How long will this last?
How long will this last?
Other urls found in this thread:
a few months
I was going to say a couple episodes. But those digits are hard to argue with.
JESUS FUCK, the fucking Nutshack looks better than this shit! How the hell are Phil Lord & Chris Miller attached to this?! to answer your question, cancelled 1/4 into the Season
>animated family sitcom
That is the most by the books Goth girl design I've ever seen
>Blue mid-length hair
>Black beanie
>Grey t-shirt
we need a new word other than "goth"
That's not a goth girl design you stupid zoomer.
What's Janna doing there?
It's ugly but not in a Mike Judge-style kind of charming ugly.
Terrible designs.
Nigga, that's not goth.
That's not even punk.
That's more like a moody hipster or something.
That's clearly Chloe from Life is Strange.
one season
this reeks heavily of dumped out Mid-season replacement, just like that Napoleon Dynamite show and LA to Vegas.
>Mid-season replacement
What's that
If it's not immediately cancelled, how long do you think it'll be before Bret Hart cameos?
Why did FOX get rid of American Dad?
>same white trash jokes from border Town
Why do most adult cartoons look so unappealing?
A show that that premieres in the second half of the traditional television season, usually to cover for another show in the Fall Season being canceled or put on hiatus
R34 of the daughter
It doesn't deserve a show as good as AD.
>This might take place in the KOTH universe
thats awful the art styles aren't even the same
am I the only one who does not think Maya Rudolph is funny?
One season and Disney won't renew. Because like most shows they put there burn and fail. Maybe they should just get American dad back.
God, those faces are so ugly.
These are just Bitmojis
Wow what a shitty era of animation domination.
Wasnt this way in the 2000s.
The worlds standards really did die in 2012.
I'll give it a season. Maybe two if they're lucky. Fox hasn't had a successful animated series in nearly a decade.
5 episodes
Quads confirm.
I can tolerate a lot of art styles but these designs look like shit.
>Phil Lord and Chris Miller
Fucking why?
Bordertown and Napoleon Dynamite were decent and deserved better
2000's had shit like 12.oz Mouse
They probably just slapped their name on it.
Does it matter? What’s the point of these family shows if the mom isn’t a milf
I want to fuck that future meth addict.
Bae or Bay, Yea Forums?
Animation Abomination
The character designer needs to be fired and blacklisted.
They made the Lego Movie work, they can make anything work.
That artstyle is atrocious, Jesus. The characters look like straight up Go-Animate stock models.
How did this get made? I can only imagine how cheap it was.
Is that Janna
> hurr durr artstyle is ugly
Kill yourselves retards, many great shows like KOTH and anything from Klasky-Csupo had a shitty artstyle
So cheap they couldn't even draw custom poses for the promo art, sticking to the default pose
I’m ready for porn of the Dad desu
Nobody likes that bitch.
Just another 'hipster makes fun of her Southern family' bullshit. 'My Cousin Vinny' for zooms.
She looks more like a new Daria type in the trailer.
She got into indie garage rock and Nirvana, mooody and a little stoic, and started reading old books like Crime and Punishment.
Yeah, but those examples are a charming kind of ugly, stuff like this and Family Guy are bland and boring in addition to ugly, which is the kiss of death for any art style, imo.
What is it with Fox and animated family sitcoms?
> Family Guy
> Ugly
Shit taste
It's the faces, man. The perfectly circular eyes and puckered lips just rub me the wrong way.
The Simpsons made fun of those kinds of shows.
So this is to KotH what Daria was to Beavis & Butthead?
no because the Harts were never on KOTH
This. That art style really has nothing going for it.
I truly don’t understand why they always limit themselves to this. IIRC, the “family sitcom” requirement is a reason why South Park ended up on Comedy Central.
South Park is too offensive and vulgar to be on FOX. Brickleberry got rejected for that reason
What? No Sneed edit?
>They make this instead of bringing back Golan the Insatiable.
God fucking damnit.
1 season.
It will be put on DVD, no one will buy it, and in 10 to 20 years some youtuber will have to pay over $200 to get a copy because there's no way to pirate it at that point.
>new [failed] series in 2019
>put on DVD
I thought it wasn’t until SP got picked up by Comedy Central that Matt & Trey went all in on that sweet, sweet TV-MA rating that cable TV allowed.
wow start having better opinions anytime
Pixel Pinkie is a show that no one on here likes not even for the waifus because even the waifus don't look that good there.
>Fox hasn't had a successful animated series in nearly a decade.
True, animated sitcoms that aren't that successfull as both The Simpsons and Family Guy got cancelled very quickly.
I don't think Bless the Harts will be that successfull as two mentioned shows, but it's just a matter of time.
I must agree with all of you, the characters' design is terrible.
edgy, dark, grunge,
Those shows were good in spite of their ugliness. This doesn’t seem to have anything going for it, at all.
Futurama wasn't a family sitcom and even with all the Simpsons bonus and the actual good episodes the show flopped. They keep these shows because they work with the boomers too.
> Fox hasn't had a successful animated series in nearly a decade.
Comedy Central is worse, South Park is the only animated show they had that had more than 6 seasons, with the average CC cartoon only having 3 seasons before getting cancelled
She looks more like that regular "I'm stuck in this shithole" kind of girl where you can see in every rural place in USA.
Is there a black guy, or a hispanic guy? Does he know he's there?
>that daughter's voice
What the fuck?
I hate her so I never played the other game with her. The game tries to make her like her by keeping her around but she never does anything good. She is a loser and an asshole and that's it.
Ironically they asked Mike Judge if they could use Megalomart in their series and he gave the ok. So this show basically takes place in the same universe as KotH
Good god, that animation is so rough, and not in a charming way.
>"You always feel the hand of an artist doing it," says Phil Lord, Bless the Harts executive producer, on the show's style of animation.
Sure, why not.
It looks to share the universe about as much as Daria shared the Beavis and Butthead universe.
Is this a lets laugh at poor people thing?
One season, then we'll never hear from it again.
That was terrible.
I don't get what everyone's complaining about. It's practically a rule for animated shows aimed at adults to look like shit. I'll admit that this is worse than average, but still well within a standard deviation. If the writing and jokes are decent, I don't see why this show couldn't have a good run. Given Fox's history, it's very unlikely, but it could still happen.
outta my way, i'm drunk as hell
Women aren't funny, and obviously you're not the only one who realizes Maya Rudolph has a vagina.
>ugly americans only had 2 seasons, when it should have had 3-6
Animation Abortion
It depends how weird and WACK-AY they try to be. If they manage to come around like Bob's Burgers did, then it might have a chance.
why does the Auburnette's shirt pattern make me think of this old drawthread delivery I got back in June
>It's practically a rule for animated shows aimed at adults to look like shit
I doubt whoever designed Bless the Harts’s style did it willingly.
Let it stay dead. They completely butchered it with the reboot.
Lol, what an incel
I bet they were held at gunpoint to do this shit
This shit looks like Glenn Martin D.D.S. animated in toonboom
I feel like since Bob’s Burgers’s shocking success, FOX has grown more confident in picking up new animated sitcoms [that don’t have Seth MacFarlane’s involvement] as of late. We now have not one, but three new shows coming within the next 1-2 years:
>Bless the Harts
>The Great North
And that’s not even counting the shows that FOX is producing for streaming services (Solar Opposites for Hulu, and Central Park for Apple TV+).
Who knows? Maybe Bless the Harts could surprise us much like Bob’s Burgers did. It could turn out more successful than we currently think, with maybe TWO seasons.
>Toon Boom
You’re being generous. GoAnimate sounds more fitting.
OP looks okay but this makes it look even worse.
I've been in this thread and I've only noticed that there's a trailer, and the animation is horrible. Why is Fox still doing animation in Flash in (current year)?
Really? I’d say the exact opposite. Adding pretty shading and lighting to promo art makes anything look 10x better.
and GoAnimate I find even worse than Adobe Animate because with Tweened Adobe Animate you can still have a variety of designs and not be limited to a set of designs
not to mention in Adobe Animate you can do frame-by-frame animation
KotH, FG, and AD are middle class, Simpsons was middling class, and BB is struggling class.
Yeah, that sounds about right here.
Another generic family sitcom. Oh boy.
This ain’t the 2000s anymore. Puppet animation has proven its “worth” in adult cartoons (i.e. it’s cheaper).
I wouldn’t be surprised if Duncanville also turns out to be using tweens.
>Women aren't funny
Somebody's never watched the WNBA.
Squidbillies does it better.
Did you really expect anything else? Family sitcoms are a staple of FOX’s Animation Domination block, which is finally making its return this fall.
I know. I'm just surprised they're going for something too generic. At least Bob's Burgers tries to be a little different.
>those soulless, dead fish eyes
Uncanny Valley in full effect when placed next to the other cartoon characters who only have dots for pupils.
Why does their grandmother look and act like a former 70's glam rock star?
>Simpsons was middling class
They always talked about how poor the Simpsons were, but they live comfortably in a big house in a safe neighborhood.
You can tell this show was created in a better economy.
That’s what I’m betting. Executive Producer isn’t a very consistent title.
But this makes me wonder, after writing Spider-Kino and LEGO 2 and “executive producing” this shit, what are Lord & Miller up to now?
It's times like this that I'm reminded to be thankful for shows with the "CalArts style."
More like how SHORT will this last
I don't watch sports of the negro variety.
They're white poor, not Africa poor.
This seriously. Say what you want about the so called CalArts style but at least they have fluid, expressive animation.
Animation and style are two different things.
Fucking poser like Raven
Fucking poser like that bitch Britney from Grifindoor
that's not an adult cartoon that's an edgy adult swim show for stoner highschool and college kids.
The Simpsons put them on the map. Made more money than any of their other shows combined.
>Yea Forumsmblr janny deletes posts about black people and women, even when they pertain to the discussion at hand
If you want to whine about women and Chocolate Americans then go to Yea Forums.
I wasn't whining. One post I said that women aren't funny. The other I said that I don't watch negro ball.
>Central Park
You mean Black Bob’s Burgers?
Keep your political shit off Yea Forums, it's bad enough already with all the rosterfagging.
That actually looks cool, some neat designs there.
A Killer Klowns sequel got cancelled for this.
Well at least SyFy seems to be the one with the balls to make up a mess of fun wit the Killer Klowns IP at least
>make up a mess of fun
You bastard, you've been in the Banana Splits threads, haven't you?
That looks terrible
Unfunny and unlikeable
Perhaps I've made too much of a mess of fun.
>bob's burgers has such ugly designs
>WOAH black bobs burgers actually looks really cool
Is that Chloe Price?
So literal redneck bitmojis? great...
Is that the girl from the Emoji Movie?
There's something charming about someone who tries as hard as they can to seem tough and world-weary, but are actually incredibly soft, naive, and in need of protection.
I didn't say I disliked Bob's Burger's designs. They's probably the best out of the entire Fox lineup (though that's not saying much, they're just okay.)
Jesus, it looks like those low-effort 2008 flash cartoons on Youtube.
Even those look better. This lacks any life or artistic merit.
There is no originality left in this world.
The concept of a trailer trash family with (mostly) hearts of gold is endearing enough to work for a sitcom in theory, but this just doesn't look good or funny. I give it half a season before it gets the ax.
Gonna be honest this seems like a KOTH or Bobs Burgers type show where it’s more mellow and I can see this being good
We’ll be the judge of that come September 29th.
Also, Mike Judge, Loren Bouchard, and Jim Dauterive are masters of their craft. Is Emily Spivey worth shit?
>this is the new SIMPSONS
>canceled after 10 episodes
can't wait
Hey, it's that chick from Life is Strange.
>Killer Klowns sequel
Man and I was looking forward to this too.
>Bless the Harts (created by a woman)
>Duncanville (created by a woman)
>The Great North (created by women)
few months. characters are ugly af.
For our sake, not very long
>the same company that turned down Genndy Tartakovsky’s Popeye and Lauren Faust’s Medusa to make The Emoji Movie now just nabbed an Oscar from Disney after making the best Spider-Man film to date
What a glow up, WE STAN
I think it depends on the art style being enhanced
plus the art on that south park one looks significantly more goregous
This looks awful.
There is a zero percent chance I'll ever watch this.
>What a glow up, WE STAN
Fuck you whitey
> Looks awful
> Posts Mouseshit
>that last supper
Allan Gregory 2.0.
this trash will go the way of Allen Gregory and sit down and shut up, won't even air all its first season
Republican Allen Gregory
Because appealing cartoons are seen as childish. They make the designs ugly so they don't overshadow the writing.
Whey, it's another American adult comedy cartoon with an ugly artstyle, we don't have enough of those
The Critic was far from perfect, but they still made even ugly characters soft and goofy and it worked, I wish more shows would do it like that
>fat woman with tattoos
>semi-autobiographical cartoon
I'm not watching this shit.
I watched that dyke die and slept like a baby.
>White trash family is so ridiculous and silly except for the one sarcastic daughter who we're supposed to assume is smart because she makes pithy comments all the time
Stop making the same show you faggots.
judging by his nose, indian
Cancelled before the first commercial break.
god I got a storyboard test for this show when I was about to come off of a better, more beautiful and cinematic show. I sound like an asshole but I was almost insulted by it lol
luckily I got to go to DC Superhero Girls before I started it lol
>tfw you'll never have a mullet
Looks like stylised clip art.
Bob's Burgers, but they found a way to draw chins on everybody.
Stay made FOX
But... Bless the Harts IS Mouseshit!
she thicc
Wait. Did Allen Gregory not air all of its episodes? I thought only Sit Down, Shut Up was dealt that fate.
tried to make it somewhat better
If you’re legit, please tell your buddies over at Warner Bros. that they’re doing a stellar job with the show, and remind them that Kara Danvers is hot as hell and needs WAY more fanservice
Faces arent rigid enough, too expensive. Execs won't approve it
Probably never.
I wanted a cartoon to take place in NC for awhile, and this is what fucking happens. This is what will be put on NC's spot in those Yea Forums map threads. Fuck everything. The worst part is my parents watch fox a lot and I have to visit them every so often, I'm sure they'll mention it or I'll be stuck in the uncomfortable awkward hell while they watch it.
why does god mock me on a daily basis cant i get a break for fucks sake
Why are people saying KoTH was ugly? Only certain times was it ugly and it was usually on purpose to show unattractive characters like Lucky.
>Lauren Faust’s Medusa
Shit, I forgot that was ever a thing.
But Sony really is trying to get better and better. Into the Spider-Verse was a good sign of that. The Mitchells vs. The Machines and the Bob's Burgers movie are pretty much the only 2020 animated films I'm actively looking forward to right now. I’m especially excited for pic related after what was recently showcased at this year’s Annecy.
Oh good, women humor derived from "im female"
>Solar Opposites for Hulu
They're still doing that?
What? Bob's has those disconnected front design chins too.
>luckily I got to go to DC Superhero Girls
yea, "luckily", that shit is cancer
Her tits were never uncensored were they?
Bold move walking the line of a Park Management show. One wrong move and you fall from Regular Show to Brickleberry
The writing and humor is going to take a massive hit because of these characters.
Glad I’m not the only one to be alarmed by this
Yup. There was a whole Comic-Con panel for it and everything.
I'll give it a month. That's how long this shit lasted.
Imagine being so ashamed of how ugly your show is that you don't even show what it looks like on your marketing account.
These look like fucking Bitmojis lmfao creativity is non-existent in television anymore bros.
Not bad, I'm used to cases like this where only male bodies are uncensored. Thanks.
Was that show any good?
It’s literally been 10 years since I’ve seen the show, so I don’t really remember how funny it might’ve been. The art style was nice, though. That can’t be said for many American adult cartoons as this thread has made very clear.
Now that you mention it, I'm surprised there isn't a Bitmoji cartoon.
There's that one guy there. Probably works a gas station or convenience mart. I mean the guy in the passenger seat in the pick-em-up truck.
Ah, whatever. You just know ......
>finally got a cartoon that takes place in NC
>this art style
I've been here for 12 years, and I've hated every single second of it. This makes me hate it even more
no, hot!
>The art style was nice
This. IIRC, Mo Willems had some involvement in designing the characters. I wish more adult cartoon creators would actually reach out to cartoonists; maybe then we’d have more adult cartoons with actual visual charm rather than whatever the fuck Bless the Sharts is doing.
Christ, is that really the show's final logo? It looks boring and lazy as hell. Shouldn't the logo of an animated series be used to catch people's attention and give them a vague idea of the type of show they'd be getting themselves into?
I feel like the Solar Opposites crew barely spent any time on theirs.
>maybe then we’d have more adult cartoons with actual visual charm
Do you think they care about this? All they care about is a vehicle for them to deliver their awful scripts with. To them, animation only exists for the writing attached to it, nothing else.
Ain’t that just the way
*Mixed Bob’s Burgers
No real need to try if you're already the creator of a massively popular series.
Also stop reminding me that great fucking show is gone forever, I can't get over it.
No excuses. Solar Opposites’s ucreative, doodley logo that fails to grab the average person’s attention is gonna hurt its marketing, even just a smidgen.
... I hope Greenblatt’s doing all right
Oh no I totally agree, Solar Opposites' logo is legitimately bad. There really is no excuse, the least they could have done is slap one color on there. No idea what they were thinking here other than, like I said, "why try? we already got the rick and morty audience"
>Shitting on the Nutshack
> Mo Willems
Creator of Sheep in the Big City. Also did The Offbeats for Nickelodeon.
> Two literal who cartoons barely anyone remembers
Great resume right there
Clone College or I kill myself
God I cant recall another cartoon that was as pointlessly mean,cruel, boring and pretentious as this,
I'm looking forward to it since its based on my town I live in
Id give it 5 eps before its cancelled though
Welp! Looks like Harry was wrong.
I knew it was only a matter of time.
>isn’t familiar with the highest of literary works
Factory Edge
After reading what you said again, I now understand. In their eyes, there really is no need for effort on a stylish logo when people will automatically flock over to a cartoon that looks and sounds exactly like Rick and Morty.
Such is fate.
This show is dog pilled?
You’re quite possibly the only optimistic person in this thread.
I wish these adult comedy cartoons were animated well. A lot of them seem funny, but are so ugly it turns me away.
Well then fingers crossed that Bless the Harts is actually funny
Don’t hold your breath, man
>blue hair
The new Starbarians minisode with Gundarr was pretty fun:
Crippling her motivated me to finish the series. "Amazballs." What a fucking character.
Bara art of the father is literally the only good thing that could come out of this
I dunno, guys. These shots looked pretty fun. Still doesn't excuse the shitty Bitmoji-tier designs, tho
Why did Good Vibes have to fail, Yea Forums?
>le quirky white trash sitcom with garbage animation
Why does Fox even bother making new shows if it's the same fucking thing over and over again?
>Over the Garden Wall's about to be the Top Toon of the 2010s
Feels good
Klasky Csupo and Mike Judge shows had effort put in despite not being conventionally appealing, this just looks sounds and feels lazy.
>Kardashians joke
And that kinda shit is how you kill it
It needs a bit more animation to work
Why is Wyldstyle always lumped in these pictures when she's a blatant parody of the trope.
>nobody’s mentioned the other FOX cartoon that Lord & Miller were executive producers on
Did Son of Zorn just completely disappear from everybody’s memory?
I actually was hoping this would stay around long enough to have a Skeletor like character come in, and cause some comedic mischief.
So I take it that Miller/Lord basically help produce the pilot and first episode of these shows like Last Man on Earth and then leave to work on bigger projects and movies, leaving the shows to fall apart without them.
Seems to be exactly that.
Literally the only reason I got into The Last Man on Earth was because I thought it waa co-created by Phil Lord & Chris Miller. It took me about halfway through S1 to realize that it was actually solely created by Will Forte. Lord & Miller were just EPs who directed the first two episodes. I still stuck around for about three seasons thanks to Kristen Schaal.
JG Quintel was supposed to change this over a year ago
Heh. Got a handful of chuckles out of me.
I dropped that shit as soon as it turned out that he wasn't the last man on Earth.
It's because you want to have sex with her.
One month to go.
I knew it from the beginning
Shut your whore mouth, Raven is more goth then 90% of this shit that people mislabel as goth.
Don't even fucking say that, we don't need that idea floating around.
The designs look like they came fromToonBoom
Did anybody else find it kind of jarring to see a '90s Blue-Shirt Bart surrounded by the rest of the Simpsons in their more streamlined, modern designs? That was a weird decision for this promo.
Last I remember, he's over at Warner Bros. now
>star-studded comedy
>cast full of literally-whos
Seems like Sanjay and Craig in that people will only notice the show because the characters look like Bob's Burgers
If it makes you feel any better, everyone was gonna die in the final season if it was renewed so there would be no men on earth
>art styles
hm oddly it looks better in action
>"What blue shirt?"
animation age ghetto my friend.
it's money
im excited for this
>everyone got stereotype hick personalities
>the daughter has no accent and a totally opposite from her family in every way
What an original idea for a dysfunctional family
Wasn't this an MTV animation? Those shows always get one season.
Shit, I’m dumb as fuck. I thought it was on Comedy Central for some reason.
A lot of factors were and/or are in play ranging from The Hays Code stunting the growth of U.S. animation to working with budget cuts to veterans dying out
This and the fact that all new animator are being taught to animate on computer with programs like ToonBoom which is what most stuff is made with now. It was made in Canada so that's why every single animated show here now looks like it was done in Flash.
>Papa Greenblatt deserved better
EVERYBODY who stepped foot inside Nickelodeon deserved better, except Chris Savino.
At least Disenchantment--one of just a few modern adult toons treating the medium with respect--is coming out with new episodes soon:
I'm ready for more mommy milkers
>Lord & Miller
Good enough for me to give it a chance.
>Regular Show ended in January 2017
>Close Enough was promptly announced later that year in May, with a fully animated, fully sound designed trailer premiering at SDCC 2017
>two years later, there hasn't been a single official update from TBS or CN regarding the status of the series aside from five seconds of JG shilling the network that continues making 180-degree turns to bite him in the ass
>the best hint we had for Close Enough's estimated release date came from a crew member's Instagram bio, which has now removed said mention of the show
This is why it bothers me that Sony keeps using Lord & Miller to headline , when it’s actually being written & directed by Michael Rianda and Jeff Rowe.
Announcing that two GRAVITY FALLS writers are making an original film from the same studio behind INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE would be just as effective of a selling point as hyping up Lord & Miller’s [likely minimal] involvement.
>all these anons raging about ugly adult cartoons
Lol, when will Burgers ever learn?
Was there ever any doubt?
won't be surprised if this doesn't get export
>KOH with out the charm
They quietly cancelled the show before it aired. Quite obvious.
It'll last long enough to be part of a couch gag on the Simpsons and a cutaway gag on Family Guy.\
"Hey Lois, remember those rednecks who used to air right after our show?"
In short: A month.
>not at least recognizing Kristen Wiig or Maya Rudolph
You live under a rock?
>what did he mean by this
What show is this?
It's 'Roseanne' but with a buff John Goodman and only the bitchy daughter
Glitch Techs, it's was supposed to come out this year but it was postponed on 2020.
That he doesn't think that it will make it to most other countries. It's happened before with shows that were just that bad.
Women aren't funny. Don't pay any attention to them and eventually they'll go away.
lmao fuck you matt
just make some more episodes of futurama with actual writers
It’s just bitmoji
For some reason people like to forget all the genre parody elements of Lego Movie and pretend they played straight, usually for the sake of using it as an example when dissecting tropes.
Same thing happened with 500 Days of Summer. That movie isn’t as straightforward a “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” story as people make it out to be, but it’s still pushed as the shining example for one reason or another.
had to toss chris in there didnt you tumblr
You sound like an incel
shut up chris
That little black girl reeks of "Louise but black"
Executives think that good animation is the same thing as slapstick and that adults don't like slapstick, only verbal humor.
Executives think that adults don't like visual humor, just verbal humor. Anything that's too expressive is deemed slapstick and therefore unappealing to adults.
No, Fox shows are actually no less expensive than Cartoon Network ones.
"scene" is the colorful counterpoint to goth
>Wiig is doing this but not Lola
Will she be in the movie at least
was there a single joke in that entire drive thru scene
I feel like the art styles of American adult cartoons tend to fall into three categories:
>1) flat, simplistic, and likely inspired by MacFarlane and Groening cartoons (this one’s the most common and can either be done well or poorly)
>2) intentionally ugly and shitty
>3) a mix between realistic and stylized that leaves an almost “uncanny valley” look (what Bless the Harts falls into)
Shows like King of the Hill, The Critic, Duckman, Clone High, Mission Hill, The Venture Bros., and Superjail! are rare exceptions. Notice how most of those are from the late ‘90s/early 2000s? The success of The Simpsons and especially Family Guy inadvertently took a toll on the standards for how an adult cartoon should look. Most executives probably think you can just lazily ape those styles and call it a day, leaving any room for creative or unique styles almost nonexistent. This is a big reason why we should support shows like Ballmastrz: 9009 that try to break the mold.
King of the Hill is not ugly. It's competently animated, and has a down to earth look that suits the tone and style of the show. The characters in this look like they were made in one of those Facebook comic generators.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if them looking like bitmoji's wasn't intentional.
>The kids will love it, and also it'll cost way less!
This star trek thing looks better than Family Guy or The Simpsons have ever looked. I don't mind the simple circle circle dot dot art style when it's done well like that, or like Amphibia or Over The Garden Wall
This 100%. We need unique art styles back in adult animation.
Where does Drawn Together fall under?
Duncanville already looks way more promising than Bless the Harts.
>Louise but black
and black gene
and black bob
and coal burner linda
and mexican teddy
and old lady hugo
and old lady jimmy pesto
> Rick and Morty/noodle arm artstyle
It's shit
Dude, let futurama fucking die, it was great, there's no reason to keep running it into the ground
>'I hate cartoons!'
is right around the corner, my friend. Also, Duncanville looks more like The Simpsons than anything else.
This, right here. According to most folks, adult cartoons = dialogue-heavy jokes without using the visual medium to its potential.
This is a shame since I believe early Looney Tunes used to be geared more toward older audiences, and cartoons like those and classic Tom and Jerry are still packed with jokes that land even today, WITHOUT needing to be excessively raunchy or vulgar. Adult animation is a fucking joke now.
Puppet animation can look pretty good depending on how it's done. Titmouse, Mercury Filmworks, and Jam Filled are the best at this. Bardel ain't too bad, either.
>dat mom
And this was really the BEST scene they had available to preview it? Dumb characters in a dumb location with a snarky teen who is smarter than all of them.
BTW as an oldfag I have to teens really still wear knit caps?
>unironically using the term ‘coal burner’ in the year of our lord 2019
>a teaser... for a trailer
Why is this allowed?
They all have Roger's face, the alien from American dad.
It had a nice theme song at least:
it wont make 2 seasons
Let alone ONE.
I have no idea why but this is what it reminded me of
You just released this from the darkest recesses of my mind...
Didn't Michael Eisner make this?
Holy shit, I thought this show was just a fever dream I had once
Looks like it's in the bag.
brickleberry was also just terrible and not funny.
R.I.P. Tarantula
>posting the Tavern Keeper and not Margueritte Grey instead
For shame
I was about to comment on that because Close Enough's designs are still pretty ugly, but you know what? I rewatched that trailer without sound and it still amused me with its visual slapstick, which is entirely nonexistent in most adult cartoons. I suppose that's the difference between someone who wants to make cartoons vs. someone who actually wants a live action show instead.
It will be just another one of those shitty fox shows that gets cancelled a few weeks in