Questionable Content

It's just bad

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I was working with power tools in the garage at 14. Jeph's life experience (or inexperience) is glaring sometimes.

I fucking hate when Jeph suddenly gives the characters bad accents. In the first panel, Faye sounds like the small town mechanic in the movie trope where a character breaks down in the middle of nowhere

AVGN is going gray?

it's really quite hilarious how sheltered he was

When is Sam's dad gonna get her the help she so sorely needs? Also, read Questionable Content.

When did fayes lips fall off

>this comic is almost 17 years old

How the fuck? I kind of miss the old art style of like 2006 or so, too.

Faye being a robot lesbian is like a double slap in the face to the god who gave her that body.

Eh, a 14yo who has never used power tools before needs very careful supervision until they've proven that they're not going to fuck around with them, and Sam seems like the kind of kid who'd fuck around with power tools.

>Well now, the ways I sees it your kid's got a mess of problems. Her VGNA diameter is way too narrow, her torso insulation pads are non-existent, and her ovulator unit keeps running a flush cycle every couple of weeks. Now some of these you might be able to get away with if you're feeling lucky, but I wouldn't feel right if let her leave here without givin' her a once over with the dehymenator; all in all you're lookin' at about eight-fifty and some change - and that's friends prices right there. I'll even through in a rear end lube and depth check for free. Have to keep her over the weekend a'course.

He probably grew up some place that didn't have wood shop in middle and high school.

Sam seems like the type of person who’d get someone dead when near sharp objects, I wouldn’t trust that kid at all with power tools even at age 28

It is good to see you still read Questionable Content.

My school system had shop and pre-engineering classes in middle/high school, it still didn't stop people from doing things like setting themselves on fire or using an arc welder without eye protection.

I don't want to steal terribleposter's spotlight, but this is actually terrible.

The whole "no power tools" is actually a response to the girl already having touched an angle grinder in motion.
So it's not "kids shouldn't use power tools", It's "This kid shouldn't use power tools"

>It's just bad
>posts it anyway

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i hereby vow to only click this comic's website when the sven/may plot progresses, but not if she gets mad at him for offering to buy her a new body
cuck marigold is a good one too

And that's not even accounting for the handful of kids who would threaten others with the power tools.

The Elder God, Marv-El demands it

As someone with zero mechanical knowledge, yes that's exactly how it sounds.

Sam discovering she's transgender arc when?

i hope she fucking loses an eye or something

>still reading this shit

i literally read this when it first came out in 2003, and I stuck around til at least 2015 out of habit. it's fucking shit. stop reading it

Reread the post very carefully.

We must read QC

I'm only here for the edits.

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We must

those tranny pussies really jumpscared me

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she'll be an otherkin or something, can't take the spotlight off of claire afterall

If he won’t even tell us if Claire has a dick or not, he’s not getting into the debate of whether a kid like Sam should begin transitioning immediately or just take hormone blockers at first.

Based Terrible poster.

it’s impossible as long as they live in the northeast

He's actually just going bald

Sam will be non-binary but not feel the need to transition.

Meanwhile I have seen grown ass men mangle themselves with regular tools and trying to stop floor mounted saw with their foot and had to patch up one idiot that managed to detonate the core from a fucking practice grenade while I was a conscript and not one but two asshats that couldn't into knifes.

Some asshats simply can never be trusted with anything, lest of which powertools.

tippy top desu


Consume Questionable Content

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why did u delet this

Goddammit will SOMEBODY fuck Brun already?!?

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ok, I’ll bite the bullet




The fact that he draws this comic for 17 years and art gets only worse is kind of horrible. Even if we ignore the actual content.

>THIS get
>in THIS thread
what a massive waste of potential so it’s perfect for Questionable Content

>detonate the core from a fucking practice grenade
How in the sweet hell did they manage that?

where are the robots? this is a comic about robots who are these people?

There's a 1/2 robots in bottom left panel.

Some types of training grenades are essentially firecrackers in a grenade shell. Dude probably opened the thing up and removed the core, then got the 4th of July special.


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Literally the comic that got me reading.

So, when's the next character be shoehorned into fucking a gay robot?

It's pretty much all the comic is about these days anyway.

Not Sam, she's for daddy.

Until daddy becomes a gay trans female Pong-kin.

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It's kind of amazing how the art style clearly evolved over the years but absolutely never into anything good or remotely appealing.

What's with the aging Angry Video Game Nerd?

Based Terrible poster.

Get outta here with your millionaire's fruit.

This comic is terrible.

Well there's that theory that only females have lips so she's likely about to transition.

Sadly, I think this is a valid theory for this comic.

Why is the AVGN in this Vietnamese baking comic?

Do we prefer the Vanilla Hannelore or the scatqueen tannelore?

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What do you think the answer is?

Here's more of it

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2015 was The Flash season one to us all QC fans in Yea Forums.

I wonder where that broom's been

I have no context for that show, so I don't know whether to be angry or indifferent about your statement

Tannelore maybe

I know for a fact that there's at lest a few here with scat fetish and poop-fever, but I'm hoping there's at least few oldtimers here that still prefer Vanilla.

Terrible, I love it.

Thanks, I hate it.

definitely vanilla

>never into anything good or remotely appealing
And yet he has a far greater audience than you or anyone here on Yea Forums. You might want to rethink your idea of "appealing."

>It has soon been 5 years since we last saw Martin get boned

Uh oh, Faye isn't fat enough in this strip!

Do you know what time it is?

force feeding?

hand stabbin

Sam's turning into a handsome young man.

Yeah people tend to have shit taste, a very shocking and totally groundbreaking discovery.

I liked the old Hanners. I use to read this comic specifically for Hannalore. Now that she's had all this off screen character development I can't stand her. I just keep coming here out of habit more than anything.

Is there a comprehensive list of previous stabbenings?

There's only been two known stabbenings.

It means hype, followed by disappointment.

This strip is the epitome of show, don't tell when ot comes to fleshing out a character in 4 panels. From this strip ALONE, i have a very strong idea of who Hannelore is, how she thinks, acts, and interacts with the world around her.

I've been reading QA from these threads since Faye got kicked out and started fucking around with Bubbles, and I couldn't tell you for the life of me what Bubbles' personality is suppose to be.

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Why are you reading this post when you should be reading Questionable Content?

I-is it bad that I smirked at the last panel?

Shit, this is new?
I thought it was an old one being posted as a point of reference.
That sharpie bullshit plot with the 14 - year old with the body of a 7-year old was boring and stupid when it first happened, I don't think it'll suddenly become any better.
But looking at that character design I think Jeph is one of those people too scared to draw a child in any stage of physical development - humans suddenly develop sexual characteristics when they hit 18 and not 1 second before!

Since he's probably going with the "sam is non-binary" plot next she's probably hiding her figure under baggy tomboy clothes

She used to have a bit of development. Then Geoph got mad people drew porn of her and he sidelined the character for a long time, eventually bringing her back with a more ill-defined appearance.

Looks like he took us back in the past (to play the shitty games that suck ass) too much.

Lynch mob time. SJW triggering in 3... 2...

Got pinched off in a joint somewhere in the groin region of Bubbles

Time for Jeph to make both of his hands have similar scars?

Terrible. Just... just awful.

Faye's weight shifting anywhere between 10 and 60 pounds between strips, or panels even, is a time honored tradition in QC

Yes. The last panel joke is always just some random nonsense and you should feel ashamed for encouraging that type of humor

The fact that he manages to squeeze so much money out of people for such a low-effort product actually makes him kind of a genius.

>kind of a genius
I dunno if I'd go that far...
He was there in the early days of the webcomic boom and had a consistent output. More like simple, stupid, emotionally fragile people with disposable income found in QC a lukewarm, meandering, milketoast, safe webcomic that wouldn't trigger them too much. Where all drama is mainly hinted at and occurs off-screen so nobody gets upset, and the entire cast are 100% supportive of whatever mental illness/social doublethink experiment develops.
Basically, Jeph and his audience found each other

Quints demand it...

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So you're saying he's the webcomic version of DarkSydePhil?

what is she going to be doing with it?

Terrible, make more.

unironically yes.

Not really? DSP is constantly getting shit on by his Let’s Playing peers for being shitty and terrible. Webcomic artists not only like Jeph, but a lot of them actually look up to him. Really, a better comparison would be Game Grumps

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The appeal at the start was more along the lines of "I clapped when they referenced some band I know". I was slice of life hipster bullshit. The social justice hugbox crap wasn't really a thing at the time. The comic and that culture developed into what they are the same time.

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This is actually a way better joke. Like even if it wasn't a dildo.

Yeah, I honestly don't understand Jeph. In every third strip there's an opportunity for a great joke and he just doesn't use it.