Is this character supposed to be gay?

Is this character supposed to be gay?

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trans, also probably pan


He's straight but presented as nonthreatening as possible. He's also very flamboyant and feminine.

He's not a character. He's a swiss army knife. The gems are the characters.

he's been pursuing a straight relationship since season 1, it's just he's comfortable with who he is and his masculinity. so he's not afraid too get up on a stage in a skirt.

Attached: ynoodle_neck.jpg (750x459, 56K)

He's literally never been presented as gay, he's actually one of the most certifiably straight characters on the show after his own father. It's kind of weird to me when people try to paint him as gay when there's so many outright gay characters on the show.

I love that image. God I can't wait for the movie.

No, but he is nonbinary

steven's a contradiction. he's totally straight but also the biggest little faggot imaginable.

Boys can wear dresses for _________ and still be straight.

He's a male lesbian

Ahahahaha. Stop it.

Steven is straighter than most people on this board including myself.

Yes. I want to fuck pussy and have a dick up my ass.

i hope so.

Rather as a feminist

This. He is so comfortable with his masculinity he doesnt give a shit about dressing up.


He's an "ally".

Also arguably a transsexual(?) because he's the reincarnation of his own mother? (Who technically had no gender anyway).


My god this show is weird once you start describing it in plain language.

It probably has more to do with him being a reincarnation of his mother and being part of an all female race. But yes, he's a lot more comfortable with feminine things. Doesn't make him gay or any of that shit.

This Show was ruined because the author wanted to gender space ROCKS

Does it make you your mother's "reincarnation" or does it make you "trans" because you have your mother's genes? I think not.
Steven is no difference. His mother's "genes" is the gem.

Steven is not trans, his character arc is a trans metaphor. Which is kinda fucking weird, but I guess having an actual trans character would still be a bridge too far for cartoon network (as if the soccer moms or their kids give two shits anymore about kids' cable networks)

he is the epitome of a pussified male

He's satan

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I was wondering how long before /pol/'s brain worms turned into paranoid schizophrenia. Five years, huh?

This kid is what american-liberals belive man suppose to be

I hope China restore some sense to our world

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction five years to live.png (531x575, 243K)

Believe In Steven

Does Chronicles of Narnia actually contain insidious Satanist propaganda in the form of Aslan?

Or are metaphors more flexible, nuanced and context-dependent than you want to admit?

Do the people of the world really believe in garnet, amethyst, pearl and steven?

>Is this character supposed to be gay?

nope . just ridiculous ....

its supposed to be an ftm tranny

He's straight, but the kind of straight guy I women claims they want but later fuck with some Chad.

Connie will cheat on his fat ass and he'll just accept it because he can't deal with confrontation like a real adult

Pretty much

based on a lie

he gay af

she would have fucked Kevin during that short breakup if Kevin wasn't such a prude about age. Connie is a slut

No.Besides the residents of Beach City no one
else knows they exist.

Kevin was a slut for Steven, not Connie.

Attached: I WANT TO BE A WOMAN. REEEEE.webm (720x720, 497K)

He is obviously straight and is just kind of effeminate.
Hell the one character he can't get along with is a guy who hit on him when he was fused with Connie which means he is either aggressively protective of his bitch or he is extremely homophobic when a man hits on him.
>Muh dress
He wore it as a joke to entertain a crowd because Sadie was being a pussy and he didn't want to leave them hanging. Frankly a chad as fuck move.
>Muh PD outfit
That was a combination of evil space goddesses forcing him to wear it and awkward symbolism because the arc was trying too hard.

He's a faggot regardless of whatever mental disorder he is.

Pretty sure he put PD's outfit on himself though it was out of pressure to impress White, so it's more the latter than the former.

>believing anything /pol/ says
He's a kid.

Well, he's definitely a faggot, not sure if gay.

>gendered space rocks
>gendered space robots

Go back to your containtment board, subhuman

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>a Yea Forums-/pol/ production
Ok this is epic

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Like pots and pans??? Ahahaha nigga you fucking retarded

He’s a little boy in a pinky girly cartoon. Of course he’s an effeminate fag boy

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His new design does have the colors

Have sex

reminder that steven gets more pussy than any Yea Forums poster combined

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Dresses are a culture thing. Hell high heels originally started out as something men wore.

The funny thing about Steven is that he acts by the meme definition of Chad. Which is in line with Rebeca's goal to make a character comfortable with almost anyone.

you can dress flamboyantly and still be straight

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Steven, no he has connie

>presented as nonthreatening

What is he suppose to be

He’s a good kid I guess.

So a bad kid would have fucked her?

Steven probably would too

Penises are deadly weapons and should be removed at birth. It's not hard to understand.

I wouldn’t say he’s dangerous

this greg literally killed a galactic tyrant with his, and the spawn is capable of the same.

>would still be a bridge too far for cartoon network

They're testing the waters with Stevonnie. Wait a couple more years, and they'll have a straight-up trans character on some show. No metaphors necessary.

>testing the waters with Stevonnie

What do you mean test user?

You mean they both become one

Stevonnie's origins are fantastical, so there's some distance between a realistic example and that, in much the way that the gems themselves aren't "lesbians" technically.

In fact they dodged the question of Stevonnie's gender until that Dove commercial, but now that the cat's out of the bag, all bets are off.

It's because he acts like a massive faggot, so much so that it's very difficult to believe that he isn't at least somewhat gay

Prince was gay though