Disney Itay comics storytime

Disney Dracula, starring Mickey Mouse (''Dracula di Bram Topker'' in original) of Bruno Enna (writer) and Fabio Celoni (artist). Official version translated.

Part of horror trilogy with "Dracula di Bram Duckenstein of Mary Shelduck" e "Lo strano caso del Dottor Ratkyll e di Mister Hyde" from same artist team. You can see first story

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Doing Gods work user. My wife loves these. Keep going.

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Do you also have Moby Dick starring Scrooge?

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need to see if someone posted a mega in the past.

Does your wife's son like it too?

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God damn, Europe gets all the good stuff. Is it not distributed in the UK?

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I checked on inducks and is no.

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Well this is really cool, thanks OP

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Oh good it's in English.

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Mickey, you pervert.

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I. need. lewds.

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Thanks for the storytime!

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and this is the end. thanks for reading.

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What, no gypsy killing?

That was really good, though I do wonder why they didn't make the Texan fellow Donald Duck.

because this story is only with Mouse characters like the Frankenstein story was only with Duck characters. the Jekyll and Hyde story instead has characters from both universe.

Mickey and Donald's comics are usually kept separate.

I bought that one by chance recently at a flea market, the art is amazing and it's pretty satisfying because of how big the actual book/pages are

The Texan is a character from Mickey's comics

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The Horror!

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Yes, is Rock Sassi.

IDW gave him the name Brick Boulder in the translation of his first appearance.

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What are those two guys supposed to be? Are they regular humans or dog persons but with miscolored noses?

OP, going to be dumping the other comics? Can you link them from this thread? I'm going to bookmark it and check it after work.

Humans maybe? There is a regular dognose in the back.

there is a link to Duckenstein storytime in first post.

The art is good.. but it all looks like melted ice cream.

My sides!

good comic