This is was The Jotaro comics peak.
This is was The Jotaro comics peak
I liked the later arc about the guy who was obsessed with gloves and could zip through time
Are you retread user? no really, are you brain dead? Because that doesn’t look like "The Night Kakyoin died" to me.
You're both retarded
>Fighting a time stopping vampire to save the world
>Bullying a man who just wants to kill thots in a small town in peace
Then again, still not as bad as Stone Ocean.
>Reading Diesel rip-off
get better taste
Hey now, there is nothing wrong with Stone Ocean
Except for the entirety of Stone Ocean.
>Not posting the superior issue
>he doesn't like Weather Report and Plankton Girl
get a load of this loser
It's difficult to get to like them since the part is so weak that I didn't particularly enjoy reading it. I could have hated Joseph Joestar if he was in that part and he was my favourite JoJo.
>"Bullying a man who just wants to kill thots in a small town in peace"
>didn't kill shinobu.
>killed a little boy over a sandwhich.
Don't tell me there isn't one for Vento Aureo.
there is one but no one has posted it yet
>Western fan art suc-
Any part 2 love?
Battle Tendency is unironically the best part
>the true protagonist of part 3
Best JoJo, best written villains, great balance between shenanigans in fights while it is still clear what is happening, it really is the best part.