Did he deserve to pass?

Did he deserve to pass?

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Considering he memorized key facts for a subject that's purely about memorization of past events, yes.

He managed to memorize some key facts, but not enough to actually pass the test. No, he does not deserve to pass, but now that he's actually willing to work for it he does deserve some tutoring on round 2.

Well, he actually tried and studied. Literally the most that can be asked of a 4th grader, and he only got a D-. He eeked it out, but yeah he deserved it.

I wish real life valued obscure references.

He got to kiss Mrs. Crandall

>"This was the best I could do, and I still failed..."
Simpsons predicted people like us.

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education is not really about wathever bullshit they are actually teaching, kids who actually want to learn do it outside of school (unless its sports or math)
What its really about is teaching children to be organized, do research, pay attention, summarize, study, do group projects, etc which are useful skills
Did bart memorize enough to pass an arbitrary set of questions that anyone regardless of merit could have failed due to sheer luck? no but he accomplished everything school is supposed to teach
tldr bart would have been fine failig

In real life or the Simpson's continuity?

No, if he tried that hard and ONLY was able to get a D- then there's something wrong, either Bart has a learning disability, isn't mature enough for the 4th grade, or doesn't know how to study. Krabaple needs to figure out what exactly is wrong with Bart and help him become a better student instead of just passing him on.

In the Simpson's universe? Bart is never going to graduate from 4th Grade (despite graduating at least twice) Bart is never going to become a good student, he'll always return to the status quo. Since he worked hard and nothing really matters, sure, give him that win.

or maybe he didnt have enough time because he decided to study too late
I went to a tough as shit school where there was no failing, you got kicked out instead, i was a sonofabitch who did the bare minium and oly studied for the tests and somehow i made it through and even my dumb as a rock friend managed somehow, we where all scared shitless regardless.
I only saw a kid fail once, he was crying in the hallway begging the teacher to pass him, he almost got a passing grade too but she was a bitch and was having none of that. They called his father and apparently they had this whole trip planned, they where going to europe for a month and he told them, welp its cancelled now that we have to find you another school

>tfw you cant even watch this episode without having to pace around the room, breathing heavy

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Yeah, purrdy much.
>YFW youtube video reviews are just glorified book reports and show and tell.

I feel for Bart. I use to be that kid. Never study. Homework I either didn't do it, or on the bus to school. Didn't study, I never knew exactly how to, until college. But I'm rambling, seriously some kids aren't built for school.

Don't you see how wrong that is? Schools that aren't built to handle and take care of all children, espescially ones that need the most help are not useful at all.
As a matter of fact, modern schools are AGAINST the natural inclanation of children and female teachers have been proven to be pedos who actively grade boys LOWER then girls.

He did not illustrate why they made the decisions they made, though.

>pedos who actively grade boys LOWER then girls.
so not femminist or sexist or whatever is the correct term?

What do you do with your hands? For me, I imagine my hands building up energy and then shooting out laser beams at all the evil adults who bully children.

I had a teacher like this. She also threw a stapler at a kid's head that annoyed her and got away with it.

History Major here. Most professors outside of Grade School stop giving you tests like this and instead either give essay exams or papers

>female teachers have been proven to be pedos who actively grade boys
Not sure how you got that from what I said, but you did remind me of another story.

One week during some future job shit, we had people come in and describe their progression. One day the teacher boyfriend came in (firefighter I think) Skip to recess, we want to play soccer but no balls.
>"That's okay, let's go get some from the classroom"
Open the door and reveal the teacher fucking her boyfriend on the desk. Now that I'm older, I get the appeal of kinky sex during school. But maaaannn, something you don't forget.

clench and un-clench them or rub them on my shins

t. History minor.

This. Although, I've gotten combination tests that want an essay along with demonstration of knowing dates and terms, etc.

Same. Projects and papers are the norm. Some of my professors pushed for digital projects

A good school system should never teach a student who works in good faith that their efforts don't matter.

So what happened? Did they know you were there? Did you tell anyone?

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>having to study history in the 4th grade

Is this just TV or is America really like this?

What's so strange about it?

I always assumed she knew. It was a in-house secret with the boys in my class. None of us snitched and things just carried on as normal.

The real question is does he deserve to have to repeat the 4th grade?

In real life? Krabappel knows Bart very well and she knows Homer and Marge. Neither of them are good parents and neither inspire discipline or structure. Yes, Bart respects Marge but he also isn't ashamed of bringing home failing grades or disappointing her. Homer flat-out doesn't care about Bart's success and always puts himself before his kids. What would making Bart repeat a grade accomplish? He's still not going to study and stick with it and he doesn't want to learn good study habits. He could ask Lisa how to study and she would be overjoyed to share.

There is nothing Krabappel could do to fix Bart and realistically a burnt out teacher will just pass the kid along to the next grade whether they're prepared for it or not because the school district demands it.

No. Getting a 79% can just be you being unlucky.
Scoring under 60% clearly shows you didn't understand the material and don't deserve to pass.

Yes, he deserve it.

Life is the one at fault here.

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No, to pass he would need a 9.6 but he only got a 7 to 8 max.

From what retarded country are you from?

No. The benchmarks used to judge whether a child is ready for the next grade are arbitrary at best, and every other student will forget half of what they've learned over the summer anyway.

He only was alloawed to pass after Krandal realized he actually made a fucking effort.
He didn't past because he deserved to but she was showing him that if he made an effort, he could actually pass.

He passed to motivate him to keep it up
From an educator';s standpoint, she did the right thing.

i only passed high school because i was the teachers pet