OK K.O.!

It’s kind of sad to see that no one really cares about the fact that this show is about to end.

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Maybe it's just not that good. The artstyle i can't stand, it's like a western doodle of anime

I care. I think Yea Forums got snippy around the gun control episode and never looked back, though.
Definitely in my top 10 of best shows this decade.

It's ending?

It's fucking ugly

Maybe because its one of the shittiest shows on current CN

Yeah a week tomorrow. The SU movie is before it on the Monday so that's swallowed up a lot of the hype already

a lot of people on Yea Forums tended to overblow its popularity because "muh app numbers" that no one ever got to see
good riddance to this godawful style and let the faggots who ree about tweening seethe for life

yeah I was interested in the show for a little bit then I saw the gun control episode and I was shocked about how bad it was and never looked back

I don't really care that it's ending aside from the fact that there wont be anymore Fink.

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people care, it's just the show has gained a rather vocal hatebase, and actually enjoying anything out of the show requires you not too go into a frothing rage at the sight of off model characters.

you say that like these characters have an on-model mode

>tfw there's not many episodes featuring Fink
>the one with Shadowy Figure is animated in one of their worst styles

they really don't and it's by design, each boarder has a way of drawing the characters that set's them apart from one another, it's just that pisses people off among other things and where some of the first complaints leveled at the show, far before people got mad about muh guns and lore.

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The villains are the only consistently good thing about this show. The rest of it is just mediocre

>care. I think Yea Forums got snippy around the gun control episode
That episode was so bad it accidentally argued in favor of gun ownerships.

it's ugly badly written and painfully unoriginal. its just the worst


>OK KO cancelled after doing a gun control episode
>Steven universe said lesbian space Hitler was just miss understood
>Gets a movie
What did Cartoon Network mean by this?

You’re overthinking, calm down.

Will Venomous get redeemed?

People care its just that most of them stick to other sites where the thread won't get buried before thriving

I do, but it's become impossible to discuss here.

>You’re overthinking, calm down.
Or am I?


fuck off, you got those hideous waifu threads for years, now your crappy show is finally dying and you won't stop whining

It was shit..good thing it is ending. The pilot was 10 times better.


That show sucked. It had the worst story boarding in have ever seen

But they hardly aired or advertised it. Only 3 cartoons air on the network these days

I care.

If OK KO fans aren't super active here it might be due to the fact Yea Forums seems to constantly hate on it for it's animation quality, despite the fact SU is pretty much on the same level.

This show not as good as gumball

I liked it. It was like a western Dr. Slump.

First off, you're confusing boarding with animation. Not true in the first place but also awfully timed given the movie's dropping soon. Secondly, KO's aesthetic is all over the place. The noisy backgrounds or whatever are hideous compared to SU's.

I'll concede that maybe KO boards action better, but that's about all it has over SU.

>you won't stop whining

Like the people who made the same complaints and reposted the same screenshots in every thread over the last two years?

Autistic hatebase prevents most discussion. Zoomers can’t take flexibility in their animation.

And nothing of value will be lost

As if OK KO weren't in a sad enough state already they even pulled the Lesbians At the Last Minute cliche just to squeeze for that last bit of clout, embarrassing

they didn't wait for last minute
they waited for metaphorically the last hour instead (having the lesbian kiss be in the last normal episode before the endgame stuff happened, aka the 5th to last episode, rather than in the literal last episode)

they haven't been at all subtle with building up too this, i mean shit they had enid with a bi sticker in how many different scenes? but it'll still get stuck with the label last minute.


you say that like people here aren't constantly making fun of SU

I care, but I'm nobody so...

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yea some episodes would like great while others were barely animated and the characters almost unrecognizable.

show borrows so heavily with homages and crossovers that there is barely left of anything to make a show of. KO and others are largely a mishmash of traits borrowed from other better characters. Which therein lies he problem.


I sort of care, but there's just not a high enough level of plot/characterization to get super-invested. Hope Ian works on something else soon though.

i don't think cartoon network thinks at all about the shows it airs

There was nothing in the show that could resonate with an audience besides "remember obscure cartoon or meme?". Just about all the characters existed as references to other things (seriously two of the main characters are Piccolo and Mike Haggar, the latter even named "Mr. Gar") and there was no cohesion between the ideas being squished together. And then they went beyond reference and just included existing characters for crossover episodes, but why would anyone care if Knockoff Piccolo met Real Sonic the Hedgehog? If it had been a Pinky and the Brain-like show starring Boxman and his robots (who actually work as characters and don't just feel like knockoffs of Wily and the robot masters) it might've actually worked.

Something could be by design and still be a bad idea. I love that show and still I find it ugly 50% of the time.

This, Boxman is clearly a Dr Willy reference, but since Willy is already pulling from the mad scientist trope is not that annoying, at least he gets his own thing with his Children/minions.

Nobody cared about it when it was running either. Show's boring as shit dude, it should be full of shit I love but it's got nothing interesting going on at all. I just decided to watch My Hero instead, better show.

I stopped trying to discuss this on Yea Forums because all the threads devolve into "SKELETON REMOTE REEEE" "THIS SHOW BAD STOP MAKING THREADS ABOUT IT REEEE"

I just simply pretended that episode never happened.

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That is every thread now

Why do I even still come here

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I tried to watch the final season of Steven Universe and it's just episode after episode of boring crap.

The show just never appealed to me.

Pulling a Korra/Adventure Time at the end of your cartoon shows how unsuccessful it was imo.
This. Fink and Shannon were about the only good things to come of this garbage heap, and they fucked up shannons human design so bad it almost ruined her completely.

Uhh sauce?

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I think that stuff really got spurred on by how at first it was

>person who doesn't like the show posts why, usually about the art or the characters or the heavy reliance on references, stuff that wasn't unreasonable and usually did have an argument against it
>ok ko diehard fan responds telling them they're wrong for not liking the things they don't like about it, with their argument always being that it was supposed to be like that

It felt like fans were trying to police discussion of the show from the get go, and yelling at someone to like a show or telling them they're wrong for not liking it isn't ever going to make them like it so it just led to increasing antagonism. It's no wonder it evolved into SKELETON REMOTE REEEE.

I mean I like the show but it had 3 seasons, how much more did you want? Not everything needs to go on forever

honestly most shows just ruin themselves by going on too long, see Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy.

what's KO looking at?

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What happened was the anons who actually want a discussion came in to say their piece were met with fans who actually answer back. But then samefags came in and regurgitated the argument over and over again, making the fans vomit out their anger again and again.

Everything went to shit because of samefags honestly. It even looks like some of them got banned because the new OK KO threads are short and not as chaotic.

I think its more like they know the show is cancelled so they don't give a shit anymore.


I'm sad that a show that resonated with me is ending what feels so soon, but I'll be content that the show didn't end up like Adventure Time which while still likable became nothing like the show it started out as, nor became as somewhat infuriating as Steven Universe felt over time, dragging it's feet along. To me this show was a real Knock Out

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anyone got a mega for the finale? Its already out on the app

just checked it, don't see it

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fuck off with this revisionist history
you faggots couldn't accept that the art was extraordinarily shit, so you ree at other people who mention it

These designs suck so much shit. Like what the fuck is this supposed to be.

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Fink, Professor Venomous, Boxmore, and the robots were the only things in this show that didn’t get on my nerves. What I find weird is that these characters genuinely are more relatable and honest than the heroes, which isn’t even pointed out for some reason. Venomous is screwed over in this season because they can’t even put in the time for him to meet dandy, do typical evil stuff with KO, or redevelop his power insecurities.

he's some sort of melon thing: not sure why he's not with the other melon villain and the two vegetable villains in the upper right that were from the same episode

>NAME: Shadamy
>BACKSTORY: Sweet, hyper, weirdo obsessed with other people’s romances. Sees herself as a plain, unnoticed, pure of heart girl... but she’s mischievous and has a dark side! Don’t mess with her OTPs!

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Are you insane it’s the best or at least in the top 3. The art style is subjective and it had a few crossovers boo hoo

Stopped caring when they introduced lesbian shit 2bh.

>one of the best
>at least in the top 3
>gets cancelled anyway

To be fair, that episode was pretty bad.

This. Three season is the perfect number of episodes for most shows.

Yea Forums shits on su even more though, the fuck are you talking about

and it's ending VERY soon, so I especially don't give a fuck what KOfags have to say anymore

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They stall for way too much in their first two seasons. Now they’re getting a rushed conclusion as a fair price. What they do with their final episodes? Spend it on a dumb red action episode, a random dragon conflict, two episodes of useless brad shit, stupid costume shit, a sonic cameo, dandy episode that ISN’T a venomous visit, and a rushed boxmore conclusion episode starring Dandy. What is the point of making KO a point member when he’ll do the same stuff without it?

What art style?

i'm going to lose my fucking shit if Boxman isn't actually in the final two eps at all

When do theast two air?

Next Friday.

I like Raymond but the rest of the show is eh.

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Hey remember when someone made a boob edit of this shot of Barista pup?
Turns out this isn't Barista Pup, but Pup Boy

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That Commander Keen baby looks a lot better than the actual Keen reboot

He's called Mega Football Baby

You fucking faggot don't post on this thread If your just going to be a faggot

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You can't say that nobody cared when OK K.O. has an active vocal fandom and parents tweeting about their kids enjoying it.

Here's the thing, though. Nostalgic references typically aren't aimed for the kids- who will probably laugh or enjoy most things if they look nice- they're aimed at the adults watching with them. You think a 9-year-old can understand the pop culture references in Animaniacs or Shrek? The staff of these shows grew up watching 90s and early 2000s media; they slip it in as a nod to their fellow contemporaries. And the kids will just see something silly and laugh. If you watch it again later, you actually understand and appreciate them.

It’s pretty weird that the villains have all of the best qualities in them while the main characters are pretty annoying and lazy. The heroes barely have any creative angles to them (except for Gars), normally act so ridiculously irresponsible and emotional that Boxman looks more confident than them, or be nothing but a retarded concept that doesn’t flow well with the world (like Enid and Red action for example).

>wearing socks with sandals


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>Captain Planet
Wait what the fuck

All planned.

they had an honest too god captain planet crossover. no not i'm kidding

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All this hate about Calarts and yet when some cartoon tries to be a bit more stylized, people hate it.

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He's supposed to be Mega Man, not Captain Keen. The helmet colors are Captain Keen of course.

In other words, they are willing to do shit like this, but they don’t ever decide to ever have consistent animation or even a proper script.

All they to do is grab the best drawings of their character designs and use it as a reference with instructions. But no, that apparently hides the ‘personality’.

What is this show about mostly? Never watched a single episode but it seems to lack a strong identity unlike other cn cartoons.

They didn't even bother to put her on the bike properly.

bunch of characters work at a super hero shopping mall ,in what is basically a 7/11 that sells nachos that shoot lasers. the business across the street is run by a by a guy named boxman who makes robots and want's too destroy the plaza, it follows a kid named ko as he becomes stronger while working at said 7/11. that's the basic of it anyway.

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that would be a legit fuckup on the overseas animators parts rather than anything that could be blamed on the main crew

No, it’s just the style looks like shit most of the time. Look at Shadowy Venomous. In his first scene, everything about the style works because it’s not way too simplistic, consistent, more balanced in lines, gives a little space between the eyes. It has everything that the show can do instead. In the next episode, they completely fuck it up so badly that it he looks like an embarrassment.

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Thank you user. I might watch some epis just so I can have a proper opinion.

It's the same dealio with gems just disappearing on characters in SU. It's not boarded like that, the animators just forgot to put it in (and 9/10 times it's Rough Draft)

well Mira Ong Chua (the gal who boarded SV's intro) is the boarder whose stiyle is the most appealing to those who don't like the show being off-model (even though objectively it's way more off the show's default style than some of the artists on the show people shit on)

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Honestly, the show really needs those sharp lines to balance out the softness of the characters and to add proper perspectives.

That's why you need a hard design document to source from.

Playing it fast and loose doesn't help anyone

i cant believe jethro is fucking dead why must they kill off the good chracters

There's no way to draw Venomous that can make me not want to fuck him sooooo

He'll definitely be back in the big finale, they built up that whole KO == Jethro stuff early on, now's the time for it to "payoff"

I think a problem is it very rarely uses this premise in episodes. It honestly needed more standard formula episodes, at least early on, where its just KO working at the store while one of the Boxmore robots causes trouble.

He looks like he has a female body here.

After Laserblast, his body became more feminine.

The show suffered from never establishing a clear internal logic and sticking to a consistently identifiable objective. It wants to be so many things it ends up being nothing. If they wanted to say KO wants to become a hero, but the world is saturated with heroes, and he already goes to a public school that assumes a future in being a hero, has no explicit reason why it's important to him other than it's part of the culture to pursue being a hero, and he rather quickly and easily becomes a hero early on, then they exhausted the premise almost immediately without making us care about why in a world filled with heroes it matters that KO specifically is also a hero

they do have model sheets to reference, it's not like the animators aren't given model sheets (just that they have to stick with the storyboard proportions)

I remember being hyped for this show. I loved the shorts, but then the actual show came out and it was boring. Aside from a few good episodes, I can't say I'm sad to see this show go.

Oh I care. I'm glad this turd is getting flushed. I hated this show since the fucking pilot. 90's video games had some of the coolest character art in the genre and you base the show's style off the sprites? Pic related Bengus is a fucking deity

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We know the world is in a constant state of conflict between heroes and villains, with some neutral zones where no active combat takes place, except for Boxmore attacking the plaza with no reason why that doesn't infringe on neutrality. We're shown villainy has an economic value, and that heroes generate currency in the same way celebrity does. Uber powerful heroes exist like Carol, but never intervene in anything in any meaningful way which nullifies the value of striving to reach that power level. Villains like Venomous are not hunted down and held accountable in any meaningful way

Nothing at all can make me not fuck this man

>"No one will talk about this show once it's over"
>Checks catalog and sees both a star vs, a avatar and a gravity falls thread.

Yep, never talked about again.

No, there wasn’t enough details to help them understand how the characters move, fixing mistakes, perspectives, or proper body proportions.

It'll be What Went Wrong threads.

the last two seasons are basically half seasons

you can stop pretending your show was ever popular, ian

The first season should’ve been a half season.

just because processed dogshit is usually on the menu, a bowl of hot garbage isn't something I'd appreciate

that's most modern shows desu. a lot of modern non-OK KO shows have model sheets as sparse as OK KOs (i.e. generally just 2-4 drawings of a character at different angles)

the 2nd season is roughly 3/4ths of the size of the first season, while season 3 is less than half of the size of the 1st season (being literally half the size of the 2nd season)

and before you bring up those really detailed notes Wander Over Yonder had, that's not a model sheet, that's a style guide. (Plus we've seen minor bits and bobs of OK KO's style guide)

As you can see here, there is a lot of information about the characters so each artist can ensure that the character looks the same and remains in one art style. Without it, we get OK KO and Steven Universe bullshit.

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well SU and OK KO deliberately don't want consistency

Being deliberately shit doesn’t make you any less shit.

Being shit on purpose is arguably worse than being shit!

Except the only full season they got was their first. Season two had to be cut down and given a rushed finale and season 3 is all rushed.

It was just so awful to look at, I gave it a couple episodes but I couldn't stand it

Ian is answering fans who ask about any of these characters. Hero levels, fun facts, the works. Some interesting stuff from even insignificant characters.

Can someone ask him about the watermelon guy, I don't have twitter.

I'd rather it see it as forgotten by Yea Forums and have casual threads rather than having asshats using it to shitpost like SU.

what a stupid post
a show doesn't have to be "calarts" to look like lazy dogshit

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This. There's shows that never go off model at all yet they're bland as hell. Being on model all the time doesn't mean anything.


Seething phone poster.
And I'm sure there's a reason that's considered their laughing pose.

seething kofag

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