Its another Yea Forums episode where you only browse this board to procrastinate

Its another Yea Forums episode where you only browse this board to procrastinate.

can we stop having reruns?

what are you watching

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Adventure time


eason 11
episode 5

Actually i'm listening to music, writing a fucking novel, and spit out every fucker in Yea Forums because i'm bored
Yeah, every day.

>what are you watching
Frasier. It's always Frasier. I swear, this show is like comfort food for me, I'm at the point where I just like having it on while I do other things because I enjoy the background noise

More relevant to this board in particular, I've also been rewatching Batman Beyond- I was curious how well it's held up, 20 years later. The answer is that it's still an extremely solid, well thought-out show, and WAY darker than I remember it being. Yes, we've all seen the "Bad End Beyond" graphic get posted around Yea Forums from time to time, but that doesn't really make it clear that someone dies in a horrific way damn near EVERY episode.

All of that aside, watching it kind of makes me sad, because it feels like a product of a time that may never come again. Most superhero cartoons don't really stray far from doing loose adaptations of existing material- Batman Beyond was a hell of a lot more ambitious than that, and was not at all afraid to take ENORMOUS risks. It paved the way for the rest of the DCAU following suit and carving out its own unique identity.

It could never get made in 2019. Too risky, not enough immediate marketability. "We want Avengers money and we want it right now, no time to actually build anything."

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Thanks for that insite


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Dr house


Dark Crystal, preparing for the show on Friday. Can't fuckin wait.

Porn. Not to masturbate but to watch cuz i am bored

Been re watching the Total Drama but started with revenge of the island and then up on ridonculuos race now

Should I watch 6teen/Stoked after words or continue with Dramama?

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ya got me nigga.

I just finished watching yu yu hakusho, and im contemplating life now. But thats Yea Forums so i thinking in trying the new shows maybe mao mao idk.

Life is such a bitch yo, im already over the "killing myself" though so is just annoying to move forward. I feel so tired and i dont know why.

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dont know what that is.

I prefer not telling anything

Brave and the Bold. Started reading the comic too, its alright

X-files to fill a hole in my heart until the new Star Trek shows air

The Boys
I kinda like this interpretation of Black Noir. I hope they do away with the twist present in the comics because he's one of the few supes in the Boys who seems to actually take his job seriously. Would really hate that to be thrown down the drain in Season 2.
Plus I kinda like the "mute comedic relief/mysterious badass" type characters.

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Haha its another episode where I am only here because I have no friends and my family hates me Haha

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Watched some classic Family Guy and American Dad earlier, still holds up. Also waiting not so patiently for the SU movie to drop next week.

Hilda. I'm on like my 4th re-watch. (I loved it so much).

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You literally desilusional fucker.

me what now

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>4th re-watch

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Oh look, it's the same ESL faggot who thought Madoka and Chinatsu were High Guardian Spice characters.

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I thought Beyond was made after DCAU

It depends on where you define the DCAU as starting in earnest. I define it as starting with Justice League, because that's where all the previously established characters and arcs converge and progress to their endings, but in the strictest sense, the DCAU began with Batman: The Animated Series.

Despair. I feel like everyone else is me and I'm the first in a long line of out of linear-time reincarnation

i just finished watching the boys. it was a fun series.
i'm also watching south park right now. it's my favorite show, and it's comfy as fuck.

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You should watch something better