>American character is overweight, stupid, arrogant, or a combination of any of the above
Tropes You Love
Ah... the time when then-President whatever said families were nothing like The Simpsons. Just plain ignorance or denial.
t. Euro/Sino
>speaks poor english
>horrible teeth
>cucking kink
>generic dry wit
>loves tea
>cannot fight
>hates yanks
It is like they were born to suffer for my amusement.
>tall female character falls in love with short little guy
Don't forget the dry sense of humor.
Do you feel like you've betrayed your nation by watch American TV programming? I sure hope you don't! Us Americans only want the rest of the world too enjoy the fruits of its animated labor. Ask Japan, that worked out great!
>Muslim Character has an Explosive temper
>Do you feel like you've betrayed your nation by watch American TV programming?
Nah, I just feel sick eating shit
No wonder you mutts have shitty healthcare and diets
>Scottish character is a drunk retard.
>Boomer character is overweight, stupid, arrogant, or a combination of any of the above
>jewish character is a greedy amoral schemer that is part of illuminati
>german character is willing to follow whatever stupid ideas his austrian alpha feeds him
seething burger
shoot up another school, it'll calm you down
>Ukranian character is radioactive mutant, constantly longing for the old days of the Soviet Union
Cannot hear you over the sound of my laughter and freedom with Hitler jokes.
He could just post porn here and you would no longer be allowed to access Yea Forums without a license
>not realizing that the school shooting play vital part in weeding out failures from the next generation
If there had been more Columbine style shootings back during the 90s millennial would had grown up to be a halfway decent generation.
>American character always tries to solve everything with outrageous gun ultraviolence while screaming for freedom
>American character will always introduce the concept of freedom and constitutional rights in a country where those already exist
>American character is a cowboy
>Only cowboy in the entire story and it's never explained
>Big, strong, intimidating character is actually a shy softie inside
>Tfw I have that, AND my fellow countrymen don't kill each other when having a bad day
couple is BMWF