The great debate

Which series finale fucked things up the worst?

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Game Of Thrones. Bar none.


Game of thrones. Seriously. That was a clusterfuck of stupidity

hold it, what was the ending of GOT? worse than Star did?

If I were to rank em it would be from least to most awful

Gravity Falls > SVSTFOE > Game of Thrones

GF may have been awful with then Mable shit but the one thing that it has above the other two is that it at least set up its endgame premise and then delivered it. Sure, it didnt do it WELL but at least it did unlike the other two

the one that was 12 million dollars per episode.

I have no idea whatsoever how you can put Gravity Falls on the same level of bad as the other two. One has the main character character kill potentially billions just to solve her own problems and the other has one of the most botched heel turns of all time combined with an absolutely stupid decision for who gets the throne. At least Weridmageddon had some great visuals and I've never really seen anyone outside of Yea Forums complain about the ending beyond the fact it probably needed another season.

Star was the worst. But GOT's ruined something that used to be, you know, decent at least. No one had any expectations for STVFOE's ending whatsoever.

GoT had been fucking things up constantly for multiple years and seasons, the fact that the finale was bad enough to disappoint the general public too is just the last cherry on top of the shitpile

Daenerys goes heel in one episode of gradually turning heel over the previous seasons

I asked my brother about it since he actually gave a shit about GoT. He point blank told me that it was so bad, it basically retroactively ruined everything in previous seasons.

Game of Thrones, not even a contest.

Star vs had the worst ending but I expected something good from GOT.

Samurai Jack.

Or Gravity Falls

Can someone explain why the GF finale is so hated around hear. It didn't do anything offensively bad and outside the mabel episode it wraps things up pretty well for such a short-lived show.

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Gravity falls had a great finale but fuck Mabel.

GoT. The ending was so bad even the actors couldn't hide it. I am pretty sure everyone who worked on GF and SvTFOE are rather proud of what they made.

>. I am pretty sure everyone who worked on SvTFOE are rather proud of what they made
Proud of doing the worst cartoon finale of the last couple of decades?

Game of Thrones will be synonymous with terrible botched endings from now until the end of time so that.

Only one of these things was worth a single damn, and it wasn't animated.