
Do Fujisho read comics?
If so, who the fuck do they ship

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I should have just made this a gay thread, girls don;t read comics

Wolverine and nightcrawler.

good taste

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Steve/bucky more of a movie thing that's just carried over to the comics.

But steve/tony's been around awhile. Same with peter/johnny storm.

is bat/sup ever a thing?

Here's one Fujo
She's a Booster Gold and Ted Kord fan

batman/robin is the OG fujoshi shit, but since DC started forcing batman v superman constantly it became a thing

Kinda, of all the batman/superman/wonder woman ship combos it's the least popular. Batman/joker would be the popular gay bat ship.

Superman doesn't really have any gay ships besides making jokes about luthor

It's fujoshi for women and fudanshi for men, friend. Fu - rotten. Joshi -woman and Danshi - men. So rotten women and men.

The popular Marvel comic ships are Steve/Tony and SpideyPool. For movies, add Steve/Bucky, Bucky/Sam, Erik/Charles, Tony/Strange and Tony/Peter Parker.

The only popular DC ships I know are SuperBat, HalBarry and BatLantern.

Patrician taste in OP though.

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>of all the batman/superman/wonder woman ship combos it's the least popular
I find that hard to believe

All the robins together. Plus lots of Blue/Gold and anyone with Constantine


Oh yeah Spideypool too

There's that Venom chick who pops up in most /shelf/ threads.

Bought that Venom bobblehead you recommended me a few threads ago, thx bby xoxo

Whats your favourite gay ship?
Mine are
>Spidey/Dead pool
And sinestro with hal

Tony x Peter
Tony x Steve

Well there's a doujinshi event only for cape comics (or "Amekomi" how they're called in Japan) called TEAM UP. And as expected it's mostly women selling gay stuff.

There's also Super Comic City which is a female dominated event and you can find some Avengers etc. stuff there.

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>Steve/bucky more of a movie thing that's just carried over to the comics.
Nah. Stucky is still very much a MCU only thing. The mass majority of it's shippers don't read comics and the very few who do twist the father/son or sibling relationship Steve and Bucky have in 616.

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First I'm hearing of this. Is BatJoker not as popular as I thought?

what are the best twink and bara ships?

I'm sure all robin combinations are very popular. Dick/Jason/Tim/Damian + maybe Bruce together are much more popular than some you mentioned.

Not to mention Dick/Wally, Jason/Roy, Tim/Kon, Jon/Damian are also very popular.

I've come across more SuperBat than BatJoker.

I've only seen those ships as a BatFam thing there than ships. BruDick, TimKon, RoyDick, SlaDick and a few others had more activity and art a few years ago. They might have all moved to Twitter.

Yes it is. It is Bruce Wayne’s most popular to be shipped with Clark Kent on Archive of our own

Proof go to Bruce Wayne yah of AO3

Go to the relationship filter and you will see Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent at 4737 published fanfictions. Second most is Selina at 1589 which much lower than the first one.

Further proof. People who say Bruce and Clark is not a popular ship have ZERO idea what they are talking about

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Now I'm curious as what is Jason's more popular ship.

You say that but I’ve literally never once seen anything of that. The only “Johnny is bi” thing I’ve ever seen is some people taking some tweet or whatever from a writer saying Johnny had “sexual tension” with Daken.

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Halbarry dump incoming

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That assumption could be because it's more of a DCU thing.

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Its Jason and Tim

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Unlike the fanfics of Marvel that are practically all based in the movies, DC's are almost all fanfics of the comics and secondly of the cartoons, then come movies

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I’ve filtered out all the DCUE tags for Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne + the Superman vs Batman movie tag and we get -2500 of their fan fiction published which still put the ship at 2200 fan work published and Batman’s most popular ship still. To be fair I also removed another variation of the DCUE tag which removes -500 and put the ship at 1700. This still is popular over Selina and Bruce and we haven’t event filter Selina/Bruce to their non movie core. Another interesting tidbit is that 1400 of the Clark and Bruce ships published have the DC comics tag.
Here you go

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Fun fact: because of Western X-Men fanfiction "omegaverse" genre spreaded to Japan too, now being a more and more popular in yaoi manga.

I can't believe King wrote 1500 different Cat/Bat ships.

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/u/ virgin vs /y/ chad

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Bruce and Selina is still a popular ship on AO3 all these considered. The people here makes you think BatJoker is popular and while kinda popular it’s not THE ship. It’s only 7th most popular. By the way Wonder Woman/Batman didn’t even make it to top 10 Batman ships despite all the claims here how popular the ship is.

The only batjoker I care about is their lego versions

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based fujos saving us from Bendis bullshit

That is a pretty cute ship.

It's not even really gay, Lego doesn't have genders.

Good taste user

what the fuck is this supposed to mean, fujoshi or fudanshi or mt.Fuji?

Why do politically conservative or right wing men freak out when I tell them male intimacy is gay?


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Wake up bump

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How the fuck do you misspell fujoshi twice?

I hate this fucking shit. “Hahaha all these fucking masculine male heroes act like teenaged girls hehe I’m so fucking quirky.”

Fine I'll post more

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To be fair, many bat/cat fix are side ship or ex-lover thing of gay ships.

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Why can’t sup/but fujos be satisfied with Apollo/Midnighter?

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I’m expecting some of male heroes suddenly become bi like harley or ivy or Selina has become bi.

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Because Apollo aucks ass

That was already heavily implied for years before it actually became official.

My opinion. But I don’t like derivative or homage characters. I mean Apollo and Midnighter are based on Superman and Batman so I rather ship the latter than the former.

It’s more about me hating on derivative characters in general because I find them unoriginal in most cases. I like She-Hulk because she is much different to Hulk for me to care. But usually I don’t like them.

Does anyone know why the fanfics of Marvel that are practically all based on the movies, unlike the DC's are almost all fanfics of the comics and secondly of the cartoons, then come movies

Marvel was shit and has mostly shit-tier character designs with a few exceptions. Marvel’s movies have more modern character designs and the retarded shitty winged helmets were removed. DC clearly has better character designs for their superheros and have some of the most iconic superheros (Batman and Superman). Plus there is a consensus that Marvel produces better movies, but DC has the better animations.

Yes, check Ao3 there's also an old superbat livejournal group that goes back to the early 2000's. Mithen being a popular Superbat shipper that still writes about them.

Steve/Bucky is still an MCU thing. Some fans have tries to carry it over to the comics but it's not popular and it really doesn't work in a medium where Steve sees Bucky as a kid and a son figure and where Bucky sees Steve as a mentor. The dynamics change a lot.

It also doesn't have that forbidden degenerate energy that Bruce/Jason has.

Don’t Batman and Superman are rivals? I didn’t think them that close like Steve/Bucky or Batman/Robin.

This is the best pairing I've seen recently.

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I think Morrison was aware of HalBarry or kind of saw it himself since he made Flashlight and Red Racer and made them gay for each other

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You should read more comics then.

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Batman/Superman is so big this was made.

>All those thirsty people in the comments
Geeez lol

I hate Joker and BatJoker in general but I love Lego BatJoker. They are pure.

Fuji’s Love X-Men and the BatFamily.

kinda gay

Why do you think women watch superhero movies? It’s not because of the action.

but I was told that women want to see ugly females in movies not handsome men

Nobody wants to see ugly people in movies except bitter ugly people.

theres a comic where they expect an assault on the person whose death would hurt superman most and it ends up (unexpectedly) being batman

or something along those lines i will try to find it

I dig it.

Hal and Barry is god tier


because marvel fags are casuals

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Mini dump because I have it saved

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We should discuss more about comics! For example after Phausto finishes Superboy, do you first want Batboys 3 or Titans 1?

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god damn that bulge

thank you user
i tried to find it but i had only access to my phone and loading 2-3 minutes for each single page while having not the slightest clue in which issue to start had me give up

As a gay man I find this shit fucking offensive.

That's really funny because I'm also mobile only right now. I just remembered TV Tropes Ho Yay had a link to it so I resaved it bc I couldn't find it on my phone. Glad to help

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I dont normally like porn comics with licensed characters, but god damn that series was hot. I love them all taking turns with him.

Eh I also like the action which is why I can't stand fanfiction that takes like 20 chapters and the superheroes don't do any superheroing in it.

But if you can give me cute boys and action I'm good.

Reminder that Clark is naked at this time.

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Damn, I can't believe Marvel actually published this.

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Post rare pairs

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is that Hal and Blackhand?

Take the hint already, Peter

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Scott's spaghetti spillage was cute. America's ass and all that


AntShield is kino.

Lego joker is best recent joker. Fuck whatever “twisted n edgy” competition the other writers seem to be having.

Sorry I can’t find any art of this pair that’s more /comic/ looking

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>Do Fujisho read comics?
No, fujoshits watch the movies and ship Cap and Iron Man and Thor and Loki.


>no one likes waynecrane
Goodbye world

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My heart.

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god damn it Geoff

Welcome to the fujo thread motherfucker. You're not leaving till you're gay

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I thought most gays thought this stuff didn't do anything for them
Something about the way their drawn that appeals more to women than men or something

Why the fuck are there so many fucking autistic ESL-kuns in this thread?

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People ship everything. Just make a gay thread next time since you have so much trouble spelling the word 'fujoshi'.

Superbat was a massive thing way before the DCEU, casual.

>far more obscure, most fujos are too casual to know about them in the first place
>Apollo is barely a character compared to Clark and no one gives a fuck about him outside of his relationship to Midnighter
>Midnighter is nowhere near as tsun as Batman

This is a fucking retarded question, user. Midnighter's been his own character for years now outside of being not-Batman. Superbat and Midpollo both have a completely different dynamic, different histories and are all completely different characters.


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Why do MCUfags have such bad taste?

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based super shotas


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Our day will come brother.

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Damian, don't be such a wuss! If Lois can take Superman's mighty alien dick, you certainly can handler Jon's developing cock.

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>of all the batman/superman/wonder woman ship combos it's the least popular

I don't know if normalfags non-comic readers who don't care about shipping outside of "x and y character look nice together" or don't even know what shipping is really count as 'shippers' though.

Superboy/Superboy (original Clark Kent version). They're always so cute when they interact. I've only started shipping it recently, so I don't have any art saved, but I might draw my own eventually.

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I also like Superman/Superboy. Wish clonecest and selfcest were more popular.

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I don't like this image. They're friends goddamn it, Damien may be an asshole but this is too much.