Looney tunes

>looney tunes
>zany and colorful and hilarious >disney cartoons
>bland and unfunny, try too hard to be G-rated but in effect are boring
Why cant disney drop the wholesome shit for good, its ruining even their movies now, not just their cartoons.

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Cringe. Disney needs to go BACK to traditional fairy tales and AWAY from cellphone WAFFLES XD shit.

But princess shit is awful, i hate movies like little mermaid and frozen, they need to diversify like what they did in the early 2000s with good movies like atlantis or lilo and stitch.

Another retarded "I hate Disney" thread.
Eat shit

How much do they pay you to shill and where can I sign up?

Maybe if disneys stopped making shit that you eat up then i wouldnt complain about them so much

>Mystery of the cowboys

Glad you liked it, user

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me and the bois going downtown to kick your mothereffing ass

Attached: yeehaw.gif (240x184, 187K)

Heres a better version for you

Attached: 0CB5F91B-8B72-4C7E-AC3C-5BBB4EC26FEB.gif (267x200, 1.93M)

Watch the new Mickey Mouse shorts.

Attached: tenor.gif (320x240, 1.43M)

Kek, thats pretty good, which ones would you recommend?

JoJo reference?

>you'll never see Winonas big brown beaver

>wacky and zany is the only way to make cartoons
Don’t you have girls to touch, John K?
Anyway that’s the least of the problems with Disney.

>Jerry was a racecar driver.
>22 years old...

John K did nothing wrong, katie rice apologists can go fuck themselves.

t. either John or Steve Worth

Literally born to make the South Park intro. And not play in Metallica.

Not that user but they're all pretty good.
Maybe start with Ghoul Friend, Fire Escape, or one of the foreign ones like Feliz Cumpleanos or Yodelburg.

I don't get it.

Educate yourself, zoomer filth

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No, I don't get the joke. I played Tony Hawk on ps1, and you're probably younger than me. Also, Primus sucks.

>Also, Primus sucks.
Shut the fuck up zoomer

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>forgetting the Robot Chicken intro
for shame


"Primus sucks," is literally a 90's meme they even used on tour. Who's the faux-nostalgia zoomer now?


Oh okay

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