
Yaoi ahoy!

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what's with all the gays?

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"love". Vampire is obviously manipulating Roger so he can eventually be sacrificed for the March by having his soul ruined. The guy sacrifice children without feeling bad for crying out loud


If I was 300+ years old, I also might not see that big a difference between letting kids die at 10 and letting them live until they die at 25.

That's just it, he's ancient and lives for the cause. You find some young Copper who's unhappy with his life and country, looking for a purpose. So you seduce him to the cause knowing in the long term you can use him to finally break Alderode. And when he's dead you can just finde another one
Cope has said Vampire is very charismatic and knows how to sway most everyone. I don't think he's evil, but he will do anything for the March. Roger has suffered so much because of him, and he's convinced he's doing it for love when it is just an old bastard who saw a pawn

Is there ANYTHING Roger has not been fucked by

>The guy sacrifice children without feeling bad for crying out loud
So like the rest of Alderode? Hell like Cresce? Child lives are cheap.

Who’s to say what genuine or not. But imagine the sex

Did Maha ever actually dick him down? I figured it was a purely “fuck alderode” arrangement

He's like Bastion only nothing good happens to him.

I get the sense they're only friends. The marriage was all for show. He did make that baby but it could have been artificial insemination on some whore they brought in.

Bold move with the on page kiss, Cope. That's going to gross out a percentage of your readers.

Ash said Queens aren't allowed to have their own biological children in case they die in childbirth, kid's a surrogate.

They seem happy, at least. I wonder how Vampire dies.

Stupid drama in the comment section. If you don't include gays, you get shit on. If you include gays but they're not perfect people with happy endings, you get shit on. This is why I'm never making a web comic.

Eh, we know the tumblr brigade isn't gonna be happy with anything. Creators of anything on the Internet should just ignore them and do what they wanted to do, like Ashley's been doing for years.

It's literally just 1 guy bothering about it, and a few people responding.
It's come up once or twice before, I think. Gay characters have a very high mortality rate in this comic, and it ruffles some feathers.

Straight characters also have a very high mortality rate though. It's not a very gentle series.

Matty's gay and is one of the main characters, but no one cares because he's too young to spend every other page sucking face.

That's because even Matty is less of a faggot than his father.

since when?

Both the kid's parents were kinda crap. It's a miracle he came out as marginally well-adjusted.

Since birth, unless you believe homosexuality is a choice.

That's interesting. I imagine their children are still from their bloodline right?

Duane being all bound up and angry is really arousing to me.

To be honest, no idea what user is on about.

It's The Terror all over again.

It's being shilled on Yea Forums so of course there are gays

Will better be pocking out the eyes of that strawberry asshole with his mama's needles.

Oh fuck

Now I’ll be disappointed as fuck if the significance of his mother’s needles doesn’t lead to him stabbing the fuck out of a bitch

We knew someone important to Roger would be introduced this chapter because Ashley would never pass up the opportunity to have him see the curse affect his loved ones. Vampire was a good suspicion because of his caste and was basically confirmed when Ashley replied to a question about Roger's lover with a thinking emoji yesterday. So I'm thinking this goes one of two ways. Either this or

>Vampire actually cares for Roger
>Khert fire goes tits up and the curse goes through
>Everyone attacks Roger including Vampire who may or may not die in the process
>This traumatizes Roger to the point of him allowing himself to be Rucked if it means fucking up Alderode

I don't know who's going to save him from the angry mob of dammasheeple, though. Duane would never, the Dhampir chick doesn't seem to give much of a shit, so maybe the Salt Lizard?

Huh, you’d think pymary medicine could keep that from happening. And the queen of Cresce is bound to have some of the best Wright’s and doctors in the world

You're doing it wrong, it should be 'what's with all the fags?'

>we see little Will go absolutely apeshit with Etalarche rage
My dick HARD

He didn't get fucked by the queen, he thinks girls are icky.
Not as icky as the rapesnake, but there you go.

>Gay characters have a very high mortality rate in this comic
like who? i can only think of turas and roger (still alive but basically already shindeiru), the only other gay characters i know of are sonorie's advisor with the funny faces and ruck if human sexuality even applies to him
we've also literally known roger was gay for years so it's not like this should come as a shock

Pymary medicine can sterilize stuff, but moving a stuck baby is probably harder for them than for us.

Claggart is probably also going to try to jump out of his restraints to try and tear Roger's throat out while Duane and Lemuel look on really fucking confused.

>remove solidity aspect of skin
>yoink babby
Checkmate black tongues

>My dick HARDER

This is a grim comic. No one's pointed out that all the woke and liberated female characters come to bad ends too. Vienne, Mikaila, Anadyne is now the new Super Big Bad after tearing her tits off.

It rustles my jimmies when people try to tell writers what to write. If you want happy feels go watch some cartoons or superhero bullshit. I for one enjoy that everyone is suffering equally in this world.

>I for one enjoy that everyone is suffering equally in this world.
Same! It's always shit when fiction creates this grim ugly world but minorities or stronk women or babbys avoid all the nastiness and all the bad things ony happen to grown ass men.

I'm gay as fuck and Roger is by far one of the most interesting characters in the whole comic. If he was suffering just for the sake of it it would just be edgy and boring but all the horrible shit he went/will go through is important to both the plot and his character. I'm not going to say the tragic gay couple trope doesn't annoy the fuck out of me but it doesn't apply here when literally the only intact happy relationship in the comic is Rahm's and Iori's and that's because they got their priorities straight and got the fuck away from all the shit.

But either way it's literally just one guy having a fit over it in the comments like that other user said. No different from the sperg we had last thread.

Oh shit, what if Duane is the one who brings this crashing down? He's the only one there with the smarts, casting ability, and motivation to get the Etalarche curse working in here. And she did say that some readers would probably hate Duane after this chapter.

yucky yuck

nigga, das gay

If you have 2 gay characters and they both die horribly, that is a 100% mortality rate. That hooker in Ethelmik was gay too, but he was so minor I don't think he even had a name.
In case it isn't clear, I'm not complaining. I'm a big advocate of authorial freedom in all but the most extreme cases. Just explaining why that one dude seemed to have a problem.

Not to mention that he is a tacit caster, so if he's able to get it working he can do it even though they've gagged him.

Complaining about gay characters appearing in Unsounded and dying feels like complaining about gay characters appearing in Aquaman and getting wet.

Cresce doesn't use child soldiers tho. They got their own problems but child soldiers aren't one

Duane is going to brutally kill everyone in that page, isn't he?

Well except for Roger, I mean.

Since that's what we expect, it almost certainly isn't what's going to happen. Cope is good at misdirection.

We do know Duane ends up a (relatively) respected war hero, and this was one of his favorite stories to retell. I could see him pulling off something badass here

>dare you enter my magical realm, the comic

Okay, so vampire is a woman.

Pretty sure gay isn't a magic realm unless its like a world where everyone is gay

That was about dhamphyr, the crescian merc.

Vampire is the red bearded faggot
Dhampire is the female shithead that looks like a dude.

oh, right.
Then it's gay

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>And then I opened, unbeknownst to those traitors, a hole in the blood-fuelled khert fire their blasphemous wright had crafted
>The noble Aldish Dammakhert, upholder of our law, crashed over the mind of every Aldishman present, friend and foe alike
>In an ironic twist of fate, the traitorous Foi-Hellick now found himself betrayed by his allies
>Even amidst all the bloodshed and chaos of our escape, I took a moment to appreciate the horror in his eyes as his lover's giant fingers closed around his throat.

Would be nice if he could skin vampire or remove his teeth like one of his plat kids said they would do.

speedreaders get the guillotine

You wish. Duane is in his heart a giant blond pussy who'll probably feel bad for Roger and suddenly recall a repressed memory of how he let him escape all those years ago.

Duane's extreme devotion for Alderode is one of his most defining traits and arguably his biggest flaw. I don't think he would ever go against it without some serious character development first, let alone be willing to happily tell the whole story to a bunch of children.

He isn't exactly happily telling it now.

It's possible he did something in the past and blocked it out of his memory, though I dunno what that would be, especially with how pissed he is about them casually sacrificing their plats

Duane would gladly tear Queen Sonorie's heart out and eat it. If anything, he hates Roger even more. He would gladly murder every one of the traitors in this room if he had the chance.

What's with all the niggers?

Really looking forward to Duane swiping that mercenary's solidity aspect.

Cresce EATS children, they don't send them to war.

Deliberately instructing your plats to kill themselves also doesn't seem to be the norm in Alderode based on the reactions we saw earlier. Certainly it's not Duane's MO, he risked being exploded like a blood sausage rather than let the shit hit them.

See I knew Roger was gay, but I didn't know he was 'harder, daddy' gay.

Cope has had worse shit in the comments. Remember MMM?

What is Alderode's stance on gays anyway?

>Matty's gay

Is he? I suppose that's from the blog? Because all we've seen him show is 'good big brother' awe of Jivi and 'bad big sister' terror of Sette.

Duane greasing these twats would not degrade my opinion of him.

Vampire is probably a couple hundred years older than Roger at least. He's totally that guy who hangs out at the local high school after dropping out of college.

>Anadyne is now the new Super Big Bad after tearing her tits off.

dumblrinas had a shit-fit over that, too.

Probably revealed it to keep the antis off her back. "See see here's a gay main character who survives the story. Now fuck off."

>remove solidity aspect of skin
>the baby falls out of its skin


I recall Cope saying it's fine when you're young, people might look at you like a weirdo but it's legal. They think it's just a immaturity thing you'll grow out of when you get married and have children

Vampire deserves better than Roger. Also, his first name might be Mallory

>Surviving the story

The Deadly Nevergreen twink survived. Sonorie's advisor is still alive, and so is Roger (for now). That just leaves Turas, who was if anything the only Red Berry Boy with even a half-scruple.

As far as I remember they don't give a shit as long as you fulfill your duty to your caste and country.

There's also Ruckmearkha who is definitely surviving until the end.

Maybe he's going to rip his gag off on the next page and call out "FAAAAAAAAGS." That would turn at least fifty percent of readers against him.

I doubt Cope would do that (she's not bent to this sort of hand-flapping in the past), and making a character she constantly jokes about killing next page gay would probably not help her even if she did do that.

No, explicitly not. The initial queen of Cresce was trying to set up more of a full on democracy when she died. When her people were starving and she had to implement a system to provide food for everyone and she chose four letter names to decide who was fed, she included her own children in that system. They died. She also set something up of a sort where the queen takes wards on, of noble mien typically, and then raises them. Those wards are then the women considered for position of queen at the time of her death.

user got one detail wrong though, Ashley said the reason that queens don't have children is to ensure they take care of Cresce first and foremost as their own children, so that they do not put their biological children first.

Ruck is like TFA Cell. I don't really think he has an orientation so much as a vore fetish.

He probably got fucked by Hetr’s purge of the town afterwards

So vamps and Roger are extra traitorous then

I can't imagine her revealing an orientation for Matty, or any of the other kids. Jivi's old enough to be a teenager and started to get interested in relationships, but I don't think she'd put the younger one's sexuality in or out of the comic. Plus she's famously never cared what people who shit talk her or her work think.

What was that thing’s problem, anyway? Besides a laundry list of mental issues, I mean

Literal autism and bad socialization, if I had to guess.

Technically they eat them as young adults

He is only interested in and targets men.

He had a romatic relationship with a legal man. I don't think he has much room to talk with how much he idolizes alderode

The loudest homophobes are almost always closeted fags. So psychologically him detesting Roger's faggotry with particular vehemence would check out.

>> legal man

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>Remember MMM?
Newfag here. What's the story?

Oof, Silvers are the best

Mallory vampire Archer

You don't think the last panel will be Grandpa Matty reading the whole story out of a book to Sette's adopted kiddos Mikaila and Lemuel Frummagem Princess Bride style?

Sure, with Jivi at his side, and they'll be wearing matching wedding rings.

The last panel will be a fully healed Duane standing over Sette's grave saying "she truly was an Unsounded by Ashley Cope".

>He's totally that guy who hangs out at the local high school after dropping out of college.
So is this literally Twilight now

>They're so cuuute
>I give it a month.

Cope does some killer tasteful erotic art. It's not even porn.

>I give it a month.
More like fifteen minutes with duane in the room

More like five pages until the curse kicks in.

if you think a sennet beast can have a sexual orientation then you are more retarded then the usual tumblr fag

>wewwww this yaoi is hot
>you know that reminds me of that other hot thing, pretty boys suffering miserably and dying in agony
>better work that in down the line
Guys I cracked the code

No amazing story. Just a frequent commentator who would start inane shit in the comment section of a lot of strips. Not a Yea Forums guy, at least not that anyone knows of.
Only thing I remember about him is consistently referring to Sette as a "lion-tailed monotreme."

What an aggressivly wrong claim. Sennet beasts can have intelligence, libidos, and preferences. There is nothing to stop them from having a sexual orientation.

Isn't Dhampir, back in the present day, the Crescian Pyscho-Sadist that wants to rape Toma/Elka? The one working for Bell? Or am I getting my edgelords mixed up?

>What is Ilganyag

The crazy chick who works for Bell is called Abby I think and they look nothing alike and also I have no idea where the fuck you got the impression she wanted to rape Toma or Elka. Dhampir isn't Crescian, Ashley said she actually had Aldish parents but was born outside the dammakhert.

I think user is pointing out that because they can't actually reproduce they can't actually have a "sexual" orientation, they just engage in pleasurable behavior with other individuals with specific characteristics.

But this gets into the whole "senet beasts as testing for humanity" thing. Salt Lizards might all be asexual, but waterwomen and stormmen pretty clearly have genders, or something approximating it, and they clearly fuck.

Ah. I expected more of a grand meltdown from the description. And I learned a new word today. Thank you.

There's no way Dhampir survives this tale. I would put down hard cash that Duane or Lemuel take her head off here.

Dhampir and Vampire both die for sure. I can't guess what happens to the Salt Lizard though.

Just imagine a person standing in the middle of a social gathering repeating the same five thoughts over and over in a loud robotic monotone, stopping only to bellow “EXCUSE ME KIND SIR BUT I WASN’T FINISHED“, and you’d pretty much have the whole picture.

Well Duane suspects its still alive so it presumably survives

Present-day Duane explicitly believes that Saltsigint is still alive, but he didn’t drop any implications of how she comes out of this particular encounter.

How much longer until Will loses his arm though. Cope, if the story ends with that arm intact and you leave me with severed limb blue balls I will fucking bury you.

Dhampir hacks it off when Will goes full drop-bear under the curse, calling it now

Wasn't Will's mechanical arm a surprise for Duane's daughter? I'd assumed it was recent.

She’s surprised because he’s had it long enough to act natural with it. She just never noticed.

>Sette naming her kiddo after after the brother of her zombie dad's who conspired to have him murdered
It's oddly appropriate for her

Obviously Lemuel went along with things and was conspiring, but do you think he knew the end result was actually going to be his brother dying? Just did a reread recently, and during the flashback even though he's obviously sad he doesn't talk to Duane like you would someone whose fate is already sealed. He warns him to watch out for Bodie and other things.

Maybe he was misled too.

I think he knew, but chickened out when he saw what was actually going to be done with Duane. Like this chapter is showing us, Lem is deeply, DEEPLY disturbed and his faith in Ssael and some ideaa of Alderode are what keeps him alive, enough that he'd certainly be willing to sacrifice his blood for whatever cause he'd become part of
But regret and guilt after the fact? I can also see that

Are we still in 2000s? What's this atrocious resolution?

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You can get higher res images of the comic on her Patreon. I agree reading it at this size is a little bit hard sometimes. It makes some of the details get lost.

The Patreon pages are crisp as fuck. I'd bitch about them being paywalled but Unsounded is literally the best currently ongoing webcomic in the world and yet has a tiny fanbase so something has to keep it going.

I already hate Duane though.

Khert's that way, try coming back next life when your taste is less shit

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The comment by the peace guard representative seems to confirm Dhampir is just a normal "Cresce person" who's operating on her own. Sort of like Jivi, except Jivi was just raised as a pirate and idolizes Cresce's state. Dhampir's just someone who fucked off to find their own fun.

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She's not Crescian.

The size of the pages can get a bit tight when there's a lot of dialog, but they're mostly that size to keep a consistent set up on the website itself. Where frequently the author will completely break the boundaries of the page, or the site itself, for dramatic effect.

Ah, alright then. Cope's mentioned before that Ald's who are born outside of the dammakhert largely look like Crescians. I wonder if Dhampir will be how this is introduced in the story itself.

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>Your child could come out a nigger
There is no cost too great to ensure the continued existence and proper function of the Dammakhert

Fucking kek

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Are his pymaric eyes supposed to glow or is that meant to be light reflecting or something like that?

They're pyrmarics, so they might just be like that. It might also be that they glow in response to Duane doing pymary, since green is his color for that. Obviously it's also for artistic effect, but still.

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>hating Duane “If they like the cock give em a shock” Adelier

>The person who cut Jon in half was aiming for Duane
>Duane ate Turas
>Duane is probably about to kill Vampire and push Roger to suicide by rapesnake
Duane has been directly or indirectly responsible for every gay death in the series.

Oh shit, I forgot Jon was gay (or at least Duanesexual). And Duane never even knew. Makes you wonder how many people have crushed on him to run into a wall of obliviousness.

Ashley (jokingly[maybe]) called Duane the stupidest man on the entire continent

>Anonymous asked: The Yea Forums unsounded thread for this page is surprisingly not as terrible as I thought it would be today? Nice but also confusing

Quick, say something to hurt tumblr's feelings.

A sexual orientation is just a preference, and even a dog can have preferences

Something something Trump. Something something proud boys. Something something /pol/. Something something Alex Jones.

A channer that hangs out on Tumblr too? Goes to show there's less of a gap between these two shitholes than either imagines.

Alex Jones? gtfo old fag

already beat me to it.

Were they expecting gay bashing or something? This is the gayest place in the internet

tumblr and Yea Forums are like exes who occasionally get drunk, have a hatefuck that puts holes in the drywall, then go back to wanting to kill each other.

I wonder if this will make him realise that we don't really hate "teh gayz"?

Probably. Which is a laugh since every one of these threads has someone wanting to assfuck Lemuel, Duane, Matty, Will, the sloe-eyed Plat kid, or any number of other dudes.

Just because this site’s community collectively own millions of dollars worth of animal dildos doesn’t mean it’s gay. You’re gay!

I don’t hate the gays, but the site of two men kissing makes me retch. It’s like a reflex.

Given how much people in these threads know about what she posts on Tumblr, I think there's a lot of crossover actually.
The days of Yea Forums being separate are pretty well over. People still don't usually come out and admit it, but there are enough threads that reference stuff from reddit, twitter, tumblr, etc. that it's pretty obvious. It's kinda sad, in a way. The old atmosphere is never coming back.

Yea Forums doesn't hate gays. Yea Forums hates media that panders to gays or that includes them in a way that sticks out like a sore dick.

Unsounded hasn't done that. It even already established without any special fanfare that Roger was a fag years ago.

My brother is gay and I'd die for him but when I see him holding a dude's hand I want to peel off my skin. So I get it. Equal rights for all but get a room.

Considering all the other platforms you listed are cancer, I'm kind of glad Yea Forums is here and a little more welcoming than it used to be. It's a good last resort, especially since Tumblr banned porn.

Maybe they were expecting something pervy, like something involving Claggart having his way with Roger while Vampire is forced to watch

It's a shame she doesn't do commissions, because this has sparked a fire in me.

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Just imagine Vampire’s beard slowly soaking up his tears as Claggart turns Roger into the slut we know today

She does in fact do commissions. I paid her to draw spicy Duane and Quigley last year. And no, you can't see it.

You can't really blame Vampire. A man of 362 just can't compete with the virility of a strapping lad in his 120's.
You're a heartless bastard

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>And no, you can't see it.

There will be consequences.

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Look at this, he gives hope and takes it away just as fast

What'd you expect of him? No point paying good money for a shiny toy if you have to share it with everyone.

Hey, I paid good money for it. One of you fucks pony up next and buy some creator-drawn smut. Then maybe we can trade.

Yeah, my dad works for Nintendo, too.

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>I pay money for my smut, the least I can do is hoard it and make other people do something for me to see it
kill yourself you selfish whore, then you'll have the only eyes to grace an image made out of pure greedy lust

How much did you pay, and how long did it take? I've been wanting some Murkoph/Bastion porn ever since I read that old comic she has about the two interacting back in the pre-Unsounded days.

That’s perfectly fine

Fuck you, you commie fuckers. The man is allowed to enjoy what he paid for.

Though it would be a damn shame if he posted a thumbnail, dangle the goods just so we know what we're missing.

If anything, Yea Forums is just as much cancer these days.


Did people lose interest after the hiatus? Threads seem much slower now.

He's shown running away carrying Dawn, the stabbed Whore

Yea Forums went to shit when Moot sold out to Gawker

I cycle between reddit, Yea Forums and tumblr. Twitter too, weird how no one ever says anything about twitter around here.

grinman/cockmongler, trains board, a navigation frame on the left, Yea Forums.net for those who may think I'm a newfag

>weird how no one ever says anything about twitter around here.
Are we on the same board? It feels like there's a Twitter screencap outrage thread up every time I check the catalog.

I don't know, seems to have picked up steam lately. Everyone is thirsty for the dads. I prefer the discord though, there's more stupid pymary speculation in there and that's my obsession.

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The threads have been really active recently, I felt. How much action Unsounded threads seem to get depend heavily on how much active speculation there is and if Ashley posts. Always have done. Plus, unlike some of the other threads for webcomics, we don't have a study supply of self-made porn (why bother, when we can get official porn), we don't have much trolling, we genuinely like the comic and the author. There's limited controversy to talk about to make the threads longer. Quality over quantity.

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There are only a couple dozen posters per thread, but the threads stay alive a while and have some decent discussion at least sometimes. I think they're in a pretty good spot.

Yeah sure but no one lumps all twitters into the same faction type thing that reddit or tumblr get

Can't wait for this childkilling faggot to die the worst way possible.

Based Cope killing all the gays

Why the fuck would you ever leave Yea Forums? All the other sites are such cancer these days, censorship and trigger warnings everywhere. You can't have a decent discussion about anything anymore or you get banned, and I am not even a /pol/tard. The only sites I still visit are Yea Forums and Neopets.

T. tired old man

Since we're on the subject
>going back through unsounded's mostly Q&A tumblr
The fact that Duane and Jon specifically went out to find orphans to train as child soldiers because they disliked being dead ended where they were certainly puts a different spin on things. I kind of thought Duane was assigned to the Plats or that when he came in he attached himself to them. Knowing he's the whole reason they're in this mess to begin with adds a bit more to the situation and especially the back and forth in the recent update. It's certainly in line with how Duane deluded himself into the bravery of it all and how he went on about it in the past.

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This whole rebellion is going about it all wrong.
We need to figure out how to make the Dammakhert produce Silvers only, maybe patch up their lifespan a bit while we’re at it. Then all the women in Alderode will be either Silver caste or ethnic Tainish and we will possess peak waifu powers.

It's also normal in Alderode, to be fair. And it's not as if Duane and Jon (also a plat) were just using them as disposable stepping stones to GTFO the plague quarantine.

Army service was probably preferable to being in the quarantine for the kids too, in fact; they weren't assigned to guard it, they were stuck in it.

As Nana points out "This is punishment from your God for taking Hatchlings into battle." And Duane, father to all children who come his way, can't say anything. There's few things as universally frowned upon as harm to children. We don't, on a very fundamental level, like it. It fucks us up in a lot of ways to see it and have to be kind of fucked up to to countenance it as necessary. I'm sure African child soldiers get justified the same way by the people who are in those circumstances they're in. It fucks you up all the same to have to deal with it.

Alderode does it and has practical reasons for it and I'm sure everyone forced to face that decision has to find a way to work around it being simply putting children in harm's way for your own, or even their own, benefit. I imagine most alds simply don't think about it and this is reinforced, probably not coincidentally, by the special segregation Plats live in. We sort of already know people mostly deal with Plats by giving the caste in general special dispensation but also romanticizing their short lives.

Duane's biggest character flaw is self righteousness, and how that blends with his idealism. He sees not only the best in most people, but the best in otherwise very bad circumstances that lead him to accept or justify them as necessary. He talks about the bravery of plat children in war, and he's not necessarily wrong. They are brave and he did his best to try and give them both a better life and keep them alive in war. But even back when that page where he tried to reassure Quigley with that anecdote was new, I caught the implicit horror of it. Duane is talking proudly about leading child soldiers. Having them kill people, navigate landmines, be at the very precipice of being fucked by a spell stop. This chapter brings us back to that and throws it both in the audience's and Duane's face how fucked up that was. And it's clear just how much he repressed to able to look back on it with pride.

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Well said, user.

>Cresce EATS children
Is this about the twins or did I miss something?

I think it’s about the twins

Cope pretty much said Ruck is gay. He also has a lisp because of his fangs getting in the way, but she chose not to put in the phonetics of it because it could be an annoying stereotype.

Dunno if they are supposed to look like Crescians. Maybe they run the full spectrum of normal human phenotypes like Sharteshanians. I imagine the region of Alderode wasn't populated by people TOO different from the Tainish peoples that also lived at those northern latitudes.

Why are there child limits only for long-lived castes anyway? If they became too many (and the state would rather have better pymary adepts than jets and coppers get to be) they could marry of most of their children to bronzes and fix the issue in one generation.

The Aldish were from the region which would be Crescia, they have the same ethnic origin as the Crescians. What is odd about the caste system is that it forces a bunch of Tainish-looking phenotypes on them. They should all look like the Bronze caste and look mixed-race if not for their perversion of nature.

>promoting caste-mixing

Attached: DuaneDelet.jpg (121x143, 12K)


It’s called smut.

More evidence that Ssael was the architect of the Dammakhert. If you put a Tain in charge of designing the looks of a bunch of artificial races, he'll probably make them look like what he's familiar with, or at least most attracted to.

Sad but cute

/aco/ isn't for actual comics user, it's for diaper fetishists and sissyfags

Calling it now. Duane will tacitly dispel that blue fire thing and Vampire will go ham on Roger. Reminding us all of yet another fetish of sexless Ashley, domestic abuse.

What does this hate curse actually do exactly?

Makes the castes attuned to the Dhammakhert to hate the cursed one.

Low-key mindcontrol.

Jets and coppers are also prone to disliking each other due to some dhammakhert hiccup.

Just...hate? Are they forced to act on it? Do they realize it's irrational/dammakhert fuckery?

I ain't seeing any dicks OP

I imagine we'll be seeing for ourselves soon enough.

It basically makes you into a black man in 19th century America in the general vicinity of a white woman being raped.

unwashed speedreader

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>enjoys the homo
>bit of a sadist
Ruck was the self insert all along

It's all flowery and everything, but it doesn't actually tell you much about what it's really doing. I mean if you know your feelings for x guy are a product of magic fuckery, wouldn't you just try to avoid thinking about him? Do they just lose their senses and go out of their way to fuck with the guy? Is the average mud farmer just suddenly filled with bloodlust that can only be sated by seeking out and gutting Roger?

My dude, literally just wait like five pages.

When the twins turn 20 the youngest is poisoned with some real nasty drug and then his/her flesh is carved and roasted and given to important people to eat. the other twin becomes a priest in the geffy church.

The Ssaelit considers this the most abhorent practice of the geffies. oh and the geffy half of Alderode ofc practice it as well.

Duane, you railed a silver in a cloakroom.

>Are they forced to act on it? Do they realize it's irrational/dammakhert fuckery?
We'll probably find out in a bit, especially considering Ashley talked about having trouble writing the Tainish for a section where Duane and Lem are talking about all the non-Soud's around them going goddamn fucking nuts. But most people don't even know what Etalarche even is, so most people would have no reason to think about these incredibly violent feelings they have.

The description seems pretty straight forward to me. It has to do with how a person is perceived. It won't make some random fuck hunt him down out of nowhere from their fields. But if Roger stumbled into a village, every villager he came across would perceive him as this terrible person they had an incredible compulsion to hurt and murder. Like everyone around you becomes this violent, unthinking lynch mob dedicated to hunting you down if they come across you. If you know of the curse, it'll probably be all the worse. Because I'm entire sure there's going to be a section where Vampire get's hit with the effects and he and all the other rebels will probably go after Roger, tears in their eyes as they can't control their feelings of hate and sadism for a man they all loved and followed and they all know it's just a spell but they can't do anything to stop it.

If I had to guess, the curse relies upon how people's brains are very much post hoc machines. We spend a lot of time justifying things we already believe to our selves. The Etalarche curse just plops the belief of "Roger much suffer and die" into Alds' heads and their own brains will come up with excuses. Every thing you ever disliked him doing, every irrational doubt or negative emotion you ever had, every mistake he ever made or disagreement you had, all magnified by the curse's effect into reasons to tear a man apart.

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Its almost like pandering to gays is a losing situation regardless and you should just stick to your artistic vision and ignore them.

They're just going dig up supposedly hidden "Gay subtext" anyway. Even if everyone is straight.

what the fuck, this seems like a fairly large thread for Unsounded, at least from what I've seen recently. Nothing particularly big happening on this page, either.

Gay happened

Not that foi-hellick being gay is anything new

I don't think it's pandering. Her brother is gay, so faggotry is a part of her day-to-day life experiences. It makes as much sense to include it as anything else. If she was some middle America mouth breather who'd never seen a gay person except on that tv contraption that's always tuned to Fox News in the church lobby, it might be pandering.

Based Etalarche BTFO cuck king Ssael.

What, guilty?

The kids may still be from specific bloodlines. Cresce is still governed by an hereditary aristocracy. This fits into the religions of the setting: good people get reincarnated higher up the social hierarchy (which is not a ladder).

>Are they forced to act on it?
That is pretty much the point of emotions. They are general behavior modules.

>Do they realize it's irrational/dammakhert fuckery?
Does knowing our motivations are essentially irrational products of evolutionary accidents keep us from acting on our urges?

>Because I'm entire sure there's going to be a section where Vampire get's hit with the effects and he and all the other rebels will probably go after Roger, tears in their eyes as they can't control their feelings of hate and sadism for a man they all loved and followed and they all know it's just a spell but they can't do anything to stop it.
Well that's what seems odd to me. You can suppress feelings. I mean eventually it'll fuck you up, but just some spontaneous urge to shank a guy that pisses you off can be pushed down or else society couldn't work. It seems like it's fundamentally altering people's personalities if a normally cool and collected person can't even bite their lip and swallow their contempt for a few moments

What holds us back IS SOCIETY if you hate someone and want tk shank them well there are consequences so you can rationalize, if you hate that person want tk kill them and everyone else and the goverment agree ... its actually the opposite now its proper and just to do that.

>Does knowing our motivations are essentially irrational products of evolutionary accidents keep us from acting on our urges?
Most people don't view it as such, and even then you have monks and shit that purposefully deny their urges. You are trained at young ages to deny half of them in this arbitrary social situation, and other half in this arbitrary social situation, etc. The amount of restraint the average person exhibits just to get through life isn't insignificant, but it is surprisingly easy

Why would vampire shank his own lover at the behest of a society he doesn't respect?

>liking Duane "Fucking men? No siree except if it's me" Adelier

The Etalarche Curse sounds like cancel culture. Considering pymary is just programming, I wonder if this is Deepest Social Commentary. #AllTheWorldHatesRogerFoiHellick

the etalarche curse is cast by just having a bunch of government people dig up roger's tweets from 2012 about how kicking dogs is hilarious

Like proportionally Vampire is waaaay too old for Roger. So you could spin that it's abuse of a sort. #RogerToo #BoycottTheRebellion

If I were to speculate I think the emotions would be a lot sharper, like finding someone you already despise on top of your child or something. Just a blinding, intense fury that trips deep in the lizard part of the brain.

Quite likely, just triggering the kind of anger in you where everything just goes red and you lose all restraint. With the dammakhert it ought to be possible to trigger that effect in anyone strongly tied to it.

Wonder if it actually similarly affects the mind of the target of the curse. I'd think it'd actually be more effective if you could just curse someone to loathe themselves to such a degree they kill themselves on the spot.

It's probably possible, but the point of the Etalarche curse seems almost less like punishment and more like wiping some undesirable's influence from the population. It's not just that the Curse makes everyone attack but that it makes them HATE. Anyone who was sympathetic to Roger or his cause is going to abandon them both now, leaving the Alderode government back on top.

That seems creepier to me than suddenly hating your general. I mean maybe they're able to rationalize a reason to keep supporting his war but maybe they also suddenly hate that too. Maybe they hate themselves because they remember when they loved Roger. This shit could have a devastating ripple effect.

Christ, yes, but I wish I didn't. He was so obsessed with Sette's feet (and with using them to accuse Ashley of having a foot fetish) and every single one of his "analyses" of a new page were so critically, intrinsically wrong that I wondered why he obsessively commented on the comic if he refused to actually read it.

The weirdest was when he simply vanished. Hard to imagine someone's obsession suddenly switching off but I suppose that's what happened.

its canon, user. word of god

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Those plats were either in the quarantined area or very near to it and they were orphaned. From how Ash has described it, they probably weren't in a better situation back before he got them enlisted.

I thought it wasn't allowed in Alderode and was only practiced in other countries?

Was it in question? She drew that sexy yaoi comic with the snake and Bastian.

I thought she lived alone like a crazy Floridian swamp witch

You can live alone and see your family on a pretty regular basis. Plus she vocally likes yaoi and guro.

>Anyone who was sympathetic to Roger or his cause is going to abandon them both now
Will they though? You can rationally believe one thing yet feel entirely differently about it. I'd think they'd just be unable to interact with him without feeling seething hatred.

Actually, does the curse work 24/7 or does it only turn on when Roger's actually around?

I'm convinced he dipped when Ashley switched to Disqus for comments because he would have had to actually have or make an account somewhere to continue his disjointed ranting, and that was just too much for the weirdo.

He's dead user. Ashley enacted the Etalarche Curse, someone doxxed him and got a mob to murder him in his own home

All women like yaoi, like how all guys all like lesbians. It doesn't actually relate to one's opinion on their orientation.

Assuming the rebel's plan fails the etalarche curse is going to make him loathe Roger and have a compulsion to maim and kill him. I figure amongst people who know what the curse is it'll be like having OCD, you know what you want is irrational, you know it won't accomplish anything or anything good. But you have an unyielding need to do it, and you can't really function correctly (without a lot of therapy) if you don't.

So an entire nation just has KILL ROGER on full blast in their heads all day? Seems like that'd be hazardous just from all the angry mobs looking to get the murder impulse out of their heads

Honestly it's probably more like this.

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I can't wait for Ashley to cast an irl Etalarche curse on Duane this chapter Not that anything can dampen my appreciation for the best nerd in centuries

I doubt that, I think it only works in his presence. If you see him, for whatever reason you just feel an overwhelming need to cause harm to him. He just looks wrong, acts odd, feels evil and bad. No matter what he's doing, you know there's something shady about that guy, and you need to act. And everyone else around you is acting too, so they know it, and it must be okay and logical and sound.

If you know about the etalarche curse how you feel might be slightly different I imagine, but the underlying need to act is still there.

I believe it's implied you do not have to be in his presence. Rather, the idea or thought of Roger would be tainted with negative emotion. Emotion you would act on if you see him, but also cause you to conceptually associate him and anything related to him as evil.

Fair, although I can't imagine it'd lead to random people hunting him down. If you were connected to him enough to have an idea of where he was, or if you were in his presence, you'd probably try to attack him. But I don't think people halfway around the country would have an impulse to find and kill someone they barely knew. Just a deep hatred.

The Etalarche curse always gets its man in the end - rpgfan.com/news/2019/9591.html

Who the fuck and why should I care

Since the curse needs to hit the target itself, rather than all the other people around them, it would seem like it specifically intercepts the way the dammakhert makes all non-Soud Alds vaguely aware of each others' presence and thoughts. I don't think has been brought up much in comic yet. So depending on what you thought about them before hand, you might have these wild mood swings when in and out of their presence. As it's described as a compulsion to murder them, it's probably hard to break off from doing this. But we just don't know exactly how it's gonna play out until we get there and Cope seems to have specifically avoided talking about how it works because of that.

In some ways, all of Cope's posting about the background of the series is a double edged sword here. It's very interesting to read, like the appendices of a fantasy novel. But it also somewhat messes up how the people who've read all of this perceive Alderode. In comic, we're introduced fairly slowly over time just how fucking weird Alderode is. First it's some conspiracy nut going on about castes, Elka and Toma talk about their fucked up khert, we see Duane's backstory of how oppressive it, the Crescian council talks in horror about their expansion's effects. But we're missing a lot of the piece about how it all fits together and just how bad it gets.

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Probably waiting for the next what is it...book? Book 2? when the story goes there. I can't wait to watch Sette in a perpetual state of WTF as she's introduced to Aldish caste fuckery.

Anyway I used to follow the tumblr but I clued in to how it was kind of ruining the story for me in the way you mentioned. People running constantly to the author for validation or to have things interpreted for them isn't how fiction is supposed to work. I have more fun with the comic when I'm discussing it with other clueless people now instead of her.

It's pretty crazy how much better this webcomic is compared to all the others

>they can't actually reproduce
Didn't bird tits specifically state having kids with GOD/Murkoph

turns out it's pretty rare for the average person let alone a webcomic author to have a story they're passionate about, be old enough to have gone through multiple drafts of it, have a borderline unshakable work ethic, be capable of writing interesting characters and dialogue and especially giving each character their own voice, and know/care enough about the medium to try things that would only work in it without seeming like they're trying to reinvent the wheel


She mentioned “our mistake” in he middle of checking on khert-Sette and her lying lion brother(?), but her soliloquy didn’t get specific on the context.
And I imagine anything “born” in the khert would be a metaphysical constrict rather than literal biological offspring.

totally false and you know it

>ashley, a /d/ veteran and connoisseur of freaky yaoi, is surprised that people are thirsty for vampire, basically a walking bara checklist
i'm in disbelief right now

This thread is too old and too long. Is it because of a smooch? Y'all are secret romantics, I see.

In my defence there have been hardly any characters like Claggart and Vamp in the comic, so I would have assumed people with those proclivities would have wandered off way before now, leaving only a small crowd of people who like pretty boys. But I guess the bara enthusiasts have been waiting patiently in the shadows.

It's because Unsounded is a fantastic and peerless webcomic that's worth talking about with a fantastic author who interacts with her fanbase. Thanks for being cool.

we all stay because of the writing and the suffering, fuckable characters are just an occasional bonus

We knew our time would come
You can't have a setting stuffed to the gills with warriors and a magical caste of people who live four hundred years and get bigger all the while, and not get some good shit eventually

In all seriousness Claggart's been a joy this long chapter, thank you for him

You guys are swell, and you don't gotta suck my cock. It's all good

>and you don't gotta suck my cock.
I insist on doing so.

I have been curious about female coppers since I don't think we've seen any? I always figured they grew thiccer with age just like the men do so I'm picturing someone who looks like she lifts tree trunks for a living and is on an all-carb diet.

Muscular is the only option
We've enough waifs already with Quigley, I need she-beef

See, muscular is my first instinct as well, which is why I'm suspicious of it. It's expected, you know? If she's eight feet tall but rail-thin she'll make for a more unnerving and alien looking person rather than an Amazonian, which is a pretty common look.

I guess I need to give it a good ponder. Thanks for your thoughts though :)

She leads the march, doesn't she? I feel like she would be inspiring to look at and unafraid of getting dirty or working hard. But if she's more of a strategist or too important to be right on the front line and operating from behind the scenes, maybe not. Like says, I've been curious how older female coppers would look. So whatever you think is best would probably be the way to go. You know her lifestyle as well as how they age.

>It's expected, you know?
Of course, but a certain blunder of a certain large media property that was deeply embroiled in "subversion" should remind us that it's not a bad thing to have something in the future be figured out by following the logical threads
But you make a good point about lanklet copper ladies being a possible good spook
In any case, we'll be expecting SOMETHING so I guess you're just fucked now

To be fair your intuition is probably worth more than ours since you might know something we don't about the way coppers age and why/how they become huge, so our suggestions might not make sense in the end. Against my personal interests, I say you just go with whatever you think looks right on her.

It's dependent on whether or not you want to showcase what coppers across the board are like or if you want characters to stand out.

Well at least you're aware of the rampant cocksucking

Isn't that great of her? God why is Ashley so cool
I want to compliment her and her work until she gets super conceited so I can stop

I am going to have to ask for a sauce on that.

Feels like muscular is the better option.

Also well done on making Roger top tier fujobait. The suffering just cinches it!

Enjoy. casualvillain.com/random/ruck_bastion.png

Threads go long when anons find a topic to engage with. Faggotry of a few different literal and nonliteral stripes got a lot off the ground, but we're in the middle of crass Aldish shit at the moment too. When the story presses up against the edges of its current metaphysical mysteries and politics, anons get to debating and discussing. It's happened several times over the years.

Mostly it's when some anons like myself insist upon writing long, involved think pieces about things and get other people to respond and debate back and forth.

Attached: blah blah blah.png (107x204, 56K)

>crass Aldish shit
I meant crazy Aldish shit, but I guess that works too. Not sure how that happened, I'm not typing on a phone with autocorrect or anything.

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Thanks user.

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God damn. That's another thing to save to my computer that I am not particularly proud of. But god damn.

I save all the official unsounded porn I find, just for the novelty of it.

It's obvious what actually gets Ashley off just by looking at them too.. The most salient comparison is to look at the ones that came out the pages where Bastion returned to the Black Tongues. We got art of Bastion and Ruck and Bastion and Silver Waifu. Much like the art of Duane and Leysa going at it, the latter is attractive and well drawn, but it's mostly just a picture of characters having sex. Wouldn't be out of place in the comic itself, aside from how explicit it can be. It's kind of funny and in character focused.

The Bastion and Ruck one, though, Ho boy. Just like my Japanese animes. Much more visceral and erotic. It doesn't get me off at all, but it's incredibly obvious that it does for the artist. As expect of a woman who shipped Vincent and fucking Hojo.

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>Quigley beating Duane

Attached: not canon.gif (448x252, 3.37M)

I didn't know Ashley was a Vincent/Hojo shipper. Patrician taste, Cope.
I guess I need to start following het social media to get all the good smut and gossip.

Also didn't expect Quiggles to be the seme.

That's right, Jay.


Wait shit that's a new one

It's just porn, anons. Don't read too much into it.

It's actually old, don't even remember when I saved it. One of the first ones I saw. The file is dated to like 2014.

Attached: elka fix cen.jpg (800x708, 115K)

See, this one I can buy.

Ah, alright. I'm not part of the patreon crew so I don't much about the porn.

I don't even think she had a patreon crew back then. Most of the porn of that quality comes from commissions, which you can still contact her about. I'm fairly certain someone posted a link, or just shared it directly, here.

user paying for porn is against my religion how could you ever consider that

I could be a Muslim, but I'd be very sheltered if I didn't know people ate pork. Anyway, I didn't mean you specifically. I meant the general kind of you. As in, Cope literally just reminded people of her email if they want to try and hash out an Unsounded porn comission. Usually the patreon stuff is more like and the Bastion Ruck comic. More like quick doodles. That Duane and Quigley one is much higher effort and thus probably commissioned.

Post it all user... Plez

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Judging by something Ashely said once about the old, Pre-unsounded prototype Duane that might still apply... sometimes he sets himself up to lose because he believes he should suffer. Obviously the whole thing isn't canon to begin with, but that's probably his headspace during shit like this

Ruck is scary.

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Is this guy Etalarche? Is he Sette & Tail-Less Lion's father?
It would link up his delving into the Khert, his disembowelment fetish, his Ssael tattoos and his brown hair, which isn't common among the Aldish, not after the Dammerkhert.

Murkoth's his name, I remember now

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Going back through the tumblr more, I can not fucking BELIEVE Cope casually showed off the panel were Jon dies just as an example of the different style she's using for the parts of this chapter in the past in comparison to the normal style. What a bitch. Of course, the panel itself is so innocuous out of context you wouldn't know it and I'm sure no one realized what it was actually about, but it's still just such a power move.

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Holy shit it looks so normal out of context.

>Duane senpai please notice me~

she fuckin knew lol

Why does she want to hurt us? I feel dominated.

I like it

She hurts us because she loves us.

It's only through fictional characters I can feel anything anymore.

Oh wow

Ashley 'If the readers don't cry, another kid gonna die' Cope.

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