I wanna fuck her guys. I WANNA FUCK HER!!!

I wanna fuck her guys. I WANNA FUCK HER!!!

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Man, you're a virgin.
That's why you desesperate get space AIDS

The absolute state of Yea Forums

Whatever that thing is she is isn't real, so you can't. Will never understand being sexually attracted to cartoons.

Consider the following:spring-loaded pussy

What would that feel like? Would she just be rapidly bouncing up and down your cock until your dick snapped or you pelvis shattered?

For further consideration: Pogo-pussy

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wow you're so alpha, I bet you get laid like all the time

>Not being sexually attracted to cartoons

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Why does she have Monkey D. Luffy powers?

Geez, have some standards OP.

nope married now, just had my second kid. I not gettin' any kind of ass right now.

Boco, you have no standards.

You ever seen a spring loaded trap? It'd explode onto your dick one time and probably launch you off of her, shattering your pelvis instantly while also making her puss look like someone glued one of those silicone pussy things to the bottom of her torso. Then it'd need to be pushed back in and reset like a pop gun.

Sure I do. Wouldn't touch anyone from this show with a ten foot pole, for example.

Kinky, I like it. Tell me more.

Once again the namefag has shit taste.

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It's lunarbaboon's downtime. Don't remind him how hollow and suffering his life is.

Nope, for once boco is right.
SU is shit.

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Look at this guy, with his beautiful family and meaningful relationship

You raise those kids and love that girl properly, user.

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Ironically, Boco also hates EEnE
Because he's a faggot

He’s lying, nobody on Yea Forums has children or a wife. He just jacks off to anime characters or Facebook pictures and pretends it’s his family.

Damn. What happened to Frieza?

This thread was so close to dying and you decided to bump it back up. How do you sleep at night?

You and the rest of Yea Forums

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uhhh if I did that I'd have more money lol . Seriously love my family but I miss being single everyday. That thrill when you get a chick's number and you think to yourself " Damn how long until I fuck". That's why I don't get why people could get attracted to comics and cartoons, there's so much pussy in the world.

Because fictional people can't hurt me and I can't hurt them. Real women I can get in fights with and we can both leave emotionally hurt and shit. I would not be a good boyfriend to anyone anyways so I might as well live in blissful fantasy dreaming about fictional women and let myself retreat from society. They don't need me or want me anyways, nor I them.

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smug gem is best gem

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Hurt and pain are two things about being alive tho, not everything is gonna turn out great, but you live and you learn. Stop selling yourself short bro. One thing my pops always said you can't expect a woman to want you if you don't think you're the shit.