Other than being a cuck with a lame costume
What are his powers?
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I don't even like Hawkman and I think you're a dumb faggot with too much free time.
Being conservative.
trying to be a cheap copy of Wolverine.
We all know how Savage Hawkman turned out...
He has the power to be completely forgettable despite technically being at least 3 characters fused together.
This isn't even funny anymore
Stop Ladderfag
If Marvel's Batman is hawk-themed, would their Hawkman be bat-themed?
Dig up some of the Golden Age Hawkman stories. Those are pretty good.
I thought it was just the two different Hawkmans
Where did the third come from?
Got any clear links/copies/scans
Hawkfag, why are you so deadset on becoming a lolcow?
It amazes me that there were two Flashes, two Green Lanterns etc. but it was too difficult for DC to separate Carter and Katar from each other.
he dies and gets reincarnated
Carter and Katar were separate, even after the Crisis. They got merged in Zero Hour, and then Katar was mostly forgotten.
There are THREE Flashes: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and Wally West.
At some point there were was a fourth: Bart Allen. Currently, there's a fifth female Flash. Avery Ho from China.
He might be a lot more successful if he ditched the bird theme and became something like Gravity Guy with gravity themed powers and weapons with a gravity hammer, gravity glove etc.
Golden age pulp style mystery man
silver age atomic powered rocket alien
modern gritty angsty hairy blood soaked Wolverine antihero
now he's bird guy who talks about how he has done everything and been everywhere
DC's Wasp turned out to have a better costume than Hawkman
Because the Silver Age updates look different, act different, have different names and dayjobs, and are all around totally separate characters from the golden age ones.
Green Lantern went from magic man to space cop and got a nice costume upgrade
Flash went from guy in mostly normal clothes to super scientist in streamlined costume
Atom got powers and they were related to his calling himself atom, along with streamlined costume
Hawkman however looked exactly the same. Had the same gimmick, same dayjob, same name, same everything. Only his origin was changed. Instead of Egypt he came from an alien planet. But he was still Carter Hall working in a museum, using old museum weapons with bird wings, no shirt, a yellow belt and green pants.
Super Savagery
That would be a weakness.
How many times are you going to make this thread? No cares about Hawkman enough to defend him OR agree with you.
ooohhh got eem
Uh, that's sexist.
Assblasting OP, apparently.
>they kept the only costume that was utterly shit
Nice job. Although i must admit the helmet is an improvement.
is that the trump supporter who was fat so trump assumed he was anti-trump and made fun of him?
It looks like shit
I dunno OP, what other powers do you have?
Why of all characters are you so obsessed with shitposting about THIS one
At least Namorfag has an explanation for his pathological hatred
Used to look even more shitty
Didn't he summon at one point all of his previous incarnations to kickass?
Too bad the very next writer that gets a Hawkman book will retcon all of this out for their own origin. Since all new Hawk books require the first 6-8 issues to be an origin retcon.
I think Animal Man is more suited for the multiverse missions.
he's got wings and he's ripped and he has a club