Mao Mao

This is Adorabat.
Say something nice about her

Attached: img_2378-1.png (593x522, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:!yE8QFASY!LJWYXOoUzjNhdzPH7p3gSg

Attached: no.png (400x484, 165K)

>Say something nice about her.
I wish she were in a better thread.
Here are the list of new episodes btw. They start airing on the 7th.

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Just say "NO" to CalArts Cats

okay I'll say no to it when I see it

Who the fuck will be Tanya?

Better yet, just say NO to CalArts.

Thundercats Roar will never get released. What are you talking about?

Why not?

This show has an entire episode dedicated to taking the piss out of calarts and Steven Universe

Attached: 0546E3AC-8103-4F60-A9DE-9B428AE0AA0F.jpg (495x489, 179K)

I want a full version of the intro song

Sing it Adorabat

I like how she was a homicidal asshole in the episode where she got sad about being killed so I could feel less sorry for her.

Doesn't make it any less CalArts.

>people replying to @109576960

Attached: dont.png (300x300, 8K)


>"Pull the parachute cord, Sluggo!"

Her dads are cool.

I like how you tried to murder a baby

Not just a baby, her friend's baby.

Attached: ECwPUC8XsAEjrh6 vivicarol0200.jpg (2048x1478, 149K)

At what point in time do ya think the series takes place in? a completely undefined date in a ridiculous fantasy world that never existed?

Seriously user, did you expect people to tell you that Mao Mao and his magical furry adventures take place in the 1950s or something?

Attached: mao_mao_confused.jpg (1000x563, 252K)

I love you Mao Mao!

Are we not getting them on the app beforehand?

Guessing Legend of Torbaclaun could be either about some monster that had usually terrorized the Sweetypies for years like Chupacabra or treasure of same name.

If former, maybe Mao Mao or Badgerclops don't think it exists, but Mao Mao goes to find it in hopes of being a legend.

No, but there's something off about the setting, especially that heart...

It's futuristic. They have cyborg technology and Nintendo switches.

Let me ask you one question - do you love your mommy?


Tanya Keys is going to be the waifu every waifufag has been asking for to be in this series to make it more interesting.

Attached: tumblr_a5696141d62a17c7268c426906e9f750_759e7ec1_1280.png (1280x800, 576K)

Attached: disgusted.jpg (305x333, 14K)

Can we change Mao Mao and Adorabat to something like this?

Attached: 75698741_p74.jpg (1200x983, 219K)

Tanya is gonna be one of Mao Maos sisters

Full look from Adorabat

You sure? She would have the Mao surname, not Keys. Unless it's first then middle to make it like Tanya Keys Mao.

Attached: 75698741_p73.jpg (760x1006, 145K)

not again

Attached: EB90KttWsAU-0Vg.jpg (1764x1086, 88K)

Attached: 75698741_p71.jpg (539x882, 92K)

Jesus wept.

You're not a filthy gijinka!

>She would have the Mao surname, not Keys
A lot of characters in this show don't even have last names so it's entirely possible she could have a different name
That or it's one she chose for herself

Too soon, also Weapon of Choice is a thing

I picture Mao Mao as looking like Miyamoto Musashi, myself.

Attached: miyamoto_musashi_vagabond.png (648x867, 1.22M)

So episode 20 is going to be this

Episode Small

Will it be a shrinking episode? About either Adorabat or Mao Mao feeling short? Or possibly something like Mao Mao becoming a kid through magic or science that has been talked about quite some time?

That would be another great interpretation for human Mao. When speaking in Japanese, he sounds much older, so I could definitely see this being perfect for him.

Attached: tumblr_fb33ef61ba4e617596db2d6df1c6e423_daf977e5_500 art-in-pure-heart-valley.png (500x359, 75K)

Cool clothes mao mao>>>nibba in pajamas mao mao

Attached: f1396df9-a321-4137-8b15-6d616976c2a3.png (1280x1470, 662K)

Not enough Asian interpretations of Mao Mao from places like tumblr.

I wonder why...

These make sense though. They all say "y'all" a lot.

Stop SPAMMING this damn furry show! Especially with a crappy thread about this furry psycho bitch.

Is there a mega link?

Mao Mao raising her is probably the only thing keeping Adorabat from growing up to be a psychotic killer in post-Ruby Pureheart Valley. His existence simultaneously enables her worst tendencies while fostering her better nature and someday she will make for a wonderful hero.

I don't think you know what that word actually means.

What is so CalArts about it? If anything it is far from CalArts shit.

From that brief moment in the first episode where she hangs out with two Sweetypies, makes me believe she, like Pinky, are definitely the black sheep of it.

Though in Adorabat's case, she is cute, but her wants for monsters and danger make them wary of hanging with her with those things in mind. Dunno if we will be able to get to see a glimpse of her life with the Sweetypies before Mao Mao & Badgerclops show up. Beisdes her having been around for events like Takesgiving Day.

She’s a great kid

I don't know, user, IS THERE?
There is.!yE8QFASY!LJWYXOoUzjNhdzPH7p3gSg

Attached: 1564900248936.png (758x754, 61K)


too smug
needs more mad

Attached: maomaosama.png (865x1002, 1.09M)

You're a good foil for Mao Mao and Badgerclops.

Attached: 1565795040238.jpg (1451x2048, 347K)

rest in piece

Attached: mama mia.jpg (1024x772, 53K)


Attached: tumblr_pvn1pxWisO1xmy86oo1_1280.png (1280x1119, 430K)

Adorabat would have probably stayed just a black sheep had the barrier stayed intact. With more and more exposure to violence it's pretty clear she's come to relish it to the point of experiencing genuine murderous rage.

>saying “y’all” is an exclusively black thing
>Y’all > you all

You do realize country bumpkins use that word a lot, right?

Attached: ZeroWave1.gif (480x270, 951K)


16 seconds of condensed joy is not enough

>all these negative replies
I didn't expect Maobros to be so racist.

Everyone on Yea Forums is racist.

Y’all is pretty much used everywhere these days. Language evolves.
It’s Yea Forums. Half of them are complaining just to complain

It's genuinely a couple of loud assholes with nothing better to do on a Sunday and to reply multiple times to something they don't like.

well maybe vile and corrupt humans should stay out of Pure Heart Valley where everything and everyone is pure of heart like our dear beloved Pinky

Attached: tumblr_pwkrv6jCIQ1ux5m9so1_1280 shapeshiftinterest.jpg (1280x1280, 168K)

this, it honestly feels like they're trying to do way too much with way too little time and space.
Like that time they ported Doom 2 to the GBA.

Attached: file.png (1280x675, 731K)

Even if these two are part of the current Yea Forums Toon of 2010s, I want to see art of these two cats as good furends.

Attached: tumblr_pwiv9x26HS1rfesczo1_r1_1280 jadeyarts.jpg (765x609, 126K)

something about Mao Mao with eye highlights is extremely cursed

I don't mind it. It's usual eye shine thing you see in some cartoons, especially in anime.

Part of Mao's pallette is a lack of shine - his fur absorbs all light

>Tanya Keys
A new challenger appeares

Parker went to some art school in San Diego that turned out to be a literal scam
Victor Courtright went to MCAD (also Thundercats Roar is still happening)

is Yea Forums blind? why do they think everything is calarts?

meme magic

Most people here are on the same level of intelligence as a particularly well-socialized parrot.

it's like these people never heard redd foxx's standup
>you think they came off the slave boats sayin y'all, come ova yonda, urra, naww they came over sayin ooga booga booga. The southern white man taught them english, and he taught it WRONG

it really is crazy. they see a mouth in the shape of a curved oval even once and they immediately shout calarts like a trained monkey.

as if Mao Mao isnt already?

I'm scared

Attached: tanya keys.png (549x173, 15K)

I'm sure that's Badgerclops.

Oh shit oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

parker just said tanya keys was a girl (using her to mention them) and said her name is a hint

What could it mean?????

Attached: 1562816624554.png (647x611, 118K)

>Yea Forums still not aware that her name literally has nya in it

i count one (1) explicitly racist reply, unless being critical of poorly drawn humanizations is racist just because the artist made them dark skinned

Attached: 1559545141430.png (364x422, 99K)

dubs implying a rival for Mao Mao or love interest? Keys is also there, so she could be a monkey.

parker simpson said that he uses y'all because it's funny and softens the blow
>you've got cancer y'all

Stupid blue trap.

parker mentioned that he also went out of the way to have KO say Y'all back when he was on OK KO (same with Lamar Abrams on Steven Universe with Steven)

>Making them black
They're definitely Asian. I mean, his name is Mao Mao.

>overwhelmingly negative reactions to the whole picture rather than anything specific
>no negative reaction when the cast is humanized with light skin
Checkmate atheists.

>a rival for Mao Mao or love interest?
Why not both?

What if you hate it because humanizations are stupid as fuck, embarrassing as shit and take away a fundamental aspect of a character?

Attached: 1445878092039.png (846x651, 322K)

Tumblr hates Asians. Why else do you see them darken/blackwash anime characters like the ones in My Hero Academia?

Unless some wish to believe they were just 'tanning'.

user that's what one of the posts you linked is saying

I just googled the descriptions, this is literally some random redditor's speculation. you need to go back

>I just googled the descriptions, this is literally some random redditor's speculation.
Never trusting discord ever again

this is fake

>humanizations are stupid as fuck, embarrassing as shit and take away a fundamental aspect of a character?
Agreed, I rarely ever have a humanization in mind when I look at a non-human character.

A dragon is a dragon. An alien is an alien. A talking animal is a talking animal. I've never understood humanization.

Attached: thoughtful.jpg (440x450, 34K)

This bat looks like the bat from Ruby Gloom

...that and he also grew up in the South.

the onions in this board reeks to high heaven


Attached: why do you have so many 9-11 pics.gif (275x207, 394K)

Parker seems like a genuinely cool guy. He came from the internet, worked his way up to the top at based Titmouse, and isn't caught up in the bullshit most creators are today. Also the thing about his sisters makes a lot of sense considering Mao Mao's character and so does the whole acting thing considering he's a pretty good voice actor. Does anyone else think the twist is Mao Mao's dad died years ago so he'll never get to impress him?

Attached: 1559660969006.png (720x540, 694K)

>admits to going on discord
you could have just told us you're retarded user

eh true

Considering the insecurities about his father is one of his defining traits and is always played as a joke, that would be some pretty heavy mood whiplash. I don't know how the show would maintain a jokey atmosphere after a reveal like that.

it wouldn't maintain a jokey atmosphere after that.

I guess you're right, but at the same time Parker has said to expect more emotional and impactful situations in these upcoming episodes.

Attached: 1566589849491.png (873x215, 41K)

Then you'd give negative feedback to any humanization. The high concentration of negative reactions to when they're drawn with dark skin and the lack of negative reactions when they're drawn with light skin already negates. It's like saying you and others bitching about some music being played hate all music, but for some reason you only get to bitching when it's country. Or like how when people usually reserve complaints against "virtue signalling" only when it's liberal virtues being signalled.

Heck, they have tv's dude. It might as well be modern day

Damn he's speaking out against CN's shitty release schedule. Does that often happen or is he rocking the boat?

It's the colours being off that's the problem. Adorabat and Badgerclops are both colours of lighter tones so when you make humanizations without taking the colours of the characters in consideration, it'll look off. More people really should keep colour tones in mind when they make human versions of characters they like.

It also doesn't help that the designs aren't that appealing.

Attached: cat.png (552x547, 95K)

it's the first humanization posted to the thread, and it's deviantart-tier shit with bad anatomy and poor color mixing. posts higher up in a thread get more replies than one at the bottom because it's on the first things people see, especially if they're bait-y. it's not rocket science.
you can find plenty of equally ugly light-skinned humanizations if you search the Mao Mao tag on tumblr, but why shit up a thread?

It's often the whole imperfections thing being beautiful. Like all the scars, zits, deformities, obesity, etc that they push to show that it is the true 'beauty standards'.

Like having multicolored bandages over the legs to cover up scars means they are good and beautiful character designs.

Adorabat isn't light blue and Badgerclops has a lot of brown. Also the fur color isn't what dictates race in these things, it's just fun.

The second reply to it was asking for light skinned anime shit and got no grief.

She adorable

Attached: ECtQE_hWkAIKuKC Chantinilla.jpg (1552x2414, 424K)

the first strike in the waifu wars

Guys I can't stop it.
Whenever I hear Mao Mao I think of nothing but the Devilman Crybaby intro.

I gave you an answer. If you want to pretend this is about race rather than designs being unappealing and colours not meshing well with the original versions, go ahead.

Think you will find that even darker blue colours wont mesh that well with black and brown colours compared to white and brighter colours if you try it yourself.

Attached: stop_right_there_ultraclops_by_demonipoika-dddd2ef.png (1024x1195, 1.16M)

light skin doesn't automatically equal white when drawn by a Japanese artist goofus. and those doodles are monochrome pencil sketches taken with a phone camera, hardly eye-catching. if someone can draw a decent chocolate Mao/Badgerclops humanization that's cartoony but well-shaped and with pleasing colors it won't provoke half as many replies
I guarantee the user who posted didn't do so he could get nice replies, he wanted (You)s


Attached: 75698741_p72.jpg (588x880, 92K)

adorabat would've been better as a boy

Badgerclops looks like he has the right amount of fat all around him except the face.

Attached: NyeTard.jpg (250x250, 10K)

I haven't seen too many, not even from Sugar and co. while they were on their 12th hiatus in 4 months.

>Damn he's speaking out against CN's shitty release schedule. Does that often happen or is he rocking the boat?
Dunno. But if I had to guess, no. Mostly because you don't bite the hand that feeds you. I agree with him 100% either way and the "put the show on the app then on TV" thing is bullshit.

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Something off about the setting?
>relatively sheltered (and unknown to the outside world) town of morally bankrupt and naive citizens under the rule of a foppish tyrant
I'd say so.

Attached: 1565537293706.png (1000x562, 552K)

this is great

Why did new episodes have to be on the same day that stupid SU movie shows?

Attached: file.png (1139x1200, 981K)

you're the worst character of a bad show. That should be enough to kys adorabat

Foils serve a purpose.

What makes Mao Mao bad?

Attached: Mao Mao - Heroes of Pure Heart S01E07 - Not Impressed-190629-215119.png (1440x810, 1.79M)

Who keeps stealing my Badgerclops reaction image.

Attached: file.png (571x324, 119K)

The only puns I can think of are
>"Tune your keys"
as in tuning a piano if the character's a musician, or
>"Turn your keys"
as in turning a key in a lock if the character's a...locksmith I guess?

- supposed to be fun while pretty much all the jokes are bad
- way too much irony, we've had "ironic" cartoons for fucking decades now I'm really bored
- bad character design
- bad ost
- not outstanding animation
- lame villains
- all the heroes are annoying
- you don't get involved since literally nothing happens and you never start caring about the characters

Is the animation good for today's American standards?

If you were any more vague you would be describing any cartoon from the past 20 years.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything sinister about Snugglemagne. I used to, but after the Sheriff episode with the manners duel I think he's just a gay weirdo.

Attached: King_snugglemagne_by_FabbaBanna.png (640x640, 152K)

I get what you're saying about smug self-congratulatory irony being so prevalent in entertainment nowadays but it doesn't really bother me with this show. The jokes are well-timed and don't skip a beat and the voice direction is great. I'd say it's as funny and half-ironic half-sincere as Chowder and Gumball, before those two shows went up their own ass in meta-jokes.

the adorabat barista is done, hope you guys like it!

Attached: adorabarista.png (1211x1344, 52K)

The name is Mao's birth name and he's transgender.

[Spoiler]God I hope not.[/spoiler]

I think if Titmouse wanted a show with a trans main character they would've gone to Netflix or something instead of fucking cartoon network

Great work. What's with the eyepatch?

thats where the coffee fell the last time.

got clocked with a coffee cup

Attached: Mao.png (1000x6728, 2M)

How is Mao trans when it's not implied or mentioned in the show?

he's not trans
his father thinks he's a girl because he's used to having daughters

Theyre saving that for the big reveal

It really could be anything. One of Mao's sisters, a new rival/antagonist for Mao Mao, love interest, a yandere stalker...

...the one who tore off adorabat's leg...

I would pay to see Mao Mao go full dad mode on somebody like that

Attached: 1540583427488.png (620x414, 264K)

Oh my! That would be really interesting too!

Ice cream!

Get your Mao Mao ice cream! Azuki redbean flavored!

Attached: tumblr_pwnop3bF631wlpphjo3_r2_1280 childoftheloom.png (700x700, 75K)

Him being trans is what the artist is implying though I've seen this going around on Twitter

what flavored?

None of the new episode titles sound like the stinky Badgerclops episode.

asuka reibean flavored


Sweet bean paste. It was first mentioned by Mao Mao during his drawing song.

Some Asian snacks use this flavor.

Attached: tumblr_pwnop3bF631wlpphjo6_r1_1280 childoftheloom.png (700x700, 72K)

Attached: what game is this.png (256x240, 69K)

I'm still scared though. Some big important episode involving a girls name? Whatever its, I'm probably not going to like it.

How do people make these anyways?
I tried looking up how but it's lost to the internet

Attached: spengebab.jpg (600x450, 47K)

The king is cute. CUTE!

what school and how was it a scam

It shall remain forever a mystery! Ooooooooooohhh!

Anyways, if Mao Mao's flavor is not your thing, why not Badgerclops ice cream?

A mix of chocolate and vanilla!

Attached: tumblr_pwnop3bF631wlpphjo1_r2_640 childoftheloom.png (600x600, 54K)


Attached: 3907c93b87c4d73a1e8393ebd10e4bc1.gif (500x230, 941K)

I remember at one point someone who worked on the show gave a vague response to someone headcanoning him as trans then proceeded to delete the tweet, so I feel like there's a slight possibility that he could end up confirmed as trans especially given the fact that Cartoon Network owns Steven Universe

Here ya go, buddy!

No refunds.

Attached: tumblr_pwnop3bF631wlpphjo5_r1_640 childoftheloom.png (600x600, 60K)

whoops typo, *works

It looks like new episode titles are on the CN Arcade app, this wouldn't be the first time the arcade app has leaked show episodes. Have to find them all before they get removed!

Attached: image0.png (750x1334, 1.21M)

>The Truth Stinks
here we fucking go

Like I'd ever want to refund Badgerclops.

Why is she so violent

>she had her leg ripped off
>everyone around her doesn't share her thirst for violence except slim piggins
>mao mao isn't exactly a perfect role model

Last, but not least, we got Adorabat flavored ice cream! Her flavor is ramune, a sweet soda flavor from Japan!

Though not fortune cookie flavored, her popsicle stick comes with a fortune inside! What could it be? Better grab one to find out!

Attached: tumblr_pwnop3bF631wlpphjo2_r1_1280 childoftheloom.png (700x700, 65K)

what flavor is her mouth
we all know what flavor her eyes are

I just finished watching Bobo Chan and have not stopped laughing
>can you fly? If you can fly you legally have to tell me

Strawberry flavored

Attached: tumblr_pwnop3bF631wlpphjo4_r1_1280 childoftheloom.png (700x700, 68K)

What dating sim is this and where can I play it?

Is that interface like from Tokimeki Memorial or some other dating sim?

image name
on the nes

Attached: Princess-Tomato-in-Salad-Kingdom-USA_794_256x224.png (256x224, 12K)

Oh my god.

BRB gonna play this

What if Tanya is Mao Mao's female personality?

Attached: ECfsiJhUIAc1ZZf amateru_kai.jpg (1024x768, 99K)

I'm assuming it's one of his sisters. Just because there seems to be a bunch of them to introduce.

holy shit

Have you seen more?

>I'm assuming it's one of his sisters.
But which one though?

Attached: tumblr_puxj9scfGn1yqpy8to5_1280.png (1280x616, 332K)

I'm going with hat because her Japanese look fits "nya" and you can make some silly joke about her holding keys in her hat

I can't imagine any of them having a stupid name like "Tanya Keys."

The quality of some of these fanfics leaves something to be desired

Attached: file.png (552x520, 60K)

That episode was pure gold

>really? This is what worked? Jumping out if a bush?
>Hey where's ramaraffe? It was her idea!
>cut to ramiraffe asleep in the bush
>after bao bao rescues them you can see her in the background walk out, take a beat, and walk back into the bushes

Also all of Bao Bao's ultimate techniques

Why is breaking up a paragraph every time someone new speaks so difficult for a lot of these people to understand?
Where do they learn not to do that??

Tanya predictions

>best case scenario
Random adventurer who wanders through for one episode, threads show medium interest until it eventually dies down
>okay scenario
It’s one of Mao’s sisters, threads are 50/50 waifufaggotry and actual discussion from then on out
>bad scenario
Mao’s love interest, threads turn into a shitfest, tumblr decries the show as “homophobic”
>worst case scenario
Tanya is Mao Mao adopting an alter ego for an episode and it’s played for laughs, these threads are immediately trash’d in the wake of constant, endless trans arguments

what the fuck is CN Arcade


So where does the Mao Mao's love interest who is actually a yandere stalker fit in?

Only way to save worst case scenario is if it's actually what said

That's not my baby

a dumb app where you scan cartoon network shows for digital figures of characters. And it has games I guess.

shadowy mao mao

Bad scenario. Sure they could do a Pepe le pew homage and I’m sure it would land, but anything more than that would get old fast. Not to mention the shit that would come out of it in these threads.

With some of the Japanese influence and anime, I doubt it would go for the Pepe le Pew kind of gag. Maybe a small reference to it though it would be cool if they could pull it, but we all know where it will go instead...

What if Tanya has nothing to do with Mao Mao and its actually a Badgerclops episode

don't we already have the episode where badgerclops buries mao mao's face into his armpit

>Badgerclops has a ticket to see his favorite musician Tanya Keys
>keeps getting sidetracked by sheriff duty stuff
I could dig it


We havent even considered that Tanya could be his mom

If it is Mao's mom, then Tanya Keys could be an alias or fake name to keep it a secret from Mao Mao and his family. It couldn't be her real name then.

If mom is not dead/disappeared, I definitely would like her to be the bigger bad for this series if possible.

I assume the Sisters would at least all have Mao in their name

Mao is their surname/last name, yes. It is just that Mao Mao had to have the same for first and last because either the father is neglectful on choosing a different name or maybe at the time when the parents were together, Mao was just good enough before the split.

I do think it’s one of Mao’s sisters. I doubt all of them are called “X” Mao. Shin Mao only named our protagonist that because he couldn’t think of a good name, since he didn’t care.

she cute

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 644K)

Or maybe it’s just a memorable character because of who’s voicing her. Like a celebrity cameo.

You sure? I do believe the sisters have a first name with Mao being their last. Each different and special to address by first without using the family name.

Ex: Yin Mao
Emi Mao
Miyu Mao

Not sure if number of letters in the name would be one of the themes or go for something more fancy like based on planets or class hero. But that's some examples for possible name ideas.

>lame villains
I’ll give you this one

Nah I dont think Simmons would hype it up if it was just that
Dude seems like he wants to create a genuine story with this, he'd be most excited for episodes that expand on the characters

How did she lose her leg?

sliced off

Either bitten off by a monster or cut off by the ruby heart shield

She cut it off herself because she thinks characters missing limbs are cool

I like that this show is cute and innocent, while managing to have a consistently dark sense of humor.

Also that voice acting is fantastic all around.

It pulls that off better than most shows. The darkness and cynicism in it is passed with endearing and honest moments. Even the sky pirates teach the lesson about the power of friendship.

Because basic teens aren't gonna think deeper than "black cat = black guy"

She needs more lewd art

ravioli ravioli don't lewd the bat loli

Attached: badcap.png (318x117, 40K)

Attached: images[1].jpg (259x194, 7K)

why not? It shows you really like a character.

Adorabat, call the police

Its a difference between liking a character and doing what your wierd pockie uncle did to you....

>wanting lewds of adorabat

Attached: 1564420458399.png (527x527, 186K)

You ever notice how Badgerclops eye changed from blue as a bad guy to black and yellow as a hero?

What did your uncle do, user? Virtue signal because he thought more people would like him on an anonymous message board?

yellow is the best sister and you cant prove me wrong

why yes, of course i love mao mao, how could you tell?

Attached: lol.png (839x616, 214K)


Attached: OnwlRE6Q_400x400.jpg (400x400, 35K)

That's just a visual clue to let us know he's an unreliable narrator.

>bad ost
Cool guitar pieces are bad? You have SHIT taste.

Maorabat is a thing. If Tanya is a love interest or possible crush, that can help sink it. Just saying.

were the fem stuff

Attached: (full_fem_mm_blush).png (426x600, 117K)

i hope the user that did that dies comically

....Ah I see. The Japanese basment dwellers projecting their pedophilic dreams... DISGUSTING.

>tfw Tanya Keys is a Mary Sue who's going to join the trio on their adventures

Attached: 1547659613094.gif (224x168, 1.49M)

Tanya Keys will just be a Sweetypie locksmith with a well known reputation for unlocking doors.

>Implying she wouldn’t kick the abusive customer’s ass

She's literally just a circle with eyes. How can you want to lewd her?

Do you remember the response or think you can find that response, user?

I understand that, but Adorabat isn't likeable, she's more like tolerated for some jokes.

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f (400x400, 19K)


>cats can’t control when they purr, their brain automatically changes their breathing when they’re happy
>Mao Mao would have to hold his breath to avoid purring

Attached: 81B18003-1140-41A1-A2FC-C2C5A30C37EA.jpg (258x432, 37K)

Im so glad the writers actually intended for Mao Mao to have a father/daughter friendship with Adorabat because I cant wait for the scene where he finally tells off his dad by showing he's a better father than he ever was


We are the police!

Attached: I Love You Anon.jpg (1919x1079, 180K)

That's what I hope for too. I know it's not going to be a big epic fight, but the drama leading to Mao learning that not only was he a better father than Shin, but that being a better father taught him more about being a hero than Shin ever did.

Not him user but, it's some guy on pixiv, just reverse search

Attached: owo.png (648x589, 184K)

Adorabat is great - probably the first time I think this kind of character has really worked in english

So when are Mao Mao and Badgerclops going to confess their romantic love for one another?

Attached: 1565078860203.jpg (1000x1064, 132K)

Series finale, like every other show

The comic on it's own could go either way, given how neglectful shin is in canon. But it's from Tumblr so there's a tendency to assume one way over the other.

Tanya Keys could be an alias. If it is than it being directly meaningful to her role in the story has something of an in universe explanation.

How can you not want to? What a bunch of poseurs in this thread.

>How can you not want to?
Because there are much more lewdable characters.

Attached: bao_bao_imaginary_fire.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

there aren't though

Seriously? A cropped lewd?

>Sees animal characters, autist screams about furry shit

You should work on those insecurities user. It's okay if you're sexually attracted to every dog you see, nobody's judging you.

I could see that. Maybe he'll be afraid of admitting to liking girly music or at least being a big enough fan that going to the show is actually meaningful to him. It'll either be an episode where he needs to learn to stick up for himself and assert his demand for a vacation day to see it or one where, once again, Mao and Adorabat aren't perceptive to his needs and need to help him save the town in time to drop him off in time.


A man of taste as well, i sre.

she's just a kid

my nigga

If only he were real.

Perhaps he will achieve this form in a future ep.

Attached: bao_bao_imaginary.png (1919x1079, 1.72M)

And? So is 90% of Yea Forums material on paheal.

not an argument

Let's hope so. How would he work though? how would we make him fit his barbarian persona and still being a good guy into the show?

What, am I the only one who pairs Mao Mao with feral Bao Bao?

When Mao Mao was talking about him for the first time i was getting "angry ex boyfriend" vibes that quickly went away as soon as he was revealed to be a dog

>Not wanting a huge muscular barbarian
You have bad taste user.

I mean I like both, but regular Bao Bao feels more forbidden and thus is hotter.

He's a heroic barbarian, like a jovial, boisterous big guy, but manlier than Badgerclops or Snugglemagne. But he'd have cute puppy tics like chasing butterflies and wanting doggie treats.

Yes. Quit bringing bestiality into our perfectly respectable discussion about gay furries.

I like both feral Bao Bao and fantasy Bao Bao being paired up with Mao Mao

I'm offended by you complaining about racism.

>Manlier than Badgerclops
Everyone in the show is manlier than Badgerclops. Ramaraffe, Adorabat and Marion are manlier than Badgerclops, and they are women.

How DARE you.

Attached: file.png (1295x595, 550K)

I like it. That bloodthirst and heroism mixed with various good boy moments.

Is Snugglemagne manlier?

Snugglemagne is one ripped royal motherfucker

And he competes with Badgerclops for Mao Mao's hand.

Town Keys.

That's the rerun, the SU movie airs earlier in the week.

I hope for at least the season finale, that way if there is a season 2, Mao Mao and Badgerclops could be a battle couple!

They already are a battle couple!
Heck, they even have a daughter!

Yeah, but there's nothing more savory than confirmation...

this thread is fucking gay

Her overwhelming cuteness melts my brain!

Attached: gn20nqzhrqa31.jpg (960x720, 166K)

I guess there's literally nothing any of the faggots ITT want to talk about other than 'x character fucking y character'. That's what happens when shows go on hiatus but people still want to have generals. Good ol' Yea Forumsmblr doing what it does best.

Attached: smh.png (344x319, 87K)

The population of people who watch this show is fairly small. If you pay attention to the posting patterns, we have something like, four guys, going on back and forth with gay shit; these threads are essentially a circle jerk for them.

You're completely right. Though it does make me wonder if the show is doing well or not (yeah I know it's relatively new but still). I'm glad it's not Rick and Morty or SU tier but it the threads are starting to get worse now with that hiatus and those four furfags shitting up every thread.

It’ll just get worse. I used to actively talk stuff in these threads, but I’ve only posted like thrice on this thread, simply because I’m sick of any prompt being answered with more and more gay shit. I wouldn’t rule out a lot of other people being less active for the same reason.

Also, the one Badgerclops fag who will leap at absolutely any joke to defend his husbando makes me sick to my stomach. Fuck him.

Is the show really on hiatus? It's only been a week since the last two new episodes and next week we get another four.

No. There's new episodes coming out in early September.

Truly a shame. Mao Mao deserves better.
If it's not on hiatus then why did they just stop releasing episodes in the middle of the season?

Attached: EBx8tz4UIAEJFyL.jpg (1287x995, 213K)

they are releasing episodes every month on the app, then going through them weekly for the month. We are going through this month’s batch on TV still, and will be getting the next one soon.

We are not on hiatus.

what is this feeling

Attached: 1549903554299-g.png (728x682, 721K)

Will the show ever be this kino again?

Attached: daddy_issues.png (883x517, 901K)

She reminds me of mabel from gravity falls but done right or star from star vs evil

Literally the only reason i got into this show, hopefully we get more scenes like this one

Gay thread be damned, I want a riot gear Adorabat plush

What would you like to discuss then?

Do you guys think Mao's father will be like the Prince's father in Katamari Damacy?

Attached: 1566814431675.png (535x400, 236K)

I think he's going to be more handsoff.

is badgerclops gay

Huh, it really hasn't aired. You'd think a "first look" would be one of the early episodes

shut the FUCK up
right now



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Attached: 1551479300597.png (500x284, 73K)

FINALLY drawfags are using their powers for good!


Attached: file.png (640x360, 278K)

Attached: 1540154769147.png (1108x944, 214K)

thanks bro

Attached: file.png (686x482, 111K)

not gonna lie that's a sexy snake


Venom Badger OR Badger Snake?
Kazuhira Mao-ller OR Mao-zuhira Miller?

Badger snake
Kazuhira Maoller
Paz Ortega Adorandrade

>Also, the one Badgerclops fag who will leap at absolutely any joke to defend his husbando makes me sick to my stomach.

The fuck are you talking about?
Like what.

“Sick to my stomach” is an over reaction to be sure, but there’s two guys who want to fuck Badgerclops and avatarfag as him and just generally bring it up at any opportunity. Pretty sure one of them started the booru and the other one loaded it up with porn.
Personally I hardly notice that kind of shit anymore after so many years in this hellhole but the rampant faggotry seems to have scared off a few other frequent posters.
There used to be an user who waifu’d Honey who’s gone, and the ducktales drawfag has also vanished which is a real shame but hey- thaaaaat’s Yea Forums!

Attached: ACC00715-865D-482D-8900-E9CE41CEE50D.png (598x531, 490K)

Still waiting on an example.

Such power!

It can be worse user, like Kassfag and Rotorfag on Yea Forums, at least badgerbro is chill and doesn't spam other threads with furfaggotry, but even so, i'ts sad that anons like honeybro and ducktales-drawfriend have left these threads.

Attached: file.png (640x640, 631K)

So you think you left because of the badgerfaggotry going on in here? Honeyposter might've left due to lack of interest or lack of female characters in the show, and DuckTales drawfag only came around here to calm down before pitching his cartoon to Disney. Or they're just waiting for new episodes. Who knows, really?
Not that I'm defending badgerfags, I do agree they're pretty bad. I just filter them whenever they post about "muh badgerclops bf" or whatever. This correlation does not imply causation.

Sorry, that should be "you think they* left"

With new episodes already announced for September and we already got a list of the names, still not presence yet from them.

Guessing they are just still waiting for the episodes to air? Be on Megalink/CN App? They have real lives to do than be on here.

It could definitely be a lot worse, at least the falseflag furfag baiters are still getting bored after about twenty posts into a new thread.
And new folks are coming in all the time saying they finally gave the show a shot and love it now. Once we get new eps these threads will go back to their original state.

Attached: 7CC1ED89-EA38-4173-B722-CF507D27E912.jpg (888x660, 142K)

Probably. There's really nothing you can do other than doing something else before the episodes air.

Yeah ducktales user is probably busy being a new show runner at this point.

Would you accept a bug from Adorabat?

Attached: ECbDobhVAAA5Izm amateru_kai.jpg (2048x1400, 332K)

Of course I’d accept a gift from my beloved daughter

did they mentioned the name of their project or something before leaving?

Do you really think the Ducktales drawfag really gives a shit about Badgerclops being posted? Youre free to leave, nobody will miss you.

Attached: 1565795253744.png (600x800, 95K)

I didn't imply that he gave a fuck about that. I'm only saying that he left for a reason.

yes she is.

i love you too

she is going to get fired if she does that.

Not a name, but IIRC it was about a historian cat who was on the last of their 9 lives

Attached: 6E7C54AD-0545-4465-9317-B5D74996DFB6.jpg (1000x915, 139K)

I think it was the more nsfw stuff. They asked for requests and ignored every lewd request they got.

I want to fuck her while Mao watches

She's pitching a show to Disney, you really think she can afford to draw porn?

Mao Mao's family hopefully

Not sure if genuine tumblr or ironic. This comic implies that the father abuses mao mao by forcing him to come out as trans

Does Mao Mao share writers with Futurama?

A lot of the jokes they make remind me of the early simpsons/futurama style
"It's been going on for years and years and years and years and-"
"How many years?"

"You know him, you DON'T like him!"

"Look Adorabat, I know these guys are a little corrupt but..."

"These charna- charm..."
"These charlatans are trying to trick y'all!"

So the customer wouldn't be charged with assault?
Here's a better question: Are you into abuse and humiliation? If so, I'd like to say you're despicable.

>tfw no badgerclops bf
end my suffering

Attached: EC6dAIWXoAATBuK.jpg (1024x1009, 220K)

nope, it was just a joke user

I was thinking that exact same thing about Amphibia

Okay, thanks, I just noticed this. I find it weird they're taking a week off, but it's no problem to me.

only when the sisters show up

I like Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart and Hilda more than Adventure Time because they both have weight to their narratives. Even with a lot of humor, Mao Mao:HoPH and Hilda do not deconstruct their wholesome messages or treat serious moments with levity. For example, I like the episode where Adorabat and Mao Mao try to make Badgerclops feel better after making him feel left out. Unlike Adventure Time, these series have wholesome messages while remaining funny and not overly preachy. Adventure Time just treats everything with nonchalance and irony, which gives it a strong sense of shallowness and even nihilism.

Attached: bao_bao.jpg (393x357, 19K)

Cartoons seem to go through eras that seek to reject their predecessors. The 80s had moral heroes with straightforward goals, 90s countered that with edgy rebels, 00s countered THAT with nihilists who found rebelling pointless, 10s countered THAT with kind hearted heroes who want to redeem villains. Now maybe the 20s will counter that trend with edgy stuff again but I’ve never been good with predictions


He might get away with it due to being a 3rd party more than anything

Well, I am glad Mao Mao: HoPH is not edgy. Edginess is just not my cup of tea personally. I personally like the style of Mao Mao: HoPH a lot.

I just hope her pitch went well

she drew a Mao Mao butt pinup as one of her first doodles to these threads and called him her new husbando on her twitter. lmao if you think think animation industry professionals are scared of porn

My guy there is a big difference between mild pinups and Mao Mao taking barbarian bao’s whole doggy cock up his ass which was one of the requests

>- supposed to be fun while pretty much all the jokes are bad
I have laughed at many of them, so they're not that bad.
>- way too much irony, we've had "ironic" cartoons for fucking decades now I'm really bored
It's not as ironic as Adventure Time or many other cartoons. There are many heartfelt moments such as Mao Mao and Adorabat trying to make Badgerclops feel better or Adorabat encouraging Mao Mao to be proud for who he is. There are many wholesome themes like these in this cartoon.
>- bad character design
They're not anthropocentrized to the point they lose their animal characteristics, so I think it's fine. They got a decent balance in the design.
>bad ost
It seems fine to me. The intro is also nice.
>not outstanding animation
It's good enough for post 2000's.
>lame villains
They're meant to be kind of incompetent. Their charm comes from this.
>all the heroes are annoying
I don't see this. They have interesting backstories.
>- you don't get involved since literally nothing happens and you never start caring about the characters
It will probably have more involved stories in the future. Regardless, I do care about protecting Pure Heart Valley moreso than Candy Kingdom.

What if the big twist will be that Mao Mao's father forced his sisters to be legendary heroes to promote gender equality, but they actually always hated it?

Probably not the gender equality bit, but it would be interesting if one or all of the sisters hated being a hero and was secretly jealous of Mao Mao for being able to live his own life

Attached: 695132F5-66BF-48D1-BDA6-9C41E37EAE5D.jpg (1280x1001, 186K)

Tonight will be a rerun of He's the Sheriff & Bobo-chan with fixed audio.

So now people will be able to hear the intro and Slim Piggin's beautiful song.

Buddy if you've lurked Yea Forums for even a year, that shouldn't phase you. Drawing anthro cat butt and saying 'husbando' in casual parlance are the hallmarks of someone who isn't such a prude to be scared of about basic bitch gay stuff like that.
I mean just look at what she also drew, you're trying to tell me this ISN'T the work of someone who has a private lewd stash

Attached: Dfoa50VVMAAcXUL.jpg (2559x3300, 1.23M)

>Two guys back and forth trying to talk about the show
>The rest are just bitching because some artist didn’t draw more porn for them
Fuck you and your shit show. I hope someone breaks into ya’lls house and sticks a knife up your collective butts.

Was the version with the missing song ever uploaded?

Attached: power tower shower flower.jpg (640x360, 158K)

>Tanya is Mao’s sister who shows up in PHV and loves the place
>Mao is initially excited but curious about why she sticks around for so long
>learns that Tanya hates the pressure her dad puts on her and wishes she could just be a sheriff in a fun town fighting low threat monsters
>Mao learns a lesson about different people wanting different things
>sister takes over as sherif while the trio travel to find a way to repair the ruby

Here, someone did upload it.

Do not look at this image.

Attached: 84665.jpg (252x252, 38K)

>she drew a Mao Mao but pinup

More importantly, will Weapon of Choice be about Mao Mao learning his katana isn’t magic, or just about Adorabat picking out her own weapon?

Attached: 6A102A48-D119-45DC-883C-A9B558DD9E93.jpg (1000x915, 145K)

Not wanting to "say 'husbando' in casual parlanc" doesn't make you a prude, it makes you not brain damaged.

Thanks, anons. As for Weapon of Choice, it would be more fun to watcg him figure out his katana isn't magic, but Adorabat getting her own weapon makes more sense.

So the brain damaged are able to work as artists and pitch shows for a major animation studio? Sounds great user, maybe you have a chance!

Thats just grown up nergal jr but with cat ears

Attached: ab145bd1747afa16a6558e69f3456b36.png (500x519, 216K)

>defends talking like a retard with a "no u"
Great rebuttal.

Sadly the neoliberal notion that having a job in whatever field means you can't be a retard is itself pretty fucking retarded

>Arguing with retards
You need to stop.

saying shit like husbando and waifu is normie as fuck dude, especially when it means "character i like"

Attached: frozen utonium2.jpg (312x312, 10K)

What's the best place to buy Mao Mao episodes/season for Europeans?

Waifu and husbando is pretty common slang now, yes.
Saying those words while posting on Yea Forums and being inclined to draw suggestive art, not so common.
At the very least it signals that horny posts on the internet won't scare you away from an online community infamous for having many horny neckbeards. I don't know why that's so hard to accept for people itt.

You got a source for that image you posted?

i love this dumb idiot so much

Attached: 1566160013973.png (500x500, 47K)

Amazon has it, but I'm not sure if the European stores all do.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Why does he want the ruby anyway?


to power his ship

They're pirates so probably money, or use the magic properties for their ship.

Thanks user

Attached: ECq9CCLW4AAbwtW.jpg (2100x1500, 241K)

It's a giant fucking ruby.

Considering how strongly it’s protected now, wouldn’t it make sense that he’d move on, or try to find a new way to increase his power?

other people might hear of it now that it's uncovered, may as well keep going for first grabs until then

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

also their ship is broken where they gonna go

Because he can use it to take over the world and write his name in infamy as the most villanous sky pirate that there ever was.

They've tried.

Would the main three help fix the sky pirates ship if it meant getting them out of their hair?

Well they were looking through that dump in that episode, and they've been trying to steal Mao Mao's bike as an alternative too, so they did think about that.

Attached: orangufriend.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

>helping a villain go off and terrorise some other unprotected land
i shig and i dig

Ratarang a cute

Attached: file.png (495x533, 83K)

>Just like mama used to make!
>...make me eat.

Attached: 1565672238884.gif (270x250, 138K)

christ, i can still faintly hear the lyrics and it's so jarring. i can't tell if i'm going insane or not.

I mean the thread is already fairly shitty with barely any people when normally it's the opposite with small threads being more comfy. It'll only get worse.

darkest before the dawn, user. The last batch of episodes were released weeks ago so new topics to discuss have petered out. Plus the OP doesn't exactly invite deep discussion

I'm pretty sure they actually are faintly there.

Adorabat x Mao Mao is cannon
I like this new series

Attached: genndy2.png (1149x128, 31K)

Why is it always the same people bitching?

desu I think the sky pirates will probably get less antagonistic as the series goes on

there's bound to be a more threatening villain to show up eventually, so maybe they can team up with mao mao & co for a while or something. Or get their ass handed to them and mao mao has to save them

could be nice

Especially when they're constantly virtue signalling about anything lewd.

Was Maomao and Badgerclops’ house always near Pure Heart Valley and they just never knew it since it’s invisible, or did they make a new home since Maomao insisted on staying nearby?
I mean, this first run of episodes implies that it has been a few months since Mao and BC have been protecting everyone.

Shows that cater to my fetishes and make my pee pee hard are the most progressive and forward thinking shows on the planet.

It’s the police station, they just moved in there.

>if you want to discuss a show instead of jacking off you're virtue signaling
Go back to furaffinity.

>the buff pirates who went overboard in the first episode survive in the wilderness and form their own enemy unit against Orangusnake and the sheriffs

I swear Yea Forums is more horny than Yea Forums. Must be the furfags.

They need Mao's bike
to get the gem
to power the ship
to steal the ruby heart
to do something else.


It's definitely not hornier than Yea Forums.

eh, that’s a singular troll post against a sea of “oh shit badgeclops fucking mao mao is so hooooot”

Why is it so far outside of the village?

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: 1473476883514.gif (480x270, 844K)

I want to see what they do with Ramaraffe!

Sweetypie logic, maybe they will explain it better. But you have to consider that the implication is that badgerclops and mao mao were hobos looking to make a name for themselves. And that the building has a jail and an alarm for energencies.

It’s possible the village used to be bigger, but after the shield went up, it only covered that smaller portion and everything else outside of the barrier got decimated. The sheriff’s building stuck around cuz it was actually built to withstand assault or something.

I didn't know Debra Wilson did so many voices on this show. She's great and MadTV was criminally underrated.

well, it's not wrong, that is hot.

>Snugglemagne: and here’s the sheriff department, your base of operation!
>Mao Mao: why is it so far away from town?
>SM: how should I know? It was built before I was coronated!
>Badgerclops: shouldn’t we maybe set up shop a little closer to y’all?
>SM: don’t be ridiculous! How can you be sheriffs if you don’t stay in the sheriffs department?
>Mao Mao: yes, this is clearly an ancient tradition! It makes perfect sense!
>BC: does it?

This is off-topic, but I spam the husbando threads on Yea Forums?

But that was never my intention. What am I doing that seems wrong to you? All I want in my life, is to simply post Rotor in the strong Yea Forumsidya male threads.

Attached: heart-broken ex-boyfriend walrus.png (139x191, 73K)

I didn't know you lurk here.

>mfw just uploaded 60+ images on the booru

Attached: EBfj6y7UwAEMYgn.jpg (1527x1893, 160K)

Attached: good joby.gif (354x163, 2.78M)

>tfw you murder your self respect for the affection of strangers

Attached: ECC9AA42-0409-45DD-8737-4B6E09D53C6E.jpg (1379x1241, 155K)

thanks for posting the sauce and tagging the artist. so many boorus are just seas of 'tagme'. it's nice to see someone who cares about attribution

there's a booru?!

There's a booru.

There’s a booru AND single grandmas in your area

yeah but there's no single badgers

Adblock recommended.

>That one guy getting cabbage porn on his ads
lol, targeted ads are a bitch. Didn’t even know that was a genre.

Thanks anons, I try to put the source in whenever I can.

Attached: EC1CfTsXUAAuUSN.jpg (1774x2048, 379K)

Why are they made of chocolate?

Attached: 1565550662252.png (900x900, 152K)

>single grandmas in your area
that's so sad ;_;


apparently he's the second most popular sky pirate, according to parker's twitter poll.


Attached: file.png (1456x1068, 1.76M)

I just checked the booru and some of parker simmons art is sourced as someone who reuploaded them on twitter. and the source tweets are deleted also.

Attached: rrrambunctious rrrapscalian rrrodent.png (1280x838, 266K)

Did you forget what website you are on?

Attached: Unsure.jpg (369x406, 32K)

Someone did a greentext of this about 3 threads ago. Does anyone know/have it that they can post?

>okay I will make an exception because he looks very polite

This is pure gold

No, if you support banning lewd discussion of the show you're virtue signalling. Learn the difference.

Which ones are they in particular?

congrats to best sky pirate

Attached: rtrng.gif (600x338, 2.57M)

if he swings his sword one more time he is
F I N I S H E D!

Finished with what?

Attached: F088291A-A441-45E2-85C8-DFE36928FE37.jpg (1280x1610, 292K)

If anything it is only make any sense that he's an actual boy since he got obviously treated very differently than all the actual female daughters.

Why are they niggers?

False alarm, Yea Forums isn't racist they just think brown skin is ugly.

My dyslexia had me reading that as kys pirate.

all the sisters are worst because they don't respect and support their little brother.

Yeah. I am on the side that all his sisters have the same similar disrespect for Mao as the father. Not one of them likes him.

Really hope this is the case. It's such a cool character design.

>mao mao experienced neglect from family
>badgerclops experienced hatred from family
>adorabat never had a family
I can't wait to get to know their families.

Attached: ECt4DBTXYAUSCOJ.jpg (2713x1793, 164K)

You can be a hero.

Like the Asians do?

The descriptions for the new episodes came out.

Attached: maomaoepisodenames.png (522x473, 32K)

He's cute.

>more suffering incoming

Attached: D9NqO-qW4AI4rhC.jpg (1573x1439, 133K)


this has gotta be a jape right
it's just Orangusnake right

So the glitch was really just a ploy by Simmons to get an instrumental version up. Nice.

Attached: Jasper Aheago.png (734x412, 63K)

>Badgerclops joins the Sky Pirates

Animation Magazine!

Attached: mao-mao-heroes-of-pure-heart-2.jpg (1000x563, 162K)

>ignored/possibly neglected as a child
>high self confidence that's possibly just a front
>can't express his emotions
>huge ego
>will do anything to please and impress others including disregarding his self respect and dignity
>wants to be loved
>still an overall good person willing to help others and learn from his mistakes
Am I missing anything?

Attached: 612622b1ee5a220a13597df147450effda89d723.png (1280x719, 817K)

I dont see whats see whats supposed to be special about Tanya Keys.

*whisper whisper whisper whisper* really big shoe box.

Attached: Ultimate Power.jpg (469x357, 33K)

>his dad is already going to show up
No way.

Probably Badgerclops's ex gf or some shit
Sorry Badgermaofags

fucking based
I hope whoever rips episodes off the app comes through.

Ex, user.

>Save badgerclops from a bounty Hunter
>Turns evil right after

At least Badgerclops is one.

I can accept if it's Badgerclop's ex GF/possible stalker.

It just means Maorabat can happen more.

Had wondered if a serious episode would come up after Bobo-chan. With Parker hyping about Tanya, makes me think he is hiding something if Small does appear to be about Shin Mao showing up.

>Dat fur bunched up around the stump

Yes user, ex, as in he was dating her at one point in time.

And stopped.

You know, after Parker hyped the Tanya Keys episode was expecting a MM episode, but apparently is a Badgerclops episode? So is going to be Badgerclops past episode? I'm not really interested in that.

And he's currently not dating anyone. I bet they'll rekindle their romance at the end of the episode.

>Muh, working is too hard
>I’ll just fucking turn evil instead
Badgerclops is a fun character, but god is he a piece of shit.

She's not anywhere to be found in the weapons clip or new episode previews, so clearly she gets told to fuck off.

He learns his sword has no special abilities and is just a plain old ordinary sword

I do here, and some other threads on Yea Forums, because I enjoy seeing the discussion and the silliness and the lewdness rolling on naturally. Theses threads here has encouraged me to watch the show, and I ended up liking the show overall. Patiently awaiting for the next episodes.

Mao Mao is great and I adore his deep voice, and Badgerclops is a huge big cutie (albeit unnecessarily effeminate a few times).

Attached: marvelous big buddy homo walrus is confused.png (406x423, 41K)

>the nigger is lazy
What did Parker mean by this?

I don't want her to end up dating Badgerclops but there is the chance she's just not around all the time

If Small is what it may be, then may I ask...


Attached: ECz9xLkUwAA5QPy phinafazwin.jpg (800x800, 54K)

Watch it be Badgerclops and Adorabat in disguise

It's not happening.

Them acting horrible to Mao Mao?

Or pretending to be his dad and try to give Mao Mao the best fatherly-son love bond he never got?

Wasn't he evil in the first place?

YIKES! Parker is cancelled.

I don't think is the real Shin Mao, I mean, why would you put that kind of episode before Weapon of Choice were we see Mao Mao still deluded about his family situation?

I doubt it will happen because Parker doesn't seem like the kind of creator to write that kind of relationship, atleast that quickly, but it's just a worry because it's not out yet

There IS an episode where Mao has an identity crisis because of his sword. Who else would tell him his sword isn't really that good?

It's not happening because it doesn't make sense, gay or not. She's a bounty hunter, and Badgerclops joined Mao Mao immediately after leaving the gang, so Tanya didn't really have a lot of time to date him seeing as how she was not in the gang.

So what would be the mixed partial truth in how they first met and became friends?

Like Mao Mao was walking along, depressed after losing Bao Bao. Badgerclops did felt sorry for him a bit looking sad. But when Badgerclops and his gang try to jump on him, Mao fought back because he was not having any of that shit after losing someone else. Rock accident did happen and Mao helped out.

guys the episode order is bottom first

How is it bottom first when Small is airing next Saturday?

Tanya Keys is such a shit name for this show. It follows absolutely zero of the naming conventions for this world.

Badgerclops becoming a villain again shouldn't be surprising. Hell, the only reason he ran away from home to join the Thicket Theives is because he hated his life at home, and the only reason he became friends with Mao Mao was because he thought looked pathetic. His moral standards are shit and he's a big lazy fuck too.

Attached: evil_badger.png (873x496, 403K)

Why do people want to fuck Badgerclops, then?

Some people are into villains, user

Big Badger Cock

Some of the cuties have normal names.

I get that, but he's a piece of shit. I don't see how anyone can like him beyond that.

We clearly saw he wasn't much of a villain, and he saves peoples lives.
>b-but he's lazy
He goes out and risks his life, what the fuck more do you want?

Attached: 1564280705730.png (507x500, 183K)

If a hero who saves lives is a "piece of shit," then you must not even quality as the lowest piece of garbage.

Attached: 75928734_p10.png (2340x2392, 307K)

Why do people believe BC version of the story as fact, he was obviously mad that MM was looking down to him so of course he was going to change the story to make himself look better. Thinking that BC follows MM out of pity is fucking stupid since we have never seen BC actually killing a monster, we know for a fact that he is weaker than MM.

bc apologists leave

>badgerclops is a cyborg
>everyone else but orangusnake is a cyborg

Because BC mentioned Mao Mao crying about Bao Bao when he didn't know who he Bao Bao was. Idiot.

You are the idiot if you think that following a guy stronger than you out of pity makes sense.

So BC just made up Bao Bao and got lucky?

>Shin Mao's first appearance
YEEEEESSSS aw it's gonna be mundane and disappointing. Kinda hoped he'd get like season finale hype.

>lot's of BC love
Oh god yes. Can't wait for Captured Clops to end with him losing and laughing about it and rejoining Mao Mao.

Also super excited to see who trades with who on Trading Day.

When you have even 1/10th of the accomplishments BC has in heroics, then I'll listen to your opinion.

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Have you ever consider that maybe both are in the right, that MM did look like shit AND saved BC after he begged for his life?

It got could either
Mao Mao takes Badgerclops
Bagerclops takes Adorabat
Adorabat takes Mao Mao


Mao Mao takes Adorabat
Badgerclops takes Mao Mao
Adorabat takes Badgerclops

I'm guessing the former because we already got the episode of Mao Mao trying to be cutesy and Adorabat had her robot armor episode.

Then why are you yelling that BC was wrong.
And don't give me any "I'm a different user" shit.

He explicitly said he works out so he can assassinate dissenters

new bao bao art

I wonder if they're going to use Mao Mao's creepy costumes.

>waaaaa why don't mao mao and adorabat listen to me???
>becomes an irrational giant that fucks up pure heart
>waaaa being a hero is hard!!!!
>joins the sky pirates
>waaaa why won't you guys let me be a fat disgusting piece of shit?!?
>does literally anything else


Maybe near last minute involving the Skypirates and the villains end up confused why the heroes are acting all so different.

>kings are pieces of shit and monarchism isn't as nice as fantasy depicts it

>puts up with tons of bullshit fo the sake of others
>magic amulet that he uses to save the city when Mao Mao didn't feel like it makes his emotions blow up

You're a piece of shit.

Go away Badger Defense Force. Badgerclops is a shit. SHIIIIIT!

There is literally no reason to be this upset

Niggerclops shills in full force tonight.

The point of the post I originally replied to was that BC is following MM out of pity, which is not true, and that's what I'm arguing about. BC was wrong in saying that he "allowed" MM to save him. And him flip flopping to evil just because it's fucking stupid, and there better be a good reason/explanation.

>a lewd fanfic got art for it


The furst telling seems to be the correct one. Then they started exaggerating stuff when they started correcting each other.

Badgerclops puts up with too much.


Imagine being named adorabat and then growing up to be ugly

He defects for 1 episode user, cut me a break. Your hatred is so damn forced, he's a better guy than you'll ever be so deal with it.

you know where to find it

>completely ignores the episode where he was a giant
He was a piece of shit in that one and his reaction was overblown.

Are you just ignoring that he let everyone walk all over him without complaining before the growth amulet made him blow up, which was stated side effect?
Are all anti-BCfags this retarded

Is Badgerclops seriously so attractive to you that you'd put his shit personality and canon awful smell aside to defend him in multiple posts?

Attached: 1445706312300.png (434x351, 100K)

>this justifies everything he did after
>"Are all anti-BCfags this retarded"
I don't know, do you not go out much?

Badgerclops? More like BadgerCRINGE
Because he's literally a shit character

This seems so fake, i think it's too soon for Shin Mao to appear

Are all BDF members as retarded as you? Badgerclops is literally garbage. Without him, the episodes wouldn’t be as fun, but he’s the worst person in the show.

I'd take a bath with him.


You know, I would agree with you if BC was not depicted as lazy. It has not been stated but I'm pretty sure that is MM who cleans and cooks, so what could be stressing BC so fuckling much to becomse a sky pirate?

You mean awesome, user.

Attached: EChEkKeXoAcA_Bd harosa.jpg (1446x2048, 265K)

You're "pretty sure?" That's it? Maybe wait for the episode before whining.

The only thing he did wrong was not kick their asses sooner.

Is Badgerclops really a good person if he was willing to saw a bat child's wing/arm off to give robot arms?

Without even putting them to sleep or put like a tourniquet?

badgerclops smells like shit

Why would you be friends and stay with people that treat you like shit? Just so you can play the victim? If Badgershit was actually treated so fucking badly, then why was he even staying? He clearly doesn’t even think of Mao Mao as a friend, but a pity case.

A cool robot arm is better than Adorabat deserves.

His personality isn't shit. He respects gentlemen and is a huge softie. Sure he's a little crooked, but that just makes him interesting.

You clearly have no friends.

t. failed normie who most probably befriended awful people just to not feel lonely

t. failed normie who screams at everyone and leaves the instant he doesn't get his way

Attached: LOOK BADGERCLOPS IS A NIGGER.png (319x300, 50K)

There are acquaintances and friends. People who don’t respect you and whom you consider to mistreat you are not your friends. You tell people who treat you like shit to cut it out or fuck off. It’s the adult thing to do.

>he actually couldn't find friends he enjoys being with that treat him nicely
Oh, this is sad.

t. socially inept and also

Are you calling him Badgerclops, bruh? Don’t insult him like that!

>retard calling others friendless is a social inept himself

Why is a friendless user talking about friends?

yikes!! nice projection there sweetie pie


hydrate :^)


Should we ask Parker about this?

Dilate, tranny.

So this is what the threads are going to be until the episodes drop.

Oh, I get it now. You're upset that Badgerclops has friends and you don't.

Projections: The thread

It's just 1 fag mad at Badgerclops for keeping friends despite being fat samefagging.

>Yea Forumsmblr tranny can only resort to projection despite being a loner who will kill himself before he turns 30
Say it ain't so.

>all this damage control
Look at this dude.


Aw, is baby sad that he'll never be popular?

Eventually, we’ll get tired of arguing with the Badgerclops retard.

>literal tumblr talk

>He explicitly said he works out so he can assassinate dissenters
wait what

Attached: tumblr_pvpczqpCh41uju5qro3_1280.jpg (966x543, 124K)

Aw, go blog on tumblr about it.

Attached: you.jpg (385x448, 84K)

Objection, it's one fag mad at Badgerclops knowing how easily offended and ready to jump Badgerclopsfags are baiting them into high heaven


Attached: sjw.jpg (299x168, 10K)

get that last word in king

Attached: glel3d.jpg (1280x1080, 290K)

Doesn't really change what I said much, in the end it's still one guy angry at Badgerclops.

Badgerclops a shit.
Pinky is unbelievably based.

Attached: a113.png (588x464, 304K)

so thats what they mean by Yea Forumsmblr...


look mao mao naked haha!

Attached: MaoMaoNaked.png (291x322, 156K)

ao mao heroes of pure heart needs to be banned from Yea Forums for good. The janitor is justified for what he's done and I report this garbage every time it shows up. List of offenses:
1. MANY spam threads
These threads cover up the board and give the rest of Yea Forums and new people a very bad impression of us, it doesn't help that they are always the most worthless, banworthy and shitty threads imaginable.

2. This show is fucking trash
This show is terrible and filled with cliches, mediocre writing, and bad characters. It attempts to be funny with SO LE RANDUM XD and xXxEDGYxXx humor and occasionally panders to its dumb fuck audience like the gay ass furries with 'suggestive' things like the I cherish you line.

3. The people in these threads are literally bad people.
They can't fucking post anything intelligence, its just pure stupidity, uncontained horniness for a shitty BADger and shitty posting not to mention you guys have gay furry porn that you post on a regular FUCKING basis.

In conclusion I hate you and your show and I hope you all die alone and friendless.

Lucky trips speaks the truth.

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can y'all be quiet?
the rat is sleeping

Attached: file.png (1280x1280, 2.05M)

Oh look, it's the anti-Badgerclops crybaby being more direct.

Attached: 1565841836916.png (280x237, 82K)

actually agreed, just look at all the unironic and shameless tumblrinas it attracts


I was half kidding at first, but I guess I was actually right. It really is the "B-BAN THESE THREADS" crybaby crying about Badgerclops.

>everyone I disagree with is one person

Attached: file.png (800x685, 454K)

Can we stop getting mad at a tranny before they /trash/ us?

Attached: IMG_20190628_143046.jpg (1080x771, 87K)

>badgerfag can't stop crying

post cool mao maos please

Attached: MaoMaoLegs.png (866x705, 395K)

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post /ourguy/

Attached: latest.png (350x285, 105K)

Should we make a new bread about the episode description from that animator magazine website? We even got a new screenshot of Mao Mao on some horse.

Nononononono, you should all stay here. Yep, stay here in this thread. Absolutely no other threads will be made.

>there already is another thread


Attached: 1553189069581.png (310x408, 137K)

>Yea Forums refugee

Damn, I knew how easy it was to upset you, but now images do it too?

Attached: 14012422160.jpg (279x304, 29K)

hahaha that's so funny it would be hilarious if they shown him naked again

google search: anime reaction faces

If I had to guess the first telling is right except that Mao looking like a wreck and mumbling about Bao Bao was true, that's why the thicket thieves thought he'd be an easy target only to find he's still Mao Mao.


>tends to his Majesty and whatever insane things he wants to do every day without bitching about it
>actually doesn't say anything period
what a cool guy

Which explains the Yea Forums filenames.

Attached: 1401612824376.jpg (492x492, 126K)

he's also unbelievably fast
makes you wonder how he does it

One has to wonder how BC lost his arm that he thinks that's OK.

I love how Badgerclop's VA plays a character that actually doesn't suck.

Attached: latest.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

14012422160 isn't a valid UNIX filename.

You people need to get out and have sex.

ok let me just find the single grandmas in my area

Uh huh. I can post Badgerclops instead if you want, I know how much you love him.

Attached: file.png (1024x1009, 1.57M)

He's fucking based.

Experience tells me that the only people who value sex as some ultimate thing which can be used to insult others are virgins themselves, and is why they put so much weight on the act.

TL;DR: No U.


>642 posts
>no new episodes
im in for a hell of a ride reading this thread arent I?

>professional projector
>wants to fuck a nigger

Blog about your life elsewhere.

Chad nerd destroying a failed normie tranny.

>Reading this thread

Attached: Adoranoooooooo.png (1125x633, 889K)

Except he's wrong, to nobody's surprise.

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you're all fags

Attached: latest.png (470x640, 118K)

that is true

Based Pure Heart's #1 Pink Boy


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Attached: BASED_AND_REDPILLED.jpg (964x2168, 272K)

The new thread got deleted.
It's over. We're fucking trashed.

this thread is dying and someone has to make a new one

Whether they're released with a wait time or not, if someone doesn't want to take time to appreciate the episodes released they're not going to. They'd watch it and forget about it for a week until the next one, instead of watching a few then forgetting until the next set.

The change in release scheduling has done nothing but put viewers in control of the time, place, and setting in which they take in the media. Allowing them the pause, replay, rewind, and rewatch all the want, when they want.
It's a really silly complaint, when someone releases a book they don't release it in chapters to make sure you're really analyzing them, they release a book so you can really read, enjoy, and if you want analyze and appreciate it in full context
This is the most asinine complaint Yea Forums and cartoons fans in general make constantly.

Just fucking wait a week inbetween episodes if you want to be stupid

Kek. But I think it's there mostly for the first line

>sees bros being bros
Why do faggots always do this?

Attached: gay_away.jpg (530x456, 37K)


people just need to give the threads a break until the new shit is actually out, or at least space them apart
you too Tangledfags

>actual tumblr screenshot

>Why do faggots always do this?
To cope with their depression and not end up killing themselves, just like trannies.

Should we finish up image limit before new thread?

The concept of male friendships can't exist with these people.

Attached: whiteboard.jpg (2048x1536, 405K)

>another thread up
Can we please not get deleted this time?

trannies do the same shit where anyone not conforming to gender roles must secretly be dysphoric

Attached: fockin.jpg (1080x565, 251K)

>Shin Mao busts onto the scene episode fucking seventeen
>it’s not even like a mid season finale or anything

Attached: 122DE039-9FFE-40D3-A9F3-38E0CFF1F11B.jpg (385x265, 47K)

fockin hell

That being on the crew's fanart wall proves that those two ending up together is atleast possible if not 100% inevitable, prepare yourselves anons

Attached: tumblr_ptxtiqBwJY1uju5qro1_1280.png (1192x635, 283K)

Well, I wouldn't be mad if the author pulled it out because it SHOULD be as good as the rest of the show. Just fuck fans, desu.