Carmen Sandiego is the last stronghold of good cartoons

Carmen Sandiego is the last stronghold of good cartoons

No lgbt bullcrap
No feminist drivel
No calarts

Only good animation, good characters, good music, good stories

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh fuck off.
If they show Ivy or Zack is gay you'll drop this show like a rock.

Let's just hope cartoons like them are still allowed to be made. The person who greenlighted this at Netflix was supposedly fired.
Without funding good cartoons can't really be made.

You are right
But they won't


Proving my point you can't handle gays in cartoons.
Its sad

Get ye gone, gobbo!

Sorry, I dont like dykes in cartoons

>Reeeee gay people exist reeeeee

The mole and the frog are totally fucking each other, though.

But really, add Legend Quest and Stretch Armstrong as well. The former might take a hit in the art level, but honestly, only Leo looks bad. Everyone else is the same.

>going out of your way to watch faggotry

You are intentionally retarded, pol gobbo

Player is gay because you're a faggot.

Things are never go to change just for you, goblin. Go away.

It's kinda shit though. There's been two way better cartoons in just the last few months.

>going out of your way to avoid faggotry
Why do gay people bother you so much?

>Cartoon that pussied out and explained that Carmen isn't "the REAL thief"


you’d have to go out of your way not to watch it at this point


He's a closeted homo goblin

Goblin incel

A gobbo sexual, lol.

>good animation, good characters, good music, good stories

It's pretty gross tbph.

>Being Ok with gay people existing in cartoons
>Equates to Anti Male feminist agenda
Are you retarded?

>he doesn't like Batman TAS

A better Sly Cooper cartoon than the one we're about to get.

Absolutely based.

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Absolutely goblin

>No feminist drivel
doubt it, especially if Yea Forumsmblr calims so.
you guys still pretend like sjws haven`t burned down the comic industry as you are standing in it's ruins as well.

Even the 90s Carmen was truer to character than this dork. She doesn't need any reason to steal all the beans from Lima, she just DOES because she CAN.

Niko and the Sword of Light's pretty simplistic in characters and story, but it also avoids all the discourse and shitposting because of that. A shame it's about to end after this season.

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Aids, Pedophilia and overall trying to normalize their degenerate living style which only leads to unhappiness.
Also gays are the once who always want to make their own miserable lives everybody else's problem.
Trying to get parents arrested if they don't want to see their little boy being touched by a bunch of faggots dressed as animals with dildos

That's not a character that a plot device.
>Aids, Pedophilia and overall trying to normalize their degenerate living style which only leads to unhappiness
How fucking retarded are you?

gay people are incredible overrepresented in media. you might not like being called on your privilege but it's still important to do so


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You are intentionally retarded. Go back, pol gobbo

>lets abuse a male character and make all his potential love interests dykes instead
Yes retard it is anti male feminist propaganda

Wait... season 2 is still going? I thought Amazon released all the episodes in a batch.

Goblin retarded

How fucking retarded are you?


Tangled the Series is excellent and you're a fag

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You people are a bunch of fucking children.
Summer is over get the fuck off my board.

You're pathetic, pol goblin

Amazon sometimes releases seasons in parts, and they actually label them as so. Season two is just the first half of that season. It has 10 episodes total.

Though it's weird on Kung Fu Panda's case, since the second half of season one is an entirely new story arc. They could've gotten away with calling it a new season, but they chose not to.

Go back to /pol

If we killed all the shit CN, Nick, Disney aired and replaced it with all the gems shows then the 2010s wouldn't look so autistically bad.
It would however look kinda mediocre especially with the art style.

Tangled, Carmen, Niko, Wakfu, Stretch Armstrong, Caballeros are good among many others. But unfortunately they feel 1 level below the gems of the 2000s.

The art style took a nose dive in the 2010s(except for Caballeros) and 13 episodes is way too low.
Ultimate Spiderman(it sucked), Earth's Mightiest and Young Justice again feel a few levels below Justice League and JL Unlimited, respectively.

Mystery Inc feels like something written by Greg Weisman and Ben 10 Alien Force, it feels very immature compared to Zombie Island which did the movie atmosphere far better.

How are we doing on season 2?

Dilate tranny

>No feminist drivel
Didn't they make her an Indiana Jones style character, rather than the gentleman thief? I mean doe she even break the law in the show?

The duality of man

The Looney Tunes Show and Bunnicula feel far far inferior to Duck Dodgers.

Paul Rudish' Mickey Mouse's shorts are so so compared to the original Looney Tunes shorts. They're much faster paced and have much more interesting settings, but the plots, art style, animation took a massive nose dive compared to the old and new Looney Tunes (2020) we're going to get.

Penn Zero Part Time hero again does some things better but ultimately fails at them.
Walter Melon was a full on parody. Penn Zero went more for actual adventure with story but failed at it because of how immature it was.

Simsala Grimm kinda did the "Tell 26 stories with just 6 repeated characters over and over again" somewhat better than Walter Melon and Penn Zero.

>a few levels below Justice League

You're greatly overrating that show. It had some very ugly animation, especially early on. Not to mention the wonky writing and characterization. The latter half and JLU were way, way better, but even then, you could tell they were running out of steam by the final season.

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this cartoon was mostly shit. Expect for the double twist involving japanese father figure.

Tron Uprising was inferior to Batman Beyond
Randy Cunningham was a little inferior to Danny Phantom.

Motorcity was ... holding up pretty well actually. As far as 5 teenagers with attitude against evil dictator cartoons go. Maybe if it had the world design and story of Kids Next Door or Storm Hawks then it would have worked better.
Generator Rex also held up amazingly well and it's quite a few levels above DC and Marvel's shit that aired this decade.

>No lgbt bullcrap
>No feminist drivel
>No calarts
None of that is decisive on whether or not it is a good cartoon, you know.
>No feminist drivel
The main protagonsit is female. it's enough for many to call it a feminist drivel.

Can the fucking sjw faggets in the thread please die? You're not welcome, go back to Tumblr.

Still no release date, but apparently we're also getting a choose-your-own-adventure special.

Whatever happened to the live action movie? Did that get cancelled? Gina Rodriguez is now doing Disney Plus stuff.


How does Kung Fu Panda's new show compare to the older one? Did they finally dial down the generic by the numbers cliche plots?

I know Dreamworks has an obsession with hiring the cheesiest writers possible for their cartoon shows which make Danny Phantom look mature.

It's easy to tell that all of the political discourse on this board is fake because if anyone actually cared they would either sage or just not reply to the thread and move on.
You are all goblins, especially all of the retards who drop into the threads just to spout some retarded catchphrase and bump the thread that they are supposedly vehemently disagreeing with.
Fuck all of you stupid niggers.

a thread died for this


T. didn't even watch the series

Have SEX,goblin

Because we gave them an inch, and they took the diameter of the entire FUCKING PLANET. >"Oh, what's that? Gay marriage is becoming legal now? Oh well, that's cool I guess. It's been an ongoing social battle for a long-ass time, I'm sure they're happ-"
"-What? It was just made legal. Shouldn't you start by making sure that everything is in order for that, above all else? It's kind of the entire thing you were fighting for-"
>"Isn't making characters gay for the sake of it devaluing them more than else, since making their only personality trait 'is gay', devalues actual gay people by showing you only want to use that angle for brownie points from SJW retards?"

Whether they're the minority of the gay community or not, THESE are the face of your movement. THESE are the people making the big decisions. THESE are the people taking a collective shit on almost all of pop culture, and it's even more fucking infuriating when they get what they want, and then don't even support it since they're not even into that aspect of media *cough cough Marvel*

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Didn't read but based anyway

go back to /pol/, incel goblin.


Have sex. Oh wait, you can't.

Have sex, pol goblin.

It literally went from “let us get married” to “you’re a bigot if you don’t let me castrate my 4-year-old transgender son” in like 5 years. These freaks need to die.

Stop samefagging, goblin. Go back to /pol/.

It’s Netflix. Just wait for it.

Not me and not samefagging. kys tranny.

You a pol goblin. You're not welcome here, incel.

You will never pass tranny. Everyone can see your male bone structure no matter how much makeup you put on. You’ll never be able to casually throw on jeans and T-shirt to run errands like a real girl. You will never even be able to go out in public without looking like a hideous monster unless you spend three hours in front of a mirror first.

You loooove girl cock, pol goblin. All rightists secretly NEEED girl dick.

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Ok can you be straight with me for a second. Is this some sort of new age shitpost? Are you guys doing this on purpose?
I just feel confused. Also, you realize that derailing is against the rules, right?


I'm gonna spank your goblin hams for making an INTENTIONALLY retarded, extremely low quality troll thread.

This image doesn’t really strike one as absurd anymore because they’re doing it and it’s actually working.

You did it to yourselves.

Struck a nerve I see. Remember tranny, no-one is fooled or enjoys looking at you no matter what they say. You will always be a freak who makes everyone around you uncomfortable.

Same guy, not OP, doesn't answer my question. Well, not directly anyway. I'll take that as a yes. Keep up the good work then, based shitposters.


>Carmen Sandiego is a good cartoon
why yes, OP. I agree with this statement. How wise of you to make a thread like this.

I can hear you lusting for girl dick, goblin. Don't lie.





Wouldn't be shocked if these post are made in order to bait /pol/dancers and once they come OP just yells "Goblin" and "Gobbo" at them. It's either a Leftie trying to make /pol/lacks look bad or a Rightoid trying to make Lefties look bad. Either way, he's retarded.

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Rightists are goblins

they’re never going to be straight with you because they’re gay

Technically left wing shitposting also belongs on pol. Pic unrelated.

Also I haven't seen this show, is it worth watching? What's the draw?

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You're gay. Get ye gone, gobbo.

Poor man's Lupin III. Go watch the 90s cartoon instead.

Dude, stop. "Goblin" will never be a meme here no matter how much you try to shill it. I hate /pol/tards too but making dumbass threads like these will just make things worse. That "Batman is antisemitic" thread you made was retarded as well.
Just stop.

You are being an intentionally retarded rightist goblin.

Alright, cool. Thanks, based on topic user.

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wow. A /pol/ bait thread.

What's your endgame, user?

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why don't you watch the show to find out, m8.

It's the 5th one I've seen this past week.

To drive out the goblins. I absolutely hate /pol/ propaganda here. Fuck rightist goblins.

Heil Hitler!

And your solution is to make /pol/bait?

He's stopping /pol/ by summoning /pol/ and then calling them goblins.

They're not sending their best.

If you think I'm OP, you're being intentionally retarded.

Why should anyone want to "handle" diseased perverts?

Yeah, all this will do is get more /pol/smokers to come here and shit up the board.
But hey, he calls them goblins so it must be working!

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Cringe. Get ye gone, gobbo.

You are absolutely braindead.

No you

>leftoid faggot
>using "goblin" as an insult

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Remember to add the text "sage" into your options box when posting in this thread. The bait is working as long as you keep bumping.

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rightist goblins can't meme

>No lgbt bullcrap
You have to be eighteen years or older to post on Yea Forums. LGBT representation has never ruined a show. Writing LGBT badly has.
>Carmen Sandiego
>Not feminist by default lol

Oh wow the faggot really hurt my feelings by calling me a "goblin", don't hurt my precious feelings anymore you pozzed, aids-dripping queer poof tranny

This is itself an inversion of "the left can't meme." You're always either reacting to or co-opting right wing memes, while telling yourselves that you're masters of the memes.

>LGBT representation has never ruined a show.
If you enjoy watching faggots, sure
Are you a faggot? You sound like one.

Yes. Sink the goblin thread.

Don't speak to me you troglodyte, you're part of the problem. Nazis and commies get out please.

Get ye gone, goblins. You can't meme.

>LGBT representation has never ruined a show
It's often a symptom of a bad show though. If it can't be good, at least it can grab headlines and make the staff look like paragons of virtue. Late Adventure Time and LoK for instance.

It's the best cartoon of the year

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This goblin sounds hungry for girl dick.

You're gonna have to elaborate. I don't care about spoilers, just give me a reason to spend my time on it.


>no u
Is this the left's only meme?

Let's see how well you meme when the day of hte rope comes.

Cry harder, gobbo

Why is Yoruichi about to make out with Ichigo?

Lol, you're a stupid goblin pussy. You'll never do anything.

You sound hungry for nazi dick, faggot.
Just admit you want a big burly nazi to poz your asshole with national socialism

It's rightists only maymay. Projecting. Goblin.

Yeah because obviously this is all about me, personally. I, personally, will decide the fate of America. Why does the left always pull this shit?

>Missing all the potential for Carmen to be disillusioned

Lol omfg, it's coming out. Gayer, gobbo. Be gayer.

Stop making bad threads, gobbo.

I didn't make this thread, retard.

This board is so cucked. I used to love coming here, but the propaganda clearly got to you.

Fuck off, /pol/.

I found your problem. You've got goblins

A bunch of manchildren in this thread. Get lives, you fucking morons. Also, Carmen Sandiego hasn’t been good since Fox Kids.

It's bait

Get ye gone, pol goblin


It's the most popular cartoon he could find that didn't have LGBT representation.

How long have you guys been on the internet? This is hilarious. Just close the thread, you win when goblinposter has nobody to reply to anymore.

rightist gobbos


Yes I also cannot wait for Primal to come out

Yes. Give me rest from the goblins.

Make me.


I am



>no feminist drivel
It literally has a strong female protagonist.

I'm sure the virtue signalling trend will end soon user.

It has been discussed several times on this board a few months ago user, everyone agree that it's a very good series
Stop being a baby and just watch the first two episodes

Feeling threatened incel ?

It seems this board is too based for your liking
But fear not, is just that way, you can't miss it, and do send them regards from Yea Forums

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Leave, gobbo.

Having a strong female protag isn't feminist. Having one when the main man is a bumbling moron is. See the end of Adventure Time for more info.

get ye gone, goblin.

Make me (protip: you can't).

>the main man is a bumbling moron
So... like Chase?

I work 12 hour days, sorry for not having the time to spend watching every cartoon I find, I suppose.

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You're intentionally retarded

Well you were just recommended a good one that you won't regret watching

I can, gobbo

Ok, how are you going to do that?

Get ye gone, goblin!

No. What are you going to do about it?

You're a goblin. Leave.


What if I won't leave? What are you going to do then?


My dad is a jannie, he will ban you if you donnt cease

Go! Shoo, gobbo!

Your dad is probably a goblin then

What's that? You mean you aren't going to do anything? You in fact CAN'T do anything?

>/pol/tards have a stroke over carmen being brown during the reveal trailers and start of the series
>now there pretending there all chill with it
yeah nah fuck off.

you too

Leave, pol goblin.

When the goblins are gone, I will be too.

What if I don't?

You will leave, gobbo.

>expecting Carmen SAN DIEGO to not be Latina
Are they dumb?

How will you make me leave?

>Nearly 200 replies
>50 posters
This is pathetic

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sometimes I wonder if incels are extremely closeted boys looking for any semblance of love.

Get ye gone, gobbo

They are very gay little gobbos

What if I don't leave? What are you going to do?