and wound up alone though.

Twelve noon.
A dog whined, shivering, on the front porch.
The front door recognized the dog voice and opened. The dog, once huge and fleshy, but now
gone to bone and covered with sores, moved in and through the house, tracking mud. Behind it
whirred angry mice, angry at having to pick up mud, angry at inconvenience.
For not a leaf fragment blew under the door but what the wall panels flipped open and the copper
scrap rats flashed swiftly out. The offending dust, hair, or paper, seized in miniature steel jaws, was
raced back to the burrows. There, down tubes which fed into the cellar, it was dropped into the
sighing vent of an incinerator which sat like evilBaal in a dark corner.
The dog ran upstairs, hysterically yelping to each door, at last realizing, as the house realized, that
only silence was here.
It sniffed the air and scratched the kitchen door. Behind the door, the stove was making pancakes
which filled the house with a rich baked odour and the scent of maple syrup.
The dog frothed at the mouth, lying at the door, sniffing, its eyes turned to fire. It ran wildly in
circles, biting at its tail, spun in a frenzy, and died. It lay in the parlor for an hour.
Two o'clock, sang a voice.

The dog was gone.
In the cellar, the incinerator glowed suddenly and a whirl ofsparks leaped up the chimney.
Two thirty-five.
Bridge tables sprouted from patio walls. Playing cards fluttered onto pads in a shower of pips.
Martinis manifested on an oaken bench with egg-salad sandwiches. Music played.
But the tables were silent and the cards untouched.
At four o'clock the tables folded like great butterflies back through the paneled walls .
The nursery walls glowed.
Animals took shape: yellow giraffes, blue lions, pink antelopes, lilac panthers cavorting in crystal
substance. The walls were glass. They looked out upon color and fantasy. Hidden films clocked
through well-oiled sprockets, and the walls lived. The nursery floor was woven to resemble a crisp,
cereal meadow. Over this ran aluminum roaches and iron crickets, and in the hot still air butterflies
of delicate red tissue wavered among the sharp aroma of animalspoors! There was the sound like a
great matted yellow hive of bees within a dark bellows, the lazy bumble of a purring lion. And there
was the patter of okapifeet and the murmur of a fresh jungle rain, like other hoofs, falling upon the
summer-starched grass. Now the walls dissolved into distances of parched grass, mile on mile, and
warm endless sky. The animals drew away into thorn brakes and water holes. It was the children's
Five o'clock. The bath filled with clear hot water.
Six, seven, eight o'clock. The dinner dishes manipulated like magic tricks, and in the study a click.
In the metalstand opposite the hearth where a fire now blazed up warmly, a cigar popped out, half
an inch ofsoft gray ash on it, smoking, waiting.
Nine o'clock. The beds warmed their hidden circuits, for nights were cool here.
Nine-five. A voice spoke from the study ceiling: "Mrs. McClellan, which poem would you like
this evening?" The house was silent.
The voice said at last, "Since you express no preference, I shall select a poem at random."

I’m so sorry for laughing because this is clearly some legitimate and horrible psychological issue. But seriously. Like-

This is gold. This should be immortalized as Yea Forums content. Like a .gif banner. It’s just so honest.

Quiet music rose to back the voice. "Sara Teasdale. As I recall, your favourite...
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;
Robins will wear their feathery fire, Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone."
The fire burned on the stone hearth and the cigar fell away into a mound of quiet ash on its tray. The
empty chairs faced each other between the silent walls, and the music played.
At ten o'clock the house began to die.
The wind blew. A falling tree bough crashed through the kitchen window. Cleaning solvent, bottled,
shattered over the stove. The room was ablaze in an instant!
"Fire!" screamed a voice. The house lights flashed, water pumps shot water from the ceilings. But
the solvent spread on the linoleum, licking, eating, under the kitchen door, while the voices took it
up in chorus: "Fire, fire, fire!"
The house tried to save itself. Doors sprang tightly shut, but the windows were broken by the heat
and the wind blew and sucked upon the fire.
The house gave ground as the fire in ten billion angry sparks moved with flaming ease from room to
room and then up the stairs. While scurrying water rats squeaked from the walls, pistolled their
water, and ran for more. And the wallsprays let down showers of mechanicalrain.
But too late. Somewhere, sighing, a pump shrugged to a stop. The quenching rain ceased. The
reserve water supply which had filled baths and washed dishes for many quiet days was gone.

>Tfw we won't get this kind of Emmy in the comic that Domcell is making

Attached: 1519893779254.gif (500x206, 1019K)

>tfw no alternate history story about tens of thousands of androids being sent into the trenches to scrap one another to see which country wins

The fire crackled up the stairs. It fed upon Picassos and Matisses in the upper halls, like delicacies,
baking off the oily flesh, tenderly crisping the canvases into black shavings.
Now the fire lay in beds, stood in windows, changed the colors of drapes!
And then, reinforcements. From attic trapdoors, blind robot faces peered down with faucet mouths
gushing green chemical.
The fire backed off, as even an elephant must at the sight of a dead snake.
Now there were twenty snakes whipping over the floor, killing the fire with a clear cold venom of
green froth.
But the fire was clever. It had sent flame outside the house, up through the attic to the pumps there.
An explosion! The attic brain which directed the pumps was shattered into bronze shrapnel on the
The fire rushed back into every closet and felt of the clothes hung there.
The house shuddered, oak bone on bone, its bared skeleton cringing from the heat, its wire, its
nerves revealed as if a surgeon had torn the skin off to let the red veins and capillaries quiver in the
scalded air. Help, help! Fire! Run, run! Heat snapped mirrors like the first brittle winter ice. And
the voices wailed. Fire, fire, run, run, like a tragic nursery rhyme, a dozen voices, high, low, like
children dying in a forest, alone, alone. And the voices fading as the wires popped their sheathings
like hot chestnuts. One, two, three, four, five voices died.
In the nursery the jungle burned. Blue lions roared, purple giraffes bounded off. The panthers ran in
circles, changing color, and ten million animals, running before the fire, vanished off toward a distant
steaming river.... Ten more voices died.

In the last instant under the fire avalanche, other choruses, oblivious, could be heard announcing the
time, cutting the lawn by remote-control mower, or setting an umbrella frantically out and in, the
slamming and opening front door, a thousand things happening, like a clock shop when each clock
strikes the hour insanely before or after the other, a scene of maniac confusion, yet unity; singing,
screaming, a few last cleaning mice darting bravely out to carry the horrid ashes away! And one
voice, with sublime disregard for the situation, read poetry aloud in the fiery study, until all the film
spools burned, until all the wires withered and the circuits cracked.
The fire burst the house and let it slam flat down, puffing out skirts ofspark and smoke.
In the kitchen, an instant before the rain of fire and timber, the stove could be seen making
breakfasts at a psychopathic rate, ten dozen eggs, six loaves of toast, twenty dozen bacon strips,
which, eaten by fire, started the stove working again, hysterically hissing!
The crash. The attic smashing into kitchen and parlour. The parlour into cellar, cellar into sub-cellar.
Deep freeze, armchair, film tapes, circuits, beds, and all like skeletons thrown in a cluttered mound
deep under.
Smoke and silence. A great quantity ofsmoke.
Dawn showed faintly in the east. Among the ruins, one wallstood alone. Within the wall, a last
voice said, over and over again and again, even as the sun rose to shine upon the heaped rubble
and steam:
"Today is August 5, 2026, today is August 5, 2026, today is..."

That's why user faps to pictures, you can't disappoint a picture.

I think uncanny valley is her actions, before she did the little cute pose. I got a little chill, like there was some kind of alien creature living inside her. After she loosened up and laughed, she felt more like a normal person.

which is the problem. if it looks like a person, but acts just slightly off, it will creep people out. on the other hand, if it acts perfectly human, but looks like a robot, it could still unnerve people. I have a feeling this will be a lot of trial and error, before manufacturers get it right.

Yeah, there will probably just be a "robot aesthetic" that they go with.

Her fingers on the controller and her inhuman attention to the game are what's unsettling about her. It's as if you can see "consolation3.exe" getting ready to run before she gives the little victory "v" and pretends to laugh because it's what her owner needs at that moment.

Remember kids, It's sinful and illegal to fall in love with robots. They're not alive.

Thanks /m/

Attached: the Mecha board.png (900x1200, 18K)

robot masturbates with marbles in her mouth... I'll take it

Attached: you're a big roomba.png (1328x2176, 125K)

The roomba S9+ VS the neato D7.

Two robots enter, who will claim cleaning superiority?

>inb4 Battlebots, only they're lightly-armed robot maids


>Two maid robots enter a messy arena
>Scores points on how many messes they cleaned up


Imagine her in a toilet or something. "Love" gone.

Put a baby in the arena, that'll send them both into overclocking.


Attached: stream_that_film.jpg (477x297, 30K)

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Attached: 72f.png (680x481, 216K)

Emmy has a flat metallic plate for a chest and long, slender but shapely legs with well-lubricated hydraulics to quickly go to where she is needed

Attached: 1561132534068.png (391x334, 288K)

Attached: 84f.png (964x1515, 466K)

>maid bot's empathic systems lead to her developing something akin to "feelings" for her owner
>she recognizes that he's a loner, no wife, no children, only occasionally has company over
>while her programming doesn't allow her to be impolite or crass, she does wish to help her owner with the loneliness he MUST have
>every few days, she'll engineer a situation which is unquestionably lewd but also appears entirely accidental in an effort to entice her master
>He thinks nothing of it, just helps her clean up and gives her a fatherly smile, and gently admonishes her for her clumsiness
>This frustrates her to no end but at least she can appreciate he's such a perfect gentlemen
>oh well, maybe next week...

This. This is good.

>So how did you end up on the floor, ass up high with no skirt this time?

Alright, what flavor if the day is this?

>w-well sir, as you requested I dusted the library earlier, however, in doing so I got dust all over my apron, so I put it in the wash
>While doing so I also noticed that my skirt hadn't been cleaned in a fortnight and I put that in the wash as well
>T-then I went to wax the floor in the drawing room, and because that would involve being on the floor on my k-knees I decided to not put a new skirt on until afterwards
>So I begin to wax the wooden floor, but I accidentally knock away the tin with wax, and as I get up to fetch it, I-I trip, like this.
>and now I have trouble getting up again as it seems my fall has disturbed my internal balancing system, so I have difficulty moving
>I am rather helpless right now, sir. Haha.
>I-if you could find the time to help me recalibrate I'd appreciate it, i-if it wouldn't intrude too much on your time...


Attached: 1560872357243.png (500x750, 120K)

XJ-9 has started showing up drawn in dresses all the sudden. I wonder why...

Attached: tumblr_plfivbiWAe1tkhqgko1_1280.png (880x1100, 403K)

you seeing the character designs and backgrounds made me miss 2d animation...

Attached: 36f.jpg (680x1360, 154K)


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Attached: 1543302411334.png (1477x1331, 2.16M)

>Lel boston dynamics is going to instigate le robot rebellion SO FHANNY SO ORIGINAL JOKE!

Alright is there some term to look for this fetish or engineering increasingly complex situations and excuses for lewds or will I just have to improvise?

I don't think there's a term for it, but the Japanese might have one.

This is permissible lewdness because both parties are consenting. You should never abuse a maidbot's servile nature for dark purposes

get back in your pen android

I don't think user is in on it, or not letting on that he gets what she's doing.

Well what I mean is that neither party is being forced. I just want some clean wholesome Emmy adventures

Clean? Hardly. Wholesome? Very.

You're right in wanting that.

Listen her intentions are clean, she's literally a maid

Flawless logic.

her intentions are wholesome, but her actions aren't necessarily clean.

>uhm, sir, could you maybe help me out with a little technical issue I'm having?
>when I go up the stairs to clean the sheets in your room my right hip joint keeps making a squeaking noise
>c-could you maybe apply some robot-grade lubricant to the affected area?
>o-oh no, I forgot that today I wore my nicest, laciest undergarments. t-this is a little embarrassing, sir.
>just g-grab my leg and squirt the lubricant into the j-joint, sir.
>t-that's a little bit too much sir, it's going to run out now.
>...yes sir, the problem's gone away now
>yes, I'll go fix your dinner after I've finished washing the windows, sir. Thank you, sir.
>n-no sir, my undergarments will be fine, the lubricant should wash out without problem.

it's been a while since I played it.
cave story, here i cum!

Requesting a drawing of emmy interactive with other robot characters

Attached: Robots.jpg (3908x800, 428K)

After a while half the shit she comes up with should also just be technobabble that doesn't mean anything.
Unaware that user actually read her manual and is at least somewhat aware that it's bullshit

But to the user repairing her that's just routine maintenance, we can assume he's done it before many times and well before Emmy developed any feelings, so he'll think nothing of the growing crush Emmy has

Probably wondering why she's wearing underwear though, and suddenly acting so bashful about it.

And maybe he's imagining that her skirt seems to be getting shorter?

>the change must be gradual, so it is not quite as obvious
>tomorrow, I shall raise the hemline another 0.001 mm!

>user catches on but says nothing
>starts working later and later hours
>cutting costs and saving and scrimping everywhere
>Emmy thinks she's going to be replaced for not doing a good job
>she starts poring over books about humanity and how to please people, trying to convince user not to scrap her
>user keeps working himself to the bone every day
>fast forward to Christmas day when user, baggy-eyed and tired, hands emmy an envelope
>its a voucher for a free upload to a newer model of maidbot
>user spent nearly a year working so Emmy could get a better chassis to feel more human

>gives her downloadables on robot maintenance, analytical engine management and manipulation, punch card engineering, and self defense.
>lets her know she can go anywhere she wants while presenting her Turing certificate.
>also slips in the address to a certain hotel and a suggested date, "should the lady be inclined."

>Emmy is quiet for a moment, then puts the voucher on the table and darts off to the kitchen
>user gets up to chase after her, but before he's even out of his chair, Emmy comes out again, her face wet with water from the tap
>oh right, she can't cry.
>leaps at user in embrace, telling him thank you, and how afraid she was that he was going to replace her
>"I-I got something for you too, sir"
>reaches into her apron, pulls out a small package
>"f-for you."
>user opens the package
>it's a silver pocket watch
>"sir always seemed so busy lately, spending so much time working"
>"so I did some work on the side, in between my chores, to scrounge together some money to buy you a gift. S-so you could remember me when you got rid of me"
>I-I hope you like it. Sir."
>user opens the watch, and on the inside of the cover is an engraved text
>"From your most loyal servant Emmy, thank you for your time and your care."


Attached: 1565834512098.jpg (600x500, 68K)

This is so damn sappy. Well done.

Attached: Nakamura Maid.png (353x821, 88K)

Why are maids generally some if the most waifu'd characters? I can understand there's some fetishism to it but what's beyond that?

Don't know. The attire is cute.

maybe because we see them as caring and nurturing, and we like those aspects? A girl who takes joy and pride in taking care of our well-being, what's not to like?

And then gently corrupting them... maybe that's all there is to it.

Alternative Maid Scenario:
>Emmy notices that Master user is displaying traits consistent with loneliness
>overhears that it’s been a while since he’s been with a woman and takes initiative
>decides to look up underground modifications, orders vaginal parts to her specific series
>tells him she’s going in for basic maintenance at the shop, gets part installed
>one day confronts him

“Master user. I know you’ve been lonely for a while. And I wanted you to know that, if you wanted, and as maid of the house- I’m here and capable of proving physical intimacies as part of my service to you.”
She lifts her skirt to show what’s installed now.


“Well, it’s part of my duties as-“

“No, I mean- why you? Why would you do this for me? This goes above and beyond your programming. Any other maid model would’ve arranged a blind dating service, or something like that. Why...this?”

“...because I love you. And I want to be the one that does this for you. I want you to hold me. And I want to hold you.”



Why would a robot need undergarments?

That's a great question, user.

What's she from?

i think it's more hyper dedicated maids, that love their job and have no lives outside the pervert they serve
for example this emmy character doesn't have or want free time outside of the household because she is literally programmed that way

>but miss emmy
>im gay

Protection against the elements and because they want to be human

same reasons she has the dress probably, to make her more like a doll

That is a "Naka" from Ghost 1.0. It's an android by the Nakamura company, hence the moniker. But I think just about all the bots in that are referred to as Nakas, because they're all from Nakamura.

The game really doesn't have anything to do with the maidbots for general gameplay, there is just a segment where you are infiltrating a place and are using one of them to get past security.

Attached: Naka outside.png (939x424, 296K)

Reminder that Cliff can't have orgasms anymore

i got a funny idea
>Master, i got a surprise for you
>i know human males like breast on females
>and as my model is suppouse to represent a female maid , i decided to install something so you can be happy when looking at me
>(Shows breast)
>Ta-da! look, i got 3 breast installed instead of 2! aint that great?

Seconding this.


What stories would you want to read? What fictions?
(Regardless of whether or not it’ll actually be written, let me know what you’d like to see, get the general idea and feel of what people are thirsty for.)

Maybe a progression of Emmy from when she was first bought to today showing her becoming more human and expressive?

Maybe something with her realizing that her owner would benefit from human companionship and her, in response to that, endeavouring to become the companion they need?

...wait, isn't this basically just like that movie with the guy falling in love with his computer?

Okay...let’s see:

1- By that extension she was bought early in the childhood of Madeline (I’d say infancy given the presence of baby carriage artwork). The family either recently moved into the large house to accommodate their new daughter or realized they would need help to take care of the household so bought her to help around.

2- She essentially “came” with the house, having bought her and activated her on the day they all moved in.

3- She was a baby shower gift, activated before birth to learn about the house and prepare for the coming newborn by learning the basic ropes and functions of the household.

Eh, close enough to compare.

Ok, Space Pope.

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>"I am, of course, more than happy to clean up all of the semen that you choose to deposit inside of me, master, but it does take me several hours, and i cannot go galavanting off cleaning out my vaginal unit, not whilst there is a mountain of washing the size of the north face of the Eiger. But, a maid cannot go doing the washing with a vaginal cavity full of semen, it just isn't proper.

Is the game any good? It looked mediocre

Is this the robotics club?

>ywn be part of a middle school girls robotics club and spend long hours in cramped humid room working on modifying a robot girls whilst surrounded by the smell of sweaty girls and metal.

Attached: 1566610373871.jpg (440x351, 9K)

Taking requests

Depends on what you want. I really enjoyed it, it's a metroidvania, sort of, that is finally not another fantasy one. So that has me biased perhaps.

But generally speaking, typical metroid exploration and bosses with a bit more story and guidance. I guess think Zero Mission or Fusion. You don't really collect upgrades as much as you just get cash to buy new guns though, of which there are quite a few and they're all pretty fun and different. There's a drone gun that lets you fire off drones to help you for example, and one that repells enemy shots back at them. There's other upgrades too of course. For NG+ you can make yourself more broken by purchasing certain upgrades a second time around.
The secrets are hit and miss, it's really just jumping in or shooting specific locations in rooms. But there is a lot of them and the rest of it all is pretty solid.
Story's alright, nothing super special but it's fun enough.

All in all, I recommend it. If you are on the fence, there's Mini Ghost, which is a little prequel that is cheap as fuck and more basic since it was made to run on an MSX. Just go around, get upgrades and kill four bosses. It's free with the regular Ghost 1.0 on GoG but a separate thing on Steam.

Attached: marcel-greses-main-character-concept.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

Color these you lazy niggers

Is this an old FOTM or a new one?

build Emmy


Was actually on mine, but then other stuff happened.

Attached: Colour.png (639x529, 139K)

But the Hapsbergs did nothing wrong
This is all Bosnia's fault

It isn't my fault the dumbass lutheren Kaisar boiz massacured Belgium

Just don't bomb our mansion and we won't have a problem

>emmy playing pretend with her young ward
>taking her on piggybacks to play ‘airplane’
>accidentally tripping into a wall, sending her head right through it (kid is fine)
>next scene is emmy repairing the wall
or just her having fun with the kid

Inspiring... somehow

You colour it, I don't want to.

I love drawing but I genuinely hate colouring.

Attached: please stop drinking the bleach we need that.png (873x782, 115K)

What is that supposed to be? I thought she cant eat?

The voice acting seems down right vomit inducing. Just from what the trailer shows alone

sweet jesus I wish

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Design the cover for the user guide

Don't know didn't have an issue with them, some referential humor aside, it's mostly those three though, so if that's not your thing then you're stuck with Mini Ghost or just not playing.

Semen in her abdominal cavity i assume

Emmy and annon on a park boat in turn of the century style
her holding a parasool

>ywn have a robowomb gf with whom you can conceive children

the image name suggests she's been drinking bleach user, presumably to clean her inner workings. Don't make it lewd.

Emmy smoking a stolen cigar really nervously.

She sees her master do it all the time and wanted to know what all the hubbub is about... despite not having any lungs.

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She preggers?

I've decided that I'm a desolate road to disappointment so that's why I keep myself away from the sparse girls that happen to want to know me, but damn that's harsh.

Attached: wajuk.jpg (593x593, 125K)

>implying it was ingested

I bet she has "body mods" that can help you out

Nigga u gay

I'm glad you're having fun.

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Why are robots so erotic? Is it because they're a gross imitation?

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Draw her cutting a sausage

my semen is owned by breeding machines

I think people will enjoy characters for non-sexual reasons e.g. good writing, design, or just a general appreciation for the work they're in, but have a tendency to displace that enjoyment into something sexual for lack of a better outlet. Artists known primarily for porn aren't usually talented enough at the things that actually give a work staying power.

God if only...

Probably number 3 would be good, it would be nice to see interactions with the family before the daughter was born

this is gonna take a while to complete but here's a thing

Attached: memdance.gif (1081x1136, 959K)

Cute so far.

It's cute but the feet might be a bit large for her.

This is getting intense

Attached: 1567375223637.jpg (445x440, 55K)

I really really look forward to it. This is my fetish, my hopes, my dreams.

Very nice. That's the Jon dance, isn't it?

You actually realize being starved for affection and love when something like this makes you tear up, goddamnit

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Emmy's reaction after browsing this thread

seconding this

we already got that

yeah but this thread is more lewder


I think it's because of their "lack" of humanity they're less inhibited to doing lewd things

So what's the count so far?
Are you really going to keep spamming this and just run it into the ground?

Fuck off we have a whole month with her

you say that very month dude

Very month, much calendar