Anyone else surprised a minions animated series haven’t happen yet?

Anyone else surprised a minions animated series haven’t happen yet?

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God damnit user! Don't jinx it!

Probably on Netflix as well

>7.6 million dead Zoomers

>Out of 1.9 billion
That's not that especially since half of those deaths are the result of abortion

Spared from the disappointment of life. Now, contrary to the wishes of the Weak, they must undergo the heaven or hell Gauntlet

Just what i was thinking
Unborn babies arent people

More people died from abortion than every war in history. If you hear anyone say women are the fairer sex is full of shit.

I’m little surprised minions didn’t became the new mlp.

>Unborn babies arent people
Found the roastie

Not a roastie, i just hate people and kids

Supposedly ones being made for Netflix

>Not a roastie
Suuuuuure you aren't, you floppy-flapped cunt.

Damn Minions are dark.

How silly of you

What did you except from such a dark consoet?

haha my grandson loves minions and i cant get enough of them so funny

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theyre not people user

You know they said the same thing about blacks

Imagine the memes

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Yeah, and?

Is there s minion meme Generator?

Surprised, yet grateful

Pretty glad it hasn't happened.

we already have their white cousin

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