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Ah, "Peni" Parker.
That fucking generic animu-bullshit with mechas.
I prefer literally a stick in my ass before see that shit
Gay fag
Emma Stone and Kirsten Dunst are women I find very attractive so yeah unfortunately sony wins
>i can fap to it, so its good!
talk about neanderthal thinking
I mean, you can be as gay as you want but I don't know why you have to tell everyone about it.
Emma Stone was so good as Gwen Stacy that she not only revived the character but led to her being a smash hit. She took a nearly unsalvagable piece of shit character and made it kino.
Thank god for that She Venom moment or else I’d have forgotten all about that dumb fucking movie. Whey did they turn Eddie into a tiny little beta male who was scared of anything? It’s like they were trying to making Eddie Brock into Peter Parker
MCU MJ is a shitty, pointless, unlikeable character so she could at the very least be cute.
Isn't this more of a pre-2016/post-2016 thing? And not so much a company thing?
I imagine any Sony production would have brown Flash and Gwen too if made after 2016.
I'm honestly not gonna lie as a superhero filmfag only. Emma and Andrew were the first time I ever really felt like Spiderman ACTUALLY had a legit relationship with someone. I actually kind of thought those movies were good because that's all I saw when I first watched them, they had some amazing (spiderman 2) chemistry. looking back though those films are shit. Emma's great though.
I mean outside the family of course if that wasn't obvious. Aunt May and Uncle Ben were great in Raimi
Interesting you forgot to include Peter's literal black replacement on the left
I think shes cute but she is literally zero percent anything like MJ.
But gwen was blonde in a post 2016 sony spiderman movie? And MJ was a cute redhead.
2019 Sony is not 2002 Sony or 2011 Sony and is different than Sony Pictures Animation, they WILL find a way to make the film abysmal and Blart-tier forgettable.
post spider girls.
No Spider Gwen, get the hell outta here! you fag
Literally perfect
Cute and perfect
agreed. Tobey was a good peter and Dunst was a good MJ but they had no chemistry
Spider-girls? Or girls related to the franchise?
What hit Raimis MJ was not understanding the subtleties in the relationship and their character development. He read through a synopsis of where the character was at the time and made his movie combining that and older Ditko era pete
that's a really good way to put it. It was almost as if they were always talking 'at' each other rather than 'to'. Like her words would go up and his would go down and they never really meshed into the kind of relationship and chemistry the films kept telling us they had. And Tobey and Kirsten are great so it always felt like a director mishap.
>My argument is cute girls makes the quality of the movie go up
Alright incel
That's you.
T: Geralt Way
See you when Mitchells vs the Machines stomps Onwards, Soul and Raya next year. Mousketeers
What the fuck, there are people on Yea Forums that don't think sony makes best spidey? Have you forgotten Spectacular Spider-man?
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a masterpiece.
No one knew or cared about Peni Parker before that movie and she was literally so useless. Fucking pedo weebs.
Sony didn't invent Miles, that was Marvel.
This image is like the ones you find on Yea Forums with the text reading ">games by the original developers are better than an outsourced product". I hope you don't do that OP. You wouldn't right?
This. Fuck anime niggers.