Who do you ship Steven with?

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Other urls found in this thread:

iris.paheal.net/_images/6dae3dd08f7f32484bc80c05d2ffb265/3209514 - Pearl Steven_Quartz_Universe Steven_Universe jcm-2.jpeg

pink diamond

Me. Send help.

the garbage bin

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Attached: steven and kiki.jpg (1870x1451, 279K)

I guess Connie, as a sort of default "I don't think about shipping".

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he had a bigger ass as a kid

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The only correct answer is Connie

Just accept it already.

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Steven and the Stevens

Could work


A loaded double barrel shotgun in his mouth.
Preferably him pulling the trigger cuz he knows he's a piece of shit, but anybody else pulling the trigger is fine.
As long as he's put out of our collective misery.


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Lapis, forever and always

Connie's mom

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Stevidot is still endgame.

Attached: Stevidot+confirmed+for+endgame+stevonniefags+on+_8c919be167655c9083ca1e307331b8b2.jpg (1915x927, 129K)


His true love

>americans trying to do doraemon
maximum lel..cal arts shit

what the fuck. this is pedophilia

Holographic eye-patch Connie. Nobody will ever love him as hard as her.

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Sadie's mom


A fucking noose

Used to be Lapis back in the early days, but Lapis's character turned to utter shit so that stopped being a thing.

I used to like Steven and Connie too but that also kind of fizzled out.

with OP since theyre both faggots


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Best Boy

my foot


>Lars is the one who's been in his life the longest
>He called Lars his BFF
>He likes putting his hand on Lars' chest
>Steven has already been inside Lars in 2 different ways
>He's always trying to make Lars be happy and honest
>trapped together on a ship, they had a heart-to-heart, crying, admitting they were happy they had each other
>Lars gave his life to protect Steven and the Off Colors
>Steven literally discovered his ability to revive organic life by crying tears over Lars' lifeless body

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Connie. Sorry to be boring.

If I'm feeling spicy, though, Lapis.

I prefer them as brothers honestly

Brothers who fuck?


Connie, Garnet.



source other than pixiv??


of course it had to be japanese

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steven can cope with his edipus complex by fucking the shit out of pearl and pearl can manage wathever weird slave fetish shit she has going on

Take the pinkpill

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Shipping? Please, I'm not a faggot. Okay, I'm enough of a faggot that I post here, but that's where I draw the line.


>Hot lion dick

it's weird how there's more SU porn in Yea Forums than literally anything else

Paheal then search Pearl, god fucking damnit you are uselss

>Lars is the one who's been in his life the longest
I only just now thought about how Steven and Lars are pretty close to the same age, maybe a difference of two years at most. Steven presents himself as half Lars' age, but they've probably been around each other for most of each other's lives. Interesting to think about. Also, that shit gay, nigga.

That's the only thing this piece of shit show is good for

Now he has a big crotch.

>Now he has a big crotch.
But what if his...

bara steven is based

it wont



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Here you go
iris.paheal.net/_images/6dae3dd08f7f32484bc80c05d2ffb265/3209514 - Pearl Steven_Quartz_Universe Steven_Universe jcm-2.jpeg

When I see SU porn, I can't help but miss the time I spent with other Anons in a drawing chatroom drawing lewds of various characters.

Sounds a bit homoerotic.

Sometimes. I only mostly drew Raven.

...that's hot


Steven makes a great Bara honestly

Wait until you see a certain fusion in the movie. Gay porn will blow up.

You a person of fine taste.

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Is he gonna fuse with Greg? Because that would be weird.

All signs currently point to yes. He's voiced by Ted Leo and they have a duet with Pearl and then Opal on a song called Independent Together

>INB4 She flirts with Steven in the movie

lars aint bitch boy anymore so this wouldnt work this way.

dom/power bottom lars?

yes, the leak from apple names the fusion Steg and is voiced by Ted Leo, so yeah


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Yeah other people caught onto that too. I doubt it'll matter since SU porn is already rampant online.

I dropped RC after they were in the desert for too long and I realized I didn't like any of the characters. Did it go anywhere? I switched to Alfie instead[]

Glad to see steven is older

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These two

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Too bad there's not a lot of pics

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Go suck John K's dick.


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The only rational choice, Pacifica


I feel like Reggie would annoy even Steven. He doesn't like onion and he's the same kind of autistic


But user, that's just an A.I. patterned after Steven's mom's brain pretending to be his little brown girlfriend.

>implying it wasn't intentional.
You think both Brad and Becky don't both mutually enjoy each others' brand of degenerate filth?

isn't she gay?

Steven looks like a happily queer, Jewish Eric Cartman here.

Steven domming a dubcon Lars is incredibly hot to me, holy shit

A proper pair of shoes. It's a crackship.