”so jay what did you think of the steven universe movie?”

>”so jay what did you think of the steven universe movie?”

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Jay: I didn’t like it.
>Mike: Really? I thought it was one of the greatest movies ever made!!!!
>Jay: Well I didn’t HATE it...


>this reminds me of a star trek episode

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Man I wish homeworld was controlled by the crystalline entity

Who is Jay?

American Colin.

Looks so much like my father I'm terrified. It's like I'm 11 again and about to get a drunken beating

fit Rich

Fuck you rich just died

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That's not what Jay would say. He'd ask what Mike thought about it and then Mike would call it shlock.

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When do you think they'll stop giving Marvel films such an easy ride?

didn't they say in one HITB how they just don't care about them anymore?

Pretty sure they only gave the avengers film that treatment now that the russos are gone i expect them to shit on them more

Jay didn't Captain Marvel a recommendation, so it's already started.

Why did he shill for TFA?

Relief, because at least it wasn't the Prequels.

Because TFA played extremely safe, Snoke could be anyone, Rey could be anyone, Luke plan could be anything etc.

But didn’t it reset the galaxy to ANH and more or less undo what the OT did?

They haven't, really, this is just a meme perpetuated by asshurt DCEU fanboys. Their analysis of a lot of MCU movies has been "It's fine, it's not great but it's fine," which is accurate for many. They didn't even review FFH because they're just sick of capeshit.

Not at all.
Did WW2 undo WW1?

>It reminds me of that one star trek movie

What followed WWI included a depression that everyone wanted undone.


>gazes into the camera
>contemplates whether or not he should have reconsidered the wealthy position he was offered at Milwaukee Biggest Hunks
>looks back at Mike

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He got caught up in the hype like everyone else. Probably just glad that it wasn't like the prequels. I think his views have soured since then

>So Mike, what did you think of Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling?
>Well Jay, it reminded me of that TNG episode. Where Riker falls in love with an androgynous alien who wanted to be identified as female. Until her government sent her to a conversion therapy camp to pray the transgender thoughts away and when Riker and Worf, just, really easily infiltrated basically what was a brainwashing prison, his boy/girlfriend already got reset back and then he got sad. Because he could no longer put his penis in that alien boipussi.
>The movie didn't really have a lot in common with that episode, I just kinda got bored and drifted off thinking about it.

well to be fair, TFA, in a vacuum is... fine. It's a retread sure but it didn't have a lot that were horribly offensively bad. It's just looking back, you can see how it basically doomed any sequel to just be pretty much shit

It had stuff like Rey and Starkiller base. It had lots really bad. It's a copy of a new hope that has no clue what a new hope does right.

Not that guy but they're always
>See the movies anyway!
Even for age of Ultron. They're like advertisers.

Yeah, but then when they didn't just rip off the OT we got fucking The Last Jedi, so ripping off the OT was the right decision.


I don't think you're right.

TLJ ripped off the OT too. Salt planet is just Hoth and it ripped off the throne room scene from RotJ.

>he thinks force awakens isnt just as bad

I don’t understand why they called Rouge One nostalgia pandering despite taking place during the old movies. Yet they give a free pass to the ST’s nostalgia pandering which is a lot more hamfisted and shitty.

Why did Jay say the star wars setting is limited in what you can do?

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>So, it seems this movie was heavily inspired by what are known as anime movies, and by god, if I never see another anime movie in my life it'll be too soon.

As far as official movie stuff they're right. They won't go outside of their comfort zone, and when they tried the Last Jedi happened. They'll never do it again.

He meant stuff that is in the main line canon and not from some secondary medium.

Rich is the one that says it more, but they are only talking about the movies.

The expanded universe had tons of cool stuff, but all that was scrapped by Disney anyways.

Mike and Jay never review animated movies, they think it's beneath them. They said as much about the Shaun the Sheep movie.

are Mike's hair shopped or something?

in a way he was right. The old EU clung to the OT a lot. There are plenty of examples of them doing things that fit in the SW universe and still managed to have their own direction.

Disneys wars basically shifting the universe back to the OT paradigm doesn't give casuals the right impression.

Just died, his been dead for a few years, Rich is played by Jessie in a suit made from Richs skin.

Then you haven't actually watched any of their reviews. The main gist of MCU movie reviews are
>Watch it if you are invested in the characters already
Almost never have they told anyone to just see them cause its life changing or some shit.
Have you even watched their other reviews? They always shit on Marvel movies often praising a movie for "Not being another Marvel/Comicbook movie"

Rich was the one who said. And he's right. Pop culture will only care about the Skywalkers, Darth Vader, the Force, Deathstar and Lightsabers. Everything else is too much risk for how much the Mouse paid and considering their failed experiment with handing Rian full supervision, they're guaranteed to play it safe for the rest of the franchise

Not necessarily shitting. Mike and Jay understand the public for the MCU, they understand why they are popular and they are ok with that.

When they make the "Not a marvel comicbook movie" means that they enjoy when a movie tries to break the mold and go for something different. Jay praised the 'The Boys" TV series because it goes a completely different route when compared to the MCU format.

You think Mike fucks her in the Rich suit?

They said that about Shaun the Sheep movie itself. They considered The Incredibles to be one of the best action movies made.

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He'd rather fuck the Rich suit alone
Probably has been keeping his corpse in his room the whole time

They don't review cartoons

>Watch it if you are invested in the characters already
Not at all. It’s still a pseudo-ad like user said. AoU is exactly the kind of film you skip, even if you like the characters.

They didn't say it's beneath them, they said that they don't understand the animation process enough to fully critique it.

They saw anomalisa and thought it was fantastic, but didn't review it.

Going outside their comfort got us empire. Going back to comfort, like anh, got us return. I dunno what they’re saying.

Empire is so bland though, at least with return we got the jabbas palace scenes which are the best in the OT

They don’t get films and they still review them. They’re a bunch of Arin Hansens if one of them slept through film school and made a crappy film.

RLM are the kind of guys who say empire is the best and return sucks so I think they wouldn’t say that. It just doesn’t seem consistent to me.

What's it like living in a world of pure hyperbole?

It’s living in reality and being able to criticize the critics.

Im sick of seeing people dick wank empire so much, i always found it to be the weakest of the OT. Its not a bad film but it just kinda feels like filler and can get very boring at times.

Criticizing in the sens at being baffled they have different opinion than you

I disagree. They make terrible films but they know films, they went to school and had experience (Jay and Mike did at least).

I'll chew to that!

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You can't say that and then defend Return which dedicated one-third of the film to terrible Endor hijinks that no one liked.

The ewoks fucking suck but i love the first part to death. Jabbad palace was so cool.

>being baffled they have different opinion than you
Different guy but when their opinions are badly supported shit opinions and listening to them gives complete stale trash like tfa, it's worth criticizing those opinions.

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>but they know films, they went to school and had experience (Jay and Mike did at least).
>they make terrible films
>so they lack filmmaking ability
>but they know films
>they know them but not enough to make a good one

Attached: yikes.jpg (403x350, 57K)

>but they know films, they went to school and had experience

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>Mike and Jay try to slow dance with eachother to fuse and review the movie

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Don't post snuff on Yea Forums

Jabba's Palace was one of the best scenes until jedi cocksucking rocks. Fuck that edit.

It's bad otherwise. Lowest of the originals.

Honestly speaking, I think Jay and Mike could make some good movies if they just stopped trying to be Troma.
Troma and B-Movies in general are a fucking movie meme for people lazy enough to do their thing; Evil Dead is the only exception and that has mostly to do with Sam Raimi having a pretty great sense of cinematography which is carried over to the Spider-Man movies.

Also just because they make terrible films doesn't mean one doesn't have experience. Look at Roger Corman, the guy's entire catalogue is fueled by shit (most notably the first Fantastic Four movie that was considered Lost Media), but it was through him that Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola and James Cameron got the start of their careers.

And even then, youtuber money is a easier, less-degrading route for a bunch of Wisconsin guys than going to Hollywood. You've got more chances at having a steady movie career from Europe than you have at America, especially since both Hollywood and the indie film market is reigned by nepotism.

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>>badly supported shit opinion

>tfa is rlm's fault
>despite rlm not liking tfa

>You need to know how to make music to criticize it
>You need to know how to write books to criticize it
>You need to understand the ins and outs of politics to criticize it
Double yikes

NC doesn't have professional filmmaking experience. He's a comedian/performer first and critic second. I'm not saying one is the better than the other but they just have a different dynamic.

Agree except for the Corman part. Some of his movies are genuinely entertaining shit that not even indie films have tried before

He's been dead for years. They brought him back with practical effects.

Lindsay, wheter you like it or not, actually has a quite good rep. She had Hugo Award nominations, deals with PBS, thesis papers mentioning her (outside of Youtube and Digital media discussion) and her documentary being showcased at Slamdance

Problem is that she and Doug are tough people to work with; Doug being the most notorious, doesn't help that his videos showcase that he doesn't know anything about basic cinematography.

Fusion is a cheap tactic to make weak reviews stronger.

Right, I forgot he directed the Raven.
Point taken

Nostalgia Critic went to a notoriously shitty film university that even Robert Zemeckis left after the first semester

But that isn't a fault of the setting, just the people working within it.

RLM aren’t smart or funny

Yeah, that's why I said Doug doesn't have professional experience. Not sure where he worked before doing NC full time, but it definitely wasn't in the moviemaking business

I know. I like RLM but they are idiots for completely ignoring the expanded universe regarding Star Wars. None of the cartoons, books etc. are ever mentioned by them even though they're probably the only key to saving the franchise at this point.

You forgot
>slide whistle as it zooms in on his face

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He was a janitor.
A fucking janitor

Even as a fucking anime chick, Jay is still the hottest

They specifically said they don't give a shit about those things because those don't impact the movies. They are also right about this.

>I thought this was pretty good, you know I grew up watching a lot of the animated Disney movies and this reminded me a lot of those. I think it's fair to say Rebecca Sugar's probably cemented herself as the Walt Disney of her day and I wouldn't be surprised to see this go for the Oscar, even though Disney still, you know, makes movies. I'm gonna go ahead and give it five bags of popcorn plus a maybe a little ukulele you can strum along to the songs with at home.

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*then gets trashed on by Tim*

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TLJ legitimately made TFA worse in retrospect, knowing that there weren't really plans in mind for how the things they set up would pay off. Maz Kanata seems even more pointless now that the sequel has her only appear in hologram, dealing with some kind of labor dispute. How she got Luke's lightsaber being a "story for another time" feels even more like a cop-out that was never intended to be answered now that it's been destroyed. Snoke dying kills any cool feeling of mystery, just leaving the viewer with a frustrated "So who was this guy? Rey being some nobody with junker parents makes her sudden and mostly untrained grasp of powerful force techniques seem even more unwarranted. Luke not wanting to be found at all makes his hiding of clues to his whereabouts make no sense in retrospect. It legit makes TFA a worse movie, or at least reveals it to be.

Empire is good for the entire runtime, making it better.

I legit liked space cop

am i wrong?

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>This may be the worse show I ever watched on the Best of the Worst

Why was Pre-Rec finished?

i liked it

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>Mike one again forgets in a fit of senile dementia that he's filming a Half in the Bag episode, not a BotW one

Because they are talking about movies. The movies have never given a shit about anything but the previous movies, all other media has zero impact on them, and the movies have been extremely limited in subject matter.



>Or forgets that he's said that about the last 10 movies they watched

I've got the Oscar fever.


>The old EU clung to the OT a lot.
The people writing for the EU generally cared about Star Wars and were never OT purists. Another reason the EU blows what Disney's done out of the water.

>The movies have never given a shit about anything but the previous movies
Not that guy but I say TFA and TLJ both rip off parts of EU. Poorly I might add.

He gets plenty of criticism. Too much in my opinion, to where people are weirdly adverse to saying anything good from Star Wars came from him. By this point, I find the critics far more deserving of criticisms.

>You need to know what you're talking about to have an informed opinion

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>good for the entire runtime
>Han and Leia filler which I as kid could tell only existed so they had shit to do

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>The old EU clung to the OT a lot.
>Old Republic Era
>Clone Wars

Attached: SoupyDimEquestrian-small.gif (445x250, 821K)

>Shorter than Jay


>they don't give a shit about those things because those don't impact the movies
You sure? Even when TFA came out, I was wondering if Rey was more of a Jaina clone or a Bastila clone. And there's Jacen Solo with Revan's mask named Kylo Ren.

>You are not allowed to criticize anything unless you've done it

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>they don't give a shit about those things because those don't impact the movies
Not that guy but that doesn't justify dismissing them or saying it sucks. There's games and stories there better than the films.

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Uwe Boll famously used that argument against roger ebert when ebert (understandably) panned of his movies. According to you, Boll was right, and if Ebert wanted to have a worthwhile opinion he'd need not only become a filmmaker himself but a better filmmaker than him.

>Your opinion is considered supported if it isn't well backed
>Your opinion deserves respect even if it's badly formed

Attached: Sam.gif (280x154, 2.96M)

No one's ever really gone.

>Uwe Boll famously used that argument
>Uwe Boll
>someone who not being a film maker at all means you're better than him
>a crap director misuses an argument
>an user believes if Ebert didn't know what he was talking about, his criticisms would be good

Attached: 12a.gif (175x144, 908K)

>revan's mask on Kylo Ren
Is it really? Haven't seen the films.

Far from identical but it's easy to see similarities.

Attached: revan-and-kylo-renjpg.jpg (1300x731, 113K)

Why is Mike fatter than Rich?

Those han/leia romance bits were awful and cloud city was boring

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They've been saying "they don't care about cape films anymore" practically every time a new cape film came out for the past five or so years. It's basically the Yea Forums equivalent of Sakurai saying this time for sure it's the last Smash Bros he directs or Mark Hamill saying this time for sure it's the last time he voices the Joker, no more after this, promise.

They said something that got their Twitch channel suspended and they decided to shut the whole thing down

I agree. Part of the reason I disliked the romance wasn't the romance itself but because I liked the Dagobah scenes, whom I think are still some of the best scenes in all of Star Wars, to the point where every time it cuts to Han and Leia, I wanted it to go back to Dagobah.

They are both masks, yes.
But it looks like Revan's is more of a mandalorian thing and Kylo Ren's is a sithy thing.

But Ebert did work in a movie, a pretty decent one too. "Beyond the valley of the dolls."

>You can only be well backed if you made something good
So when will Scorsese or Hitchcock pitch their review show?

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That's debatable, I thought it was dogshit and most reviews when it came out panned it.
And even then, RLM has made genuinely good informative stuff like How Not To Make a Movie and Gorilla Interrupted and were featured in Doc of the Dead.

is ok to like it but WHY you would like it is what makes it wrong, and what is that? I think you know
short answer: yes fuck you

I think this would only apply to like scientific research and shit like that movies are made to entertain and are for the average joe if its made for them to enjoy and they don't then you made a bad movie

>Me personally? I thought it was very cool.


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I'm sure there's at least five episodes of Star Trek similar to this episode of Steven Universe.

wait. that would actually be kind of awesome

Attached: waitthatsawesome.jpg (640x480, 50K)

That's rich of you to mention, given how that's even worse in ROTJ.

I mean, they didn't even review FFH

Mind posting an example that proves otherwise

RotJ reuses plot elements and is literally another we gotta destroy the death star plot.
>Greatest film in the trilogy bro
The prequel trilogy reuses plot elements and remakes shots ripped from the original trilogy
>Well at least the prequels are original
TFA reuses plot elements
>Awful how could they be so uncreative?

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You can like it ironically (thought its quite hard because the movie tries too hard to be ironic) or you can like it because you see things you recognize. If you like it for any other reason you're fucking wrong and mad.

That brand new Rey with a switchblade double light saber brought to mind that time on prerec Rich ranted about all Star Wars can do to keep you interested is come up with new retarded lightsaber designs.
Wish I could remember what stream it was.

>they didn't even review FFH
Or Deadpool 2.

This is legit cool. Anymore?

That sentence where you wrote "brought to mind that time on" really brought to mind that time on Half in the Bag where Mike brought to mind that time Star Trek bore a minimal resemblance to the current subject of their episode and rambled on about it for much longer than he needed to boring both Jay and the audience.

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So did Palpatine just loot Mace Windu's lightsaber?

No it isn't.
It's shit.
The lightsaber wank is what ruined the series and attracted style over substance nerd moron geek crowd to the series.

>this reminds me of a star trek episode
before or after the Disney buying and rebooting everything?

I don't know who has more pain in their eyes: Rich or Mike?

>I think Jay and Mike could make some good movies.
No, no they couldn't. Even if they couldn't, they wouldn't because they're too afraid to try and they wouldn't be able to handle any sort of criticism.

>evil dead
>not garbage pail kids
>not eraserhead

That's why Mike is aged in the picture. This is from a future where there's a live action adaptation

or Ant-Man and the Wasp

Wait, Mike's aged in that picture?

>RotJ reuses plot elements and is literally another we gotta destroy the death star plot.
>Greatest film in the trilogy bro
Empire Strikes Back is almost universally considered the best film of the original trilogy. That's the one that subverts expectations in an INTERESTING way.

I actually don't remember a single Star Trek episode where music was used to stop a rampaging megalomaniac.

I think you are confusing Star Trek with Star Wars, user.

>Jay is still the hottest
KYS user, Rich Evans is always the hotest one!

Right, as we all know after all Star Trek rejects any possible message of non-violence and understanding

WW2 was just the second half of WWI. Britain, France, America and Russia trying to deal with Germany's thirty year autism attack.

I don't doubt there might be one, I just don't remember one where music was the major way to stop a conflict.

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I think you are underestimating Disney's future monopoly plans

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Wasn't that what they did in the last movie though?

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>style over substance
Yes, Star Wars!

>Mike doesn’t talk about animated movies because he doesn’t like them
>makes voice roles for pre school youtube animation regardless
Just review animated movies you dumbasses.

Don't joke man.
Disney is buying up culture.

No, enough of this. Red Letter Media is the only channel that actually discusses niche movies without acting like retards and i don't want them tipping thir toes in video game or animation just for a broader audience. I don't even watch movies anymore but i just want a little of diversity in youtube for once, there's too much people talking about the same shit

Bitch Rich is doing things to me

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>She had Hugo Award nominations, deals with PBS, thesis papers mentioning her (outside of Youtube and Digital media discussion) and her documentary being showcased at Slamdance
That's all trash, though.

thats what makes him superior

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thats like that weeb kids who learns japanese so he can watch anime without subtitles

I think they do the cape films because those videos get an audience. They've been Patreon whores for a while; they need to please the punters.

Nope. Way too creepy looking.

Because TFA being a retread of the original trilogy wasn't great, but it was a decent and safe way of opening a new series and getting away from the prequels.

Then Rogue One, Solo, and Last Jedi happened and all prospective good faith was lost.

I want to come inside Jayne

Nah, they used music to disrupt the communication channels of a fleet of tiny ships that required constant signals between themselves to prevent colisions.

The main villian was beat on hand-to-hand combat.