This movie feels like a weird fetish fever dream
This movie feels like a weird fetish fever dream
what is your fetish op?
I'm guessing its ugly shotas and feet.
Fuck this Pro Ant propaganda bullshit movie. The kid was right in the beginning, the only thing he did wrong was that he didn’t go far enough. Fuck ants
Tone Loc lizard in Ferngully did it better.
Yeah, I remember this movie. Even as a kid I thought it was garbage.
This movie the first time I realized if there are a people simple-minded enough or unfamiliar with your ways you could trick them into sucking you off
Reminder that this movie is the reason why Jimmy Neutron got cancelled
user what?
No because the character designs are ugly and ESPECIALLY HIDEOUS for the humans. If your character designs are ugly then you already failed by default.
this movie has:
size changing
and cute ant girls
post a cute shota then
the nick cage ant and how his gf ant tickled
each other made me feel things as a kid
God I love Yea Forums and how I cant vent anything I want
Is that murder?
i'm not either of those anons but here
Thank goodness an ugly artstyle wards off any waifufags and anons who only watch just to fap.
>off-model fanart
But I've fapped to this movie.
Many times.
Well after watching this movie and thinking about how the Ant's knew so little of human anatomy I eventually concluded you could trick one into giving you a blowjob.
Needless to say this thought got in my head when I was starting puberty
....Steven Universe has a fanbase and many defective losers think these rick dykes and trannies are good. Ugly art styles don't always work. I wish horrifying deaths for Steven Universe's fanbase.
>I wish death on people for liking something I don't
not my fault that most people don't make on-model fanart for south park. off-model stuff is better than nothing at all.
even on-model, he's an ugly jew so...
>rick dykes
I turned myself into a carpet muncher, Morty!
Meant rock dykes. Still they're disgusting character designs. And it's wrong to see guys say these gross character designs are appealing. No, they're shit.
yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.
Lies, Lucas is a cute boy
Ant Bully bombed at the box office which pretty much forced DNA Productions to close down, not to mention Nick thought a 4th season would've been expensive.
>obvious grown man actor pretending to be a boy
yeah well it's not like jimmy neutron even has a good quality dvd release
That doesn't explain how Planet Sheen happened.