Will you watch it, Yea Forums?

Will you watch it, Yea Forums?

Kino potential?

Attached: simu-liu-shang-chi.jpg (1400x700, 159K)

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They should have done this shit instead of, or before, Iron Fist

They need top dollar choreographers though, like Yuen Woo Ping and he's probably doing Matrix 4

>They should have done this shit instead of, or before, Iron Fist

THIS X1000. Therefore we could have avoided the "Wah! Why isn't he Asian?!1" backlash and Loeb butchery orchestrated by Buck.

>Kino potential?

Of course. It has potential to be incredible if they embrace the comics and cross pulpy stylish James Bond with kung fu all on a super high budget. It won't though, it will be a flat generic MCU green screen quipfest.

im just going to pretend to hate it to annoy people. and go see it anyway and likely enjoy it

Watched videos of the guy training, pretty good stunt artist.
That's all i want to see from this movie.


He seems nice and excited, enough. youtu.be/uV75GDB9sQ8

Why is Awkwafina in EVERYTHING?!

>Kino potential?

nah, i'm done after there is no more spiderman

Because she just crushed it in The Farewell

No, as revenge for the Iron Fist backlash and Snake Eyes yellowwashing I'm never watching any American asian hero shit. If I want to see asian kung-fu I'll watch genuine Chinese kung-fu movies. Asian-Americans can go to hell.

>They should have done this shit instead of, or before, Iron Fist

Iron Fist should've been on the big screen

At least Shang-Chi has been around since the 70's and should have been stanned by them from the get go, instead of trying to co-op Danny "A white character who's race actually matters" Rand.

Making SE Asian kinda worries me for a potential IF reboot, though.

Not in the theater. Had it come out before Endgame, for sure. I will never pay for a Disney movie ever again though because the suits don't give a shit about quality anymore

Lads, rec Shang Chi comics. Which is the iconic Moench collaborator?

No. I hate that his father is the Mandarin.

Well, the couldn't use Fu Manchu could there?

Stop talking like a teenage k pop fan

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I hope Brad Pitt bodies this dude too.

Just read the whole run, it's pretty fun


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Lol it's been around longer before then.

>MFW It could be difficult to discuss Shang-Chi because of OUATIH posting.

Please don't do this.
Trashing on Asian-Americans is why Danny got trashed in the first place. Please, think of him before you meem.

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Disney straight up monopolising everything should worry people.

The recent battleworld mini is a fucking blast and a half.

>Shang-Chi in charge of saving Asian Masculinity

They should focus less on Iron Fist as a fish out of water white guy in asian culture and more on people who are bred to be living weapons and the effects it has on their abilities to interact in society. Give him a friend who was one of those african child soldiers or an afghanistan kid who had a bomb strapped to him.

It has fucking Tony Leung as the Manderin, that's a guaranteed watch to me. Bonus if he speaks in Cantonese throughout the whole movie.

There is something really unnatural about all these movies with asians showing them being emotional and unbug-like.

Feige got him to speak Mandarin when he was announced at the panel. So, I doubt he'll speak Cantonese.

>They should focus less on Iron Fist as a fish out of water white guy in asian culture

Maybe you should actually read Iron Fist and not rely on Keith Chow's strawman version.

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I'll take that compromise so long as they don't try to make him do bad english. Just seems like a waste to cast him if that's the case.

why couldnt disney choose a twink to play him wtf
why do they always get 40yo who will age out the roles in 5yrs.
Especially now since they lost the youngest of their heroes.

Attached: kentaro.jpg (485x720, 71K)

I don't know what he would do 'bad English' considering the actor is Canadian.
Feige did the Asian American community of solid by turning what was once a half Asian Chinese hapa, into a full blooded Chinese-American guy.

Shang's a twink??

well... no but at least get someone YOUNG

Ehh, 31 isn't old.

The first part is basically what Iron Fist is. It really shows how people have been lead astray on what his actual character is.

Well that's a damn shame.

And, that's why Chow is forever on my shit list. Like bro, I agree with you about the need for representation and I don't really care about racebending as long as the race isn't important to the character. Tryna throw probably the MOST socially progressive white character under the bus, just makes me severely dislike you and not trust what you have to say there after.

He's a white guy, but only ethnically. Culturally he is K'un-Lunian, where he returns to the place where he was born and is not used to being in a privileged position. He relies on his PoC friends to learn about American culture, social justice and his place as a rich and white male while in America. His PoC friends and girlfriend also serve as his family unit, where HE is the minority. Which is ironic, because as he's said rich and white male, he's assumed to know everything. Iron Fist is swapped tropes. It's the white guy as the minority and as the perpetual foreigner. Which is why a non-white Danny doesn't make a lick of sense, considering it takes place in America.

Attached: NonAmericanDanny.png (812x503, 661K)

he seems really nice

His enthusiasm and smile is infectious.

Feel sorry that he's getting bashed by Chinese Netizens, especially regarding his looks. Apparently his eyes are too small, basically he looks too Asian?

This is the video. I noticed Asian Boss didn't even tackle the biggest reason C-Netz have against the character.

>Matrix 4
this is the first i've heard of it and i'm already wincing in anticipation

The lack of hype is ... surprising?

it said to be like a spy family drama meets kung fu epic, so I think you're going to get what you hoped for.

Yea just like Doctor Strange is a psychedelic horror movie and Ant Man is a heist movie. They're all lifeless bland cookie cutter trash.

I hope that's Dr. Strange 2 is better. And it's meant to be the first horror movie but I guess we'll see how much that horror movie actually is horrifying.

I'll watch it if the fight choreography and camera work are good because if not then what's the fucking point

pretty wholesome dude

Yea the 34th movie will surely be the charm

Lol better late than never.

Wholesome pilled

>The look he gives when thinking of little kids dressing as him

