Post your waifu and ask if she would be a good mother. How would you judge what traits would make them a good mother?
Would Asami and Korra make good mothers?
Post your waifu and ask if she would be a good mother. How would you judge what traits would make them a good mother?
Would Asami and Korra make good mothers?
Of course.
With Kiryu demi-god genes
What? Demigod genes?
Kiryu is see even with 12 years old with Yakuza Kiwami 2 flashbacks but i prefer starting with the Yakuza 0 version.
>8 years has passed between Y0 and Y1 Prologue
>10 Years has passed between Kiryu's imprisonment between Y1 Prologue & the main part of the game.
>1 Year has passed between Y1 finale to Y2 main plot.
>2 years has passed between Y2 finale to Y3 main plot.
>1 year has passed between Y3 finale to Y4 main plot.
>3 Years has passed between Y4 finale to Y5 main plot.
>4 years has passed between Y5 "finale" to Y6 final main plot.
So... near 30 years life span in a character who literally aged like the wine...
It's fucking godlike, like a dragon
Asami is a maybe leaning towards yes. Korra is a no.
That's right in a common sense way.
I mean, if she wasn't written so badly
They would make good moms if they were aloud to adopt. Unless they had someone be a sperm doner
Oh god, another generic SJW generic response.
The truth is... both are bisexual to S1-S2 love triangle shit
Why her?
Not today
i never saw a sjw say that. it's always dudes who say that. because sjw know turkey basters exist
I browse Tumblr the entire semester i'm gone in this shithole
I literally know i'm talking about.
I think Rainbow 2.0 is male.
ah. good dad, then?
>good dad
In that case Kiryu can be a good father because...
Literally you must change a baby's diapers in Y6
In Yea Forums case...
Tenzin is my daddy
Finally, I found somewhere I can use this image.
Korra - the most naturally gifted, genetically fortunate avatar in history, Yet so fucking fragile mentally that she had to be carried into every victory she ever had...
Thank god she did become a last minute dyke with 3 scenes alone with asami to 'develop' that relationship. With all the loose screws motherhood is off the table.
You're joking, right?
I'm sure Bryke literally can't never know the concept of antithesis...
If Aang had the "harmony" shit as a destiny movement, obviously Korra need the violent but balancing with deaths of beloved ones...
Jinora really must be killed in the S2 finale... but hey... we must help the hot brat, right?
Damn, i'm talking like Auron...
Wait a moment?
It's that you, John Miranda poster?
Adora right now would be a fucking awful mother. She has way too much shit going on in her life to be a mom yet. She'd probably be a helicopter parent with how perfectionist she is.
It's strange nobody is talking about the "mommy gf" archetype to fit this thread.
I'll start
>Post your waifu
>and ask if she would be a good mother.
I neither know nor care. Emphasis on care.
Shut up, Boco.
Yes sir...
You saw Murrlogic in these days?
He makes you look normal.
I'm really worried about him... 6 months ago i always saw him posting his recurrent shit & taking attention to everyone because it's a confirmed sociopath but... it's strange
>Would my waifu make a good mother?
She already does
Ok, sucker.
It's time to take a 3-day vacation
I'm sorry. I'm just in a bit of a blue mood today.
Can't deny it's cute though.
Oh, this is going to be good.
Of course my friend.
I actually waiting a Azulafag
Oh god no.
Neither of them would be good mothers, and lesbians have been proven to be horrifyingly bad parents.
user, as far as the queer mafia is concerned They are lesbian who were confused by the penis and now love pussy and each other.
Happy ending remember?
In all seriousness she would be a better mom than her own deadbeat mother. That fucking dishrag whore never did anything right in her life.
>queer mafia
Nah, those fuckers can't even show a good fight in a middle of a bridge.
If you know what i'm talking about
None of the women in Avatar are good mothers or have any potential to be good mothers.
Eschaz & Bryke are fucking hacks.
And who better to breed her than Steven?
It's that you?
I never get a KorraxKiryu fanart & that's sad
So what's going on here?
Toph's daughter was a good mother, can't remember her name
Fuck Su Yin
What do you mean?
Why not Korra?
Just commission one
Based milf, she was a good mother for her children and her prosperous city
Asami is a fucked up character: a fucking strange rivalry with Korra of "specific reasons" to BFF & even in a lesbian relationship with only 3 specific scenes, just like this user mentioned: And i love the Yamato Nadeshiko archetype with bits of "rebel" shit... this isn't fair.
I don't even a credit card actually
How are you doing?
Ok, i'll be honest:
Opal is very hot
I was thinking something about ascended queen Adora raising her nephew. I think I was brain storming a sequel concept at the time.
Fine like wine . How about you?
I wish I could go back and un-understand this reference.
I fucking scrapped the entire crossover fanfiction because i wanna literally divide my novel & their 2 stories: one with ATLA world & characters base (not everyone) with FF's elemental chart & summons/espers with a specific plot to the direct sequel: with the world i created before but with specific TLOK characters as base with Yakuza's "detailed combat" & subplots, 'cus the main plot is more than you believe
Simply as that, i'm happy.
Well damn. Well as long as you’re happy, that’s good.
What characters do that well, then?
That's all...
'Cus i can't remember more
She'd be a good mom, you think?