Why do people hate this movie? It's been awhile since I've seen it be a remember enjoying it
Why do people hate this movie? It's been awhile since I've seen it be a remember enjoying it
People like to exaggerate. No Spider-Man movie has been "bad" just some are obviously better than the others.
Asm 2 was bad.
I saw it recently and it's better than I remember, it has fun moments and keeps the goofy charm of the first two but it was just bloated because the studio forced venom in to awkwardly, imagine if the raimi movies were still going by the time the mcu came along and we got secret wars to combine the franchises and got us a venom properly
This is true for everything in the world.
Things are obviously better than other things, but nothing is "bad".
If it were, civilization as we know would have crumbled back to the mesozoic era already.
It's a mess with awful shit like emo peter, changing it so sandman shot his uncle, Harry getting amnesia, and all the confusing relationship stuff. Even the action was dull. Removing Venom would not have saved this film; it was doomed from the start.
> raimi self-admits he doesn't like venom, arad forced him to put it in
> because of this sandman and harry revenge arc had to both lose screen time
> forcing in gwen for no reason
> changes made to script late in game
> dunst was sick of being kidnapped and saved, raimi agreed and wanted to do something different
> but due to venom...she gets kidnapped and saved
> went with ultimate mirror brock instead of thicc boi
> topher grace should've been the successor to tobey, instead wasted on venom
> who dies in a stupid pumpkin bomb explosion?? wtf kek
> harry stops hating peter after his butler deus ex machinas him a story about norman
> score isn't as memorable as other 2 because no elfman
> emo peter
> sandman is retconned into being accomplice to uncle ben's death
it wasn't good in any way. but anti-hollandfags try to push the narrative that all 3 raimi films were somehow the best thing of all time
It was ok.
Tried rewatching it earlier, the CGI at the start is fucking horrible.
>topher sucked
>symbiote suit was just “lol normal spidey suit but black”
>MJ sucked
>sandman for no reason
>Harry dies
>Peter dancing
Not the best but not the worst, I rate it a 3.6 roentgen
How did they force him in? He was the whole movie.
Webbing on the black suit doesn't look distinct enough
>Peter and MJ, after two movies of pussying around getting together, finally get together and it's not even satisfying. They just bitch at each other and Peter's actually pretty terrible to her the whole film. MJ isn't really much better.
>The Symbiote falls out of nowhere, gives Peter no tangible benefits that we can see given that he already has organic webbing and is in a period of his life where he feels great, and then tries to kill him as Venom because... reasons? He didn't even try to kill it intentionally like in the comics. It's just evil because evil.
>Sandman is introduced as a guy who steals to provide for his sick daughter. This has no resolution. He's also hamfistedly made into Uncle Ben's killer retroactively, making Peter's )(accidental) murder of the burglar in the first film terrible. Then Peter tries to kill Sandman here and never speaks about it again.
>Harry becomes the Green Goblin because Peter just never bothered following up on that conversation they were having before he went to stop Octavius. But then he gets amnesia two minutes later and spends most of the movie not remembering. Then Peter ALSO tries to kill him, which he never even apologizes for.
>Eddie is introduced as kind of a loser and is mostly harmless. Peter breaks his camera for no reason, causing him to slam Spider-Man with some false allegations, and then Peter gets him fired and cucks him. He then decides to kill Peter and becomes Venom for, like, six minutes.
>Mind you, all three villains apparently have unused parts of their arcs, like Eddie being an insane stalker, Sandman's daughter dying, etc. that didn't make it to the film.
>Did I mention that Peter comes across like a complete asshole in this film?
The symbiote literally fell out of the sky, with no explanation, and then stuck itself onto Peter's costume for the whole film. Barring the point where it merges with Peter, it's not even until the point where Peter starts tearing it off on the bell tower that it actually starts acting like it's alive.
And then Venom is only around for maybe 15 minutes at best at the ass end of the story.
>2nd movie has john jameson
>think the symbiote will get the tas introduction
I guess a shuttle crash would have cost too much that late into the planning or maybe it was the Challenger accident just four years before release, but I really hated how it just happen to fall near Peter from space.
>black suit peter is an asshole
yeah, that's what they went with
don't pretend like it's just peter
Even before the Black Suit.
>"I can't be with MJ, because the villains would use her to get to me if they knew we were together."
>makes out with Gwen in front of a large audience
>also basically cucks MJ at the same time
MJ's kidnap happened because Gwen was the one who was going to be kidnapped in first place. but Bryce Dalas was pregnant at the time so they had to change it.
because sony forced in venom when they should've fucking let raimi do his own thing
It was better than the Spider-Man films that came after, except maybe Spider-Verse.
So what you’re saying is that Peter is based?
ASM was god awful and genuinely hard to watch.
It’s just the regular suit but black, it would’ve been much better as a slick black suit.
>genuine concern about mj, after talking with may he's going to propose
>gets a kiss without tongue, out of vanity for spider-man's newly positive public image
any more relationship drama involves the black suit or harry being gobliny