>Saves Western animation.
Saves Western animation
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You need to wake up user
You've been in a coma for 11 years
Shut up faggot.
More like provides CPR once every few years.
Who is this Literal who?
A person who make 2 cartoons a year and leeches from his rich and actually talented father
>takes 800 years to make 1 cartoon that isn’t that fun or entertaining
>almost every other animator in youtube forgot who the fuck he was
>too pussy to start drawing porn and become zone 2.0
He is pretty boring
I like his artstyle but really wish he would try to build a team to pump out more cartoons a year. Like him or not, he's literally the only good animator on YouTube left. What else even is there? Hotdiggedydemon? Oney? Joe?
Why would you want him to make porn? His artstyle isn't very appropriate for it.
>Unironically becomes one of the best content creators and animators youtube has ever seen
Harry's great but my nigga Sexualobster is killing it with Great Destiny Man.
I prefer Shitonadick69.
>takes three years to release a new video
>dude violence and skyrim and boobs lmao
That's just enough time to watch the next video!
>saving something that barely alive in the first place
>that barely alive in the first place
Well, that's a requirement for needing to be saved, isn't it?
Sexual Lobster, Larry, Pienation and Terminal Montague are my favorite animators. Especially Larry and Sexual Lobster. There latest videos are great.
Felix Colgrave is better.
Yes, but considering both take years to release anything there is plenty of time to check both.
And all the others too.
he doesn't know about newgrounds
Harry's best cartoons are the ones without all the fancy animation, to be honest. Dr. Bees is ten times funnier than Starbarians. The latter project feels like massive overcompensation, constantly assaulting the viewer with visual spectacle to hide the fact that it's not particularly original or engaging.
>saves the underground animation scene
yeah starbarians is weak. the 80s thing is so overplayed.
It wasn't overplayed when it started.
This but I gotta admit some of his jokes fall flat
Fuck you, daydream believer.
>when it started
The Key element.
I get what you're saying but I like it and I'm interested in where he'll take it.
Perhaps if he just dials it down a little it'll be better.
Imagine going to the internet to spread lies.
Filmcow, you pleb.
jason release the fucking finale you hack
He’s great, but his development process is so long there’s no way his videos can live up to the hype. I like Terminal Montage, even if a bunch of his jokes are le funneh vidya scream. Fox vs. Mario is fucking amazing.
My 12 year old self fapping to his video about Nicolas Cage and the cake begs to differ
>Flash series episodes were released weekly or monthly, usually 3-10 minutes each
>Nearly all animators have gone on a hiatus and upload some 1 minute shit once every three years and people praise them
Christ. Not saying Harry isn’t talented but this is ALL animators now.
I liked Sexual Lobster better when he was Greasy Moose.
He wasnt my favorite, but his animations were nice. I thing he animated a short loop about an old farmer singing about its farm or barn or the like, but I cant find it now on its channel. Sorry to ask, but can somebody know where it is?
I love Sexualobster, but I wish Great Destiny Man wasn't uploaded on OctoPie before his main channel.
To be fair most flash series used to look like shit back then, it was easy to churn out videos that way. People try to take a more professional approach now and that takes time.
He was years ahead of his time.
It's Steven, it's Steven, it's Steven the lesbian
Listen, I like the guy, but I'm not exactly gonna put all my eggs in his basket when he takes 3 years to finish a cartoon.
I know nothing of filmcow. Recommend me some of their work.
Supposedly that Watchmen animation made Alan Moore smile.
I didn't fucking like his newest cartoon at all. It wasn't funny, and I feel like it makes Harry very hypocritical because during an episode of sleepycast he shat on horribly mean characters with no redeeming qualities who are just assholes but that's all Kilgore is.
Maybe it was just he had never seen it done right.
>His artstyle isn't very appropriate for it.
Yea Forums will jack off to a stick figure if it's got curves.
>"The best way to win a fight is to start a fight"
got me tbqh
>once every 6 years
>most flash animators were teenagers with free time
>those animators become adults with jobs and and not as much free time
It's not that complex
Never went after knowing his personal life, what about his father ? Is he the guy behind Shitonadick69 ?
Imagine being this much of a beta male
Sure the animation was Adult Swim-tier but I felt the characters and writing made up for it. Homestar and Bonus Stage had okay animation but the writing was what really made them great.
my opinion of this faggot fell when I saw him calling himself blue collar on twitter.
>that perspective
>that lazyass linework and color work
If he at least shrunk the image you wouldn't notice the latter so much.
Yet another dime-a-dozen shmoe who thinks "it's a cartoon, so I don't need to learn the basics!"
Llamas with Hats and Charlie the Unicorn are great starting points, and no, they do not go in the direction you'd think they'd go based on names alone.
Yeah I think the worst thing about Starbarians is the duo of main characters. The pig is sort of the voice of reason, but Kilgar is way too over the top. Bender in the early seasons of Futurama is a good example of how to write a 'sociopathic' character and still have them be likeable and funny.
Is it weird that I thought Kilgar got flanderized in the third episode when I literally only had 2 episodes to go off
He just seemed really overly assholeish for the sake of having a plot
I think he was comparing animation to a factory grind. And it very much is, to be honest.
Wow, this dude’s a total fucking fag. Rich daddy with actual talent and makes his shitty passion projects for fun just because he can. His avatar’s ugly and he looks like an insufferable douche. I want to bash his stupid fucking head in.
does something like starbarians even need good animation? it would actually be funnier if it played off how low-quality and limited 80s animation could get.
>he never made that pile of cash
he should make his own studio like that lika sperg
Probably not, but he's so passionate about it I don't think he'd let it be anything but the best he's got
which is
pretty weird considering what starbarians actually is
if the animation is good enough the art style doesnt matter so much
>sonic X mario X resident evil X matrix machinia
Checked, and hey he uploaded something new
The advice isn't that bad either even if it's in jest.
tiarawhy made an entire episode of rick and morty
he might not be the best animator but find
me someone who pulled that
>takes him a year to make an animation
>makes this
I'm not going to be the WHERE'S MY CONTENT JUST ANIMATE IT guy but isn't this kind of... impractical?
Like it's not even a different thing, it's still Starbarians
If I remember correctly. the puppets got leaked and the program they use to animate it is not hard to get.
I mean still, the only difference would be making your own puppets.
The virgin cartoon maker harry vs the Chad daily upload funny boy oney and frens.
Shit looks like Family Guy
I'm mostly disturbed that he owns the same toys I do.
I want that cake!
>"I promise I will never make anything this retarded ever again."
Did he keep his promise Yea Forums?
That isn't a promise that I would keep, i'll tell ya that much.
He probably just repurposed a lot of the stuff he was already working on to make a much smaller project in an attempt to release content in the meanwhile. I'd imagine a majority of the actual animation in this are unused tests or modified cycles.
his animation is great but his writing and humor are really kinda shitty
I animate myself, it's good to have tiny things to post in the meantime while working on a major project, both to prove you aren't dead and to, more importantly, keep yourself from completely burning out
there are only about...ehhh 6 seconds of full animation in the episode (not including the intro but he'll probably reuse that for future episodes so its fine), the rest of it was just still drawings