
Who started the """Brilliant""" trend of making storyboards before writing a script?

Attached: cancer Steven 2.png (358x420, 122K)

Fuck off dipshit

I'm genuinely curious, can we figure out where it started?

Looks like a another polshit thread

>Someone noticed the bad writing
>"Must be /pol/!"
>Returns to watching other men fuck his women.

What ever happened to "Yea Forums is love"?

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You made a bad thread intentionally

Everyone hates /pol/

Maybe Genddy? I saw an interview that when making samurai jack, he just gave few details about plot and let storyboarders go crazy. I think it worked great for samurai jack's case since it has few dialogues and it's storytelling is mostly done by visuals.

i thought he was a virgo

But who the hell thought it was a good idea to start doing that with shows that didn't have minimalistic dialogue?

>I think it worked great for samurai jack's case since it has few dialogues and it's storytelling is mostly done by visuals.
Yeah. I was about to mention that. Samurai Jack is about visual storytelling, so starting for the storyboards instead of the scripts sound pretty good for this kind of production.

Nah, that's impossible since the Stevonnie episode.

Are there any other creator that publicy have admited they do the storyboards first? I can only think in Sugar right now.

I thought that was a Disney method

Holy shit hes a leo

Attached: bdaystevo.png (362x542, 30K)

It's not crating storyboards before writing a script. It's crating storyboards based on the outline and having the boards determine the direction of the show. In a visual medium like cartoons and film, it makes sense that the visual context is gonna be very important to how to write the scene. Board Driven just means that there's more of a focus on the visual element than the written element. There's been plenty of shows and movies that were board driven before Steven Universe and you just don't know because you either like or are indifferent to those shows. You only single shows like Steven Universe out because of your hate boner for it. This is FAR from a new concept.

since cartoons began

This. You guys are getting mad at a concept that existed long before Becca

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Walt Disney.

Don't take my word for it, but generally in animation I think it's
>Ten minutes or under= Storyboard
>Half hour and over= Script

Aries - Ruby
Taurus - Yellow Diamond
Gemini - Garnet
Cancer - Steven
Leo - Lion
Virgo - Pearl
Libra - Connie
Scorpio - Amethyst
Sagittarius - Sardonix
Capricorn - Sapphire
Aquarius - Bismuth
Piscis - Greg


If you want a show to blame for the whole inject L O R E into every show that doesn't need it, blame Adventure Time.

great argument dumbass

This is something John K would ironically support.

If you support storyboard driven shows, you support pedo rapists remember that

>Virgo - Pearl

Attached: quality pearl.jpg (395x717, 125K)

okay Enter

Is this literally the only way you can defend this shit show?
All critics are /pol/. You dont like SU, then your obviously /pol/

Yea Forums is full of dipshits who have no idea how animated productions work, surprise surprise.