
What's their group dynamic like?

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Other urls found in this thread:

they should've been boys


Bullying with subtle hints of underlying bisexual experimentation


I hope.

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Amphibia "style" is possibly the laziest one right now, those fuckers are basically stick figures.

Marcy: LESBO

Lmao keep baiting

I'm watching you guys.

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does anyone have that drawing with sasha and marcy brooding and anne is in the back drinking a milkshake?

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that's the one

Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Sasha is the alpha bitch, Marcie is the spineless weasel and Anne is the nice, dumb girl in with a bad crowd

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Is kinda like cal arts but worse.

I can see Marcy as a scummy but incompetent type

>kinda like cal arts
Amphibia is textbook calarts.

Post more comics/illustrations

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Don't see the beanface anywhere and it rarely goes off model like su or ok ko

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>he doesn't get the subtle deconstruction of contemporary artstyle of the characters brilliantly contrasting the semi-realistic design of the scenery and wild animals, thus enhancing the sense of environmental mystery and dangerousness

eating each other out in a circle sort of deal. so typical dyke stuff.


for based Maggie

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>oh my god
Has anyone noticed how much Amphibia uses euphemisms where that are obvious to understand what they implied they meant to say(they often say "oh my gosh' instead of God, "oh shoot" instead of shit, heck instead of fuck)? It's kind of weird they use that kind of exclamation so much. I don't remember if other similar cartoons do this so often.

Amphibia needs to be banned from Yea Forums for good. The janitor is justified for what he's done and I report this garbage every time it shows up. List of offenses:
1. MANY spam threads
These threads cover up the board and give the rest of Yea Forums and new people a very bad impression of us, it doesn't help that they are always the most worthless and shitty threads imaginable.

2. This show is fucking trash
This show is terrible and filled with cliches, forced morals, terrible melodrama, mediocre writing, and bad characters. It attempts to be funny with SO LE RANDUM XD and CRINGE humor and occasionally panders to its dumb fuck audience with dumb shit like DABBING, fucking yikes.

3. The people in these threads are literally bad people.
They can't fucking post anything intelligence, its just pure stupidity and shitty posting not to mention you guys have the dumbest fucking memes like god damn FROGS and TRIBESHIT.

In conclusion I hate you and your show and I hope you all die alone and friendless.

No one cares lol

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I liked how in Adventure Time they just used the name of the in-universe god

>3. The people in these threads are literally bad people.
>They can't fucking post anything intelligence, its just pure stupidity and shitty posting not to mention you guys have the dumbest fucking memes like god damn FROGS and TRIBESHIT.

You don't get out much that would also include My Little Pony, Simpsons, Loud House and Pokémon fandom's

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Anne Ship Tiers

>God Tier
Anne x nobody

>Trash Tier
Anne x Sasha
Anne x Marcy

>Actually Retarded Tier
Anne x Sprig
Anne x Maggie

Let it go!

What about Anne x Wally?

>Anne x Sprig
>not perfection
Fuck off

But...Spranne against the world!

LMAO we are that limited right know. We should have a winner by end of season 2.

le family guy face

No he got it right the first time

>Anne x Sprig
Retarded tier
>Human Anne x Human Sprig
Trash tier
>Frog Anne x Frog Sprig
God tier

They both treat Anne like a piece of meat to sexually abuse.

Cartoons have been doing that for decades.

Is it Anne's duty to populate Amphibia with humans?

>God, "oh shoot" instead of shit, heck instead of fuck)? It's kind of weird they use that kind of exclamation so much

Trying to relate to the youth, remember Disney can't use the real words on TV it's it's different talking then what it was in the early 2000's when everyone "like talked like you know like" this .

Rather it's to ensure no such thing comes to pass. Their world would fall to man much too easily

You can’t have kids if you’re a lesbian

The weirdest bit is that Amphibia has also used words like degenerate and pervert

go back to /trash/

I think this should be tested.

Marcy is the edgy kid who likes to start fires and hurt Little animals who ends up doing something súper fucked up before graduating and moves with her aunt in another state
>he doesnt know about Yea Forumss massive boner for bad girls


>i watched over the garden wall

Anne x hop pop master race

Thats kind of impossible user

Not nearly as much as Amphibia. Amphibia makes it seem like they actually filled the episodes with "fuck"s and "shit"s and then changed them to lid friendly stuff.
When was that? I don't remember. Also, was pic related a 4D chess reference?

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Bizarre Bazaar and Cracking Ms. Croaker

Sasha: Leader, manipulator, helps you reach the top as long as you remain loyal to her.
Anne: Naive and probably the muscle of the group.
Marcy: The theoretical intelect of the group, she lacks Sasha's inteligence to manipulate others but compensates it with hard inteligence, probably also tech wise.

>not Sasha and Marcy kissing and Anne holding hand with Sasha

The part in Reunion where Sasha gets hit in the face was the most obvious example of them self-censoring. I can guarantee there's an outtake somewhere where the voice actor was like "what the FUCK" and then everyone started laughing

That part is so weird. Also notice how she goes like
>that's my girl
>now that wasn't so hard was it?
And she rushes the fuck out of the second sentence to get to the splash in the face part in time.

Grimesey was pretty cute in Reunion.

that "that's my girl" line was what made everyone go completely over the line into anne sub/sasha dom territory

Well Yea Forums?

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There must also be an outtake somewhere where she says "that's my bitch". It doesn't help that the actresses sound so much older than 13. I know they ARE way older but they obviously don't even try. Not that they're bad, just saying

Honestly they're fine. On a spectrum from Actual children to Completely out of place they're somewhere on the left.

>the actresses sound so much older than 13. I know they ARE way older but they obviously don't even try.
Seems to be a Disney thing. See Gravity falls where it's an important theme that the twins are still children, not adults, but they sounds like they're in their thirties.

Shoul we ask Matt Braly to release the outakes? better than asking for Anne's bra size.

What will Anne do when her swelling teenage mammaries outstrip the single bra she has on hand?

shaving eyebrows all day erry day

Class: Thief/Assassin

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The mouse won't let him.
did he reply to the bra size question?

we all know she is a backstabing bitch

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Sprig picked up one on the floor so either she has multiple or she slept tits out next to the 10 year old frog

Where are their eyebrows?

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based and frogpiled

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what about Anne x clowns?

she looks stereotypical asian, so she is smart.

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>hey BOOBchuy!
How the FUCK did they get away with this? I know boob also means stupid but they literally said boob in a disney kids show. It's like claiming they meant a female dog if they said "bitch".

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I knew a girl at school who did that.
She was skinny, blonde and punched me in the arm once.

maybe is because I'm not native English speaker, but I just dont hear "boob" at any moment.

Nigga it's boob, I'd be surprised if even the brits were bothered by that

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That pic makes Sasha look like under cooked meat between two burger buns.

A nice all rounder I see. A real Mario or Ryu

>Frog Anne x Frog Sprig
>God tier
thank god im not the only one who thinks this

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the smartest of the bunch, but not a total genius also probably the less athletic.

>Anne turns into frog
>Sprig is absolutely awe struck
>Anne mostly ignores it, is focused on changing back
>Hop Pop says the only way to change back is with some maguffin
>whole crew goes looking for it
>Sprig finds it while alone
>is too in love with frog Anne to tell her
>”hmmm maybe just a little bit longer”
>shenanigans ensue, Sprig spills spaghetti, etc
>Sprig later realizes he has to change her back
>suddenly some plot device comes and steals the maguffin
>They have to go on journey to get it back
>at the end Anne finds out Sprig lied and is mad at him
>conflict, drama, etc
>episode is 22 minutes and ties into lore, so even if you’re only watching for the story, you can’t skip it

Stop posting this atrocity

Yes, I see now

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I want /u/ to leave.

Would Anne try anyway?

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no one would watch this show if not for the lezdom fuel

Being faggot is better than being tasteless

ok retard

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If lezdom is canon, I literally drop the show

>People actually believe this

Drake and Josh had Megan call them boobs in like every episode. If it's an insult it's alright it seems

Life isn't all about fueling your carnal desires.

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Disney’s censors are living in 1955



I went back to watch that part of the episode, and holy shit, she actually DID say 'Boobchuy', I thought we were just meming, but no, that actually happened.

Disney has gotten really lenient on their Animated series department

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Cuz Helga from Hey Arnold said it and that was in 1996 a boob is just another word for dumb and studit and knowing that many young people don't know that.

And you have to look on how much the 90's influenced cartoons of today as well, we've seen this time and time before.

Sasha: Ann.....

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season 3 leaked ending

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Except there literally is none apart from the girls existing.

I'm sure that's the train of logic they used to get past the censors, but c'mon user. You know damn well she used "boob" in multiple contexts

That’s all we need

Don't most 7th graders.....

>Male frogs used to just ejaculating on a pile of eggs
>With Anne they get to use a vagina for the first time
>There's always a line of frogs to use Anne's services
>Female frogs seethe

In my 7th grade we were using multiple words for boobs

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>Hop Pop: "Books are more wrong than you think"
>Book says Calamity Box is dangerous
Why is no one talking about this? That was way on the nose in terms of foreshadowing

What's Anne looking at?

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Why is no one asking where are Sprig and Poly parents?

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Pretty reasonable to assume they were eaten

I did once.
Everyone just assumes they died

>Hop Pop, what the FUCK dude?

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Hentai Cummung up!

This is actually one of the few recent shows that made me laugh out loud but I can't really explain why. It's not even a comedy focused show as much as it is a comfy moral teaching show or an adventure one.
>well, if I'm the princess, then you're the king of
>bad cooking
>sprig and polly look fucking staggered and sprig drops the spoon

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Fucking kek
Maggieposting is so goddamn stupid but I love it

If you're going to use a pasta, use a new one. Anyway here's your (You).

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Will the obligatory TF fetish episode happen in season 2 where they froggify Anne?

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Good line delivery helps. I think Brenda Song sounds like she has a lot of fun with the role.

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but what about when Anne uses the requiem arrow to unlock her full potential?

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Would you ever let Sasha dominate you?

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We need more comfy, barely-awake Anne.

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Forgive my lack of photoshop skills

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>that place is full of greedy fucking degenerates
Wow, you weren't kidding

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When the fuck did it use pervert?

The episode "Croak & Punishment"

But what part?

Somewhere near the end

When that guy trying to assassinate Miss Croaker threw open his coat to get his Bloodborne weapons.

"Cracking Mrs. Croaker"

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>Assuming Marcy is the smartest because she's Asian

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Sasha has more positive traits than Anne of you think about it

>so two aren't-
>For the tenth time grime we aren't gay!

Honestly, of all the modern shows I like, I find that very few of them are actually funny. I usually just end up watching them for the stories and characters.
I think it has to do with the fact that these family friendly shows are much more limited with their comedy.

Marcy's original design makes her look like the smart one and that's probably how she's intended to be

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but what about the hand holding, I thought in human culture it was considered the height of intimacy

It looked more like a “let me lead you where to go” handhold, rather than a “let’s do it to show we’re dating” one.

>Hey Anne, I heard you're really "int 2" playing games that rot your mind
>oh, uh, it says here you are Thai...too bad you couldn't "Thai" your other shoes. Which is why you lost it!
>Is your last name Boonchuy or "Noob-Chuy"
>Um... Oh! Do you hate team sports because you like working alone, or is it because you're distracted by being surrounded by other girls?
>Oh, here's one... You are so tall that I would ask "how's the weather up there" but based on your hair I'd say it's humid
>*Ahem* What does Sasha and your phone have in common? Both are things that get "turned on" by you and that you've dropped.

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Literal alpha bitch

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Anne's Asian too

I see what you're doing and I happen to think its hilarious.

Why, a good character is a good character no mater the gender.

If Bojack Horseman was a female, Yea Forums would hate it

>2 INT
>group's natural beta (picking on her prevent Sasha and Marcy from fighting each other)

>CHR 10
>queen bee.
>group leader.
>the brains of this organization
>sophisticated bully, using manipulation social and psychological weapons.

>the muscle
>always eager for a fight
>an unsophisticated bully
>sasha manipulates her into being more civilized
>she hasn't consciously accepted sasha as the leader
>childhood friends with Margot (before Sasha turned them against each other)

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The humor in the show is so natural. It's ridiculously charming even when it's not funny because it feels like a genuine person throwing quips out that are funny to them rather than a team of writers laboring over every one-liner to make sure it's unbelievably funny

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Yea Forums already hates it because reddit likes it.

>she slept tits out next to the 10 year old fr
Like Sprig would even know how lewd that actually is.

Anne could practically walk around naked. She’s an animal to them

>Gee, Anne! You didn't tell me humans had 2 extra heads on their chests!

This was the best



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>tfw season 2 wil probably be aired on a bomb format rather than weekly
Damnit, it was comfy that way!

I think it will actually be a weekly thing this time. The point of the bomb format is to see if interest is there.

Just imagine the visceral seething Sasha must have felt when she got fucked up by Anne.

Seems like season 2 will be story-driven, so more incentive. Maybe they'll air them two at a time

I think it'd be interesting if Sasha kept the scar.

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Oh she definitely will, though it could conceivably fade before too long

>Seems like season 2 will be story-driven
I wonder if season two will continue the 15 min segments or go full 30 like the finale.

Jumping to a different format like that is very unlikely I think

I love that part too, she looks so comfy and happy

Art by the crew seems to indicate that this will be the case

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I'd kill even Sprigg just to be her slave

If Anne hadn't been transported to Amphibia and gone through all that character development, do you think she would have become a school shooter?

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>They finally make it back home to their parents
>"Sasha... What's that mark on your face from?"
>"Stray football...?"

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Realistically, she shouldn’t
Artistically, she should

I honestly think that's part of Sasha problem. Typical rich girl who has everything but, her parents neglect/don't take up much time with her. I can see Grime maybe becoming a father figure to her.

I'm curious if they'll show any of their parents considering that Anne's have remained off-screen.

I'll hold out for a flashback episode showing their different home-lives.

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There's a deleted scene that they shared that has Anne's dad. I don't think they're trying to be ambiguous, just it hasn't come up yet.

>Lean on me

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I call it the "Loli Anne" scene

Big Bob is that you?!


What episode was that from?

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Anne vs. wild more than likely. Further explaining why her and camping don't mix.

The cancerous nature of this show and the fact that it's been on less than 3 months and is already somehow worse than gravity falls and star vs. at their peak makes me wonder to what depths can this show reach over the next 3-5 years of airing.

Hey all, colorfag here with Maggie

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What’s cancerous about it? The fact that it’s more popular than your favorite show?

Looking good. I'm glad Maggie is getting more love.

Probably would just explode the school with baking soda and vinegar.

Sasha is obviously the Baws Bitch. Anne is the heart, and Marcy's gotta be the smart one.

He's just being a faggot because his copypasta was deleted

someone please translate this

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whut, no!


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lmao not even close, Amphibia won't ever have 1/10th of the amount of fanfiction, porn, shitposting, etc that Gravity Falls had at its peak (not sure if this is a good thing or not)

Some times in our lives... So what song do you think are they going to play in the season two finale when the trio finally reunite?

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So, is season 2 going to be Ann and the Planters going on a road trip to Newtopia?

looks like it. My bet thought that they end in Wartwood to try and find the music box

if promotionals are to be believed

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>everyone who thinks the star vs. fanbase jumping over to amphibia is a samefag

It's gravity falls until 2016->star vs. until 2019 and now-> amphibia. You cancerous retards just hop from show to show, growing in your depravity and delusion.

I can't speak Chilean, it's like Spanish but more retarded (if that's even possible).

It's only been out for 2 months and the threads are already overrun with lesbian shipperbait. 20 episodes, it'll probably be 50% longer than GF or Star vs. and have that much more time for the cancer to metastasize into something truly horrendous.

The song they'll play when Anne finds out about the music box and runs away:

Attached: Hop Pop hides the box.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

your tribe war shit stirring didn't get anyone trashed, you failed faggot get used to us because the show isn't going anywhere

I don't see the lesbian stuff ever being as cancerous as the incest/cuckquean shit but only time will tell I suppose

I can't comprehend the idea of it, but if Matt and friends are madmen enough to pull that then it'd be kineaux

Here is my guess.
>Anne and Sasha have known each-other since kindergarten. Close childhood friends, possibly the first friend Sasha has made.
>Middle school rolls around and Sasha has learned how to be mean, manipulative, and popular.
>Marcy joins the group, but mostly to enjoy the power that comes with hanging out with Sasha and the food at Anne's restaurant.

Always loved this song

But I don't know how I'd feel hearing this as Anne would be running off alone as Hop Pop holds Sprig back as he said he was only doing it to protect his family

Grime & Sasha with matching scars.

going back to parents for a min I wonder is sprig and pollys will play an important role in the story.

They’ll just pretend they never existed.

I don't think they will any more than Hop Pop's deceased wife will.

I laughed.

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What is Anne looking at now?

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Predict the finale:
>Final episode of the show involves Sprig who is now Hop Pop's age telling his grandchildren the story of Anne: Defender of Wartwood and his best friend
>Meanwhile, Anne and her friends finally return home and somehow just in time for her 13th birthday party. She uses the lessons she's learned in Amphibia to make herself a better person. Though she can never return to Amphibia sadly, she'll never forget the adventures she had there.
>The final shot of the episode will show us that she adopted three frogs that look like the Plantars

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Based and grimesasha pilled.

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My money is on the the music box becoming a permanent doorway to Amphibia and back for Anne and she can come and go ash she pleases

I like it.

Bless you.

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I'm ready for some kino.

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Is Anne wearing two different pairs of socks?
I do the same

I never noticed.
Shes adorable!

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Give me this ending, but with added Narnia shit. Anne spends like 50 years in frog world becoming some legendary warrior-hobo in the process of rediscovering/activating the box; when she goes back to the human world she's 13 again and it's still her birthday

Do people even own pet frogs?

yeah, alot of people do

Oh, oh , i am chilean i can do it, but to be quite honest, traducting chilean to english its quite hard but i will try my best
whats the matter, you (Can be literally the equivalent of "son of a bitch" or something around that, but also add the equivalent of australian drunktard speech)

>Disney will never sell SJMS hoodies or shirts

Yeah but they die fast enough that I think it would be very disturbing for Anne to associate them with her lost friends.

They were probably eaten by herons or something.

>final scene is the girls at a pond reminiscing about they’re experience.
>final shot is a family of frogs that resemble the Plantars

>Hey Anne, wait, what's that
>Dont worry about it

What would you tell people when they ask about the acronym? You don't want o seem like a weird pedo, would you?

When are we getting those plushies? For some reason, I now require one.

what plushies?
No one ever asks about that

This is not fucking Europe

Saint James middle School. What are they going to say?


These plushies.

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is Grime gonna be the final boss?
after Sasha dumps him to chase Anne tail

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Someone post the edit

Ngl, up until I started watching the show I thought Anne was black, or one of the darker hispanics

I hope.
I personally prefer final bosses to be someone who was there since the beginning

So Anne is basically Catholic right? Why hasn't she burned down Amphibia for it's mere existence of being a contradiction to her faith?

She might be Buddhist, being Thai and all.

>So Anne is basically Catholic right?
is just the name of the school man, thou sooner or later Anne will eat some of the frogs

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Last time I checked he isn't giant and can't cast fireball. A lot can change between seasons but personally I don't see it

The final boss is the mayor. Screencap this.

Does the Toad/Frog have a Gemstone in its eye?

How are you supposed to interpret this? I keep hearing the page means the box was thought to be destroyed, but I see it as "all of frogdom will be destroyed if you fuck with it"

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show us her tits


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thesres not to interpret here

Attached: 1563505497728.png (935x526, 655K)

should probably see:

>and is already somehow worse than gravity falls and star vs. at their peak

Worse than humanized Bill raping Dipper?

Attached: 46929680_300024550630798_2311827694341509117_n[1].jpg (925x613, 93K)

Blonde girls femdoms the fuck out of the other two

Yeah actually, quite worse

Attached: 6799bf384ead70b1a27349d0225edacffc69aa3a.jpg (2031x2178, 324K)

I don't see any raping going on, just two bros chilling together.

Attached: Wake me when there is this many Grimsha smutfics.png (1320x467, 70K)

I dont get why some anons are so man at Amphibia being liked

Attached: 1561449513846.png (670x582, 485K)

Wow, we have a lot of work ahead of us in order to live up to that legacy. Better get cracking I guess

Attached: jb31.png (588x70, 7K)

Attached: EC68oNYU8AAG6tl.jpg (729x1024, 76K)

think it a reaction from the tribe war thing.

Attached: D_ES4pAUYAAjXbc.jpg (1200x583, 114K)

What can I say? Some people just like to flex their masculinity

Attached: bc40b3577fbc2e4986c21d410e495bdf3056bef2.png (1500x1350, 438K)

Has anyone ever drawn Polly as a full on frog like sprig?
And second question does anyone think that that she might grow into one in season 2 or so or will that be too much of a change?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 960K)

There's a handful of older Polly drawings. I hope it happen in the show, maybe season 2 can have an episode about her growing two new limbs.

Attached: 3c2425cdb3bde7b422cf1d884ba2a7d033b69765[1].jpg (744x647, 58K)

Attached: redux.png (892x1164, 422K)

I’d imagine she’s not very religious period

Yea Forums has always had a "stop liking what I don't like mentality"

i thought that was a colored version of this for a sec

Attached: 1566046270421.jpg (2300x2500, 501K)

So what were your initial thoughts/expectations of the show when you first hard about it and what did you think after seeing the whole thing?
Because frankly I didn't give a shit about it when it was first announced and now it's one of my favourite shows of this decade, I was not expecting it to be as good as it was.

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Attached: subtle.png (1039x1220, 1.64M)

Attached: if the carriage is rockin.gif (600x338, 2.02M)

I remember the day the show was first announced and thinking "wow they already the porn". Overall, I thought the show was a pleasant surprise but I think what really makes me stick to it is because it aired during a comfy period in my life

I'm thinking this basically. Buddhism is the overwhelming major religion in Thailand and her parents seem like first generation immigrants, or at the very least her mom is

I consider that would be more of a byproduct of her age than any kind of theological stance though.

I thought it was going to be a goofy frog-themed sitcom. That's mostly right, but the last thing I expected was the season finale having a swordfight between two teenage girls. Who knows, maybe S2 will go into darker territory?

>if the carriage is rockin
Sasha is being friendly

Attached: anne_s___friends___by_crydius_ddblr4a.png (436x1372, 205K)

Catholic schools are kinda like bootleg private schools, a lot of parents send their kids to them if they want better than public but don't have cash for private, even if they're not catholic.

Wait, why would a first generation Thai still be speaking Thai casually around the house? Usually only straight up immigrants still speak their native tongue with their kids.

well we're going roadtrip mode like tangled did so maybe we get to see D A R K A N N E

I didn't really think much about the show before it premiered, and i wasn't initially going to watch it. But i decided to check it out after seeing all the praise it was getting and i couldn't have been more surprised about how much I ended up liking the show. What really got me was just how likable the characters ended up being.

Attached: Plantars.jpg (630x329, 41K)

>series finale
>anne and sprig kiss
>sprig turns into a human prince of amphibia
>calamity box explodes
>brings couple back to their worlds
>anne back in her world
>sprig in amphibia
>they're both sad they can't see each other
>anne no longer has leaves in her hair
>they both see the calamity box in their worlds
>human sprig and anne rush to the box
>box explodes
>all hope is lost until
>worlds merge as a result
>anne sees all frogs, toads, giant creatures and everything running rampant on earth
>human sprig sees amphibia's natural environment merges with earth
>anne and human sprig see each other and say hi to each other
Holy shit!!!!

Attached: Annephibian.png (3909x4702, 1.07M)

Taking requests of that one witch frog that looks like Sucy from Little Witch Academia, dont remember her name.

I'll admit, I expected to hate Hop Pop at the start, but god damn did he steal the show.

Attached: 1234123412341.png (1399x880, 302K)

user, that's literally what "first generation" means. Second generation would be Anne, who was born to immigrant parents but lives in America

Hop Pop's VA is same as Goofy's.

Maddie in a bikini.

But Anne is never a magic person so it's kind of weird if she goes dark.

I fucking love the female human character design in this show. Just look at her, she looks so cool

I wonder if Anne sometimes curses in Thai, much to the confusion of the Plantars

Why is everyone calling her Maggie? Her name is Margo.

Wingman, Rich Girl, Cung Foo Expert

Attached: Amphibia Season 1 finale.png (500x1155, 725K)

Sasha called her Margot, Anne called her Maggie. Margot is a short form of Maggie, and both names are the short form of Margaret.

So are the shorts going to air on Tuesday or Wednesday?

So good! You are pure class

Attached: tumblr_pcp9vug5qA1qcxymno2_500.gif (500x209, 1.76M)

I fucking hope so. You mean next tuesday, right? I heard something about the 3rd of September. Which is weird because they said they were going to air in August.

> it aired during a comfy period in my life
Dude, same here. I've even gotten the fiancee to join me during my rewatch. She loves it, and thinks Anne is a cutie-pie.though I don't think she gets a lesbian vibe off Anne like I do.

Attached: 1565131945100.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>Realistically, she shouldn’t
You think the toads will clean it out and bandage it? It will probably scab over with dirt and junk in there, which will disrupt the healing and cause a scar. Back in the day, young men would duel each other for the specific purpose of acquiring stylish facial scars, and embedding foreign material was used to prevent the superficial cuts from healing without a scar.

If Anne was nervous and shy during comic-con, imagine how'd she feel if she was in a Yea Forumsnvention

Attached: Di7MT8kX4AY2_B3.jpg (976x765, 119K)

Is this official?

>for it's mere existence of being a contradiction to her faith
"Catholic" literally means "universal". The first thing Catholics would do if alien frogs were discovered is send missionaries, same as in real-world first contact situations.

I didn't really see it either but Sasha clearly wanted to hard fuck her and I'm sure she can win it

OP was missing something

Attached: based as fuck.png (3000x868, 571K)


Yeah, it's a shame that I was really busy at work during the final weeks of season one. I still feel sore over not getting able to immediately watch Reunion and when I finally did, the thread had over 800 posts and was about to die so I wasn't able to participate in the initial discussion

That’s because women know how girls act around other girls. Only cumbrains actually get these fetish vibes

Women are either gay or bi.


no idea why there are so many Anne x Sasha shippers, when Sasha is an absolute cunt and Anne is a pure soul that deserves the same.

There should be more art of Anne with shorter hair

basement dwelling males shouldn't attempt to speak for women t b h

>he never saw mean girls

Attached: mean-girls.jpg (800x448, 53K)

>implying grime won't heal his waifu's scars.

Attached: 1564101473994.jpg (2508x3541, 707K)

Post your favorite comic

Attached: 18072019190423.jpg (1280x3489, 418K)

Honestly didn't know about it til I started browsing Yea Forums again one day and seen the threads. Thought it might be garbage but decided to check it out anyway. Was pleasantly surprised. Reminded me of the early seasons of AT before it turned into crap.

>it aired during a comfy period in my life

Exact opposite for me. It aired during my last month working at the family job, which had basically left me a wreck. The Star vs. finale had kicked me in the balls. I was not very pleased at this time in my life and Amphibia was much, much needed.

Why would Polly have buff arms? If anything she should have buff legs, since she's been using them for everything, even as makeshift arms, through the entire show.

>*Ahem* What does Sasha and your phone have in common? Both are things that get "turned on" by you and that you've dropped.

Attached: 40 lashes.png (471x590, 111K)

Anne: low int, high wis
Sasha: average
Marcy: high int, low wis

Attached: annss.png (1386x3240, 3.41M)

Anne: low int medium cha high wis
Sasha: medium int high cha low wis
Marcy: high int low cha medium wis

she is a power gamer after all

Attached: 1566843479350.png (1185x1000, 944K)

>High Str and Int
>Low Sanity

Your Marcy sounds rather dangerous

Same here user, it's why I don't want anne to be dragged down by romance.

>You get to add or replace 1 (one) word with the word fuck (or any variation of fuck) to an existing line of the show
>What do you change?
>Pic related

I would have the crowd yell "two more weeks of fucking!"

Attached: VideoCapture_20190827-072414.jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

I thought it meant "first generation born in America?"

Attached: 12341324123.png (1280x720, 557K)

It means to be the first generation to live in the country that was immigrated to.
Hence, the people who did the actual immigration being first generation immigrants, and their children subsequently being second generation immigrants.
Children who were born by the time their parents immigrated, are still considered second generation, even though they are a part of the original immigration group.

Her name's Maddie. How about a good old pomf version of her?

Attached: wah-what-are-we-going-to-do-on-the-bed-POMF-mp4-loli-army-39779590-620-465[1].jpg (620x465, 71K)

I was always looking forward to this show but at the time wished The Owl House wasn't overshadowing it. Everyone thought it was just gonna be a slice of life with frogs, but even in the intro you could see hints of a bigger plot. Really glad I decided to watch it because it had a strong first season, lets hope the future seasons hold up well too.

It's drawn by Matt, check the initials in the bottom right.

Dom/sub fetish, wouldn't matter what genders they were, even if they were both guys fujos would be all over the ship instead. Although which out of the two would have been more popular: BoyAnne/Sasha or Anne/BoySasha?

boyAnne/Sasha, everyone on this board is projecting onto Sashanne

You could see it on her face as she eyes Anne up afterward. What I wonder is what Grime's thoughts were during and immediately after the fight, before deciding fuck it and grabbing Hop Pop.
>"I personally trained this little harlot and she was outmatched by her slave"

Attached: 1564985439887.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

This with sprig and maddie

Attached: AD08897E-B7B2-4E10-9833-F1ECF5023419.jpg (796x600, 124K)

Thinking about picking up this show.
Is the lesbo shit real, or is it literally just memes?

all memes

Just typical girl friendship stuff, no romance. They don't even interact on screen until the finale as they got separated in the beginning.

For now

meow we're talking

Attached: EC_XaBvUcAANUz7.jpg (1024x730, 83K)

Are you making all these Maggie drawings?


Attached: EAe8hpbU4AAxRNP.jpg (727x1024, 119K)

At least for the time being it's memes, not even seriously hinted at.


Attached: giggles murderously.png (1365x693, 637K)

>implying it wouldn't be the other way around

That one colorfag... Please... These ones. Please!

Attached: VideoCapture_20190816172133.jpg (1920x1080, 117K)

Attached: (656x368, 233K)


I'm the colorfag, I have class but these will be colored by tonight

>Oh noe D: it looks like I slipped! What an unfortunate disaster it would be if someone were to somehow rip my clothes and ravage the area
>I wouldn't argue boobchuy

Bottom left > middle > top > bottom right
But they're all cute

Attached: you-are-a-man-of-integrity-just-like-me-40164239.png (500x395, 98K)

You think that stitch job will heal without scars?

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Attached: Marcy stats.png (1185x1000, 944K)

Attached: marciey.png (1185x1000, 948K)

How would you deal with Anne being your neighbor and she came by every night wanting to hang out, watch movies and shows, play vidya and stuff?

Do you think we will see more flashbacks about Anne's life before Amphibia, like her family and school like in Reunion, bros?
Also I drew Maggie, not great but I tried.

Attached: IMG_20190827_210943.png (1080x1232, 305K)

I'd play vidya with her.

Literally do whatever she wants me to do with her just to make her feel comfortable

I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd end up on some online register if a 13 year old wanted to hang out with a 30 year old. But I guess she's fine to hang out with me and my little bro who's only a few years older than her.

Not every night, maybe every other, plus this wrinkle

Even if she wanted to use your pc?

Attached: 1561611992679.png (704x601, 230K)

Probably a big one for Marcy, but I don't think there'd be anything big. Maybe a few gags to showcase Anne's habits more, like with vibrating store or gameboy in class.

It's a show built around relationship between the girls, so anything else seems pointless.

She's there for you though, not your little bro, and wants to sit on the couch near you and watch movies wearing her skirt

Likely. I doubt Maggie will return though

I must do it. And I'll let her watch those shitty netflix shows she likes and protect her from Sasha.

She'll show up in the finale and either
A) spaz out and ask where they've been if time has passed or
B) happen to be on the street as Anne rushes home to her birthday and some meaningless exchange about understanding your bully or something will take place if it hasn't

Then for the sake of not ending up on said online register, I'd probably inform her parents

Second from top to bottom, she looks cute and would be nice if she was acting like a bully to hide her cuteness.

>how hard you want to go to my party?

Attached: Amphibia S01E10 - Toad Tax; Prison Break.mp4_snapshot_23.46_[2019.07.02_02.56.26].jpg (1280x720, 41K)

Holy kek that’s great

>inb4 Marcy is the insane diabolical powerhouse genius that knew about the calamity box from the beginning and has been playing Anne and Sasha for fools the whole time

Sasha may be smart, but she's still dumb as fuck

>first day back at uni
>new professor looks exactly like Marcy
She’s honestly pretty hot

Bumping also Maggie coloring is almost done

I forgot to read the "dinner" bubble and thought Sprig assumed Hop Pop is fallen into lewd position.

The among of Maggie support warms my heart. Let's go big red!

Attached: a8352f8b-8f13-439b-98fa-130f004ca62c.png (660x362, 183K)

>masked marcy is the arch nemesis in season 2
>powerfull entity that took over newtopia with brute force
>the unmasking will be like link related
>she reveals that she knew all along and wanted em all to go to amphibia to escape their shity lifes and become queens of this world
>she asks anne to join but she refuses due the way marcy treats her population
>hop pop accedently starts a revolution again but he and anne get their shit kicked in
>sasha comes out of nowhere and saves them with the toad army
>they still aren't a match for marcy as she already owns the green gem and it's powers
>anne and sasha retreat and make up for the past and swear that they won't rest until they save marcy from herself
>the first step to forfilling the chests prophesy will be the seach for the other two gems, knowing that marcy will seak them too they embark on a new journey
>cue to season 3
and since this wasn't anime enough, let's throw in a big bad mage toad teaser after the credits

Attached: 66056702_524781528260581_1813318682962231160_n.jpg (592x591, 31K)


Attached: maggie3.png (2000x1426, 410K)

What makes you think she's rich?

Haven’t you heard user, all blondes are rich.
Meanwhile, all minorities are poor

they way she baited Margo with a party at her place

Fine work dude

You knew what you were doing making sanity a stat.
It's a tempting dumpstat to maximize other skills, so you're guiding people to think about marcy as a psycho on purpose.

Well yeah, you wouldn't want to be the only person not invited to the popular girl's party. That would make you an outcast.

Except for some brands of asian.

She gives off the rich alpha vibe and said she’d have the whole class at the party but I suppose there’s nothing concrete
Feels like her shenanigans are textbook bored rich kid delinquency

So basically Sasha is respected by everyone just because she's the popular girl, right? Or is she the popular girl because she makes everyone respect her?

Attached: IMG_20190827_233308.png (1080x948, 218K)

Why not both

They all want Anne, but Sasha has her, so they have to obey her and remain in her orbit to get near Anne

missing Sasha sitting on her back

You're good, user. Really good! Maybe even the best

Attached: 250px-Soldier_of_Fortune.png (250x231, 81K)

With crossed legs. And looking at Maggie with a smug look. and maybe spanking her

There's one episode where Anne fawns over and repeatedly states how pictures of another female character back when she was young were hot, so everyone's imaginations then came to work


don't lie.

She's says it twice, once when she initially sees the pictures and the other time when she asked Polly if she wanted to stay at the house and look at pictures of "hot croaker"

Anyone know if a colored version of this exists?

Attached: 40b6546c8ec49bd9cfbdb68dc9939548c3a3332e.jpg (2300x1458, 257K)

>Infinity Train threads gone
>Twelve Forever threads gone
>Amphibia threads still here
How come?

More content to repeat ourselves over

No news on Infinity train, not to mention they basically lied and it was rushed and felt more like a short series
Twelver Forever studio dead so you'd have to be lucky to have someone else pick it up
Amphibia season 2 is confirmed


Attached: Connieanne.jpg (624x1092, 119K)

>Twelver Forever studio dead so you'd have to be lucky to have someone else pick it up
Wait, so did the series end on a cliffhanger, or does it tell a complete story?

It did have an ending befitting a season finale, but it's clear there's a lot more it could be done with it. Reggie was just barely starting to have some development, new character that could potentially be part of the main cast and the very last few seconds could be construed as a cliffhanger.

It’s a complete season thankfully, but there’s plenty more to work with
Question is whether it has done good enough that Netflix will want to keep it going

>Teen Girl In A Frog World Shorts start September 3 on Disney Channel’s Youtube

Still no gif of Anne doing the Capirinha dance?

Attached: 1560948591109.png (671x637, 145K)

which one do you mean?

The azumanga daioh one obviously.

So what are your top 5 eps thus far? Hard mode you can't use prison break, Toad Tax or reunion. Mine are
Anne Theft Auto
Family Shrub
Wally and Anne
Bizarre Bazaar
Combat Camp

>not including Flood, Sweat and Tears


Why do you enjoy Family Shrub? I usually skip it.

Anne is cute
Sasha is hot
What does that make Marcy then?

Anne is cute
Sasha is hot
Marcys a THOT!

Attached: 1566542514496.png (1920x1080, 2.34M)

Flood, Sweat and Tears
Trip to the Archives
Snow Day
Girl Time
Family Shrub

Besides being comfy ep to me it built up the plantar family's significance in this world and story. its what makes me think polly and sprig's parents may have researched artifacts like the calamity box which is what led to their disappearance. If they are in fact missing

Only of my wife was present. It'll be less weird that way. She thinks Anne is an entertaining character

Looks like you got everything in order here!

But I would like to see "Sprig and Ivy" become a official one day.

>wife is okay with a threesome with Anne
Nice land, user

Attached: 1553528958923.jpg (366x527, 104K)

She is dead ass down for a threesome at some point. I said only if it's another woman and she is cool with that. So you're not far off.

Also, how about that chapter of Nagatoro yesterday

Attached: nyannyan.gif (926x592, 2.69M)

do not
you'll end up like the seething lesbocuck man

Prez's art made me feel the need to breed like I never felt before

>if it's another woman
>she is cool with that
is your name Alan?

I think that's a cute drawing, user! I always love seeing more Mag-posting

Indeed! The missus and I have an understanding that we're both super-cool with imagining other scenarios and/or other people during sex. It helps spice things up when we discuss our choice afterwards. Imma gonna use Prez later tonight.

Attached: gamo_sparkles.png (189x182, 39K)

who the fuck is Prez and what’s his art?


I wonder if Anne can ever truly resume just being a normal teenage girl now that she has a body count.

>Implying she already didn't

In 2020 human warrior Anne Boonchuy was asked what it felt like to take a life
"I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed bullfrogs"

>implying it won’t all just be a dream

That would be the fastest way to instantly ruin the entire show

>it was all a dream
Those type of theories suck.

Attached: 1563836046873.png (609x411, 285K)

Just thinking about it made me feel sad

She is a character from the Manga "Please don't bully me Nagatoro". She's an art student who, for the school festival of which she's a member of the art club, drew herself naked twice. Very lewd.

Attached: 20190811_145039.png (500x723, 323K)

What if it really is a dream but it doesn't end there and from then on it's Anne, Sasha and Marcy slice of life?

That doesn’t make sense.
That would be like if Gravity Falls had the twins leave, and then it’s just Stan and Ford slice of life

user, Anne is the main lead not the frogs. Just because you're a gay furry and you want that disgusting frog dick doesn't mean she's not.

>It was all a dream
>Anne is actually a Frog trapped in the Human world, with Human Sprig, Hop-Pop and Polly

user, the show is called Amphibia, not The Life and Times of Anne Boonchuy

that's so stupid it would be amazing

I want frog Anne so badly.
Especially with that little skirt, she’d be so cute

>Cute girl is not a cute girl anymore
That sounds terrible

Attached: 1560925462329.png (507x752, 676K)

>a girl can't be cute anymore just because she's not human
You small minded CRETIN

>you're a cretin if you don't want to fuck animals
Maybe you should stay off /trash/ for a week

But they’re not just animals, they’re cute humanoid beings

Anthro furries and animalfuckers are the same disgusting thing, who do you think you're bullshitting

She isn't popular because she's respected, nor is she respected for her popularity. People like Sasha because she butters them up, she showed Grime how to do it in Prison Break. She's popular and respected because people genuinely like her.

Attached: Training your charisma stat.png (1920x1080, 931K)

Dude this sounds like a (you) problem. If you're spazzing out about "furries" so hard why are you even in this thread

>spazzing out about "furries" so hard

Attached: 1566479861858.png (400x350, 50K)

May I present Smug Maggie?

Attached: J0mNqPn.png (593x1398, 400K)

This is good, 10/10

cyкa блять

Attached: 1565627287877.jpg (1200x893, 125K)

Someone plz put To
And also >pic related

Attached: anon1_0.png (898x766, 2.64M)

>it's okay to fuck humanoid aliens
>it's okay to fuck monster girls
>it's NOT okay to fuck animal people


Attached: D9cQ6kZU8AAdVg6.jpg (621x800, 46K)

>Is it better to be feared, or to be loved?
>Both. Make them fear how much they love you.

Attached: Cheyenne_Curtis_Amphibia_deleted scene.jpg (822x1861, 296K)

I wish Thai girls were real

I think you mean love how much they fear you

Frogworld confirmed for having magic, so stats that don't contribute to doing cool wizard shit are useless

Attached: autism.png (1185x1000, 939K)


>socially awkward glass cannon proceeds to wreck final boss

Attached: gokhan20.png (756x1050, 252K)

Monster girls is the limit. They're humans but only a small percentage of exotic shit
Furries/anthro are animals except humanoid which isn't necessarily a human feature.
Humanoid aliens - depends. They might look more like monster girls, they might look more like some freak bug

A real man fucks real monsters

Absolutely zero expectation from it, and now is just below GF on my Disney cartoon list.

>now is just below GF on my Disney cartoon list
I honestly don't know if that's supposed to indicate whether you liked it or not

Oh! Shit! Them stats tho

Attached: SquilliamShocked.jpg (1152x864, 83K)

Xenofags need not apply

This. It's time everyone knew the difference.
Furfags and all of their ilk need to learn their place

Attached: 1563428716370.gif (640x404, 565K)

Attached: Margot 18.png (593x1398, 409K)

Attached: Margot 19.png (489x766, 237K)

Absolutely based

Sorry user, human cocks are Maddie's only hope of not ending up as a frogcel, I can't let her down.

Attached: 489df43b0712b69f1b5f229eaa9cd97dfad9d754[1].png (942x876, 271K)

>Anne will never ask you to be her sparing partner
>You will never get to feel a few milliseconds of her foot rubbing against your face before her retainer cracking kick gives you permanent brain damage

Attached: Margot 20.png (4102x868, 982K)

10/10, would spank

Attached: 1563957961794.jpg (1280x720, 221K)

>When Anne asked Sasha if she knew where Marcy was she never actually gave an answer

Attached: q8veibw8q8w21.png (271x255, 3K)

any picture of tuxedo Anne dipping yellow dress Sasha?

Attached: 002 - from Amphibia with love.jpg (1280x1440, 528K)


Maybe the toads trapped Marcy in the castle to Sasha's will.

They say Oh my frog. Also it's not that weird.

>Marcy still looking off to the side


Honestly I think i'd be cool if she woke up away from the frog people and just became a wandering vagabond/sell sword and she's the smart one of the three and considerably more independent.


Attached: screen bug.webm (412x222, 1.8M)

I love the part where Sprig sees the Grubhog get taken and then starts screaming three times. Once facing forward, the next in Anne's face, then on a flower. I was worried cartoon humor would be kind of lost on me but I'm happily surprised at how funny this show is. And grateful you anons who convinced me to watch it.

Attached: Screenshot (5).png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Honeslty, Sprig is a massive fag normie for turning down such a cute goth wife.

Absolutely fucking based. user have a (You) for your good taste

I went to Catholic schools my whole life and people just aren't that religious these days.

I kek'd

I'd just have Wally say fuck the first time he sees Anne

I'd do literally anything to hang out with a girl who likes me


>post yfw Marcy only shows up at second half of the final episode to beat the big bad and serve as a deus ex machina
>post yfw It's Maggie instead

Attached: Final Form.jpg (320x320, 17K)

I really like the idea of Maggie also being transported into the world because she was stalking the girls because she wanted to apologizes to Anne or something stupid, maybe she was just curious on what they were doing. And now she's just a complete barbarian, killing and eating bugs raw and just living in a cave or something. fighting off nature.

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>that anal toy sword
One of my favourite Maggies though.

How has Anne been dealing with her period?

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Perhaps she's a late bloomer in that regard. Some don't start until 14, 15, in some rare cases extremely late like 17 or 18. By then it's a medical issue though usually.

How will she deal with her period?

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Attached: Sprig freaks out.webm (705x380, 1.44M)


Honestly she could probably just bleed everywhere and nobody would care, none of the frogs have ever seen a mammal before

They seen mammals. The Porcupine hedgehog things, the giant skunk, the possums, the sand tiger. Plenty of mammalian creatures in the valley.