*does everything Steven Universe tried to do but better in your path*

*does everything Steven Universe tried to do but better in your path*

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As bait goes this is laughable.

Believe In Steven

The one thing I'm pleasantly surprised about is how well they're making their villains be both sympathetic, but still be the bad guys too.

I kinda can't wait to see Horde Prime though, just for the pathos of Hordak finally seeing him and realize that all the work he did in proving he's not a defect, means ultimately nothing to Horde Prime.

Eh I like the show but I wouldn't go that far. Catra is way too on the nose with her refusal to be redeemed for one thing

And what was that?

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It's not better because it's trying to do the same thing, it's better because its core message seems to tell fewer distortions about the way the world works.
Steven Universe:
>Rebellion against the oppressive empire was ultimately shown to be the misguided project of a dishonest leader who in fighting for life, ultimately doomed almost everyone under her command
>This can only be healed by her heir mending the gap between the oppressors and the rebels by showing the space-fascists the error of their ways, and working with them to undo the damage, and in the end everyone can be friends
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
>Rebellion against the expansionist, oppressive force is shown as something the hero must rise to out of the propaganda they fed her all her life, is shown as a necessary act against people who would damage cultures, individuals, and nature itself in their grab at power, often requiring fighting and the severing of friendships and forming of new alliances with others who have similar goals in order to defend what's right.
And I don't know how the whole thing is going to end, bus somehow it doesn't look like it's heading toward She-Ra and Horde Prime, the leader of her spae-fascists taking a bath together and singing a song to magically make everything better.

garbage cartoon

And that’s why She-Ra sucks.

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Nah, it's why it's a better show, and more honest. Totalitarian and expansionist powers rarely get stopped by telling the their system is hurting people and the simple act of standing your ground, or pleading with them. Nonviolent resistance worked in India largely because the British at that point had other eyes on them when they massacred people, and didn't want the image problems it caused. But the US asserted independence from Britan with active, violent rebellion. The Nazis were defeated with bombing raids and counter-invasions. Napoleon was stopped when his enemies got the better of him in battle. Most of the time, if some power wants to crush or control you, the way to get free is to fight it with everything you have.

Please you’re forcusing so much on the literal you don’t look past the metaphor.

SU never had any villains, anybody who thinks the Diamonds were evil didn't get the subtext. Steven didn't redeem the Diamonds.

The literal conflict of the shows proves the respective themes. There's no other metaphor, unless you mean the Princess Alliance/LGBT metaphor, which essentially supports my point.

SU has always been a metaphors and have a central theme of growing up, as Steven grew, so did the complexities of the world, when you grow up, it’s not monsters you fight, you fight real people, your family, old friends, the average person doesn’t fight a dictatorship, at the end of the day, your enemy isn’t some big evil, it’s just a guy who disagrees with you, and you’re not a hero, you’re just some guy doing the best he can. The world is grey as fuck, that’s life bitch.


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I don't even like Stephen Universe and I'm offended by this retarded statement. Stephen Universe at least had a good premise.

>made up awards
>meaning anything

>The world is grey as fuck, that’s life bitch.
Cringe and relativistpilled.

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That tournament ended with AT, GF, RS, and OTGW as the final four. Wouldn’t put too much stock to it.

If anything going by the timeskip he gave them the chance to redeem themselves. I wonder if Entrapta and Hordak will play out similarly?

both are good, Steven is not a cliche legend child like Adora but Adora's story as the savior who came from the villain's side is also good.

Technically Steven kinda is the savior from the other side. He saved both sides, and his mom was a leader of both sides.

Bait people with shitty lesbian ships?

Yeah, I'd say it wins that as it is the only appeal the show has rather than also having wasted potential.

Cue more SU tranny damage control!

>Mr. A
Isn't this just the premise of the Lightbringer?

And what would you have in the Final Four?

Black Dynamite, Looney Tunes Show, Wander Over Yonder, Bob’s Burgers

I don't make a habit of watching or reading OC content made by internet critics so I wouldn't know. It's usually too painful seeing the proof that they cannot create good stories while critiquing others'.

Yes the diamonds aren't evil because they have emotions, just as Ozai, Frieza, Hitler and other genocidal tyrants who killed and oppressed millions weren't evil because they had emotions

Ozai did nothing wrong.

Ohhh, this is the show who triet to be Steven Universe fuse with a war theme and fail to be like Steven and fall to portraid a war.

You ok there buddy? You seem to be misspelling a lot.

I love this show to death, but I swear to God if it EVER has a musical episode I will drop it like a sack of bricks.

It's not bait, they really are gay, they just suck at relationships.

Ozai and Freiza are cartoon characters (metaphorically speaking) compared to the Diamonds. Ozai especially so. He was fun to watch chew the scenery but he wasn't a deep character in the slightest

>they're gay just have never been in a relationship
What caliber is your head canon? Are we talking about main batteries for ships?

>The world is grey as fuck, that’s life bitch.
Spoken like a true woman.

>changes channel

They're both garbage.

Noelle keeps getting asked about that. She dodges the question, but I get the vibe from her non-answers that they won't.

>thinking dyke ra is good at all

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Hot tip, proofread your comment before posting.

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